Sorting Values: Find Points With Similar "y" Values
May 5, 2008
I have x coordinates in column 1 with coresponding y coordinates in column 2. From my data of x,y coordinates I want to find points with similar y values. In my data I have defined groups of numbers, i.e. I have a set of numbers with y values around 30 (+-10), then a new group with y values around 60 (+-10), and so on... Sometimes the groups are not totaly separeted, there could be a few points with y values between 30 and 60. These points can be grouped with the closest group of coordinates (30 or 60). Each group of x,y coordinates could be copypasted in the columns to the right (columns 3 and up).
So what I want to do is find a group of coordinates. This group will have at least 40 individual points +-10 from a group mean. The coordinates need to be sorted out from the data and put in seperate columns.
I am trying to find some missing values compared to 6 base values. For instance, I have a sheet with some names translated to another language, I am trying to find the languages some names have not been translated too.
For example, if I have six languages, Arabic, Japanese, Russian, Chinese-Simplified, Chinese- Traditional, and Korean to compare too, I want to find any names that are not translated in certain languages.
John Japanese John Chinese - Simplified John Korean Martin Arabic Martin Chinese - Simplified Martin Russian Ramon Arabic Ramon Russian Sam Arabic Sam Chinese- Traditional
I know the formula =large but my problem is the formula for the equivalent value for it. Note: In my xcel file attached you can see there are multiple items with the same total numbers and also blanks
I'm trying to create a formula that would check if there are similar values in a row. How should I do this? There are 20 values in a row, and they should all be different (true). If similar values are found, it should give a warning or highlight the two or more cells.
I would like to sum the values of a range using something similar to vlookup. The problem with using vlookup is that vlookup returns only the first instance. I have multiple values therefore vlookup would not work. I have 2 variables which is causing my frustration. I have added an example to explain. On the column where it says "correct answer" is where the formula should go. I displayed what the formula should produce so that it explains what I want as the output. The "static column" which contains variables 1 and 2 doesn't change.
The two variables it needs to search for is shown in the variable 1 and variable 2 columns. And the lookup range is on the left.
So basically it needs to match the two variables in the range and then grab the sum of ALL quantities where the two variables match . quantity amount is found on the leftmost column.
Is this possible. sumif works but only with 1 variable.
I've search several posts and can't figure this out. Have sheet1 with facility number (A) and Description (B), monthly budgets (C-N) and yearly total at O. Each facility has 400+ GL so the only formula that has come close to working is this one: =INDEX('sheet1'!$O$1:$O$7695,MATCH(1,('sheet1'!$A$1:$A$7695=$D8)*('sheet1'!$B$1:$B$7695=G$5),0))
Basically "O" is the yearly number I want, "A" is the facility number and "B" is the Description (which is text). After searching several posts this one returned a result on the first facility, but returned NA on the rest. Also tried CONCENATE function with A&B in sheet1 which are equal to D10&G5 in sheet2. It returned the wrong information, I was looking for "1506Net Sales" and it returned for "1506Net Income".
I've been working on this chart for a while and can't seem to get my x and y axis as well as my series corrected. I have time and distance but since my distances are small I cant seem to make sense on how best to depict my data. Right now it is shown as data points but would love to show value.
I have a list of nine teams from B13:B21 with Wins in column C, Losses in Column D, Ties in Column E. Pts are in Column F (all of these run row 13 down to 21). The team listed in B13 has a cell name of One in the Name Box, team in B14 has a cell name of Two, etc up to Nine.
The pts total for each team is also named, so F13 is called ptsone and has a current value of 8. F14 is called ptstwo and has a value of 10, etc.
I'm trying to do is in a different area of the spreadsheet put a formula that will compare the pts values and then list the team standings based on those points.
The idea is to add compare the cells of the first column with the third column. Where same letters/words exist, the corresponding value of the first column should be added to the second column (where no letter exists equally, the space remains empty), so it will look like this
A111 AA1122 B222 C333 D444
the third column always will have at least the same letters as the first column, but new letters/entries can occur.
Trying to find the sum of all cells in the array described in the formula that are equal to the values inside the quotations. I used this exact (as far as I can tell) formula to find the sum of values that were NOT equal to my quoted values and it worked just fine. Any ideas why formula 'A' will not work but formula 'B' does work? I have a feeling I'm missing something simple here!
Formula A - Does not work: =SUMPRODUCT(--('Master Lead Sheet'!$J$2:$J$10000=$B2),--('Master Lead Sheet'!$N$2:$N$10000="REJECTED"),--('Master Lead Sheet'!$N$2:$N$10000="CONDITIONED"),--('Master Lead Sheet'!$N$2:$N$10000="APPROVED"))
Formla B - Works: =SUMPRODUCT(--('Master Lead Sheet'!$J$2:$J$10000=$B2),--('Master Lead Sheet'!$N$2:$N$10000"No Answer"),--('Master Lead Sheet'!$N$2:$N$10000"Disconnected"),--('Master Lead Sheet'!$N$2:$N$10000"Wrong Number"),--('Master Lead Sheet'!$N$2:$N$10000"EMAILED"),--('Master Lead Sheet'!$N$2:$N$10000"needs to be emailed"),--('Master Lead Sheet'!$N$2:$N$10000"Refund"),--('Master Lead Sheet'!$N$2:$N$10000"REFUNDED"))
How do you write an excel macro that looks at the number in the first column (day #) and finds all the duplicate id#s in the second column that are in day 1and adds the amounts together in the 3rd column then writes the first column number (day#), second column number(id#) and the third column (sum of the amounts of duplicate Id#) to an new worksheet. Then the macro would loop through day #2 and do the same thing. Notice that the values in the id column are unique in this data set below this is how I would like the data to look. I have accomplished this in a pivot table but my problem is I need a cvs file to export the final data into an external database which is why I need a macro.....
I've got a series of values in a column as follows:
10 Mb 10 Mb 1000 Mb 1000 Mb 114 Mb 128 Mb 128 Mb
Obviously 1000 mb is more than 10 mb, but it sorts as second in the list because it starts with a "1". How do I tell Excel to sort by the entire numerical value instead of the first number?
I'm recording statistics of sport and since I'm dealing with lots of players (and it's easier to add the statistics in when they're sorted by team and name rather than by highest amount of a stat) I need to have a separate section of the spreadsheet to return the 10 best in a stat.
I've found other formulas but I'm not good enough at spreadsheets to be able to manipulate formulas by adding stuff in so it's been hard to get exactly what I want My problem is that I need this to sort by goals (so most goals first) and then by Games played. Here's an example of what data I'm working with:
Ideally I'd like the list to show all these things (so #1 would be Player N), just sorted by goals and then games.
I have a range of data in columns a-g (the length of which i am unsure of). I have been manually sorting them for the values in both column a and column g, but the data in column b-f are needed for my work. would it be possible in one sheet to have column a "y" and on another column a "N" sorted and then subsequently, the numbers in column g copied and pasted along in rows after so you would have a-g copied in h-n and then for the next number o-u and so on. there are multiple of the same value in column g, and a. would it be possible to make a macro which would sort this for me
The actual dump will have around 200 - 500 rows of data.From the above I need to manually group them which are similar. E.g. the data of (3, 3, 2 , 2) in row 1 & 2 are matching, so they will be group 1 & row 3 will be group 2, row 4 will be group 3 respectively.
The sum & sort did not work as sometimes the data with the same range are not in same order. simpler logic/VBA code if any, which will automatically put group numbers if the data in two rows are exact match.
I will be inputing raw data (20 digit numeric code) from a barcode scanner into column A. I would like to extract the values from certain groups of those digits (first 3 digits and only those digits moved to C column, digits 4,5,6,7 copied to D column, etc.)
I am trying to pull cell values similar to a SUMIF function (SUMIF(range,criteria,sum_range)). For example, in A1 I use a data list created from data elsewhere on the spreadsheet. In the data I created elsewhere, there are 2 columns being used. The 1st column is the information that is being used to create the list and the second column contains specific values (number or text). In the dropdown menu I select an available value (text or number) . When I have selected that value I would like cell A2 to show what the cell directly to the right of it shows from the data I have elsewhere in the spreadsheet as mentioned. I have tried the SUMIF function however it seems to exclude certain values (number or text) and I am not sure what else to use.
I have two sets of 2 columns. One column in one set is identical to a column in the other set, but they are arranged in different orders. I would like arrange those two columns side by (matching their numbers) so that I can find the average of the two non-identical columns.
On the attached worksheet, our guys are regularly inspected for performance. Column 'H' shows the average of their grading from each inspection (shown in cols L,P,T etc) What I would like to develop is either a macro button that when pressed sorts them all into order according to their average score in Col H, with the highest score at the top, or to have the sheet do this automatically as the data is entered. Obviously all of the data in the engineers row (all of his inspection history) will need to move up and down accordingly, but not get left behind, or mixed up with someone else's records.
I have a huge set of data values given per 0,5 hour. Now I want to make a chart which shows how many hours each value has taken place.
Here is what it looks like with the arranged data as y-values. Instead of the x-axis showing the number of values, I would like it to show the above mentioned.
I have a bar chart that was made from table 1 which has the value in it. I have another table, table 2 that has the name corresponding to the value in table 1. I want to color data points in a bar chart with a different color for each name I have in table 2. I also want to give a data label in the data points with the value I have in table 2 instead of the original data label from table 1. Is it possible to do it?
I have two slicers that are in a hierarchy. These are attached to a Pivot table whose data source is an OLAP cube. Every Partner Parent is part of a Partner Group:
Partner Parents Slicers.png
My problem is that when I click SI Alliance in Partner Group, the Partner Parent slicer does not re-sort in any way. The corresponding selected Partner Parents are scattered throughout the alphabetical list. However, in a different document, I have slicers in a similar situation, except their Pivot table’s data source is a SQL Server database. When I click on a member of the higher up group (Accenture Global Client) the lower level group (Microsoft Account Name) sorts to show only the selected values at the top of the list:
This is with all selected - Accenture Slicers All.png
This is with just one Accenture Global Client selected. Note how the selected Microsoft Account Names have moved to the top of the list - Accenture Slicers Selected.png
How I can configure my Partner Parent/Partner Group slicers to behave like these Accenture/Microsoft slicers? Is there something that I can change in Excel or in the OLAP cube to make this happen? I have already tried right-clicking the slicer and going to Slicer Settings. The settings on the Parent/Partner Group slicers mimic those of the Accenture/Microsoft slicers exactly.
I am trying to sort multiple values in ascending order (example attached) however I can't get this to work. Tried looking at a few different forums and although there is plenty of sorting questions out there they all tend to be relating to dates not different values (i.e text and numbers).
This is a win/loss ratio so to have it as a percentage I would have to divide the first number by the sum of the two numbers so 78/114 = 68.4% How would you do this with a formula?
I came up with this that isn't quite right, because RIGHT and FIND don't work together.
=LEFT(A1,FIND("-",A1,1)-1)/(LEFT(A1,FIND("-",A1,1)-1)+RIGHT(A1,FIND("-",A1,1)-1)) There must be a smarter way of doing this. TY