I now need to add in the variable of holidays and other days off. This is where I am loss. I do have a list of the weekdays that we did have class and a list of when we didn't
I have a column that contains dates for an event. I would like to tally quarterly and yearly totals for these dates. What formula can I use to accomplish this?
I would like to count how many Mondays, etc., that shh worked.
DateDayDVMClinic 11/01/06WedshhCal Vet Neuro 11/16/06ThushhCirby Ridge 11/22/06WedshhHardin Animal 11/27/06MonshhCrossroads-DS 11/24/06FrishhBear River 11/21/06TueshhLaguna Creek 11/22/06WedshhRoseville Vet 11/19/06SunshhMissouri Flat Pet 11/20/06MonshhCrossroads-Folsom 11/20/06MonshhSierra Vet-Stockton 11/20/06MonshhAnimal Clinic-Benicia 11/22/06WedshhBlue Ravine 11/24/06FrishhCat Clinic-Folsom 11/18/06SatshhAmerican River 11/21/06TueshhIndian Creek Vet 11/28/06TueshhSlate Creek Animal
Some dates will appear twice, because that will be relative to different clinics.
I have a copy of a year planner that calculates the days of the month and adjusts them according to the year input into the header area.
Would anyone please modify it so that the first column reads August and the last column reads July (instead of Jan to Dec) and still maintain the calculations as required?
I created a report that runs each weekday morning, using data from the previous workday.
I have written code that saves the file into a LAN directory as "BEST CASH MM-DD-YYYY" with the variables being the previous day's date.
My problems is that when I run the report on Monday morning using Friday's data, of course it's including Sunday's date and not that previous Friday...
Here's the test code I'm working with right now; I'm using a folder on my desktop until I get the code right, then I'll change it to the proper LAN directory:
In the past the Manpower Company has put out a yearly spreadsheet allowing an employer to keep track of employee time off. They are not making one this year. Looking at last years sheet, all the calculations are locked. Has anyone seen this sheet in the past and know how it works? You can put in something like v8 in a dated cell and excel subtracts 8 hours from a yearly vacation total. The v in front of the 8 stands for vacation and you can also put in a p for personal time etc..
I have 7 teams (82 staff in total) staff who work for several production line. we currently record all leave on the wall calender. I want start recording these on a spreadsheet and I wonder if any of you have already designed a annual leave planner that I could have a copy?
Staff can request for 1/2 annual leave as we all full day. Each Team is listed on a seperate sheet and if a team has more than 2 person on leave, it will go red.
I have one workbook with two worksheets (Jan-JUly and Aug-Dec). I am using a userform to add data into worksheet ("Jan-July"). But I do not have any clue - How do I update the other worksheet (same data like name,join year etc)worksheet("Aug-Dec") at the same time. I used two worksheets because worksheet doesn't support 370 columns, and to make my life easy. UserForm add data into Column A to M (worksheets Jan-July), rest is done manually. I have also attached the file.
Private Sub dataAddButton_Click() Dim dataCheck, eMsg As String Dim strLastRow As Integer Dim x As Double strLastRow = xlLastRow("Jan-July") 'get Last Row With dataInput 'dataInput name of userform If (.fNameBox.Value <> vbNullString And .fNameBox.Value <> vbNullString And .joinYearBox.Value <> vbNullString) Then 'textbox validation value can not be empty......................
I love the set up of the "Monthly Meal Planner" template in Excel 2013 and would like to do something similar for another file I want to set up. How do I learn how to make those tabs across the top - "Meal Plan", "Ingredients" etc?
I was created an annual leave planner and I would like the box in Colum A to reduce the number of days they have left every time they book leave. I would like it to start off as 25 days leave including UK bank holidays.
I work for a small company and we are attempting to change the way that employee's vacations are calculated. My Excel knowledge is just enough to get me by. I am building a simple spreadsheet for each employee. We want to make their vacation time roll over each year on their anniversary date. In prior years, we would just use January 1 after the employee had been there a year or two. My question is can Excel take the employees start date and add the additional hours that are earned on the anniversary date automatically.
These 4 numbers will be part of a monthly report (so I only need the numbers graphed once) and also a yearly report (so I would need to find a way to graph all 12 months).
I'm using the code below to extract data from a 'Source' sheet to populate a "Yearly Extract Summary" 'destination sheet. With the unique distinct values copied from column I on the 'Source' ("All Data") sheet to column B on the 'Destination' ("Desired Output") sheet. In addition the values from column J on the 'Source' sheet are summed and paste under the relevant month on the 'Destination' sheet.
[Code] .......
The code works fine and the correct figures populate the correct columns and rows on the 'Destination' sheet.
As you can see from the code above, the monthly values have to be hard coded to match the column headings and this is fine when using a static 12 month period. But I'm now wanting to use a rolling 12 month period, which, at the moment, necessitates the need for me to change the code each month so I'd like to change the code but unsure where to even begin, how to produce the initial script.
I'd still like maintain the existing functionality in this section of code:
[Code] ...........
I have attached a file which contain 3 sheets.
The "All Data" 'Source' sheet,
The "Output" sheet, used for testing, and
The "Desired Output" sheet which shows the results using the current code
To run the code, please use the button at the top of the "All Data" sheet.
how to add drop list box or combo box in this yearly time sheet so every employee has his own record in this time sheet so when ever i select name from drop list all info changed, i did include table in sheet 1 as an example.
I have a problem here in calculating the Daily sales target based on Monthly Targets and Year End Target.
I am attaching the file herewith which has Yearly & Monthly Targets defined. Need calculating Daily targets which should match with Monthly & Year end target .
I have the split of day wise sales for a week as well in another tab. However not able to get the exact monthly target as listed .
I am trying to get the formula for calculating yearly rental imcome. The range is 10 years and the interest is 34%. The first year payment is 42,000 and the 10th year payment is 56,000. I can't figure out how to do the other years. The principal is 325,000 and the sale value is 425,000.
i have a problem that i have been trying to get over for about a week now. i need to calculate a lease commission, with an extensive amount of variables. first i need to find the length of the total term which should be anywhere between 1 to 10 years. then on a annual basis i need to define how many months are billable in that year. which gives me to variables to account for there, which are A= initial free months, non paying B = the last month of last year may only be a half year
i think i have worked that out pretty successfully, so next i need to calculate the rent for each year period. with several variables a= the rent can be caculated : -by per month basis - by annual basis - by a per square foot basis b= next in relation to annual rent operating expenses may also be calculated in the annual rent number also by the same variables, however it may or not be calcuated into the number depending on the lease.
c. this is where i am at now, and its killing me. i need to account for rent adjustments for each year. rent adjustments can start from either the lease start date or the date that rent starts which would be after the lease start if free rent is granted. then the adjustments will continue through the end of the term and be implimented every x number of months. the value of the adjustments will either be a percentage of the first years rent usually 3-5 % or per sf, per month, or just flat rate per year. but it will escalate each year. for example year 5 is x amount of ajustment from year 4.
i am finding difficulty in finding an annual value of the original lease term in relation to this date series. expecially if the adjustment periods leave a remainder carring over to the next year, or if their are several adjustments in one given year. any help would be appriciated on this.... i know its pretty complicated, and i have rewritten this code about 30 different ways , i am at a loss right now. if you think you may want to see my file let me know and i can post it
I have created a excel sheet here i want the total interest charged for three months in 3rd mnth interest charged column, if i select 7 mnths term total interest charged for 7 months should come in 7th month interest charged colum, if it is 13 months total interest for 12 months in 12th month interest column and remaining 1 month interest in 13th month interest charged column
I have a table of yearly totals for the amount spent by x. I also have a growth rate for each month so for example in 2001 in jan the growth rate might have been 0.3% and feb 0.5% What I want to do is for each month based on the growth rate and the total produce a value for each month which sum to the total amount. It's also important to note that it restarts each year.
I would like to automatically update a 'yearly' database file with info from a file that is changed on a daily basis.
The daily file that i use has info like date, truck number, delivery stops, weight.
the database file has the similar headings.
at the end of each day this daily file is saved. I would like to have the info that is entered into the daily file automatically plugged into the yearly database file into the next available group of cells with respect to the salesperson.
This is kind of a generalization but i'm hoping to just get pointed in the right direction. If something like this involves vba then it will be beyond my ability and i'll have to do it manually, which is fine
After searching this board, I am using a check for this issue to alert when the problem occurs, but I'm hoping to tell Excel to fix the problem itself. The issue occurs when a set of data equals 100%, but when fewer decimals are displayed, the displayed total equals 101% or 99%.
Example: 0.6% 1.6% 97.8%
(Now when the display is changed to no decimal points) 1% 2% 98%
As you can see, the data appears to total 101%, and my boss is being a (insert any comment you probably have about your boss) about me not manually reviewing every single report that goes out for this 1% difference. As there are probably 400 different points at which this situation can occur on a daily basis, working harder is not the solution. /rant
I thought I once heard about a formula or setting where Excel will only calculate the displayed values instead of the actual value or formula. Ideally, the formula would know to take the three values, figure out the 100% limitation, and round the largest one down so the other two can round up. The example above is probably 99% applicable, as we would be rounding the largest value down in order to round the other values up.
I have a worksheet I use at work that calculates volume proccesed hourly, and also shows a running total as you enter hourly figures into the table, my question is can you hide everything in the result cell until the figures for each hour are entered ? currently all the result cells have irrelevant numbers in them until you enter the hours figure and the formulas do there thing, I could relly do with them being blank until the relevant hours information is input?