Listbox Result To Pivottable Current Page Field
Aug 10, 2007
I am thinking of using a listbox so a user can select a product to graph. What I want to know, in VBA, is how do I use the selection the user makes and use it in a pivot table current page field? The listbox returns a number whereas I want the text. I can use the number when it is linked to a cell and a vlookup to get the text but how do I get the text into the current page field?
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Aug 3, 2007
The code I'm using that results in the following error message: "Run-Time Error '1004':
The pivotTable field name is not valid. To create a pivottable report, you must use data that is organized as a list with labeled columns. If you are changing the name of a pivottable field, you must type a new name for the field." Here's the code, I've seperated it into each sub hoping that will make it easier to read:
Option Explicit
Sub main_prog()
Call td_metrics_import
Call pt_td_metrics("Pivot_Page1", "PivotTable1", "PivotTable2")
Call pt_td_metrics("Pivot_Page2", "PivotTable3", "PivotTable4")
Call create_graph
End Sub...............
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Jun 18, 2014
I have a pivot table with a field called "created on" which is a series of dates, i want to create a field called "Days in Pipeline" which would essentially be =TODAY()-'Created On'
This doesn't seem to work, i get an error: Your formula includes a function that cannot be used in PivotTable formulas...
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Jan 27, 2009
I successfully created two PivotTables two days ago, but when I added more rows of data to the source worksheet I could not refresh either PivotTable view. So after much frustration, I deleted both worksheets and again tried to create a new PivotTable using the wizard. I keep getting this error, and have no idea what it is telling me so that I can go about fixing it:
"The PivotTable field name is not valid. To create a PivotTable report, you must use data that is organized as a list with labeled columns. If you are changing the name of a PivotTable field, you must type a new name for the field."
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Mar 29, 2008
I have a section of code that takes SO long, but I have to have it. Bascially, I need a pivot field to be set to "All", but there HAS to be a faster way. Here's my
Sub FloorCompareSetter()
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim pi As PivotItem
Set pt = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PinPointPivot")
' Speeds up code dramatically
pt.ManualUpdate = True
'Set the floor comparison for managers, coaches, and reps
' Make sure all PivotItems along line are visible
For Each pi In _
pi.Visible = True
Next pi
pt.ManualUpdate = False
End Sub
Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;Also, note that I have used other techniques to speed up the process:
With Application
. ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
.Calculation = xlManual
End With
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Apr 28, 2008
i have a database of monthly sales of a regional distributor and im using a pivot table to manipulate my data. i want to show only what account makes a positive sales for a specific product and i want to get the total number of accounts who have the positive sales. there are multiple entries in my database, the condition is if an account have positive sales of a specific product regardless on how many times the account bought the result should be 1 (meaning one buying account)
i've tried to use a calculated field in my pivot table, i get the correct result per account but when it comes to grand total its not getting the sum of the total number of accounts. here is the sample of what i need to get..
you can see that there are multiple entries but it shows only 1 per account when it has at least 1 positive sales of a specific product and 0 if it hasn't any sales/negative... and for the total it adds the number of accounts to get the total number of buying accounts..
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Aug 17, 2006
What code can I use to reference the total cell at the end of a field called "Calls Offered" in the data area of a pivot table called "PivotTable2"?
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Jun 23, 2008
I have a PivotTable which shows the number of packs produced in a month. I created a calculated field which shows the number of vehicles needed to move these packs. The number of packs per vehicle is dependent on two criteria, the Pack Description and the Store. My calculated field, Shunts, is described as:
=Packs / IF(Store ="Middlewich",IF('Pack desc' ="Tall",30,60),IF('Pack desc' ="Tall",26,52))
which represents the logic
Middlewich & Tall = Packs / 30
Middlewich & other = Packs / 60
Other & tall = Packs / 26
Other & other = Packs / 52
However, it doesn't work!
I know Calculated Fields can be difficult to work with, but this is crazy and I think I'm missing something obvious as I'm sure I've had IFs work like this before!
I've attached my example, also showing the values I'd expect to see.
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Aug 11, 2014
First, the code:
[Code] ....
My problem is with this part here:
[Code] .....
I need it to filter on anything beginning with 2613, not just 261302. Unfortunately, I do not know all the possible inclusions or I could just add them individually, so I need a wildcard to add to this filter and I have never done that.
Thus, I ask how to write a wildcard filter that will work in this pivottable.
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Nov 20, 2006
I have a workbook with three sheets. The first is a list of employees with their managers. The second is the data about those employees (who they sold product to, and how much, on what date). The third is the PivotTable with the employees' sales. I have the Customer name in the Row field, and the amount in the Data field. I have two page fields - the Manager's name and the Employee's name. The example that I'm using so as not to violate my NDA is a Northwind knockoff. That's why the names probably sound familiar.
What I want to do is have the second pivottable page field (Employee) change, so that when I choose a manager's name, only the employees who report to that manager show up in that page field. I have a named range called "allEmp" (all employees), one called "buchanan" (all the employees who report to Steven Buchanan), one called "fuller" (all the employees who report to Andrew Fuller). (File attached, btw).
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
Dim mgrRange As Range
mgrRange = Range("allEmp")
Select Case ActiveCell.Value
Case "Andrew Fuller"
ActiveWorkbook.PivotTable("EmpSales").PivotFields("Employee").CurrentPage = Range("fuller")
Case "Steven Buchanan"
ActiveWorkbook.PivotTable("EmpSales").PivotFields("Employee").CurrentPage = Range("buchanan")
Case "Susan Erickson"................
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Nov 14, 2013
In my header I am trying to show the current page number and the total number of pages in the workbook. So if I have 10 pages in my workbook, page 5 would read "5 of 10".
I have this in my header "&[Page] of &[Pages]". All worksheets with 1 page read "1 of 1" and worksheets with 2 pages read "1 of 2" on the first page and "2 of 2" on the second page.
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Mar 6, 2009
I get the error message "The PivotTable field name is not valid. To create a PivotTable report, you must use data that is organized as a list with labeled columns. If you are changing the name of a pivot Table field, you must type a new name for the field." when I try to make a pivot-table.
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Jun 29, 2006
I am hoping that someone has a workaround for this as I am unable to find anything using extensive web searches.
Excel 2003 on a PC running Windows XP. I need to be able to summarize Pivot table field settings by MEDIAN. Excel allows me to summarize by AVERAGE but there is no option for MEDIAN.
To get to the function
On the PivotTable toolbar click on "Field Settings". Under the "PivotTable Field" look at the options provided in the "Summarize by:" field.
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Jul 13, 2009
I have several pivot table templates built, and had to add in additional items to the page field. They are now out of order (they need to be alphabetical). If I was starting from scratch, I would just pull the pagefield down, sort it, and add it back to the top. However, since the entire page is built with formulas and formatting and such, I need to use code. SO! Here's what I have so far:
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Mar 23, 2009
H2 formula is =OFFSET(A4,MATCH(MAX(D$4:D$1000),D$4:D$1000,0)-1,0)
I2 formula is =MAX(D4:D26)
If either of these result in a ZERO is it possible to leave the field blank?
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Mar 18, 2007
I know in Pivot tbale we could add calculated field into the data ,but I fail to put the added in the "Page","Row" or the "Column". Eg. in the sheet of data,I have a column " DATE",but no column for year.Is it possible to add year in the "page" without adding anything into the "data" sheet?
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Nov 29, 2012
I have a code in my macro to create a new worksheet. As soon as I run it, it takes me to the new worksheet. How do I stay on my current sheet instead of jumping all over the place?
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Feb 5, 2009
at the moment if there is no result it equals 0
I thought this might work..
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Feb 19, 2009
Is there any way how you can change value in page field in pivot table using formulas? I know this can be done with couple of lines of VBA, but I need to create VBA-free excel file.
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Oct 2, 2009
One of the few flaws I have found using pivot tables is that when selecting from the the page field it does not filter the other page fields to match your current selection.
It does in the actual table, so why not the page fields?
For example we have a pivot table like the following
|Country| (ALL)
|City| (ALL)
|Count of People|
|YEAR| ________ |Gender|
2008__________1000 _________500000
If I select England from the country, when I go to select a City I do not want to be able to select only the cities in England and not every city in the world.
The Attached File shows you how to deal with this Problem.
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Mar 16, 2013
Any working example of using a rollover hyperlink to set 2 pagefield controls?
I am trying to use the code below as a basis, but without success.
changing pivot table filters from data validation
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Sep 13, 2006
I have used the archive and Mr Excel and cobbled together a code which does what I want - that is to use a remote cell entry to update a specific page field cell in 4 pivot tables. I then use another remote entry to do the same to two secondary Page Field Cells in 2 of the 4 pivot tables.
However, if my remote cell has a number in it that IS NOT in the the pivot Page Field List then rather than breaking the code it simply overwrites (and therefore changes the value in the pivot table Page Field List) - disaster!!
My code is
Sub testflash()
Dim mycell As Integer
mycell = Range("b15").Value
Sheets("Dissection Table").Select
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable21").PivotFields("Serial Number").CurrentPage = mycell
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable22").PivotFields("Serial Number").CurrentPage = mycell
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable23").PivotFields("Serial Number").CurrentPage = mycell
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable24").PivotFields("Serial Number").CurrentPage = mycell
Application.Run "'KPI Mastercopy Data.xls'!testing"
End Sub
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Sep 15, 2006
I have an array set up with values I want to look in a Pivot Field for and then pull data back based on that selection. It works great until there is an item in my array that is not listed in the Pivot Field. Then it pulls the data from the last item again, which skews my results. So my questions is, how can I skip to the next item in an array if it is not listed in the Pivot Field? Here is the section of code
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable36").PivotFields("Product").CurrentPage _
= arrProductVals(intProduct, 2)
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Jan 31, 2008
I have created a system where users input data from a report into a spreadsheet, and after input it is sent off to various other workbooks depending on what was entered. I.e. The user is inputting test data on a location in a region. The regions make up the workbooks, and each location is a worksheet (While I can think of better ways to organise the data changing this is not an option here).
When the macro encounters a location in a region that hasn't been entered before it adds a new sheet based off the name of the location in the region's workbook, and creates a new named range for that sheet.
I'm running a pivot table in the central workbook, and I want to add the new named range to the page field when I create a new sheet. This is what I don't know how to do. EDIT: To clarify, the page field is choosing between which worksheet(via named range) is being shown currently.
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Jan 3, 2007
I have a workbook with 8 sheets. Two of the sheets have 31 pages (one page for each day of the month). I have to input data every day into these sheets on the current day (ie: If the first day of the current month is Sunday, that is page 1). I have to print out the current days page (not the sheet) after it is complete. Is there a macro or vb code that will print out the current day/active PAGE only? As it stands, I have to do the ctrl+p thing to get the print dialog box, and input the page I want you know, I have to input the page twice in the dialog box to print only one page, otherwise it starts to print from the page I chose.....and if I don't pay attention, I can print 30 pages when I only wanted one.
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Jul 14, 2009
I have created a form, with a textbox and a listbox, that loads when the workbook opens.
As the listbox is the 2nd field on the form, I'd like for the 1st item in the listbox to be highlighted once the user tabs to this field from the textbox field, in the event that the 1st item is actually the item the user wants to select. Currently, once you tab to the listbox field, the listbox item has a dotted line around it (forgive my not knowing the correct term to use for this; I would guess the item has focus at this point, it's just not selected), but the item is not actually highlighted. If I use the arrow keys to scroll up or down, then the first item can ultimately actually be highlighted.
I've search this message board, but was unable to come up with a solution. I assume I must not have been using the best search terms.
Currently (a part of) the form's code is:
Dim txtbox_EmplName As String
Dim lbox_Div As String
I'm certain this must be simple, but I haven't been able to find a solution. What code would I need to add or change, and where?
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Jan 7, 2007
1. I have 4 pivot tables on one sheet, all with the same page field (store name) and all relating to same data table.
If I change the store from the page field on one table, I want it to simultaneously change the other 3 tables to the same store.
2. I have a similar sheet which has charts instead of tables for which I wish to achieve the same thing.
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Nov 29, 2006
i have pivot table that has a field called "supp" is it possible to write a macro that will open up the "supp" drop down box select the first result .print the results of the pivot table. then goto the next selection in the same drop down box and print them results . repeat this until allresults have been printed.
when the pivot table is run weekly the results in the field "supp" will change
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Dec 7, 2006
in my Pivot Tables page field i could have 20 results. 10 could be customer identification codes
5 material codes, 5 a different material code, i called "inter", and the rest supplier codes, example i05,i05/1,i05/2, fo1,f01/1,f01/2 are both material codes,
what i want to do is have a macro /macros to select and print groups
as follows
1. (all)
2. inter
3 any containing the words i05 and f01 which includes i05/1 etc
4. then the rest
if any does not exsist ignor. if possilbe a macro for each or a drop down box to select
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Sep 21, 2013
I want to copy a range of cells from excel sheet to a text field of a web page. Below is my macro, while executing it 'm getting run time error 70.
Sub GetTable()
Dim ieApp As InternetExplorer
Dim ieDoc As Object
Dim ieTable As Object
'create a new instance of ie
Set ieApp = New InternetExplorer
[Code] ......
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