Look For Matching Information From Two Columns In One Sheet / Another Sheet
Jul 16, 2014
I have one sheet that contains three columns of data. I want to look in another sheet and find if any of the rows in that sheet have the same data found in the first sheet.
I have attached an example sheet of what I need done:
In reference to the example, I am first looking in sheet 2. The information from Column A and C is what I want to find in sheet three if it is there. So for example, A1 and C1 are Joe and 233. I want to then look into sheet 3 and see if any row in sheet 3 has Joe in column A and 233 in Column B. if so I want the value in column B (233) returned into a new sheet.
I need this process to repeat for all rows in sheet 2. The number of rows may change in either sheet.
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Aug 2, 2008
I have two worksheets and I want to match two columns from each worksheet and return me a respond with "yes" or "no" For example:
Sheet 1
Name Item
ABC 123
DEF 456
GHI 789
Sheet 2
Name Item
ABC 123
DEF 789
GHI 134
So, I want to search the "name" column in Sheet 1 with Sheet 2, if they found the name is matching, then search for "item" column in sheet 1 with the "item" in sheet 2. If they both match, I want to return with a "yes" if not return value "no" in a different column #3.
I tried to do it, but it keeps on finding "789" in column 1 with "789" in column even though the name is different, it still return me a value of "yes."
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Feb 4, 2008
I need to track only certain tasks id's out of entire task id database. I have 1 column of data on sheet "A" that represents task id's I want to track. On sheet "B" I have multiple columns of data, the first column being the task id's. I need to compare the column on sheet A with the first column on sheet B. If there is a matching task id, I need to copy the entire row of data from sheet "B" on to a new sheet "C". If there is no matching task id on sheet "B", I would like to copy just the task id. Each week I would get a new set of data for sheet "B" (which can vary in length) and I need the ability add or subtract task id's on sheet "A" that need tracking. See the attached xls file for a piece of sample data.
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May 14, 2014
What I have is a sheet that is copied periodically from some source sheet, and on this sheet is a table. This sheet is called "Onsite Checklist Template" and it's table is titled "Checklist". I also have another sheet called "Loggers and Initial Notes" which has a tabled titled "Record", and then finally a title sheet call "Proj Details".
To clear this intro up - The sheets, in their order, is: "Proj Details", "Loggers and Initial Notes", "Onsite Checklist Template". The tables: "Record" on "Loggers..." and "Checklist" on "Onsite..."
When the user wants to make a new site visit, he/she fills in the requested date and then selects a button on "Proj...". When this button is selected, it copies the table data on "Record" and puts it on "Checklist", then inserts a new worksheet tab, always in the 3rd position (the title is based on the site visit date in which the user entered), which is a copy of "Onsite...". Now we have another sheet with a table called "Checklist1", and upon another new site visit, there will be another worksheet with "Checklist2", and so on.
On the "Onsite..." worksheet, there is a button on it which also gets copied with the worksheet so that every new worksheet has this copied "Checklist ???" and this button. I'm looking for a macro that, when the button is selected, will bounce the active sheet's table "Checklist ???" off of "Record" and make changes as needed.
"Checklist ???" data range is B11:M20 (the header is on row 10); "Record" data range is B29:Q78 (the header is on row 28); Column headers are titled the same, just that "Record" has 4 extra columns, 3 in the middle and 1 on the end. "Checklist ???" columns 1-12 to "Record" columns 1-7, 10-12, 14-15. The search criteria is the 4th column in both tables ("Trk #").
I need the macro to do the following:If it finds a match, then update "Record" as needed with data from "Checklist ???", changing whatever cell is different in the row that contains the matching "Trk #", so long as the cell on "Checklist ???" is populated (i.e, if a cell on the target row of "Record" has a value, but it's blank on "Checklist ???", then "Record" wins; if it's blank on "Record", but populated on "Checklist ???", the Checklist wins. If both populated but different, then Checklist wins.If a "Trk #" exists on "Checklist ???" but is not on "Record" then add the line to "Record" (the 1st empty row, table size remains)I see no need for any "delete" at this time.
My concerns: The last column on record (column #16) is the filtering column for the worksheet copy event and needs to be left alone (it's formulated to produce a "Yes" or "No")I would like the ability to adjust table sizes if needed without modifying the macroThe table rows on "Checklist ???" will not be changed, deleted, or altered in any way by the macro.
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Jun 1, 2009
I've got a bit of a quandary here that my novice programming skills can't seem to solve.
Here is the scenario. I work for a photographic library. We have a spreadsheet that contains 5 or so columns, and a couple of thousand rows. Essentially each row contains an imagine code (the number we use to file away the imagine, ie. US_NY_NYC_1 ) in the first cell, and the image information in the following cells (ie metadata, keywords, photographer, date, etc).
so a typical row would look as follows:
Filename | Keywords | Photographer | Metadata | Location |
all the keyword, photographer, metadata, and location information can only be tied to the one image code whose cell begins the row.
Now, here is my dilemma. This sheet (lets call it the master sheet) contains all the images we have in a given batch. However, when a client orders images, we will send them most images in that batch, but not all, and we may send a few additional. So I have a separate sheet that contains only those image codes that the client requested. What I need to do is essentially take a code from the second sheet, find that same code in the master sheet, and copy over all the cells associated with that code's row. If the number does not exist in the master sheet, simply leave that row with only the code in the first cell, and the rest blank, and move on.
so for example, in my second sheet lets say I have the following A_B_C . I would like for excel to find that same code in the master sheet, and then copy over the metadata, photographer, date, etc, associated with that code, and paste it into the second sheet, so that that row in the second sheet now looks identical to the row with the same image code in the master sheet . If A_B_C does not exist in the master spreadsheet, then I would like excel to simply leave that code in its own row, leave the rest of the row blank, and move on to the next code.
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May 4, 2013
Create a macro button in 'Spreadsheet 2' that searches 'Spreadsheet 1' for updated information specific to a certain criteria and adds it to a new row in 'Spreadsheet 2.'
There are three sheets
Prospects (where all original data is entered)
Actions -Bob (Bob's new Prospects are added to this sheet)
Actions -Frank (Frank's new Prospects are added to this sheet)
So in this example Row 6 in Prospects (Constituents, Rating, Manager and Solicitor would be added to ACTION - Bob's sheet on Row 5
Row 8 in Prospects (Constituents, its Rating, Manager and Solicitor would be added to ACTIONS - Frank sheet on Row 5
Here is the example spreadsheet - Prospects and Actions.xlsx
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Mar 1, 2013
I am trying to create a summary sheet from the matrix to do further analysis. I want to pick out the welds done everyday with weld inches as you will see in the summary sheet. How can summary sheet be automatically updated when I enter the inspection date rather than copying and pasting? I can use vlookup to get the weld dia once I get the weld numbers on that date. I have attached the file.
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Jun 12, 2013
Sheet 1 has a list of unique ID numbers for several people. Sheet 2 is a master list of unique numbers for the entire population plus emails. Can i use a formula in sheet 1 to match the emails from sheet 2 to the unique id numbers in sheet 1?
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Jul 14, 2009
I have a spreadsheet that shows a large number of folks we had working in a particular division from Jan. 1st until now, 1800 +. Some of the folks are on the sheet twice due to having more than one role. The sheet lists last name, first name, skill description, pay rate, company they worked at...etc. Most of the folks on the list are not currently working but some are. I have another spread sheet that lists the folks that ARE currently working. I'm trying to see if there is a way to compare the two sheets, via a formula, that will be able to identify when the first name, last name, company name, and skill description are the same and then have those identified deleted from the first sheet.
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Aug 8, 2013
I have a master sheet, that needs to collect all the data from multiple sheets and then place them order by number.
What I mean i have 3 folders where folder 1, folder 2 and folder 3. if a person takes work 1, then i want master sheet to tell that this number is received so folders 2 and 3 can only take the next available number.
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Nov 21, 2013
just wanted to know of how to quickly link cells and columns from one cell to the next without using the equals function because i have about 75 individual sheets to do.
so there is a master sheet which includes operators name and #
i would like for one person to key in numbers into that master sheet ("ENTRIES")
everytime that individual enters info into that sheet, i would like it to be entered into sheet "#1"
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Feb 11, 2010
I have created a userform that allows input of information and then deposits the information on a specific sheet. I am looking for a way to have that information not only deposited on the specific sheet it is already set to but also to another sheet based on a selection made from a combo box.
here is my current
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Jul 5, 2007
i have is that i want to use data from specific work sheets in another generic sheet, i have a list of names in the generic sheet and a lot of sheets titled by peoples names, i want excel to search for a sheet whose name corrisponds to the name in a cell on the generic sheet and copy from that individuals sheet a specific cell and put it in the generic sheet.
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Jan 11, 2013
I have an excel workbook that has 2 sheets in it. Sheet 1 is going to be my parts order form. I want to be able to put a value in Cell A2. From there I want to pull data from Sheet two cells B1 and C1 and have it populate on sheet 1 in cells B2 and C2
I am thinking that is was a Vlookup type formula with some sort of If/Then statement in it.
Here is essentially what I thought it looked like minus excel formating
if Sheet 1 cell A2 = 1006 then Sheet 1 cells B2 and C2 = values from Sheet 2 cells B1 and C11
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Apr 6, 2013
Basically I am trying to create a worksheet in which everytime I input information into Sheet 1, it is copied into Sheet 2. I want to have each entry in succession on Sheet 2 such that my first entry would be on Row 2, second on Row 3, third on Row 4, etc. However, everytime I put something new in Sheet 1, it just overrides the information in Sheet 2.
Basically I type in ticket sales in sheet 1, it calculates the prices and keeps a transaction log in sheet 2. But everytime I do a new ticket sale, it just overwrites the previous transaction witht he new transaction information. I've pasted my VBA below:
Sheet 1 VBA:
Option Explicit
'Form level variables - used in more than one event
Dim intAdult As Integer
Dim intStudentSenior As Integer
Dim intBalcony As Integer
Dim intChild As Integer
Dim sngAmountDue As Single
[Code] .......
Sheet 2 code:
Private Sub cmdSummary_Click()
'Declare Variables
Dim intCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim intAdult As Integer
Dim intStudentSenior As Integer
[Code] ......
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Jan 7, 2009
Sheet 1 contains a column titled "name" and 6 columns to the right of name titled "sat", "sun", "mon"........ the col titled name is not the first col in the work sheet.
In each row I enter the guest name under the name col and I enter a room number (example: 1A, 1B, 2A, etc...) in the column to the right that coresponds with the day the guest will be staying.
Name Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Mr. Smith 1A 1A 1A 1A
Mr. Jones 3B 3B 3B
Ms. Tiller 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A
Sheet 2 is in the same workbook and looks something like this:
Room # Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
I want it to look at sheet 1 and populate the date columns with the guest name from sheet 1
I tried this formula =IF('Sheet1'!G:G="1A",'Sheet1!$F:$F,"Available")
It seems to work on the first row but I have problems with any rows below that. Basically it acts like there is no data in the rows below.... I think the fact that the names on sheet 1 are not alphabetical is creating part of my problem? I tried a lookup formula but it seems like it has to be the first column in the worksheet and it has to be alphabetical to work like that.
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Jul 23, 2012
I have 2 workbooks in Excel 2010, each contain just 1 sheet. (see attached) I need to compare on sheet 1, cell D1 and column A:A (this column will be much longer), with the data in columns C:C & A:A on sheet 2, if a corresponding match is found, the data contained in column D on the same row on sheet 2 is written to the cell with the matching data in sheet 1.
My attempt is in cell D2 on sheet1.
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Jan 23, 2014
In sheet 1 i have the data like this
Date Amount
20-Mar-13 2000
now in sheet 2 i need the date and amount fields in which amount is present.
i need sheet 2 like this
Date Amount
20-Mar-13 2000
3-Apr-13 3000
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Mar 14, 2013
i'm having in excel- I'm looking to populate rows in 2nd tab based on the data entered in the 1st tab. The rows to be populated in the 2nd tab resides in the 3rd tab. So a match has to be made on the data entered in the 1st tab. When a match is found on the 3rd tab then the corresponding rows from the 3rd tab should be listed on the 2nd tab.
I have an example.xls attached for clarity.
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Aug 31, 2013
Create a macro to export 2 column to a new sheet.
I have attached the sample file, check for reference.
I want to export Month and Monthly percentage column to a new sheet..
Efficiency Report Fo TS.xlsx
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Jan 25, 2014
I am looking to copy the columns containing firstly H and then A from this sheet (sheet 1) to sheet 2. At the moment the H and A run in sequence, sometimes 2 or 3 times in a row but I want them to appear seperatly in sheet 2 so that I have all of the H's together in a sequence and all of the A's together in a sequence further down the sheet. I haven't used macros since school and don't have the first idea where to start. Do I need macros or is there a simple formula I can input? The data I am looking to copy is below with the letters in question 3 rows down.
Week 22
Week 21
Week 20
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Nov 7, 2008
i need to do is have a formula in one sheet that will use information from a given cell on another sheet. These sheets are in the same workbook.
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Dec 5, 2013
I have created my main spreadsheet in a form format - one form per student in a row downwards (30 students) and then a row for each of 4 terms.
On a separate sheet I want to pull particular entries. I have done this for Term 1 and can continue and do Terms 2 - 4. However, I have to wonder if there is not an easier way. If not, then I'm good to continue - just takes a couple of hours to create the second sheet section for each term.
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May 26, 2006
I need a formula that will take info from sheet A column K only if sheet A
column E is equal to sheet B column E. I need it to paste into Sheet
B column K exactly as shown in sheet A column K.
I tried using a Vlookup formula but I got #N/A and I am not sure if that is
because there is text as opposed to numbers or if I am using the wrong
function entirely.
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May 27, 2013
I have a table of data as below and would like a formula that will pick the number and name only (as in the need bit) - can this be done, they are on 2 seperate sheets.
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Jun 20, 2006
Would like to know is that possible to scan some information, e.g table or figures, into the excel spreadsheet.
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Mar 8, 2007
I have a excel file which shows some information about mobile numbers but i don't know from where that excel file get that information one formula have some reference of sheet2 but there is no sheet2 in excel file. how this excel file get information?
download excel file
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Jan 13, 2010
- I have the following folder/file structure:
...etc - it keeps on going for more subfolders.
- Every subfolder has 2 different .csv files.
- Every file has the same structure. Relevant info:
. column B - time string
. column C - value
- The files are automatically genarated and report lots of single events (evaluated in Column C) that occurr in a specific time (dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss specified in Column B)
- All files have the same number of lines.
- Line 2 in fileX refers to the same time as Line 2 in fileY; the same for all lines.
What I need is a Macro in a file "Master.xls" placed in folder MP1 to automatically:
1. open each file in the subfolders
2. copy the time string (column B) for A2 down - only needed for the first file
3. copy the relevant info (column C) - in every file
4. close all files
Result: I have a "Master" file with the relevant info of all the others, preceeded by a time string from where I can work (pivot table, graph, etc.). The files can have from 5.000 to 30.000 lines, depending on the day.
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Jul 22, 2006
I just need a code that will copy items in a row from column A:F...
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Dec 20, 2013
I have created two sheets: "Roles to Courses" and "Datasheet". I have attached the zip db for review - its only 314k. I need to search the Datasheet in columns N, P for values from the Roles to Courses sheet (Business Role - SAP ECC) column A and find a match in the Datasheet. When a match is found, I need the B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K columns that contains the values of the classes from the Roles to Courses sht, to be added to the field called "Training Courses" in the Datasheet.
I started a macro but wasn't sure enough to complete the commands.
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