Lookup File Based On Cell Value

Jan 24, 2008

In my sheet I do a vlookup for the value in column A in another worksheet. What I would like to do is depending on a value in column C the vlookup would look in a different worksheet. So if the value of "C1" were "AP" the vlookup would go to, for example, table1.xls/sheet1. Say down the line I wanted to change the value of "C1" or the value of column C in another row was "GNR" the vlookup formula would look to table2.xls/sheet1.

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Lookup File Referenced From Other Cell

Jan 2, 2008

I have a basic blank file which takes production volumes of a product as an input and breaks the figure down to give individual component usage as an output. It then uses this figure to tell the user the best configuration to hold stock.

This file is 'save as' each month as the month, year and filename (ie: 11.2007MPS.xls, 01.2008MPS.xls) and then the monthly production figures are entered.

Within this file there are 'comparison' worksheets, cells on this page look into the previous months file and tell the user where changes have occurred; showing the physical changes that should be made. This lookup is referenced to a cell that gives the previous month ('MPS INPUT'$D$13), this is filled in by the user.

At current I am using the Vlookup(Indirect formula:
=(VLOOKUP(B4,INDIRECT("'I:SCIPMPS["&'MPS INPUT'!$D$13&"MPSCOPY.xls]Row 2'!$A$2:$N$100"),5,FALSE))

Yet, this requires all the previous months’ files to be open which isn't really feasible in the long run. Solving this issue using custom 'add-ins' (as i believe have) is not feasible either since the file will be used by many users who are not amazingly I.T literate.

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External File(s) Referenced And File Links Change Based On Row Cell

Oct 22, 2009

I have attached the file I am working on. I am attempting to create a link to an external file based on the value of cells in column A. Then I would like to simply copy the formula down, lets say in Column B, the rows and as I do the external file reference will change depending on the value within the cell in Column A. I hope that I am making sense.

I am using Windows Vista with Excel 2007. The files will all be within the same file folder, however, there are hundereds of files so I won't be able to open them all for the indirect to work.

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Save Each Worksheet As PDF File And Name Each File Based On Cell Value In Each Sheet

Jul 10, 2014

I have a Workbook that already has a macro in it that will generate multiple sheets based on certain criteria.

For each of these newly generated sheets (numbered 1-6 in the attached example), I need to be able save each of them to a PDF file based on a unique name contained in a certain cell (in this case, each named is referenced in cell Q1 of each sheet). As such, I should end up with 6 pdfs based on the attached sample files.

The PDFs would ideally need to be landscaped and should be just 1 page per sheet.

In my attached sample workbook, you'll notice that I have a "PracticePrint" macro that doesn't quite get the job done. One other criteria involves not printing any sheet with the characters "1010" in it (my PracticePrint macro is setup to do that, but it fails to do much else).

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Using A Lookup Based Upon Cell Attributes

Mar 2, 2007

Lets say that you have three cells. The contents of the cells are 1, 2, 3. The contents 1 and 2 have the strikethrough and 3 does not.

How can you perform a lookup from within another cell to find the cell whose content does not have the strike through? (This could also be a search based on finding the cell that does not have the red background etc...)

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Lookup Column Header Based On Cell Value

Aug 11, 2009

I have a spreadsheet an excerpt of which is as follows:

1 Doors Security Vehicle Key

Want I want to happen is to return the column header where there for a cell which contains "TRUE" in a blank column. If there isn't a cell with the value "TRUE" then to return "N/A". In the above example in blank column P for Row 2 would be "Doors", Row 3 would be "Security,Vehicle" and Row 4 would be "N/A".

In my actual spreadsheet I have 12 columns (L to W) which have the TRUE or FALSE values.

I know it has something to do with either HLOOKUP, INDEX and MATCH but can't seem to get it right. Any ideas?

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How To Lookup Row # Based On Content Of Another Column's Cell

Oct 24, 2005

I have a 3 column table with 20 rows. The first two columns contain travel
expense data. The cells in the third column are blank exept for whichever
cell I enter an "x" in. Please let me what formula or worksheet function do
I use to calculate the travel expenses based on the data in the first two
columns that correspond to the row of the cell with an "x" in the third

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Lookup Array/Range Based On Cell Value

Jan 4, 2009

I need the array portion of a lookup formula to change based on a cell value.

On a worksheet(named "groupings")that groups students according to ability level, I have data validation lists where teachers select the criteria for the group. In cell I5 they choose the period, and in cell L5 they select which assessment to look at.

Cell B8 will either say high low or medium. Then in cell C8 I have this formula: Lookup_Occurence($B$8, ??????, 1,1,2)

Again the array will depend on what is entered in cell I5 and cell L5.

I have attached one of the worksheets the lookup_occurence will be referencing. In this exit card worksheet if cell B10 (the name of the assessment) matches what the teacher chose in cell L5 on the groupings worksheet, then the array formula will be 'Exit Card'!Card1. If cell G10 matches what the teacher chose in cell L5, then the array would be 'Exit Card'!Card2. Where A9:C339 is named Card1 and cell F9:H339 is card2 etc.....

However, it gets even more complicated then that because within Card1 there are 8 periods, and if a teacher chose period 1 in cell I8 on the groupings sheet, then I only need the array to look at the period one data in the card1 array.

Essentially what I am trying to accomplish is create a page where teachers can group students by ability level according to any assessment they choose. On the exit card page the formulas currently equaling # Div/0 will say either high, med, or low depending on how a student performs on that assessment.

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LOOKUP Range Based On Contents Of A Cell

Aug 24, 2006

I want to be able to send out one “master” workbook with the fourteen ranges, and use a pull-down list (or anything else) so when the user selects a state, the proper lookup range will be used. In the attached abbreviated example, I want the lookups in Column B to refer to the state designated in B2. In this case, the VLOOKUP works correctly, since Colorado zip codes are in the ColZip range.

The people in Idaho or Oregon using this will only be working with their respective zip codes in ranges IdaZip or OreZip, so if they enter their state in B2, I would like the VLOOKUP to look in a different range. My whole idea is to only have one master workbook so I don’t have to create one for each district office. Maybe I’m thinking in a wrong direction altogether.

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Lookup Data Based On Cell Content

Sep 9, 2006

I am setting up a worksheet (1) with a full list of part numbers supplied, cost etc. ie:

Part Description Price Qty
1234 Blah Blah £1.00 1
1235 Blah Blah £3.00 0
1236 Blah Blah £2.00 2

And I have set up a seperate worksheet (2) as an invoice. What I have been trying to do is when I enter a qty in worksheet (1), worksheet (2) will reconise an entry in the qty colum an copy selected fields/ cells. I can do a "=" or use an "if" statement looking at anything greater than "0". but is there a way I can get the invoice worksheet to ignore any lines with "0". So it will only copy over the information with only qtys for the invoice ?.

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Lookup Value In A Cell Based On Value In Opposite Cell

Apr 25, 2009

I need to find the value in cell range A:10 A:242 based on
the search criteria found in G:10 H:242

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Lookup Cell Value Based On Cell In Another Sheet

Jun 14, 2013

I'm looking for a formula that I can put in BA2 in a sheet called Data, and copy the formula down the column.

If Data AE2 is blank, Data BA2 should be blank.

If there is a number in AE2, the formula should look for the matching number in another sheet called Index, in Index column G. The matching number can be in any row, but will only appear once in the whole column.

For the row number that has the pair, look in Index column AG and copy the value in that cell to Data BA2.



put 560 here



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Two Page Lookup Matching Criteria Based On Cell Value

May 26, 2009

I have an items list on page 2. On page 1 I want to create a drop down menu in C2 that references the list on page 2. Then when I choose an item, I want the additional information in cells D2 and E2 to come in automatically. The list on page 2 will be expanding daily, and when I expand it I can simply insert a new row so I correctly alphabatize it instead of constantly having to resort it.

With that said....
1. How do you put in the drop down box that references information on a different sheet?

2. What is the best way to reference the information in my ever expanding situation: Index/Match, Vlookup, Lookup, or something I havent mentioned?

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Hide And Unhide Columns Based On Cell Value From Lookup

Dec 4, 2013

I am trying to hide/unhide columns based on what is return to cell C2 from this lookup (=VLOOKUP(B2,GM!E2:M129,9,FALSE)). It can only return 3,6 or 9

If it returns 3 I want to hide columns I:P
If it returns 12 I want to hide columns E:L
If it returns 6 I want to hide E:H and M:P

I have been trying to work with this code which I found on this forum but I haven't been able to get it working fully. It only works when C2 is entered rather than calculated and I can't get it working for the M:P part of the third option.


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim Changed As Range
Set Changed = Range("C2")
If Not Intersect(Target, Changed) Is Nothing Then
Range("A:Z").EntireColumn.Hidden = False


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Find First Non Blank Cell And Return Number Above It Based On Lookup From Other Sheet

Oct 18, 2013

I have two spreadsheets.

spreadsheet 1:
Lookup from Order numbers listed from A5:A177.
requested formula in I5: I would like a lookup to sheet 2 based on the order number (F19:F191), to return the cell above the first non-blank value.

spreadsheet 2:
Lookup value:Order number listed from F19:F191.
Data search:AY19:CI191
return the (date) which is in the range above the data search from row AY18:CI18.

I've had a look at few forums but i'm getting mixed responses, having to use index / match / lookup / min / --.

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Lookup Nth Occurence In Range & Limit Rows To Search Based On Cell Value

Jan 14, 2009

I have a UDF for a lookup_occurrence formula (thanks to Dave), and I was wondering if it was possible to tweak the range it looks at with if statements.

I have a formula like this =Lookup_Occurence(B13, INDIRECT($N$5), 1,1,5) where N5 says exit card 1.

I need it to only look at a certain rows within exit card 1 depending on the value entered in I5.

If value I5 says Period_1 it will only look in rows 12:46.

If value I5 says Period_2 it will only look in rows 48:82 etc.

I believe I need to modify the xl look part of the code with if statements.

Below is the code. I am wondering if I can replace the xlLook line with nested if statements. If I5="Period_1 then rows 12:46" etc.

Function Lookup_Occurence(To_find, Table_array As Range, _
Look_in_col As Long, Offset_col, Occurrence As Long, _
Optional Case_sensitive As Boolean, Optional Part_cell_match As Boolean)

Dim lLoop As Long
Dim rFound As Range
Dim xlLook As XlLookAt
Dim lOcCheck As Long

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Lookup Folder From Cell Text Then Save Excel File In This Folder

May 14, 2014

I have alot of project folders on my harddrive.

All in format: I:/12345-costumer-projectname/

The five digits are unique for each project.

I make calculations for these projects using an excel file. In this excel I also type the projectnumber (cell J2)

Now i would like to make a button. When pressed, it checks the projectnumber cell J2, looksup the corresponding folder and saves the excelfile in PDF format in this folder.

I have found macro to find files in folders, but none which do the above.

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VBA Lookup Function: Paste Data Into A Cell In Another Worksheet, Based On Criteria Specified In Sheet1

Jan 8, 2009

I'm looking to create a macro that will take data from an input sheet, and paste it into a cell in another worksheet, based on criteria specified in sheet1.

Specifically in the attached example, the macro would copy the data in cells C8:C10 of sheet 1, then paste them into sheet 2 based on the data specified in cell B3 i.e. it would paste them into the column headed Mar-09. I intend to make this cell a drop down, so that the user can then select the next reporting month and run the macro again to paste the data into the Apr-09 column.

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Hyperlink To File Based On Cell Value?

Sep 29, 2012

Basically I have a folder with file names in the format:
"XXXXX characterstring"
where X is a digit

45627 -jdsuuuds.pdf
93823 Coates.pdf
98221 dagggiisa d sass.pdf

And I have an excel sheet with a list of the numbers at the start of these file names, eg:

So what I want to do is have each cell link to the file with the corresponding number. So I click "45627" and it links to "C:path45627 -jdsuuuds.pdf"

I could do it if the file names matched exactly to the cell value, but when they don't.

It's super easy when the file name matches exactly:

VB: ActiveCell.Hyperlinks.Add ActiveCell, "C:path" & ActiveCell & ".pdf"

Sub makelinks() ChDrive "c"
ChDir "c:pathl"

For Each ce In Selection
filee = Dir(ce.Value & "*.pdf")


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Name File Based On First 2 Characters In A Cell

Aug 11, 2006

I'm trying to find a way to save a file based on the contents of cell A2. I've modified the code to Create Worksheets for Each Item in an Excel Table of Data, so that it creates a new workbook for each item. I am also trying to get it to save the master workbook based on the first 2 characters in the cell. Here is the code I have, at the moment (the FAIL.xls is what I put in for testing)

If Range("A2").Value = "YE*" Then
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "YE_Master.xls"
ElseIf Range("A2").Value = "NE*" Then
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "NE_Master.xls"
Else: ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "FAIL.xls"
End If

I've tried this, string arrays and everything else I can think of, and it's failing every time.

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Open File Based On Cell Value

Aug 27, 2007

I am using the following code to open an existing file whose name is in cell A1. I want to modify the code so that if the spreadsheet does not exist, a template (Costing.xlt), in the same director, is opened and then saved with the name in cell A1.

Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:Spreadsheets" & Range("A1") & ".xls"

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Save File As Pdf Based On Cell Reference A4?

Mar 6, 2014

I want to save my file as a pdf based on cell reference A4.

This is what i have

[Code] ....

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Open File Based On Cell Data

Aug 11, 2008

is there a way using VBA code that you can have a file path entered into cell 'A1'

and then when you run the macro, the file referenced in the file path in cell 'A1' will open,

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Open A File Based On Cell Text?

Oct 6, 2011

I want to create a Macro to open a file based on the data of a particular cell to update the data for macro file from that file.

For example I have 3files named Dept1, Dept2, Dept3 and I have one more file named Cost Sheet which contained macro and based on the cell D2 of my macro file I need to open the particular file i.e Dept1, Dept2 or Dept3 and the updated procedure and cell ranges are same for all file

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Open File With Name And Folder Based On Cell

Nov 20, 2007

I would like to run a macro that is going to open a file (Test.xls) Simple so far....
However, this file is 1. stored every month in a different folder (eg: 200709,200710, etc..) and the file is named according to the month (eg: Test09.xls, Test10.xls, etc...)
In my excel book, I did created two cells which I already use to save a document according to those cells. One cell with Acct Period (200710) and another one with the month (10).
I have tried the following formula with no success:

OpenWorkbook "\pathpathpath" & Range("Accout Period") & "Test" & Range("Month") & ".xls"

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Link Formula To File Based On Cell Value

Jan 22, 2008

I have a problem that may be a little bit diff. from must of the Readonly post that I have found here. Most people would like to have all of there files opened as readonly files, but I don't in this case. I am copying a number of files that has VBA code in just about all of them. I am using a CD writer to copy the files to a CD using Windows Explorer and that is working just great, No problem copying the files.

My problems comes in when I copy the files from the CD to another computer, all of the files are Readonly files on the new PC. I have not saved them as readonly and don't want them to be readonly files. Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening what I need to check or change to get the files to another computer without being a readonly file.

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Email File. Recipient Number Based On Cell Value

Jun 26, 2007

it is possible to set up a macro that can route a file to specific people based on conditions in the file? what i am trying to do is route via email a excell file on dollar amount. So if file is for $10,000 ; send it to 2 specific people. If its for $90,000 send to specific 4 people.

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Excel 2013 :: Playing WAV File Based On Cell Value Change

Aug 6, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with a database query attached (refreshing every 60 seconds) showing a stock summary by product.

I need the spreadsheet to play a .WAV file when values change. i.e.;

If cell A1 <6, play sound1.wav
If cell A2 <6, play sound1.wav
If cell A3 <6, play sound2.wav
If cell A4 <6, play sound2.wav

This may need to be repeated several times based on certain criteria. I have a total of about 30 cells which I need to be looked at individually (not a sum of) and to play the relevant sound.

I have seen different people try to tackle this in different ways. The ideal way would be creating alarms in VBA and triggering them using a formula, but I cannot get these to work in Excel 2010 or 2013.

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Excel 2010 :: Building Text File Based On Values Of Cell?

Feb 26, 2014

I'm trying to use Excel to build a text file based on values from certain cells in Excel 2010. This is based partially off of static text that never changes and variables that will need to change. For example, I want Excel to output a text file that has the following text: The red fox jumped over the $X twice. I would want $X to be replaced by the value of A1 of the active worksheet. I will also have several lines like that, so it won't just be a single line, but anywhere from 20 - 120.

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Macro To Save Duplicate File And Create Folder Name Based On Cell Value

Nov 25, 2009

I currently use the following code to create a duplicate file based on two cells within a directory and folder i specify. These cells consist of the team and week commencing date (mondays date of week which is cell 'Main Menu'!K8)

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