Leave Planner & Box In Colum A To Reduce The Number Of Days
Mar 18, 2009
I was created an annual leave planner and I would like the box in Colum A to reduce the number of days they have left every time they book leave. I would like it to start off as 25 days leave including UK bank holidays.
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Apr 8, 2012
I have 7 teams (82 staff in total) staff who work for several production line. we currently record all leave on the wall calender. I want start recording these on a spreadsheet and I wonder if any of you have already designed a annual leave planner that I could have a copy?
Staff can request for 1/2 annual leave as we all full day. Each Team is listed on a seperate sheet and if a team has more than 2 person on leave, it will go red.
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Jan 22, 2010
Is there any weekly leave planner that shows the dates of the mondays in the month? eg in Jan we have 4,11,18,2
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Jan 5, 2013
Working on Excel 2010
Need a formula to calculate the number of leave days.
C3 - Start Date, e.g. 01/07/2011
D3 - Calculation date, e.g. 31/12/2012
E3 - Number of months - ??????? Forumal need from 01/07/2011 to 31/12/2012
F3 - Days per month, e.g. 1.25
G3 - E3*F3
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Jun 11, 2008
totaly new to Excel (just using two weeks) as a database
I need to number a colum, 1 to what ever, so that I can use that colum to re-sort the data base back into original order.
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Dec 17, 2013
I have a problem where I extended a formula down to over 40,000 records which has increased the file size substantially. I only need it to scroll down to a few thousand rows now that I realized that there is alot less data to populate the worksheet. Is there any way to get it back to a scroll range that is more modest in size?
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Feb 9, 2013
How can I drop the whole number part of a number and leaving only the decimal part of the number. Then multiply the decimal part of the number with a number. Then repeat this in a sequence. The object is to convert Lat and Long decimals to Hr. Min. Sec.
eg. 53.535663 .535663*60=32.13978 .13978*60=8 53 32 8
eg. 113.352640 .352640*60=21.1584 .1584*60=9 113 21 9
eg. 113.306579 .306579*60=18.39474 .39474*60=23 113 18 23
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May 16, 2009
I have the following code in a User form and I was wondering if there was a way to reduce the number of lines that are highlighted, but obviously still get the required results!
Private Sub cbSearch_Click()
Dim Product As Range
Set Product = Sheets("Master").Range("A1:A300").Find(Val(tbLookFor), lookat:=xlWhole, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Product Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Incorrect Product code, try again"
'Populate the userform with data
tbData1 = Product.Offset(0, 1) 'Down 1 row, over 1 column
tbData2 = Product.Offset(0, 2)
tbData3 = Product.Offset(0, 3)
tbData4 = Product.Offset(0, 4)
tbData5 = Product.Offset(0, 6)
tbData6 = Product.Offset(0, 7)
tbData7 = Product.Offset(0, 8)
tbData8 = Product.Offset(0, 9)
tbData9 = Product.Offset(0, 10)
tbData10 = Product.Offset(0, 11)
tbData11 = Product.Offset(0, 12).....................
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May 13, 2009
i have data in 1 worksheet say sheet1 which i copy to another sheet say sheet2. i do some processing like using some formulas on the data from columns A to D and getting an output in column E in the same sheet. Now the problem is, before i start the calculations in sheet2, the file size is 400 kB... and after the calculations are done, it becomes 20 mB... i dont know why this happens... there are some things which i think might be a reason but not very sure...
1. i calculate the last row in column A using
lastrow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).row
i tried Range("A500") and it seemed fine... Now u may tell me that i can just use 500 and make things simpler but its just a workaround and not a solution...
2. i use macros.. this is just an info...
3. Another thing is, if i use 500, the number of active rows is 500... i dont know whether the right word is active rows but wat im trying to say is, the scroll bar for the rows movement reaches row 500 when it reaches the bottom.
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Nov 27, 2008
I'm using nested IF functions to reduce a large number of bands to a smaller set using the following formula:
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Mar 14, 2014
I am making process TAT(Turn Around Time) which required following information. In Excel 2007.
1-Count number of days between two dates where working days are (Sun to Thursday). So required to exclude (Friday,Sat + Holidays)
A1-Start Date Mar/01/2014
B1-End Date Mar/31/2014
C1-No Of Days 22
D1-Days between two dates 21
E1 To E10-Holidays
2-Count number of days between two dates where working days are (Sat to Thursday). So required to exclude (Friday + Holidays)
A1-Start Date Mar/01/2014
B1-End Date Mar/31/2014
C1-No Of Days 27
D1-Days between two dates 26
E1 To E10-Holidays
Note : Any weekend (off days) dates listed in holidays should not effect the query.
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Jul 9, 2012
I have code in VBA that takes a source Excel file and parses it to multiple re-formatted worksheets. Each formatted worksheet is different depending on a variable in the source. There are n of each type of data (1:n Water Sources, 1:n Water Treatment, 1:n Water Storage). Each item needs a copy of a blank re-formatted worksheet appended to the end of the existing data-type worksheet. For example: Water Source #2 is appended to the bottom of Water Source #1 on the same worksheet.
Currently, I am opening the blank re-formatted workbook each time an additional variable of same type is found in the source file. Meaning, if there are 8 Water Sources, I am opening and closing the blank re-formatted workbook 7 times to copy a blank Water Source to the bottom of the Water Source worksheet and then populate the data. AND if there are 3 Water Treatment, I would open and close the blank formatted workbook 2 more times to copy a blank Water Treatment to the bottom of the Water Treatment worksheet. The same goes for Water Treatment.
Obviously, a huge waste of resources and performance. I would rather open the blank re-formatted workbook once (first time an additional worksheet is needed), use the worksheets as needed, and close it at the end.
Attached is my current, working code of the above.
How should I re-write it to check if the blank workbook is already open use it, if not open it?
Sub Add_Facility(ByVal Worksheet_Name, Copy_Range, Max_Limit)
Dim Last_Row As Integer
Dim Source_Range As Range
Dim Dest_Range As Range
Dim wkb As Workbook
Set wkb = ActiveWorkbook
[Code] ........
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Feb 27, 2008
I need to create a leave tracker wherein i will get the names of the person who want to take leave in that particular month. I have prepared a calendar to make an entry. I need to take care of the following things
1) The person must have sufficient leave balance available to take the leave. so i have to first check if he/she has sufficient leave balance.
2) There are four team leaders and each team has around 13-14 members. so if lots of people from the same team apply for the leave then they will not be eligible for leave. this i want to know in percentage as to how much percentage of people are taking leave from that particular team.
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Nov 13, 2007
Each cell below contain a number and a time + ET. if like say i want to delete the time + ET and leave only the number inside all cell.
1.1425 8:20pm ET ON A1
3.0805 6:10pm ET ON A2
814.30 6:42am ET ON A3
798.70 11:27am ET ON A4
380.00 9:10pm ET ON A5
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Jan 7, 2009
Is there a way that I can remove the whole number to leave the decimal place.
1.69 should be 0.69
10.71 should be 0.71
0.48 should be 0.48
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Jun 24, 2014
Due to work, I need to creat the captioned file for our company.
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Jan 15, 2014
I created this formula =G2*2.9%+.3
what I am trying to do is take the number in the G column multiply it by 2.9% and add 0.30. For instance if 20.00 is in the G2 cell, the number I want the formula to produce is .88
the formula works for me but what happens is the rest of my sheet that does not have any numbers in the G column gets filled with .30
How do I prevent the formula from calculating if the G column is blank?
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Mar 6, 2014
I have a spreadsheet that contains given answers to a multiple choice test. I want to count the number of times each possible answer has been chosen at the bottom of the column. I have tried to use COUNTIF and that works fine to give me the number times each answer has been chosen but there is just one annoying thing. If the given answer hasn't been chosed by anyone, a "0" is automatically entered into the cell. This tends to really clutter up the spreadsheet and I would prefer for the cell to be left blank if the answer hasn't been chosen by anyone.
The closest I can come up with is: {=IF(D1:D10="","",COUNTIF(D1:D10,"A"))} but unless the answer "A" is chosed in D1, the cell remains blank.
If "A" is chosed in D1, then the formula works and counts all the rest of the cells that have "A" as an answer.
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Nov 22, 2013
I want to calculate the end date of my German courses. This is how it works:
A course consists of 60 LU*. The course can occur i. e. three times a week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. In each day the course lasts 2 LU, which means 6 LU each week. There is no course on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday and on holidays. Therefore this type of course that begins on 18-Nov-2013 will end on 03-Feb-2014.
Another course which occurs Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and respectively has 2 LU on Tuesday, 2 LU on Thursday and 3 LU on Saturday and starts on 03-Dec-2013 will end on 06-Feb-2014.
Therefore I want to create a worksheet where I set the start date, choose the days and respectively the LU amount on those days. The end date shall be calculated according to these criteria.
The workday function on excel cannot do this and I do not have any programming skills to work with VBA.
*LU = lesson units; 1 LU is 45 minutes
[Code] ...........
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Aug 13, 2009
I have a copy of a year planner that calculates the days of the month and adjusts them according to the year input into the header area.
Would anyone please modify it so that the first column reads August and the last column reads July (instead of Jan to Dec) and still maintain the calculations as required?
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Mar 22, 2014
How to create a spreadsheet with what I think will be a very simple formula?
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 1 or less days, put a 1 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 7 or less days but more than 1, put a 2 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 30 or less days but more than 7, put a 3 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 90 or less days but more than 30, put a 4 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 91 days or more, put a 5 in cell C2.
Another, maybe simpler, way of saying it is:
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 1 or less days, put a 1 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 2-7 days, put a 2 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 8-30 days, put a 3 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 31-90 days, put a 4 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 91 days or more, put a 5 in cell C2.
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Jan 21, 2008
In the past the Manpower Company has put out a yearly spreadsheet allowing an employer to keep track of employee time off. They are not making one this year. Looking at last years sheet, all the calculations are locked. Has anyone seen this sheet in the past and know how it works? You can put in something like v8 in a dated cell and excel subtracts 8 hours from a yearly vacation total. The v in front of the 8 stands for vacation and you can also put in a p for personal time etc..
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May 29, 2008
I have one workbook with two worksheets (Jan-JUly and Aug-Dec). I am using a userform to add data into worksheet ("Jan-July"). But I do not have any clue - How do I update the other worksheet (same data like name,join year etc)worksheet("Aug-Dec") at the same time. I used two worksheets because worksheet doesn't support 370 columns, and to make my life easy. UserForm add data into Column A to M (worksheets Jan-July), rest is done manually. I have also attached the file.
Private Sub dataAddButton_Click()
Dim dataCheck, eMsg As String
Dim strLastRow As Integer
Dim x As Double
strLastRow = xlLastRow("Jan-July")
'get Last Row
With dataInput
'dataInput name of userform
If (.fNameBox.Value <> vbNullString And .fNameBox.Value <> vbNullString And .joinYearBox.Value <> vbNullString) Then
'textbox validation value can not be empty......................
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Jul 31, 2013
I love the set up of the "Monthly Meal Planner" template in Excel 2013 and would like to do something similar for another file I want to set up. How do I learn how to make those tabs across the top - "Meal Plan", "Ingredients" etc?
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Apr 7, 2009
I wish to have a simple planner displaying the academic year with only mondays' dates.
ROW 3 displays the dates
Column B is Week 1
Cell B3 is the first date (10.08.09)
Cell C3 should read 17.08.09
Cell D3 should read 24.08.09
I have managed to do it using autofill before but I can't get it to do it now. Is there a preferred way to achieve this?
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Dec 19, 2008
I have a series of data that acts upon a traffic light system, i.e. Green, Amber and Red. These variables are posted along row 1 for example and there are 10 columns. Per column I have a tick and cross to answer a question. How can I find out how many ticks were on green days, amber days and red days? I have attached an example.
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Dec 18, 2008
I have two columns in excel A and B. Now I need to create third column based on unique values from these two columns.
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Apr 18, 2009
I want to be able to find all data of same value under divcode (column A ) in worksheet1 and have it put into like columns in worksheet2. I would even settle for it selecting all the cells so i can copy and paste if i have to go that route.
Example below: find all data under divcode (column A ) that is equal to mpo and put.........
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Oct 23, 2008
I am currently trying to autofill a column or use a formula to try and autofill. I know how to do the dragging thing but that is too time consuming as I have about 30,000 rows and this needs to be done weekly. I know there's a way to do it but I forgot. Basically if you look at the first number below (ends in 0612), I want it to fill all the cells that are underneath it until it reaches the next number (which ends in 0856 below), then I want to fill all the blank cells(that end in 0856) with the 0856 number and continue down.
Is there maybe a formula that I can create in the column next to this and have it do it that way, or is there an option that will let me do this by highlighting the column.
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Oct 10, 2008
I have a spreadsheet reports on tasks that is updated daily.
At the end of the columns is a due date column and a status colour column where 4 options are possible:
Red = out of target, yellow = on target, brown = still on target but at risk, and green = on target.
I have been asked to see if there is some way of making the status colour column automated so that as task pass their due date and are not complete or are complete, the status field changes automatically.
I have added the feature in =today() in cell A1 and another column next to due date date completed. I think these will help but not sure how to get the status colum to update automatically. I've tried using the IF function but that only returns text...
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