Joining And Inserting Rows From Two Sheets
Feb 27, 2007
I read several forum questions for data join and merge but not found a solution for the following scenario. Is possible do it ALL in one macro? I have two different xls files.
file1: sheet has the following structure
refcode price count
XXBK443 200.0 3
KKKN339 333.0 2
file2:sheet1 has the structure
refcode prod_name color height
XXBK443 prodname1 green 10
ZZZZ000 prodname2 yellow 22
KKKN339 prodname3 white 15
AAAA111 prodname4 white 30
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Apr 12, 2007
We have a scenario like this:
1. Data (Let's say 5 fruit names are entered) will be entered in sheet1 (row wise)
2. Data (Let's say 5 flowers names are entered) will be entered in sheet2 (row wise)
2. Entered data in sheet1 and sheet2 should get automatically populated in sheet3 under respective headers (header 1 - fruits and header 2 - flowers)
Rules : 1. We will have Headers with one default empty row
2. With addition of every row in sheet1 or sheet2, a row should automatically inserted in sheet3 under respective headers and populate data.
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Jan 29, 2014
I know that I can insert a row over two worksheets by selecting both sheets and inserting a row. However, I have to make a worksheet usable by people who don't know excel at all, and if it isn't user friendly, they just don't try!
Therefore, is there any way I can set up my worksheet so that if a row is entered in sheet 2, a new row is inserted in the same place in sheet3?
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Jun 8, 2009
I have numerous sheets i am working with as schedules , would it be possible to create a timeline that would show you where you currently are (time of day ) just a simple line or similar that stands out , my times in Row 4 are split into 6 hour intervals (06:00,12:00,18:00,00:00) with the date above in Row 3
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Mar 27, 2013
I have cells (all in one column) containing text separated by commas e.g. (SD-299, SD-200, SD-300)
I am trying to transpose the text in these cells into rows.
Sub SplitAndTranspose()
Dim N() As String
N = Split(ActiveCell, ", ")
ActiveCell.Resize(UBound(N) + 1) = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(N)
End Sub
The problem with that is that when transposing it does not shift the cells down (/ insert new rows) so I lose the data already in the cells underneath.
Also, that macro would only apply to one cell I would like to be able to apply it all the data in the specific column on my Sheet.
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Oct 29, 2009
Can someone help me i have a few columns of information i need to move over to a another sheet, but the problem is the information i need to move is the end result of a formula and when i move it the answers are gone how do i fix this,,,,, and both sheets are on the same work book as well
is there a vlookup formula to use,,,im not experienced in Vlookup up formulas
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Aug 29, 2009
For each of the sheets below, I need to extend the bottom of the page down ten rows and i need a page break after 60 rows.
Does anybody have any ideas? Here are the tabs that I need this macro on:
(MySheets = Array("FY09 Installation Support", "FY09 Install", "FY09 Purchase", "FY09 CF Discretionary Grants", "FY09 CF LOI", "FY08 Purchase", "FY08 Installation Support", "FY08 CF Discretionary Grants", "FY07 Sup Install Support", "FY07 CF Install Non-LOI", "FY07 Sup Purchase", "FY05 CF Carryover Install", "FY04 Recovery Funds", "FY05 Recovery Funds", "FY08 Safety Carryover", "FY09 Safety", "FY09 Transport Canada")
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May 25, 2013
I'm not great anyways with VBA Macro.Effectively, here is my issue. I have a spreadsheet which is really badly designed.In one column I have multiple numbers separated by a comma. I need this data separated into new individual rows, but at the same time, copying the data in the other columns in that row to the new row.
Example of what I have:
Test 1 54 email1
Test 2 32, 343, 63, 34 email2
Test 3 4934, 5342 email 3
What I need:
Test 1 54 email1
Test 2 32 email2
Test 2 343 email2
Test 2 63 email2
Test 2 34 email2
Test 3 4934 email3
Test 3 5342 email3
I have have the following code below which paste everything into a new column and into a new row, but the problem I have is that it does not push the other rows data down, nor does it copy the 1st rows data (for that data set) into the new rows created.
Option Explicit
Sub Macro1()
Dim fromCol As String
Dim toCol As String
Dim fromRow As String
Dim toRow As String
Dim inVal As String
Dim outVal As String
[Code] ........
The amount of rows I have, so this manually (text to column, then transcoding etc) it out of the questions (i have 1000 rows of this!)
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Dec 31, 2008
I have an excel sheet that has the A column populated with many different things.
I'm not sure how possible it is, but I'm trying to group everything up by 7s and putting a space in between the groups.
Would turn into
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Jun 7, 2007
I have a workbook with over 500 rows and those rows are divided in diferent sections, to which I have left five empty rows to add more data, the problem is, how do I add four more rows once I have only one empty row of the five empty ones I had previous? There's also a formula on column H that I'd like to be copied down on to the newly added rows.
I don't know how I'm gonna deal with the rest of the other data that is gonna shift down as more rows are added, I said this because I want to be able to do the same on all the sections I have.
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Apr 8, 2014
I have entered the current format of the data and the required format as well...
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May 29, 2013
I have an excel sheet, where I want to insert a column or more columns between row C and D. The file is attached below. Usually, I would right click row D and choose "insert column". This does not work here. How would you do it?
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Jun 23, 2014
How do I insert a row with A-N Merged and centered? Interior color should be dark blue with white font.
Currently I'm doing this to add a space based on a number I have in a column S.
[Code] .....
In column S I have a series of numbers 1 - 5 and when a unique number is found Insert this row I can't seem to figure out how to create.
[Code] .....
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Nov 2, 2010
I am new to VBA and am trying to insert 20 blank rows to my spreadsheet. I know how to add one row, but am not sure how to add 20 rows without repeating the same line of code 20 times.
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Dec 21, 2011
i have a spread sheet that has a number of different addresses in them I need a vb code that will insert 5 rows between each row of data starting from row 42 and has the possiblity of running to the end of the rows 65536. i believe the best way to do it is via column B which will always have data in it. i have tried a number of methods but they all only insert the rows once or they do it the required ammount of times one after the other so i end up with a whole section of blank rows and all my data still together.
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Jun 13, 2007
I have 2 columns of raw data. With
column one containing the document Names.
and column two containing the document titles
Column 1
Doc 1
Doc 1b
Doc 2b
Doc 3
Doc 10
Doc 11.5
Column 2
Manual 1
Manual 1
Manual 1
Manual 2
Manual 2
manual 3
Manual 4
I am looking to be able to reform this information on another sheet to look like this :-
Column 1
Manual 1
Doc 1
Doc 1b
Doc 2b
Manual 2
Doc 3
Doc 10
Manual 3
Doc 11.5
Manual 4
Now I have created an addional column on an other sheet which checks for the row number where a new manual appears. and I have made this look like the row I would like to insert.
The idea i have is to use the above Numbers and the row itself and insert it in to the formated report (working from the bottom though). With this doen for each manual name change.
the number of Documents per manual can vary....
how to write the marco for this
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Sep 24, 2007
I have a store report, which every now and again needs to have a new line added for a new store that has been opened. I need a inputbox to display so that you enter a "store number". Once you enter the store number, the macro adds a new line to add the store number in numberical order.
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Sep 13, 2008
Looking for assistance in inserting 24 blank rows in between a column of names. And if not too much trouble have the ability to enter the number of blank rows to insert.
Column A
blank row
blank row
blank row
blank row
blank row
blank row
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Aug 8, 2006
I need to insert a new row, in a spreadsheet, after every ninth row that now exists. How is this easiest done?
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Jun 4, 2007
I would like to insert rows below each of the subtotals in column D and F in the attached sheet. The current code I am using can only add rows according to one column. I don't know how to modify it so that it works on both columns. Also, when rows are added according to column D, the new inserted rows are filled with colors and I don't know how to remove. Lastly, how can I run this marco in multiple sheets?
Sub InsertRows()
Dim i As Integer
Dim rRw As Range
Set rRw = Range("D1")
For i = 1 To WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Columns(4), "* Total")
Set rRw = Columns(4). Find(What:="* Total", After:=rRw.Offset(2, 0), LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
If rRw.Value <> "Grand Total" Then
rRw.Offset(1, 0).EntireRow.Insert
End If
Next i
Set rRw = Nothing
End Sub
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Nov 13, 2009
I have two spreadsheets, A & B. A can be thought of the master spreadsheet and has one record for every employee giving personal information, including a personel number. B has 0, 1, or 1+ records for every employee in A. Each of these records has a personel number. I want to copy the value of a specific field from B to A.
For example:
personel number1
personel number2
personel number3
personel number1, 'sally'
personel number1, 'john'
personel number3, 'pete'
merge A & B:
personel number1, 'sally', 'john'
personel number2
personel number3, 'pete'
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Apr 11, 2013
Imagine I have some columns of data. How can I stack multiple columns on below the other in column A?
For example, A column is blank now. B,C,D have some data.
Can all the columns be stacked in the empty column A?
This is just an example. I have 8000 columns in reality.
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Mar 28, 2008
I have 2 columns of Data that contain address fields.
Address1 Address2
%MW4003 %MW4004
%MW9878 %MW9879
The address2 Column is based on a formula.
What i need to do is combine the 2 columns together in another sheet in a column. I do require duplicates to come through, and ideally i need it sorted.
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Nov 23, 2012
I'm analysing some data sets with variable content, and need to insert blank rows every so often to provide space to do some analysis. The problem I have is that the position of the blank rows change according to the data set, I have been able to calculate how often the row needs to be inserted using VBA as part of my import routine and saved this value to a cell, but I cant figure out how to write the VBA which will insert rows using this value and stop at the end of the data set.
In the attached example I need to insert a row each time the data in column 2 (name) changes, this is the value I have calculated which in this example is 7. So in this attached file I need to insert a row in row 2, row 9 and so on etc. But this is what changes depending upon the "Product" held in colum 1.
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May 4, 2014
I have some formula's that look at a range of rows
[Code] .....
The trouble is I insert rows to add new data to my sheet, this then changes the formula. $A$9 then becomes $A$10, I don't want this. I want the start of the formula to stay the same. How do I do this?
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Mar 21, 2006
I am working on a database with Names and Volunteer Hours worked over about five years.
What I have is one sheet with names and info, and the respective sheets for each year and different events they worked that year.
on each year sheet I have only the first and last name, which is all that I need for personal info. I have these names on the seet using the sheet1!A1 formula. However whenever I add someone new they will not update the new row on the other sheets, they will simply ignore it. How can I make it respect my row updates?
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Jan 9, 2013
Quick way of inserting the same rows into the bottom row of different tabs, the difficultly comes as the bottom row of the other tabs varies. I.e tab 2 the bottom row is row 87, tab 3 the bottom row is 53 etc.
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May 2, 2014
macro for inserting rows and column in Excel.
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Aug 4, 2008
Need "Copy formula when Inserting rows". For instance, A1=5, B1=10 but my formula set far behind in AE1=SUM(A1:B1). So,when I insert new row, I have to go to AE to drag the formula, is there any Macro or tips to simplify it?
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Feb 23, 2009
see the attachment. You will see that I have recorded two macros:
1) To insert a new row for new people.
2) To insert a row for new animals.
With regards to 1), I would like to create a macro that copies the contents of the row with the penultimate name in the people section, and for a new row to be inserted beneath the copied cell. Similarly, with regards to 2) I would like to create a macro that copies the contents of the row with the penultimate name in the animal section, and for a new row to be inserted beneath the copied cell.
The issue that I have is that the macros do not copy the penultimate cell in each section, but copy a particular row, say row 11 each time I want to insert a new animal. So if I had inserted numerous new rows for the people section, and subsequently wanted to insert a new row for the animal section, I press “crtl+sht+a” which copies the contents of row 11 and which is not the contents of the penultimate row for the animal section.
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