Is There A Function To Return >3 (text) As 3
May 8, 2008
I have a cell with a text string >3, and would like it to return the number (not text) 3. I could use Right but since the number will not only be single digit I don't think this will work.
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Nov 15, 2006
I am trying to build a formula that return what is after ":" For example, in a cell, I have NASDAQ:MSFT and I want another cell to return MSFT. I tried to use the function FIND combined with a LEFT or RIGHT but I could not have it work.
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Jul 16, 2009
I am plotting a chart using data from custom functions. On occasion, the formulas return erratic values (due to the underlying data) which I wish to exclude from the chart. If the function does not pick up a value in the code, by default it returns a zero.I would like when this happens to have my function return nothing instead of a value - and I mean absolutely nothing, not a blank string. in this way, the chart line will totally ignore this point.
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Dec 15, 2006
I am using a MID fn to extract a single digit from a numeric string. I then use an IF Function to return a value based on the extracted digit. My IF statement works fine on manually entered digits but doesn't recognize my MID fn result. What am I missing?
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Feb 27, 2014
I have two columns in a spreadsheet that I want to use an IF function with. In the first column, I want a pick list containing 5 text options. Depending on which option is chosen, I want a number to auto-populate in the second column.
The numbers are important, because I want to repeat this pair of cells with slightly different text values in the second pair, and then to have a column that multiplies the two resulting numbers and conditional formats the result.
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May 15, 2014
I need code for a search box function, that returns the information recorded in a cell for example, "Barcelona" or "London" etc), instead of the location of the cells.
I will need to narrow it down to search only the information in the following columns:
I am totally new to VBA coding and have stumbled my way through a few things, but everything I have searched for so far has had at least one error when transposing to Excel.
I am running Excel 2007.
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May 14, 2013
Function Haversine has correct value in debugger but in cell it has the same value as Haversine2. Is this a known bug?
Public Function Haversine(lat1 As Double, long1 As Double, lat2 As Double, long2 As Double) As Double
Dim temp As Double
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Dec 8, 2009
I am trying to return a TRUE or FALSE based on a date in a cell.
for example:
if cell A1 = 07/11/2009
I want A2 to show TRUE or FALSE if A1 is 14 days or more behind todays date.
I have tried stuff like:
but it just always says false. EDIT: I have just noticed that if I change the date in A1 to exactly 14 days behind todays, it returns TRUE. So, it does work. Do I need to add a GREATER THAN in there?
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Apr 10, 2013
I'm trying to get something like - If a cell contains certain text AND certain text then display set text OR If a cell contain certain text AND certain text then display set text.
For example:
Vauxhall Corsa 1.5Litre Petrol = vauxhall corsa petrol
Vauxhall Corsa 1.5Litre Deisel = vauxhall corsa Deisel
Vauxhall Nova 1 litre Petrol = vauxhall nova petrol
So it the formula is effectively searching for the car type and the fuel type and then returning the relevant set text. So far I'ver only been able to find IF functions criteria to identify one feature of the text.
I'm thinking it's got to be variation on =IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("Vauxhall Corsa",A1)),"Vauxhall Corsa Petrol") but there should be something else in there like =IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("Vauxhall Corsa"&"Petrol",A1)),"Vauxhall Corsa Petrol")
I know this is wrong but just trying illustrate my thinking. I need it to pick up vauxhall corsa AND petrol. I understand that I would have to stick a lot of IF functions together in a string, but that is fine as long as I can ask it to pick certain text AND certain text within a cell.
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Feb 28, 2013
how to Chk the text string in particular cell, compare it with a super set column and get the full from of the text string from another corresponsing column and the output will be corresponsing full form of the chked text string?
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May 12, 2012
I have a dataset of shifts and want to compare each shift that needs to be filled to a list of requests for time off (vacation, etc).
For one cell the code is: =IF(ISERROR(SEARCH(B1, A1), 0,1)
Where A1 is the column of requests in comma delimited forme (ie: "AB,CD,EF").
Where B1 is the column containing the person assigned to shift 1 (ie: "AB")
In this case, would return a "1" as no error was returned, as AB was found in the list. Here "1" would represent a schedule conflict.
Without creating many cells for each shift- there are 20 shifts- can I create an array or string together this type of "SEARCH" function?
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Dec 2, 2009
I've been searching the forums and web trying to figure out how to extract a text value from a 3D array result, to no avail or well beyond my understanding.
I've attached a file which shows an abbreviated version of the search (from the original 49 col x 400 row, which shows the name to date array which can return a sum.
What I'm looking to do is identify within this array result if there has been a text entry, and return the text as opposed to a sum of the remaining values. This is essentially a double check to make certain that there aren't hours scheduled when other events such as vac/loa/etc are also booked.
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Mar 15, 2007
Cell H1 has a variable string of references for eg
I want to return the reference beginiing with "FXVA" so it would ignore the rest and only return FXVB123456 - this should always be 10 characters.
Just to add another complication to the mix, there may be 2 "FXVA" references in the string and i want to get both (these can be in the same string so FXVB123456FXEL123456 - but this might not happen regularly.
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Oct 15, 2007
I am trying to Lookup a country to see if it is classified as a "Developed Country".
My formula would be in cell AA4. I want to see if the country in cell B4 is on a list of developed country's on another worksheet. IF the country is found on that list cell AA4 displays Developed. If the country is not on the list, cell AA4 displays Emerging.
I have tried an IF statement using the Match function and it does not work.
=IF(MATCH(B4,'Developed Country List'!$A$2:$A$37,0), "Developed", "Emerging")
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Dec 29, 2006
I'm trying to get a "simple" function to return a number and not the #NAME?error!
I'm writing the following vba code. It's located in the sheet1 vba code area.
On the spreadsheet itself, on sheet1, column C, there is data from row 1 down to row 55. I have tried formatting the Column as General, text,etc.
Function Asset() As String
Asset = Range("C1").End(xlDown).Row
End Function
When I type into the spreadsheet =Asset() , I get the #NAME? instead of the number 55.
When I step through in debug mode, Asset shows Asset="55" , but my function doesn't return it!
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Oct 21, 2012
I am trying to use a function to look at the value in one cell and return a value to the cell with the functional equation. I think I use the "IF" Function. But it is a little more complicated than I can do. In my sheet, there is a number in D3. I want to create an equation in D4 that evaluates the value in D3. If D3 is between 0 and 100, I want the equation in D4 to return the value 1; If D3 is greater than 100 but less than or equal to 200, I want D4 value to be 2; if D3 greater than 200 but less than or equal to 300, D4 return 4. I would like this to continue in increments of 100 until D4 equals 10.
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Apr 8, 2009
Is it possible to add some code that will make the function return 0 if it would otherwise return #VALUE!.
Without getting to involved here is the main piece of code.
Public Function FixedCosts(RscNum As Integer, InstYear As Long, CalcYear As Long, MW As Double)
FixedCosts = numMonths * MW * Adjust * (CapCarryCostMonthly + OtherFixedMonthly + TransCap) / 1000
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Apr 30, 2014
I have 10 cells in a column. I have a drop down list in each that is the same in each. If all 10 cells have the same item selected from the drop down list, I want a separate cell to list Yes or No. I've tried a few variations with no luck.
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Jan 23, 2008
When I try a MATCH function, I substituted the range through the ADDRESS function. But, it returns #VALUE error. When I manually typed the same range address, it produces the results. I've been behind this more than 8 hours still I can resist the heat on my cool head! But, I thought you coolest head guys need some heat to warm up for to-day's challenge.
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Feb 25, 2009
I am using an array formula like this in cells A2:H100 of a worksheet:
=INDEX('Source Data'!$A$2:$Q$5000,SMALL(IF(('Source Data'!$I$2:$I$5000>=$O$1)*('Source Data'!$I$2:$I$5000<=$P$1)*('Source Data'!$M$2:$M$5000>0),ROW('Source Data'!$A$2:$Q$5000)-ROW('Source Data'!$A$2)+1,ROW($Q$5000)+1),ROW()-1),1)
The function must be present in all 99 rows to accommodate potential data, but there is rarely enough data to populate the entire sheet, leaving #REF! errors in some cells. Putting aside that using this many array formulae is sloppy programming, how do I craft the function above to return no value if the function evaluates to an #REF! error?
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Jun 5, 2009
I am trying to use the IF function to return a false value if the combined sum of a row is not the same as either of the 1st 2 cells. If that makes any sense!
This is the formula I would like to use. =IF(SUM(g3:g9)=g1 or g2 then y if true and x if false. I thought it would be easy but I can't figure out how to do it
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Dec 26, 2012
I have following snippet of code. it is very simple.
Sub GetDatafromXmlToTemp()
Dim str As String
desc = WorksheetFunction.Match("FAMILY_ID", Rows("1:1"), 0) ' gives column number for ex 4 for "D"
[Code] .....
I am getting error "Argument not optional" in line.
str = ColLetter
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Jun 30, 2013
The function "VAL" will return the value of a numerical string as a double. Is it possible to get a similar function that will return the value as a long.
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Jul 25, 2013
New to creating macro's but looking for a macro or a function to get the below results. The first 2 columns are givens and looking to return the 3rd column. Is there any code that can do this?
Expected results
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Jan 28, 2009
I've searched for an example of function that returns a variable, however, I'm unable to find one other than the one just has return variable on the end. I was wondering what I have wrong in the following code. This is placed in a module to make it available to all my worksheets.
Public Function findLR(Worksheet, Column) As Integer
LR = Worksheet.Cells(Rows.count, Column).End(xlUp).Row
return LR
End Function
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Nov 22, 2007
I am looking for a formula that will yield the following: IFAH9>AI9 return the word Green, IFAH9=AI9 return the word Blue, IFAH9<AI9 return the word Yellow. If AI9 is blank stay blank.
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Jun 12, 2014
How would I pull only a specific word from a text cell? If you see my example, in one column I have various job titles. If A2 contains "Manager", then in B2 return "Manager. If A1 contains "Coordinator", return "Coordinator. Etc.
Excel Forum.jpg
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Apr 22, 2006
I am using the following code.
Function VLOOKUPRow()
Dim SV As Object
SV = "UserFormAppend.TextBoxInvID.Text"
VRow = Columns(1). Find(What:="SV", After:= Cells(1, 1), _
LookIn:=xlValues, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:=True).Row
MsgBox (VRow)
End Function
I am trying to give the VRow variable the value or the row that The text from my text box is on. How do you make the what look for a variable. I can get it to work if i put a constent in the what. how to make the what look for a variable. I'm new at this forum thing so im not quite sure how to check for answers.
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Oct 18, 2013
The function Hlookup returns #N/A(?) if the value I'm looking for is not found. Is it possible to change this return-value. For exampel to #No or #No value ? I suppose I then need the code of this function? And I cannot get it?
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Aug 10, 2014
I'm working on a spreadsheet that I need to return a value to "Unit Price" field in worksheet "Master Inventory" based on matching the "Product" field and the "Construction" field from the "Unit Pricing" worksheet.
In essence, I would like the "Unit Price" field to match the "Product" field from the "Master Inventory" sheet to the "New Product Description" field on the "Unit Pricing" sheet, then match the "Construction" field on the "Master Inventory" sheet to the column headers on the "Unit Pricing" sheet and return the value that corresponds to both criteria.
Ex: On the "Master Inventory" sheet, I would like the "Unit Price" field to match the "Product" (Book Browser) to the "New Product Description" (Book Browser) on the "Unit Pricing" sheet and then return the value where the "Construction" (Laminate) matches the column header (Laminate) on the "Unit Pricing" sheet which would return the value of "$240.00".
I've tried using a vlookup function, vlookup/match function, index/match function and an index/match/match function. I've attached a sample workbook.
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