Loop Fails To Remove Value

Apr 18, 2007

I am trying to remove values in column D if the value in anyone of the rows in column D is zero, here is the macro, for some reason it only removes some of the zeros, if I run it multiple times it eventuelly removes all the zeros:

Sub Removezeros()
Dim rct As Long
Dim i As Long
rct = Application.WorksheetFunction. CountA( Range("d2", Range("d65536").End(xlUp)))
For i = 2 To rct
If Cells(i, 4).Value = 0 Then
Cells(i, 4).EntireRow.Delete
End If
Next i
End Sub

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Loop Through Rows In A Listbox And Remove

Nov 20, 2008

I'm trying to loop through each row in a listbox on a userform and remove the value if it isn't equal to the year shown in a CBYear. i can't sem to figure out what to use in my for statement to point the VBA to the Row as it were

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VBA To Remove / Delete Based Off Single Criteria Without Loop

Apr 23, 2013

I'm okay with Excel, but I'm just getting into utilizing VBA and I've been searching high and low for a simple VBA code that will remove/delete rows based off a single criteria without loop as there are over 40,000 rows. I tried a couple that I found onilne, and adapting them to my criteria range, but no luck. (All the ones that I found that work use loop and it takes about 15 mins to run through the entire spreadsheet)

I would like to maintain my first row as it's my headers. My single criteria is to remove all rows that have "NO" in column D.

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VBA Loop - Remove Single Character From Cell String Then Calculate New Value In Cell

Mar 1, 2012

I have a string of text in cell A2. In cell B2 of my spreadsheet is a formula that calculates a number based on the text string in cell A2.

I want to write a VBA loop that removes a single character from the cell A2 string, then calculate the new value in cell B2. I want this loop to continue until the value in B2 falls below a set value (in this case 60).

My code so far
Sub trim_text()
Dim mytext As String
Dim myanswer As Integer
mytext = Range("A2")
myanswer = Range("B2")
Do While myanswer > 60
mytext = (Right(mytext, Len(mytext) - 1))
End Sub

This obviously does not work. In my excel table I have a formula in cell B2 to calculate "myanswer" will this work, or does that code have to be placed into the VBA code?

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VBA Fails To Paste The Value

Jan 22, 2010

I've attached a model with my problem highlighted in COLUMN S of the REPORT tab. The model is an example of what the output should be, but if you run "Full Report" (Command Click 1) you'll see that when the VBA code gets to the penetration operation, it fails to paste the value. The identical code works perfectly in the "Subs Report" (Command Click 2). This is the code in question as part of a for loop:

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No To Overwrite Fails Macro

Jun 18, 2009

if i run my macro that saves a sheet as a certain name and then prints it, it works, but if i run my macro and the file already exists it asks me to overwrite it. If i select yes it prints it and carrys on with the rest of the macro, (good). If i select no the macro fails. How can i get it so if i hit no, it runs the rest of the macro after the print command?

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CommandButton And FIND Fails

Sep 16, 2009

Haven't done a LOT with forms, but this should work (in my mind) and doesn't.

I'm using a ComboBox linked to a named range of "DATES" for a user to select a date. All I want to do is find that date in column A of the Sheet1.

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Insert Picture Sub Fails In '07

Dec 31, 2009

The code below will enable you to browse for a picture and insert it at cell location O9. It works great in excel '03 but when sub is ran in '07 it places the picture at about cell D5 and not really even lined up perfectly with that cell. Does any one have any idea why this is happening and how to make the sub work correctly in '07?

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Numbers Only In Textbox Fails

Apr 6, 2012

I have a TextBox on a multipage on a userform. When used, entries are trapped by

Private Sub tbxCrew_Change()
Call OnlyNumbers

The code then successfully shifts to the following

Private Sub OnlyNumbers()
If TypeName(Me.ActiveControl) = "TextBox" Then

At this point, it decides that TypeName(Me.ActiveControl) = "MultiPage", not "TextBox" and skips over to End Sub allowing me to enter both text and numbers in the TextBox.

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Select Case Gets To End And Fails

May 29, 2013

I am having issues with a Select Case failing at the end. Here is the code:

Public jan As Double
Public feb As Double
Public mar As Double
Public apr As Double
Public may As Double
Public jun As Double

[Code] ........

I have bolded the font on where it fails. If I delete the bolded lines the code runs perfect.

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Identify Line That Fails?

Oct 14, 2013

I've got a Userform with hundreds of lines of code and I'm getting Run Time Error 424, Object Required when I try to show it - the problem is that it doesn't take me to the line that fails - is there a way I can identify the problem?

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FileSearch Fails In 2007

Aug 22, 2008

Before upgrade to Microsoft 2007 this code worked well (for 3 years). I marked it well with big space & comment where it gets hung up. The line says: With Application.Filesearch. All is well up to that point. I have another program that seems to have a problem when it comes to "With Application" as well. It must have to do with the upgrade, because my programs have been used daily, and it was right after the upgrade that it got buggy. All of the users were upgraded to Microsoft 2007 at the same time.

Sub Rpitracking()
'Collects data from records
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim MyCandidate
Sheets("PI Tracking").Activate
Set Level = Range("I5:I100")
Sheets("PI Tracking").Range("J5:Z100").Select
Selection.ClearContents 'Clears info pulled from records
Sheets("PI Tracking").Range("5:100").Font.ColorIndex = 0 'Colors all rows black
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Range("ID").Offset(1, 0).Select
Selection.QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
'Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
For Each Cell In Level
If Cell.Value <> "" Then 'Checks to see if Application date us there
If Cells(Cell.Row, 9).Formula <> "" Then 'Checks to see if app date is there
MyCandidate = Cells(Cell.Row, 2) & " " & Cells(Cell.Row, 1)

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Fails To Open A File

May 3, 2007

I downloaded a file from Excel-Logic site called :finding_dupes.xls.I can open this file in Office XP & Office 2007,but cannot open it in Office 2003.It just opens it and then hangs.I am attaching this file.

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Macros Fails In UserForm

Feb 11, 2008

I have a number of Macro's that work in excel, but when I assign them to a userform I've created they hang... They activate, but where the macro requires a cut/copy, filter etc of data in the worksheet the code Breaks and I have to debug. Very frustrating because they work fine in excel. Its just the introduction of the user form which is giving me trouble. Is there a way of turing off the userform, getting the macro to run, and then reopening the userform... I've tride Userform.hide... but it doesn't seem to work.

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Macro Fails When Data Is Filtered?

Mar 14, 2014

I have a macro that sends a sheet via email when the engineer has completed it and clicks a button. I added a filter to some of the results to remove blank lines and now the macro will not work. The problem is that if I remove the filter so that the macro does work, I end up with blank lines again.

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If Macro Fails :: Let The Sub Carry On To Next Instruction

Nov 23, 2006

How can I let the Sub carry on to next instruction if Macro1 fails?

Private Sub Workbook_Open()

Call Macro1
' If Macro1 Fails go to next macro
Call Macro2
'If Macro2 Fails go to next macro
Call Macro3
'If Macro2 Fails go to next macro
Call Macro4

End Sub

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Workbook Open Code Fails

Oct 4, 2006

I tried testing, msgbox displays the correct last modified file "MMO Activity Report 09-29-06.xls" in path D:MMOWorkfile but I was not able to open the workbook.

Sub testGetNewestFile()
MsgBox NewestFile("D:MMOWorkfile", "*.xls")
Workbooks.Open (NewestFile("D:MMOWorkfile", "*.xls"))

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Copying Multiple Sheets Fails

Jan 8, 2007

I have a large workbook which has about 15 sheets. About half of these are template sheets which are copied multiple times within this workbook. The workbook is very large and can't be posted. I would like to hear from anyone who can give me any direction to look in given the following symptoms. The problem is that VBA code stops executing and gives a 1004 Error. *The problem is stable and reproduceable.

*It occurs exactly the same across three different computers with varying versions of Excel and memory.

*The problem is persistant beyond VBA. By that I mean if I stop the debugger and try to manually copy the active sheet, the screen flashes but the sheet is not copied. Therefore I think the 1004 error is a symptom rather than a cause

*From scratch, I get to copy 43 times before I get the error.

*If I then save the workbook and re-open (don't need to close Excel) I then get to copy another 27 sheets.................................

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Web Query Fails When Sheet Locked

Jan 26, 2007

I have a web query that returns a value to the first column of the row.

I have unlocked the cell (Format -> Cells, Protection Tab, uncheck the Locked check box).

If I run my web query, it works fine. If I then lock the worksheet, the web query fails, even though the cell that I am returning the web query to is not locked.
Code below:

Sub create_pay_proposal(pUserId As Range, pRespID As Range, pWorksheet As Worksheet, pRange As Range, pParms As String)
Dim strURL As String

'On Error GoTo WebConnError 'Error handling if unable to connect to database/URL

strURL = <removed For security>

With pWorksheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
"URL;" & strURL, Destination:=pRange)
.Name = "fnd_web"
.FieldNames = True
.RowNumbers = False
.FillAdjacentFormulas = False
.PreserveFormatting = True
.RefreshOnFileOpen = False

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Sum Function Fails: Automate The Columns

Feb 2, 2007

I have a spreadsheet that I am trying to automate, one of the tasks is to sum some columns namely columns O to T. Column B contains the exact number of entries in the columns O to T, therefore I thought that this would be a good counter. The Spreadsheet varies in number of entries every time. In this instance the rows are in total 200 inclusive a header row. ie r below is = to 200. I have tried to record a macro and from that I have tried to replace the pertinent values.

Sub Sel_Sum ()
Dim r As Integer
Dim s As Integer
Dim t As Integer
Dim U As Integer
Range("B1", Range("B65536").End(xlUp)).Select
r = Selection.Rows.Count
s = (r - 1) * -1
t = r + 1
U = -1
Range("O" & t, "T" & t).Select
Selection.FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R" & [s] & "C:R" & [u] & "C)" 'fails here
Selection.NumberFormat = "#,##0.00_ ;[Red]-#,##0.00 "
End Sub

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Vba Code: Copy To Another Sheet Fails

Mar 25, 2007

Run-Time Error: 438
Object doesn't support this property or method.

Two things to note: This code was placed in the worksheet, something new I am trying and two the error line is not highlighting in yellow (as it normally does) indicating the line w/ the infraction.

Option Explicit

Sub QuickView()

Dim Wss As Worksheet 'Source Worksheet
Dim Wsd As Worksheet 'Destination Worksheet
Dim LRow As Long

Set Wss = Workbooks("TGSItemRecordMaster.xls").Worksheets(" Record Creator")
Set Wsd = Workbooks("TGSItemRecordMaster.xls").Worksheets("Quick View")

LRow = Wss. Cells(Rows.Count, "w").End(xlUp).Row - 4

Wss.Range("W3" & LRow).Copy Wsd("A3")

End Sub


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Code Fails When Called From Private Sub

Aug 22, 2007

I'm having a hard time with this piece of

Private Sub Assign1Combo_Change()
If Range("ComboVisible") = False Then Exit Sub
End Sub

- As soon as this is used, Excel/VBA can't select any range on the worksheet. For example, the following code (within the sub Assign1_Download) no longer works:


Excel/VBA doesn't select that Named Range or any other range I try (ex. A1). - This problem only happens in Excel 2003. In Excel 2002 everything works fine (can make any selection).

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Macro Fails In Shared Workbook

Sep 25, 2007

I have a workbook which I need to give shared access.

The workbook has macros which make sheets visible and VeryHidden and also give certain sheets protection. Also a filter runs on one sheet.

When I give the workbook shared access, the macros error?

how I can give me workbook shared access but still allow the macros to hide/unhide sheets, filter and protect worksheets?

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Pivot Table Refresh With VBA Fails

Dec 12, 2007

I am having trouble getting visual basic to update a pivot table.
(using manual refresh on the same pivot works just fine).

I have recorded a macro of the manual procedure, but it fails to work when used in a visual basic program:


I have tried using code presented elsewhere in these forums
eg http://www.ozgrid.com/VBA/pivot-table-refresh.htm

but the table stubbornly refuses to update.

The pivot's source data range is dynamic and works fine.

I think I'm missing something obvious or I have have a bug.

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Controls OnAction Fails When Saved As Add-in .xla

Apr 11, 2008

i wrote some modules and all of them work without error. If i saved this fail in .xla format then checkboxes and combos onaction method didn't work. Do you know why? Why addin differ from normal excel macros? I will add checkboxes automatically and those would activate some procedures with argument.

Worksheets(PEALEHT).CheckBoxes.Add( _
ActiveCell.Left, _
ActiveCell. Offset(1, 0).Top, _
1, _
1 _
'checkbox properties
With Selection
.Characters.Text = " "
.Interior.ColorIndex = Grey
.Name = "kombo" & (i - FirstUsedRow) + 1
.OnAction = "'PortfellEvents.MarkUpRow " & i - 1 & "'"
End With..........................

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Macro Code Fails On Other Computers/PC's

May 29, 2008

I have a workbook with macros that run on my laptop, but when I email the workbook to another user and the macro is executed I get a subscript out of range message?
Both Excel versions are the same.
Environments are the same.?

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Copy Worksheet Between Workbooks Fails

Jun 11, 2008

I've the following inherited macro which basically opens a CSV text file and copies the contents to another workbook + other things.

Sub GetFile()
' GetFile Macro
Dim ws As Worksheet
' Set Path and Filename and Import
PathName = Range("E4").Value
Filename = Range("E5").Value
ControlFile = ActiveWorkbook.Name
Workbooks.Open Filename:=PathName & Filename
' Setup Temp worksheet
TabNameTemp = "Temp"
' TabName = Range("A2").Value
TabName = "CSV File"....................

with the error: "Run-time error '1004':. Excel cannot insert the sheets into the destination workbook, because it contains fewer rows and columns than the source workbook. To move or copy the data to the destination workbook, you can selct the data, and then use the Copy and Paste commands to insert it into the sheets of another workbook." Nothing has changed in the CSV file or the Workbook with the macros.

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Hyperlink To Another File On Another Drive Fails

Jun 13, 2008

I made an excel sheet that links to other sheets on a different drive. It works while I am making it, but upon save and reopen all the hyperlinks produce this error: The address of this site is not valid. Check the address and try again.

Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;Figured it out. File, Properties, Summary tab, Hyperlink Box to base Drive. Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;Figured it out. File, Properties, Summary tab, Hyperlink Box to base Drive. Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;Figured it out. File, Properties, Summary tab, Hyperlink Box to base Drive. Figured it out. File, Properties, Summary tab, Hyperlink Box to base Drive.

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AutoFilter Fails To Filter On Numbers

Jul 2, 2008

I am experinacing some difficulty in using the Autofilter in the attached sheet. The workbook consisits of the following sheets:


Contains a button taht crates data for sheet "Working Data" by filtering and formating data found in Raw Data sheet. The code behind it ain't preetty but it worsk. Raw data

Just as the name implies

Working Data

Filter and formated raw data. After the VB code behind the button on sheet Main runs, I Insert an Autofilter on the coluimns of Working data. on column I ( Length ) I try and filter for rows were the value in column I is >= 35. Nothing shows up. I know this is wrong, just by inspection. I can ask for rows were column I is = 35 and get 1 rows. I can ask for rows were column I is = 45 and get 1 rows.
in fact I have Raw Data that comprises about 2000 rows but had to chop it down to meat board size req'ts:>

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Change On Events Fails To Work On 1st Use Of A Cell

Jul 27, 2013

I have set up a selection change routine which works if the cell has previously been used or if you make an entry and then change it again. I have tried to delete the empty cells 1st and then save the document, when opening the document it I enter a value in a previosly unused cell the change function does not appear to be called. There is an auto open routine that runs as well, there is more code in use but it fails at the start point.

Sub Auto_Open()
' Auto_Open Macro
Application.EnableEvents = True

[Code] ......

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