Excel 2013 :: Playing WAV File Based On Cell Value Change

Aug 6, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with a database query attached (refreshing every 60 seconds) showing a stock summary by product.

I need the spreadsheet to play a .WAV file when values change. i.e.;

If cell A1 <6, play sound1.wav
If cell A2 <6, play sound1.wav
If cell A3 <6, play sound2.wav
If cell A4 <6, play sound2.wav

This may need to be repeated several times based on certain criteria. I have a total of about 30 cells which I need to be looked at individually (not a sum of) and to play the relevant sound.

I have seen different people try to tackle this in different ways. The ideal way would be creating alarms in VBA and triggering them using a formula, but I cannot get these to work in Excel 2010 or 2013.

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Excel 2013 :: Change Text In Cell Based On Date In Another Cell

Apr 14, 2014

I have the the following spreadsheet: [URL] My formula in Columns A to E is the following:

=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE)),"Branch Not Open",VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE))

I would like to do the following in Column A: If the date in Column C is greater than today, then Column A must also say "Branch Not Open". I have tried the following:

=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE)),"Branch Not Open",VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE)),IF(C:C<=TODAY,"Branch Not Open, IF(AND(C:C=>TODAY,VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:I,9,FALSE)))

But Excel does not like the formula at all.

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Excel 2013 :: Cell Change Animation

Mar 27, 2013

In Excel 2013, there is a transition in the cell when values change. I have a DDE feed updating data every few seconds and the folding animation is distracting. Is there a way to turn this off?

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Excel 2013 :: Change Same Cell In Multiple XLS Files

May 2, 2014

what I need to do to update a folder full of files. There are 120+ .xls files in one folder, the merged cell A30-V38 needs to change its current text to "4th Quarterly Printer Preventative Maintenance".

I have zero prior knowledge of visual basic, and have Excel 2013.

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Excel 2013 :: Create New Values Based On Number In One Cell?

Jul 21, 2014

I have the following data set with about 500 rows. It has one large value in column A, followed by a number between 1 and 24 in column B.

I am trying in Excel 2013 to develop a formula that will: divide A by the value in cell BPlace in cell C, D, E, F... the result of this division, where the number of times the value is repeated depends on the value in B. E.g.

Example of source values/data set:




(about 500 rows more)

An example of the output result that I am looking for:


In above example, the value in column B is 2, so the result of the division of value A with value B is repeated twice. In case value B would be 18, the value would be repeated 18 times...

I have been trying to do this in Excel for more than 2 hours, but I did not manage to complete it.

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Excel 2013 :: Macro - Paste To Column Cell Location Based On Variable?

Jun 16, 2014

I have data in E6-E67 on Sheet 1. Based on the date in A2 on that sheet, I need to paste to a column in Sheet 2. In excel, I am able to get the cell location through vlookup and get the correct column number/cell reference. When it gets to the paste location, I am stumped on how to format that line of code? Do I need sometime of variable? I tried to use the address/lookup code but it does not work.

I have excel 2013.

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External File(s) Referenced And File Links Change Based On Row Cell

Oct 22, 2009

I have attached the file I am working on. I am attempting to create a link to an external file based on the value of cells in column A. Then I would like to simply copy the formula down, lets say in Column B, the rows and as I do the external file reference will change depending on the value within the cell in Column A. I hope that I am making sense.

I am using Windows Vista with Excel 2007. The files will all be within the same file folder, however, there are hundereds of files so I won't be able to open them all for the indirect to work.

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Excel 2013 :: Making Numbers Display With Color Based On Text Inputted In Different Cell?

Nov 20, 2013

EXPENSE MASTER 2013 sample color.xlsx

I have numbers that will display in column G. I have payment types entered in column E. So if 'C FUEL','FA','C M/C', is entered in column E I want the number in column G to be red.

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Playing .Wav File

Jan 28, 2010

i have a sheet where there are 2 columns of tick boxes for good/bad input. ive been able to borrow some code that saves the sheet at a date name and based on the fact that if there is one bad tick in the bad column i would like a wav file to play showing this. likewise if there are no bad ticks then a good wav file is played instead. here is my lame code that calls to modules with the actual wav play instrucions in them, named playsound1 and playsound2 :-

Private Sub worksheet_calculate()
If [A22] > 10 Then
MsgBox "Vehicle Log Saved"
Call SaveAsTodaysDate
'End If
'if =sum[d6:d16] > 1 call soundplay1 else call soundplay2
'If Range("d6:d16").Value > 1 Then
'MsgBox "your gonna crash!"
'Call SoundPlay1 Else Call SoundPlay2
End If
End Sub

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Excel 2013 :: Change Cursor Colour?

Apr 14, 2014

how to change cursor colour in excel 2013.

using Control PanelEase of AccessEase of Access CenterMake the mouse easier to use does not work as it will change mouse instead of cursor colour in excel 2013. e.g. original cursor colour in excel 2013 is green, change to any colours.

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Excel 2013 :: Truncating File Names?

Jan 27, 2014

We have had a few instances where Excel 2013 is truncating a filename when saving for example "MF Not Settled - Dec 13 Rental A.." the filename includes additional characters than this but has replaced them with .., I initially thought it could be a file path length issue but the files in question the total length is less than 150 characters including the server name.

This is also happening with links inside excel files to different tabs in the same workbook and well as macro names causing them to have to be ran manually as it has truncated the name to .. at the end.

find some examples below:

Full filename: MF Jan 2014 vols Smart churn sensitivity
Truncated filename: MF Jan 2014 vols Smart churn...

Also if you try to link to the truncated workbook whilst open it displays the formula as:

='[MF Jan 2014 vols Smart churn...sitivity.xlsm]Input c!$E$13

My work around is to save the file to another folder, without closing it, and then it works fine. However, in doing this it will try to save as the truncated name, so I first have to select the correct name of the file in the existing folder, before saving to a separate folder. However, if the file is closed, and then reopened the problem returns.

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Excel 2013 :: Cannot Import Data Into ASP File

Feb 5, 2014

I am using Excel 2013, and I am following the example here: VBScript Scripting Techniques: Read Excel files without using Excel that reads in Excel data as an ADO record set to a classic ASP file using VBScript. I am not able to import all the Excel data successfully, and I need to know what I'm doing wrong. Note that in all these samples cell A1 is the heading text "Column1" and the main data starts on cell A2 (consistent with the example code).

When my source Excel data looks like the following:


It imports everything OK. However, if I move the X to the next row:

...the "X" cell gets imported as an empty string. So the imported array looks like this:

arrSheet[0][0]: Column1
arrSheet[1][0]: 1
arrSheet[2][0]: 2
arrSheet[3][0]: 3

[Code] ....

But if I add another X to an earlier row in the source worksheet, like so:

...this gets imported OK.

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Excel 2013 :: Save 15mb File With Has 120 Separate Worksheets With It

May 4, 2014

After using VBA code to save multiple workbooks into single workbook the file hangs (states not responding) - I uninstalled 32 bit version and installed 64 bit, no difference.

Each worksheet has look up tables, formulas and graphing.

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Excel 2013 :: Saving Large Multiple Worksheet File

Aug 11, 2014

I have an Excel file that's updated monthly. when it does save its around 16mb and can take up to 12 hours to save, and sometimes just doesn't.

I have tried saving as binary, I have made sure exact size of area to be saved is required, I have tried save with no calculations.

Basically the only reason I need to save it is so that another analysis spreadsheet can pull data from it. The file is heavily formatted, charts, vlookup tables etc, none of which is needed when analysis spreadsheet links to it.

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Excel 2013 :: VBA Function To Get Username Of Open File On Network?

Aug 21, 2013

getting the username of an unshared file on network. When I click on file I'll get this message "...already open by " its blank.

I have found 1 code but it is not working on office 2013. VBA function to get username of open file on network?

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Excel 2013 :: Can't Find Macro In Inherited File - How To Search In VBA

Apr 8, 2014

So there's a macro "RoundedRectangle4_click" that's assigned to a box on a worksheet. It's a simple macro, I assume. it just takes the user to the 'Main Sheet' tab. I know the name b/c I rightclicked on the box to get the Macro Assigned.

I click on Macros (F8), it's not listed there, but"RoundedRectangle5_click" is, so I click on it, edit it to match the one I'm searching. Nope, nothing. CREATE button is highlighted.

I've gone to VBA (AltF11) to try to find it among the 25+ worksheets, forms & modules - haven't found it yet.

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Opened Up Excel 2010 File In 2013 Now It Won't Work Back At Office

Oct 29, 2013

How come in 2013 there does not seem to be an option to "save as" an earlier version of Excel, specifically 2010?

I opened up something from work (2010) at home (2013) and must have refined it (nothing complicated or fancy that 2010 can't do!)

Now it won't open up at work and tells me to reopen and save as the old version.But 2013 won't let me.

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Excel 2013 :: File Size Grows When Using Macro To Copy / Paste To New Workbook

May 9, 2014

I'm using Excel 2013 on Windows 7.

I have an Excel file which has a macro that sucks in data from a number of separate files (two Excel, a varying number of csv). The macro grabs all the individual files and loads them into one of three worksheets with some formatting, sorting, and structuring on the way. All good so far.

I then need to take two of the worksheets and copy them to a new Workbook which I can send out to some users. So I use the Workbooks.Add method, and use the Selection.Copy on just the data (UsedRange.Rows/Columns.Count to ensure it is only the data) and Selection.PasteSpecial with the xlPasteColumnWidths, xlPasteValues, and xlPasteFormats options to copy the data over. None of the data is filtered. Just straight data.

I would expect the newly added workbook to be smaller than the one with the macros because the one with the macros has two extra sheets that I don't transfer, and the sheets I do transfer are identical.

And that's where it gets weird. The file with the macros and more data is 18.7Mb, but the new one with only two sheets is 24.8Mb. One is .xlsm and the other is .xlsx (because it has no macros).

I've tried opening the new workbook and saving as .xlsm (no material difference to the size) and as .xls (it got even bigger). I've opened the new workbook, gone to the end of the data and deleted all the blank rows and columns, but no effect (because the rows are already empty).

Why would the file with less in it be so much bigger (or bigger at all)?

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Excel 2003 :: Playing MP3 From Sub Procedure?

Oct 17, 2012

I am running Excel 2003, and have already searched the forum for "MP3" without avail.

Is there a way to play a MP3 file from a Sub Procedure?

J-Walk provides a way to do it with .wav and .mid files here Excel Developer Tip: Playing Sound From Excel using functions from the "winmm.dll" library.

However, .wav files are very large and I have a sizable collection of sounds which I'd like to use. If possible I'd much prefer to use .mp3 than .wav . Is there a way to do this? Preferably without Window's Media Player popping up.

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Excel 2013 :: Calculating Value Based On Multiple References And Dropdowns

Jul 19, 2014

Using Excel 2013.

I have two sheets in a workbook.

Sheet 1 has the following columns on it, with the following possible values.
People (Dropdown with value between 1 and 8)
Modifier 1 (Dropdown with Text 1, Text 2, Text 3)
Modifier 2 (Dropdown with Text 1, Text 2, Text 3)
Modifier 3 (Dropdown with Text 1, Text 2, Text 3)
Modifier 4 (Dropdown with Text 1, Text 2, Text 3)

Sheet 2
Contains a set of values (Distance) that correspond to the value of the People dropdown (ie. People 1 = Distance 5, People 2 = Distance 6 and a table that looks like the following:

Mod 1
Mod 2
Mod 3
Mod 4

Text 1

Text 2

Text 3

What I want to happen is that the Result field value on table one is the result of:

Distance*(Modifier 1 + Modifier 2 + Modifier 3 + Modifier 4)

For example:

On sheet on I select People = 2, Modifier 1 = Text 3, Modifier 2 = Text 1, Modifier 3 = Text 1, Modifier 4 = Text 1 which I want to result in the following formula:

6*(7 + 0 + 0 + 0)

This might be exceedingly simple, but I just cannot wrap my head around how to do it.

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Excel 2013 :: Select Date Based On Userform Selection?

Apr 5, 2014

I am working with DatePicker calendar. I have two userform with date entries. In one userform I will have 2 textbox to enter dates. In the other one I will have 4 dates to enter. I used to have Excel 2007 with Calendar Control and used to work fine but had to make multiple calendar to control individual Textbox in multiple Userforms.

I am looking for a way to, If a userform is selected to trigger only the textbox name that is within that userform. If I add more entries the code adds automatically the date from the previous userform in the next one.


I was thinking that this would work but it still adds the date to my frmdashboard userform if I am in my frmdata userform.

Is there a way to trigger only the userform that I am currently in?

Using Excel 2013.

Note: I also have a "Clear All" VB Code that will delete every entry in my userform on Initiate but I am looking to not go this path.

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Excel 2007 :: Get Cell To Refer To Date That It Contains And Change Cell Colour Based On That?

Dec 19, 2012

I work for a UK charity and have a list of funders in an Excel 2007 spreadsheet.

One of the columns refers to the date on which a new application for funding can be made to that particular funder.

In many cases new applications for funding can't be made for 1 or more years since the last application - sometimes as many as 5 years later. How to get a cell to refer to the date that it contains.

For example, say I have in cell A1 "The Acme Funding Organisation" and in cell B1 (i.e. the "Reapply when?" column) a date of 01/04/2013 (British date format, i.e. 1 April 2013) then what I want Excel to do is to look at the date in cell B1 and if that date has been reached to highlight the cell red. That way I'll know that the reapply date has been reached & that a new application can be made.

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Excel 2010 :: Change Colour Of Cell Based On Date In Other Cell?

Jan 10, 2013

I am trying to create a sheet in XL 2010.

In Column A each cell will contain a date (differnet from other cells in that column) when inspection was last done.

Column B is when the weekly inspection is due.
Column C is when bi-weekly inspection is due.
Column D is when monthly inspection is due.
Column E is when 6 monthly inspection is due.

I need a formula to change the colour of cells B, C, D & E when each inspection is due depending on the date entered in A

I am hoping its possible that the cell colour can stay for 2 days after the due date and then return back to blank after the second day.

For example if cell A1 has a date of January 1 2013 then on January 8 2013 cell B1 turns red then on January 10 2013 the cell returns back to normal.


Inspection Date
Weeekly Due
Monthly Due
6 Monthly Due

January 1 2013
Change red Jan 8 & return blank Jan 10
Change red Jan 15 & return blank Jan 17
Change red Feb 1 & return blank Feb 3
Change red June 1 & return blank June 3

Ive also attached the worksheet

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Excel 2007 :: Cell Color Change Based On Values (Range)

Oct 2, 2011

How to change the background cell color based on value ranges(s)

I tried conditional formatting but it works between two values only, in my assignment I want to show:

River levels in relation to flood class
>=2m =2.6 =3m major flood (background turns red)

I hope it is possible in Office 2007

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Playing A Sound On Cell Value

Dec 20, 2008

I have an automated sort descend happening all day. The top several cells are coloured green and if a cell jumps to the top from below the green cells, I would love a warning sound. Is is possible to activate a sound if a cell changes from a colour to a non colour. Preferably if any of the cells within a range of say F2: F6 changes from green to a non colour.

If it is not possible to have a change of colour to activate the macro, I could get around it by - if any cells in a range of H2:H5 >than 1 it plays a sound.

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Excel 2010 :: VBA Code To Automatically Change Colour Shape Based On Cell Value

Mar 2, 2012

I have a peice of code that i know is inefficient and it is in danger of becoming too large. I have a spreadsheet that has circles aligned to each cell. There are around 100 in total. The code changes the colour of the shape based on the cell value in which it sits. However, the code needs changing and also it does not automatically update the colour shape even though the cell value changes. I have to manually select a cell and then the formula bar and then press return for it to update.

I am using excel 2010.

This is the code i am using for each shape.

If Range("n12").Value = text Then
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Oval 250").Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
End If


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Excel 2010 :: Building Text File Based On Values Of Cell?

Feb 26, 2014

I'm trying to use Excel to build a text file based on values from certain cells in Excel 2010. This is based partially off of static text that never changes and variables that will need to change. For example, I want Excel to output a text file that has the following text: The red fox jumped over the $X twice. I would want $X to be replaced by the value of A1 of the active worksheet. I will also have several lines like that, so it won't just be a single line, but anywhere from 20 - 120.

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Excel 2013 :: Remove First 5 Characters From A Cell?

Mar 5, 2014

I have attached a spread sheet with some code I recoded with macro recorder. I have been searching for some extra code to insert in the middle of the recorded code which will remove the first 5 characters from the active cell and past the result to the next page. I have seen a lot of relevant code but haven't been able to get any to work in my code.

[Code] .....

I am using Windows7 with Excel 2013.

Attached File : DeleteFirst5Char.xlsm‎

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Excel 2013 :: CF Entire Row If Cell Contains Formula

Feb 14, 2014

I need CF entire row if column D cells contains formula. All formulas starts with =, so I guess It should be worked around it, but I don't know exactly how. I Use excel 2013.

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Excel 2007 :: Saving File With Name Based On Cell Contents With Custom Formatting

Aug 16, 2012

I have a worksheet that has a number in cell K5 - the number is generated on "file open" code and is custom formatted as "TN"0000. Thus 1 appears as TN0001, 2 as TN0002 and so on. I am trying to save a copy of the workbook based on the this cells contents i.e. TN0001.xls, TN0002.xls etc. but the files are saved as 1.xls or 2.xls. The code I am using is

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:DataExcelFORMSDelivery Note" & Range("K5") & ".xls", _
FileFormat:=xlNormal, ReadOnlyRecommended:=True, CreateBackup:=False

I know I must make reference to format within the above....but how? if try something like

" & Format(Range("K5").Value, ("TN""0000")) & ".xls"

I get TN00000.xls

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