Lookup Part Of Text String In Userform ComboBox And Search For Value In Sheet Range
Feb 12, 2014
I have a worksheet with following values:
Also I have a Userform with 2 ComboBoxes named "ComboBox1" and "ComboBox2". Values in ComboBox1 is "Pull my pants", "Eat my shorts", "Socks for everyone".
What I would like to do is to search though column A and look for any of these textstrings in my selection in ComboBox1 and return the value from column B in column C.
Example: "Pull my pants" is selected in ComboBox1 then the value "pants" should be found in column A and value in column B (25) should be entered in cell C2.
I am fairly new to VBA and have spend hours searching Google and found some formulas like InStr and VLookup. My problem is that I am not sure if these statements will do the job and how to combine them.
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Jan 17, 2012
Following problem:
I have a list of changes on our bankaccount.
Sometimes, in the description a payment we receive the name of the person who transferred the amount is mentionned.
It can be anywhere in the string, it can be just his/her first name, it can be his/her full name...
I also have a list of all our clients with first name in column A, second name in column B
Something like this:
string from bancaccount:
client list
Francois D'hondt
Germaine Canipel
Willy Vandersmissen
Karel D'hondt
I'd like VBA to search in the clientlist for names that occur in the bankaccount string.
Sice ther might be a lot of Willy's in the client lsit I think it will be best to serch for the combination of both first and second name.
Once found the name the procedure should return the rownumer on which the client can be found in the client list.
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Sep 30, 2009
I have a spreadsheet!
I have two sheets, one of which contains film names and the other contains our tag structure for our website (which is a list of tags, their keywords and the primary parent channel they live under).
What I am trying to do is search the film titles and if any of the words match either the tag name or keywords then return the relevant channel.
Sheet 1 - Films
How To Apply Bridal Makeup
How To Fight A Donkey
How To Write Excel Formulae
Sheet 2 - Tags
Channel / Tag / Keywords
Tech - Microsoft - windows vista xp word excel
Tech - Computers - internet pc
Tech - MP3 Players - iPod Zune
So, for film 3 on Sheet 1 it would recognise the word Excel in the keyword list and return the channel Tech.
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Sep 27, 2006
I try to write the function that gets some "ref" and returns appropriate item.
For example: if I give to function "C3", it returns "AAA"
if I give to function "R18", it returns "BBB" (cause it between R15 to R26)
if I give to function "R9", it returns "BBB" also.
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Sep 29, 2006
I have a Userform (PictureViewer) with a.o. a combobox and a textbox on it. The combobox has a picturename with the full path, i.e. C:My DocumentsJohnMy PicsSummer VacationImg_0001.jpg. The textbox will have the replacement name for that picture entered in it while the picture is visible, i.e. Harry and Antoinette (no extension). Pictures get cycled on this Userform with a forward and backward button. When I click the forward button, the next picture opens up and the name of that picture replaces the previous name in the combobox. What I would like to do is on the click of a commandbutton, copy the string (full path) in the combobox to a column (A), starting at the first cell and in the column beside it (B) end up with the new picture name including the full path. In this case, that would be C:My DocumentsJohnMy PicsSummer VacationHarry and Antoinette.jpg. The next picture name I want to change would be in the cells below this. This could go on for many pictures. I have the macro to change the file names once when I have cycled through everything I want to change. Is it possible to do this in one click or do I have to split the drive name, all folder names and picture name, replace the picture name with the new name manually and concatenate it again? The depth of folders can vary of course. The macro for renaming is as follows
Sub RenameTheFiles()
Dim OldName As String
Dim NewName As String
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim I As Long
LastRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
For I = 1 To LastRow
OldName = Range("A" & I).Value
NewName = Range("B" & I).Value
Name OldName As NewName
Next I
End Sub
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Nov 17, 2008
If I have a store number (say 1234) and I am trying to search for something which contains 1234 (i.e. the whole string of ABCD1234, ABCD1235, ABCD1236 etc) is it possible to do this in one VLOOKUP formula?
One way of doing it would be to VLOOKUP("ABCD"&"1234",....) but I would rather do it the other way around, to prevent the formula from not working.
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Feb 12, 2014
Is there any way to remove the first part of a string of text in a cell and save the second part?
The first part of the text string is a team code that has a variable number of numbers, capital letters and sometimes spaces. The second part of the text string is a variable number of words in a team name that all start with a capital letter and have lower case letters. Every line has a different team code and team name.
The original spreadsheet also has a column with just team code. Is there a way of using this column to "subtract" the team code from the text string to just leave the team name?
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Dec 10, 2008
I have a spreadsheet with 2 worksheets. On the first "active parts" I have a list of active part numbers and on the second "All Parts" I have all of the parts available.
I want to compare every part in the All Parts worksheet to see if the part number exists on the Active Parts sheet - if it's there, I would like it to return the value "Active" in column B in All Parts. I have a formula in column B in All Parts that seems to work for the first few, but as soon as it finds one that is active, the rest of the cells below all return "Active".
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Oct 28, 2006
I have ComboBox on a UserForm that is looking to a long list on a worksheet. A lot of the entries in this list start with a brand name instead of a more discriptive name. I really need to be able to find an entry with any key word (not just the first word) in this list.
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Jun 7, 2009
I am trying to create a combobox to filter a set of data by the month that is entered.
The below code worked fine when there was just the month entered, but now all the entries in the sheet are in the format 01 January 2009. So I need a section of code which will search for the combobox value as part of a string in my range.
The cbodate values are Jan, Feb, March etc ....
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May 15, 2014
I have a column of data with letters in each cell, no numerical, only alpha. Now, some of those cells contain the letters "adj sub" as part of the text string in each cell. "Adj sub" is always at the beginning of the text string. As an example, a cell will look like this - "adj sub mhm". I want to delete rows whose cell description does not contain "adj sub" as part of the text in the cell.
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Oct 12, 2007
I am not sure if a vlookup can do the following.
I have a spreadsheet in excel with lots of rows. In column A I have some descriptions such as:
British Pound
Danish Krone
Japanese Yen
I have created another spreadsheet 2 columns that would have something like:
column A/columnB
This 2nd spreadsheet can grow and have more lines.
In column Z of the 1st spreadsheet, I want a formula to look at the second spreadsheet and if any word in the column A of the 1st spreadsheet matches the word in column A of the second spreadsheet, I want it to the value in column B of the second spreadsheet.
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Aug 15, 2014
I am trying to delete part of a text string for a range of cells. The code I have so far deletes the first set of letters but is looking in every cell in the range.
Ideally I would like it to only look in the cells of col B where there is data then only delete the first 10 letters if the cell begins with "Service ID"
Sub DeleteServiceID()
Dim c As Range
For Each c In Range("B1:B1000")
c.Value = Right(c.Value, 10)
Next c
End Sub
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Feb 11, 2013
I belong to a fantasy cycling league and after every race, I copy the race results to award each rider their points for the day. The site I visit most frequently lists the riders results in this format:
1. Alberto Contador (Spa) Team Sax Bank Tinkoff 4:05:00
2. Lance Armstrong (USA) Team Livestrong etc... 4:06:00
I usually copy the results to my spreadsheet then calculate each riders points.
The'results end up looking like this in Excel:
1. Alberto Contador (Spa) Team Sax Bank Tinkoff 4:05:00
2. Lance Armstrong (USA) Team Livestrong 4:06:00
So, the data ends up in 3 cells. The position in one cell, the rider and their nationality and their team in another, and the time of arrival in another cell
Is there a way in Excel where I can get rid of or delete all the data after a rider's name?
I usually end up pasting the rider information to Word, then replacing the (***) with a tab symbol, then pasting back to Excel and get rid of the data that's after the name by deleting the cells to which that data was transferred.
Is there an easier way to do this in Excel, or a macro I can create?...
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Nov 17, 2006
Is it possible to lookup if at least 8 characters of a text string is found in another text string?
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Nov 17, 2006
Is there any way I can Vlookup for just part of a text stiring in a cell.
I am trying to vlook if a part number contains the letters “HFR” if it does I want
It to refer to the comment I have made in the second column of my vlook table against HFR.
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Aug 10, 2007
8 6CSS130 + 2CSS200g x10hanger 200 GM
250ml B2G1 Towel in bagx24 0607 250 ML
18 g-Mint 18 GM
100g 100 GM
150GM 150 GM
i have a data as above, i wanna to extract the 250ml from the column 1, only 250ml (basically i want to extract the size code like 150g, 100gm from the data above).
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Feb 9, 2014
I'm trying to create a formula that will search for a specific text in "sheet1" within a date range and then SUM the total on "sheet2". I've manage to use the SUMPRODUCT (below) formula but want to expand on this so the SUM can be shown on another sheet(summary page). =SUMPRODUCT((ISNUMBER(FIND({"nmlclex06"},A1:A10)))*(B1:B10)) In this example I search for the text "nmlclex06" and SUM the size, but don't have a date range and don't know how to SUM the data on another sheet.
Columns: Name, Size, Date
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Aug 21, 2008
I am using the following code to search a database of information and then display it on a different sheet.
The user types the search term into a textbox and then presses a command button to search the database.
Currently it only searches for an exact match. How can i adapt it so it searches for similar strings?
Sub SearchDatabase()
Dim rRange As Range
Dim rCell As Range
Dim ResultsOffset As Integer
Dim ResultsRange As Range
On Error Resume Next
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Mar 30, 2009
I am looking for a formula to delete information from the middle of a text string. I have ~ 1,000 lines of data. Each text string is composed of the same way. The data I am looking for is two parts of the string (1) all the text up to and including the first “%” character (2) the last six characters.
Raw Data
UST BILL 0%09US TREAS BILL 0%09 UST BILL 0.0 092409
WORLD SAVINGS 4.125%09WORLD 4.125%09 WORLD SVGS 4.125 121509
JP MORGAN 5.375%12JP 5.375%12 JPMORGAN CHS5.375 100112
Desired Result
UST BILL 0% 092409
WORLD SAVINGS 4.125% 121509
JP MORGAN 5.375% 100112
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May 5, 2009
I am trying to reference a Name of a place from an order number. To illustrate, University Park, IL can have an order # of 6598641373. The only thing is, all I need to reference is the first four digits, 6598. The other worksheet does not have city and state names, they only have the order #s.
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Jun 18, 2014
I am looking to modify my combobox from a userform to Filter the list based on the first entry on what the user will add.
I have a code that will search for all entries in my "Control" sheet and passed this on to my combobox:
[Code] ......
I have, within a module, the following function code that the user find the entry by adding the first 3 letters of the search they need:
[Code] .....
I would like to know what to change in the function to filter the list, once the user adds a first letter and then press the dropdown from the combobox, to filter the list based on all entries from the first letter to only show entries with that letter.
If A is entered, then, show only the entries strating with the starting letter A, but at the same time if the user adds more letter to filter to the first then second letter:
If AB is inserted, then, show entries with AB only.
Where do I add this code also, is this another function or this could be inserted within my function?
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Jan 15, 2014
Below is my current code. The strFind1 searches for a name within the database and then I need strFind2 to do a exact for a Subproject search and a partial search for everything containing the Subproject selected and other Subprojects. Currently, when the database entry in the worksheet includes Subproject 1 the search function works but when I have an entry that contains Subproject 1/Subproject 4 it does not find the entry. How can I expand the strFind2 to equal what is selected in the Combobox2 and find entries that have what is selected plus more text. I have set the line where I think everything is going wrong to a bold format.
[Code] .....
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Aug 22, 2014
I have to sort list of thousands name (3000 names) and remove duplicates. My problem is majority of the names have their title (i.e) Prof. Dr. Ir. Sir. etc typed in, so I need to copy the title in different cell and have their name only. Here's what I expect:
Current List ----> Column A -->Column B
Drs. H. A. Andrew Boston, MRE. ----> Drs. H. --> Andrew Boston, MRE
Drs. H. Andrew Smith ----> Drs. H. --> Andrew Smith
H. Abd. Mohammed Junus ----> H. --> Abd. Mohammed Junus
Prof. DR. Jane Doe, MD ----> Prof. D --> Jane Doe, MD
Prof. DR. Ir. H. Randy Wong, MBA --->Prof. DR. Ir. H. -> Randy Wong, MBA
Dra. H. A. Karen Patel ----> Dra. H. --> Karen Patel
Drs. H. A. M. Kangkong ----> Drs. H. A. --> M. Kangkong
Prof. Drs. H. A. Kareem Saleh, Ph.D -> Prof. Drs. H. A. ->Kareem Saleh, Ph.D
Dra. Hj. Nina Schorder ----> Dra. Hj. --> Nina Schorder
Ir. Abdul Jabbar ----> Ir. --> Abdul Jabbar
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Feb 27, 2013
I have a refedit box in a userform wherin i will be selecting a range and thus getting a value say "$A$1:$A$2"
Now what i need is that it should seperate the value as follows so that they can be used in another place
starting column to a variable x.
starting row to a variable y
ending column to a variable p
ending row to variable q
Looking for code that if i select more than 1 column in the refedit it should tell me to select a single column and not more.
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Jun 29, 2014
I need to create a macro to do the following:
Search the activecell for a text string (a), and then either paste in text string (b) at the end of the cell if (a) is found, or text string (c) if (a) is not found.
For example, if the activecell has "AA/" in it, I want the cell to become "AA/01" (pasting in "01" at the end), and if the cell has just "AA" in it, I want it to still become "AA/01" (pasting "/01" at the end). The macro will be linked to a commandbutton.
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Feb 12, 2009
I'm creating a worksheet that gives a list of part numbers based on the product part code. In most cases I can use the following.
=LOOKUP(O6,{0,1,2,3,4},{"NONE (M25)","SMP-55-001","SMP-55-004","SMP-55-008","SMP-55-014"})
so this gives a part number depending on what number is placed in O6. What I need to do know is look at 2 different cells and for each combination of numbers give a different part number. so if A1 is 2 and B1 is 3 give a certain result.
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Jan 26, 2009
I have a table of data and i need to search the table for 8digit numbers, that are beginning with "2" and copy the numbers to the column on the right. A cell can contain multiple numbers with 8 digits.
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Mar 15, 2007
Cell H1 has a variable string of references for eg
I want to return the reference beginiing with "FXVA" so it would ignore the rest and only return FXVB123456 - this should always be 10 characters.
Just to add another complication to the mix, there may be 2 "FXVA" references in the string and i want to get both (these can be in the same string so FXVB123456FXEL123456 - but this might not happen regularly.
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Jun 28, 2006
I have included the table. What I want to do is in a user form pick a county ie Devon, Then by clicking "go" all entries that contain "Devon" are then copied to a " sheet 2" I don't want to use the Ctrl-F
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