Logic For Sorting Values?

Feb 17, 2014

I have a dump which looks like below sample:


The actual dump will have around 200 - 500 rows of data.From the above I need to manually group them which are similar. E.g. the data of (3, 3, 2 , 2) in row 1 & 2 are matching, so they will be group 1 & row 3 will be group 2, row 4 will be group 3 respectively.

The sum & sort did not work as sometimes the data with the same range are not in same order. simpler logic/VBA code if any, which will automatically put group numbers if the data in two rows are exact match.

E.g of the output below for the above data:

Group No.


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Complex Logic Formula To Delete Values

Nov 14, 2009

upon further consideration I thought that it would be best to probably do verything in two passes or maybe not see below macro to get an idea of how the end process should function

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Filter A Table With An OR Logic Based On Columns Values

Feb 10, 2010

i have a table and have some columns.

i want to filter the table so that i just see the records which have "text1" in ther column "F" OR they have "text2" in ther column "H", for example.

How can i implement an OR filter ?

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Macro Logic: Extract Higher/lower Values Based On Unique Cell

Jun 12, 2009

This is a logic based macro that needs to compare values in 1 column above a specific cell and take action until the column has no more data. Here's what I'm trying to do (and I've also attached a sample of desired results):

1) I want user to input starting cell. So I need to create a button for that.

2) This is where the logic begins and I'm having difficulty.
From cell defined in button, I move up one cell in that column and compare that value to the original cell.

If the value is greater than original cell then logic needs 2 outcomes:

a) move up 1 cell in column and if that value is less than original cell, then extract that value and copy that value one cell to the right or 1c.
b) move up 1 cell in column and if that value is greater than original cell, then move up again, until find lesser value than original cell. Once we find value less than original cell, extract value and copy value one cell to the right or 1c.

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Sorting Numerical Values

Apr 6, 2006

I've got a series of values in a column as follows:

10 Mb
10 Mb
1000 Mb
1000 Mb
114 Mb
128 Mb
128 Mb

Obviously 1000 mb is more than 10 mb, but it sorts as second in the list
because it starts with a "1". How do I tell Excel to sort by the entire
numerical value instead of the first number?

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Getting Highest Values And Sorting Them?

Jan 16, 2014

I'm recording statistics of sport and since I'm dealing with lots of players (and it's easier to add the statistics in when they're sorted by team and name rather than by highest amount of a stat) I need to have a separate section of the spreadsheet to return the 10 best in a stat.

I've found other formulas but I'm not good enough at spreadsheets to be able to manipulate formulas by adding stuff in so it's been hard to get exactly what I want My problem is that I need this to sort by goals (so most goals first) and then by Games played. Here's an example of what data I'm working with:

Ideally I'd like the list to show all these things (so #1 would be Player N), just sorted by goals and then games.

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Parameters Sorting With Different Values?

Feb 3, 2014

I have a range of data in columns a-g (the length of which i am unsure of). I have been manually sorting them for the values in both column a and column g, but the data in column b-f are needed for my work. would it be possible in one sheet to have column a "y" and on another column a "N" sorted and then subsequently, the numbers in column g copied and pasted along in rows after so you would have a-g copied in h-n and then for the next number o-u and so on. there are multiple of the same value in column g, and a. would it be possible to make a macro which would sort this for me

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Sorting Raw Data Values

May 1, 2006

I will be inputing raw data (20 digit numeric code) from a barcode scanner into column A. I would like to extract the values from certain groups of those digits (first 3 digits and only those digits moved to C column, digits 4,5,6,7 copied to D column, etc.)

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Sorting Values: Find Points With Similar "y" Values

May 5, 2008

I have x coordinates in column 1 with coresponding y coordinates in column 2. From my data of x,y coordinates I want to find points with similar y values. In my data I have defined groups of numbers, i.e. I have a set of numbers with y values around 30 (+-10), then a new group with y values around 60 (+-10), and so on... Sometimes the groups are not totaly separeted, there could be a few points with y values between 30 and 60. These points can be grouped with the closest group of coordinates (30 or 60). Each group of x,y coordinates could be copypasted in the columns to the right (columns 3 and up).

So what I want to do is find a group of coordinates. This group will have at least 40 individual points +-10 from a group mean. The coordinates need to be sorted out from the data and put in seperate columns.

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Sorting Out Duplicate Values From Given Value In Range

Jul 9, 2009



In the Above range i want excel to show me
how many items are duplicate

If the duplicate item is shown i want the result to be shown in next cell

LIKE in the above example i want excel to show 1 is common , 6 is duplicated twice and therefore result should be shown in next cell

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Sorting Columns With Common Values

Nov 25, 2009

I have two sets of 2 columns. One column in one set is identical to a column in the other set, but they are arranged in different orders. I would like arrange those two columns side by (matching their numbers) so that I can find the average of the two non-identical columns.

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Sorting Data Values In One Column

Oct 16, 2013

On the attached worksheet, our guys are regularly inspected for performance. Column 'H' shows the average of their grading from each inspection (shown in cols L,P,T etc) What I would like to develop is either a macro button that when pressed sorts them all into order according to their average score in Col H, with the highest score at the top, or to have the sheet do this automatically as the data is entered. Obviously all of the data in the engineers row (all of his inspection history) will need to move up and down accordingly, but not get left behind, or mixed up with someone else's records.

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Keep Named Range With Values When Sorting

Jul 2, 2007

I have Excel 2003 with named cells, for example...

cell cell name data
A1 AAA 3
A2 BBB 1
A3 CCC 2
and so on...

When I autofilter (ascending) these cells, the data in these cells sort correctly, but the cell names stay where they're at.

cell cell name data
A1 AAA 1
A2 BBB 2
A3 CCC 3

I'm not an Excel expert so I'd like to know is there any way I could get the cell names to sort with their data.

cell cell name data
A1 BBB 1
A2 CCC 2
A3 AAA 3

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Chart: Sorting Values In Accordance To Occurrence

Jun 9, 2008

I have a huge set of data values given per 0,5 hour. Now I want to make a chart which shows how many hours each value has taken place.

Here is what it looks like with the arranged data as y-values. Instead of the x-axis showing the number of values, I would like it to show the above mentioned.

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Slicer Hierarchy Value Sorting - Selected Values Won't Sort To Top

Nov 25, 2013

I have two slicers that are in a hierarchy. These are attached to a Pivot table whose data source is an OLAP cube. Every Partner Parent is part of a Partner Group:

Partner Parents Slicers.png

My problem is that when I click SI Alliance in Partner Group, the Partner Parent slicer does not re-sort in any way. The corresponding selected Partner Parents are scattered throughout the alphabetical list. However, in a different document, I have slicers in a similar situation, except their Pivot table’s data source is a SQL Server database. When I click on a member of the higher up group (Accenture Global Client) the lower level group (Microsoft Account Name) sorts to show only the selected values at the top of the list:

This is with all selected - Accenture Slicers All.png

This is with just one Accenture Global Client selected. Note how the selected Microsoft Account Names have moved to the top of the list - Accenture Slicers Selected.png

How I can configure my Partner Parent/Partner Group slicers to behave like these Accenture/Microsoft slicers? Is there something that I can change in Excel or in the OLAP cube to make this happen? I have already tried right-clicking the slicer and going to Slicer Settings. The settings on the Parent/Partner Group slicers mimic those of the Accenture/Microsoft slicers exactly.

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Find Top Equivalent Values In Excel Range Without Sorting?

Mar 29, 2014

I know the formula =large but my problem is the formula for the equivalent value for it. Note: In my xcel file attached you can see there are multiple items with the same total numbers and also blanks

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Excel 2010 :: Sorting Multiple Values In Ascending Order

Dec 29, 2012

I am trying to sort multiple values in ascending order (example attached) however I can't get this to work. Tried looking at a few different forums and although there is plenty of sorting questions out there they all tend to be relating to dates not different values (i.e text and numbers).

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If/And Logic Functions

Jan 25, 2007

There are three situations that should yield the answer "overdue" and a fourth and fifth situation that should yield an answer "on target". I'm new to functions and have spent SEVERAL hours on this

{=IF((G4<>0,F4<$g$1="Overdue")+(F4<G4="Overdue")+(G4<>0,F4>$g$1="On Target")+(F4>=G4="On Target"))}

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Common Value But Different Logic

Nov 6, 2011

Although the "Trip Sequence" is same , but I need to separate the Trips if the difference between the "1ST TIME " is more than 3 hours keep the first "Trip Sequence" unchanged , then by either adding a prefix or add 2000000 to the second "Trip Sequence" and 3000000 to the Third, so forth so on until all the rules are applied ( assuming more than 3 Trip Sequences could be also allocated in the database ).

Data Base

1ST TIME Trip CodeCount1st Stn2nd StnTrip Sequence

In the above examples , The "Trip Sequence" is same 3270004 but the "1ST TIME" is more than 3 hours difference:-

I want to be able ( ONLY IF "1ST TIME" is in access of 3 hours while the Trip Sequence are same , I want the results as follows:-


1ST TIME Trip CodeCount1st Stn2nd StnTrip Sequence

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Vba Conditional Logic

Apr 24, 2007

I have 3 ranges in an excel sheet
col 1 range contains a numeric value ("1" or "5")
col 2 range contains a string value ("left" or "right")
col 3 range contains a string value ("a" or "b" or "c")

example: I am trying to get a total count if col 1 contains either a "1" AND
col 2 value is "left" And col 3 value is "a". Note: If col 1 is blank (" ") then the rest of the row is irrelevant. See attachment

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IF Statements And Date Logic

Dec 8, 2008

I am trying to calculate the number of forecasted hours worked per week for each contractor based on their allocation to the project and also based on a 37.5 hour standard week.

I am using a formula which was previously provided to me for another problem but theoretically should share the same logic. The formula works only when a contractor is forecasted to work for a full week. If there is a contract which finishes mid week the formula returns a weird value. Also another problem is that if a contract is starting on the 12th of January, it still forecasts a full week for the week commencing the 7th of January. I have attached a spreadsheet for everyone's reference.

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Logic With Multiple Conditions

Jan 15, 2009

I want cell B to be blank if 1 of 2 different conditions are met. If Cell A is blank then so too should be Cell B. If cell A contains data, then I want cell B to perform a formula $D$1-E6.

However, if Cell C contains data then Cell B should return to a blank status.

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Spreadsheet W/Logic For IT App Deployments

Aug 13, 2009

Sample spreadsheet attached to provide a visual of what I'm trying to accomplish.

Issue: Need to identify which userid's can be deployed and which userid's can't

Detail: In the attached spreadsheet, column A would list all userid's that the project team wants to deploy an application to. Let say for this example that they want to deploy Adobe Acrobat Pro v9 to replace Adobe Acrobat Pro v7. In my actual spreadsheet, there are 1307 userid's in Column A.

As a result of meetings, we have identified 11 Functional Teams that CANNOT have their users upgraded to Acrobat Pro v9. Using internal LDAP look up tools, I am able to generate a list of userid's for each of those 11 Functional Teams. The numbers vary. Again, in my actual spreadsheet so far, Functional Team #1 has 600 userid's, FT#2 has 2700 userID's, FT#3 has 6700 userid's, etc. I'm not done generating the userid's for each functional team but I know I need assistance once I'm done!! LOL!!

Using Column A, I'd like to see if that same userid exists anywhere in Columns B thru L. If it does, then that specific userid cannot be deployed. I would like that userid to be displayed in column N. And in Column O, I'd like to display the name or names of the functional team that this userid is a member of. It could be multiple teams. This will help me identify users that have multiple functional team memberships. Useful data for future deployments.

Using Column A, if a userid does not exist in Columns B thru L, then that userid can indeed be deployed. I'd like to get that userid displayed in Column M.

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How To Find The Next Occurance Of A Logic

May 7, 2009

In the columns below B is just 95% of A. What I want to do in column C is to put the maximum value of B over the range that corresponds until the value in A is less than that. For example for my 1st run the value would be $1,125.68 because this is the maximum amount before you fall below that in column A, or in this case hits $1,106.40. I want to be able to perform this automatically down the line (expanding the range until the logic test is true) but can't figure out how to do this. The formula would basically be the max of the range in Column B is > Column A until this is not true, then return the max in Column B for entry in Column C. Then in Column D I would run an identical analysis but return the Row identifer for the dataset.

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Concatenate & Indirect Logic

Sep 21, 2009

I need your help on the attached sample sheet. I have used the concatenate & indirect combination logic to get the desire comments as outcome , but my problem is that I have 300 rows & 30 sheets in a workbook with this logic , it is increasing the size of my file as I have a total of 30 sheets with same logic. I need it in every sheet. If there is any other alternative or solution.

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Head Around Sumproduct Logic

Nov 26, 2008

I am trying to get my head around sumproduct. So I had a go at trying to use the following formula to add data in odd columns.


The formula below works but I don't understand whats wrong with the one above. Can anyone please explain how I would use isodd to achieve this? What am I doing wrong?


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Group Numbering Rows By Logic?

Mar 27, 2014

I tried to make attached worksheet self-explanatory. find attached.

Basically, I want to number group of rows based on a logic (blank A,B, and C columns)


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Logic With Multiple Cells, Selecting Between The Two

Jan 16, 2009

I'm working with Excel 2003 on a peice for work that requires users to enter their current grade and, if they have one, a temporary grade. Another sheet in the workbook needs to add together all those in a certain grade and who answered a certain way to a drop-down table, so that I can use it to figure out what percentage of staff are of each grade. At the moment it looks like this:

=SUMPRODUCT(--(Work_Data!F2:F9827="Grade 1"),--(RIGHT(Work_Data!K2:K9827,3)="Top 25%"))

Which only draws information from the current grade (column F) and the answer they give (Column K). What I can't come up with is a formula that will only take column F as long as column G hasn't got a temporary grade, but if it does have a temporary grade will take column G instead.

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Summing Multiple Rows Using Logic?

Feb 3, 2009

I'm going nuts trying to figure out what formula I could use to give me totals in columns Q and R of the attached file. Basically, in the Weekly Totals column, I want to populate how many Customers and Bags were handled according to each ship name (the data is in the table to the left). Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated, I'm taking stabs in the dark but am not coming up with anything that works.

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Several Formulas In One Cell + Logic Fail

May 3, 2009

According to what I've read so far in this forum, this will be cakewalk for you guys to find out of (or at least so I hope.. :-) I don't know much about Excel, and what I do know is just logic sense, and a bit of common math.

My problem is in a sheet I use for my personal economy. (I'm a neatfreak, and a nerd...) The logic of my sheet is that I seperate the different type of monthly expenses, and sum them individually. The way I do this is that the A Column identyfies an expense (where 1 = rent, 2 = food, 3 = gas etc) while the C column is the expense itself, Example:

On account 500
1 rent -200
2 food -20
3 gas -10
2 food -10
Sum expenses -240
On account 260

I then use this formula to discern them:

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