What can I add to the macro I already have in place (below) to accomplish what I'm looking for (2 parts)? ...
1) I need to copy everything (formulas) that is in C7:F7 and paste it down to all "active" rows - I'm defining an active row by any row where column A is not blank.
2) I need to copy everything (formulas) that is in Q7:AF7 and paste it down to all "active" rows - I'm defining an active row by any row where column P is not blank. (You'll notice by the screenshot that there will be blank cells in column P mixed in with non-blank cells.)
Need to create a simple loop, I have 50 cells (need to paste in lowest cell) - I need this to occur:
-Is cell A1 empty? if yes - paste -some other stuff happens... -Is cell A1 empty? no, is cell A2 empty? - paste -some other stuff happens... -Is cell A1 empty? no, is cell A2 empty?, no, is call A3 empty? -paste
Trying to assign code to comm. button on User form to copy lets say:
(sheet1, rangeB2:B21) to (sheet2, first blank row rangeB2:B21) and paste it as text value one more question: what to be aware in case of sheets format (merged cells, hidden rows...)
Background: - Excel VBA 2007 - I have a macro that inserts a set of vlookups in range D3:D8. - When D3:D8 has been filled, I need the macro to COPY the Vlookups in D3:D8, skip down one cell, and paste in the next set of open spaces. - I have a Do statement that isn't working, and and IF...THEN that quits the loop when a blank cell is found (This means the range of vlookups is no longer needed).
Objectives: - Fix Do...Loop so it copies D3 throuh D8, skips a cell below D8, and Pastes in the next section? - There will sometimes be only one section to paste in, and sometimes 20. It is dynamic.
Sub InsertVLookup2() ' This macro inserts the VLookup into cell B2 Dim lastcolumn As Long Range("D3").Formula = "=VLOOKUP($A2,INDIRECT(""'"" & B$1 & ""'!A:I""),9,FALSE)" Range("D3").Select
I have a rand () which provides me a different number upon calculate. I would like to run a loop for 1000 times and take the value and copy and paste in a range.
The below sorta works, but at times it stops or doesn't work at all. I have a loop for the counter and the for each to place the value into the cell and have it run over and over and placing the value in the next cell underneath. I have the counter at 10 so I dont get stuck in some endless loop before I know it works.
Sub montecarlos() Dim MCs As Long Dim c As Range Dim lCount As Long Dim lNum As Long lCount = 0 lNum = 1 Worksheets("MonteCarlo").Activate
I have a simple Excel VBA range copy as bitmap and paste to powerpoint which works fine except. I am using an excel sheet for the user to provide information regarding file name and range to copy/paste. I need the ability for the user to run a macro in the workbook that they are copying from prior to the copy. This macro updates data from an external source.
I think the problem is that, when I run the macro, the copy paste occurs before the range is fully updated. I have tried inserting Application.Waits and saving the file before the copy, but no luck. I use a split screen to watch this, the PowerPoint paste flashes, then the copy cells update. The picture pasted to PowerPoint is the correct size and in the correct postion but is blank.
I don't thinks that this impacts anything, but the contents of the copy cells are graphs. I usually have 12 graphs in the range that copy/pastes.
Workbooks.Open Filename:=strFullName Set wkbCopy = Workbooks(strFile) wkbCopy.Activate If strMacro <> "" Then Application.Run "'" & strFile & "'!" & strMacro ActiveWorkbook.Save End If
I'm trying to copy the non blank cells in an area ("B120:K239"). and special paste (values only) to the next blank row of the actual work area (3 pages) within the worksheet. The area that this needs to paste to is between("B10:K29, B44:K63, B78:K97"). Problem is that if there are more rows to be copied and pasted then there are open rows on the first sheet it gives an error due to the rows outside those areas having different formats (merged cells and that)
Question: Is there anyway to special paste between ranges? I've tried to hide the inbetween rows and that still doesn't work. Could it be possible to add something to this code to ignore hidden rows or to only paste to visible rows?
Sub Special_Paste () Application. ScreenUpdating = False With Range("B119") . AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="<>" With Range("B120:K239") Application.CutCopyMode = False .Copy With Range("30:43") .EntireRow.Hidden = True With Range("64:77") .EntireRow.Hidden = True Dim NextRow As Range Set NextRow = Range("B97").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)...............
I ahve looked loads on here but I really did not understand the " find" statement (!) so have had to do a lookup the only way I know - with loops.
I have two problems: The first being that it takes 6mins to run and return values. The second AND MOST IMPORTANT is the following....
What i want to do with the following code is - on the first "If" - if I find an emptycell/blank, i want to exit the "if" so the first "next" statement is incremented - in other words, be able to check if the next cell along is blank/non-empty
I tried using the "exit for" but I only want to opt out of the if statement - not the actual "for..next"
I would have used a goto to get to the line I wanted but it has different meanings with this language....
Numrows2 = Worksheets("File2").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row 'Gets the File2 Row count
For e = 2 To 7 'Cols B-G (2-7) contain the headings For d = 1 To 229 'There are 228 cells down to check For f = 7 To 212 'File1 has 206 cells across cols 7-212 Worksheets("Looklist").Activate If IsEmpty(Worksheets("File2").Cells(1, f)) Then Exit For
I have a worksheet with some info that is filled in from other employees. I have Customer Name, Date of Oldest Invoice, Avg. Days Beyond terms in column N42:N44, with the data in column M42:44. I want to copy and paste that into another workbook, I need to transpose the data and then paste it into the next blank row. IF POSSIBLE, I would like to have some of the column headings the same as the above fields, and I would like to paste the data into the correct column heading.
Currently I have the code listed below. It copies the data, opens the spreadsheet, (this is where it fails) find the next blank row and transpose and paste the data. It does transpose and paste the data but it does not look for the next blank row, instead it just transposes and pastes the data in the last cell that was active when the work book was closed.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()' Paste Macro ' Macro recorded 5/14/14 ' ' Range("O42:O47").Select Selection.Copy
Workbooks.Open Filename:="L:Financial Services! FRA !! Preston !3rd Party Collections Accounts 2014.xls"
I have a data sheet with employee information. Only one column. It prefixes information with codes, but keeps it in the same cell. I want to move data of certain types into their own columns, but the amount of data is variable, so I cannot simply move every Nth cell, etc.
So you see some employees may have different codes altogether. But I know that I want all the cells that start with 200 to be offset (-1,1), and all the cells that start with 204 to be offset (-1,2), and so on so that basically I end up with columns of info instead of a one column list.
I have been reading and studying other peoples' macros, and am just starting to grasp the basic. When I wrote my own to accomplish this, I put this together, which doesn't work. But I don't know enough to know what I don't know.
Let's say sheet - "delivery" - has a row1 that includes all possible delivery days. So A1 is 1.9.2013, B1 is 15.9.2013, C1 is 1.10.2013 and so on.
I want to make a macro, that will gradually go through whole row 3 in sheet "delivery" and look for "A1" date in sheet "Orders". Sheet "orders" have for example in column B the date of delivery, and in column C product of the delivery.
I want the macro to find all deliveries with "A1" date, and paste all products that will be delivered on this day under cell A1 (sheet delivery). then move on to the cell B1 (sheet delivery) - find all orders in sheet orders, that will be delivered on B1 date, and list all products with this delivery date under cell B1 (sheet delivery).
Sheet order A B C
Date of delivery Product
1.9.2013 orange
[Code] ........
Unfortunately simple Pivot table is not able to do this simple list.
I have a spreadsheet where the value in cell A2 can change daily. I need a formula or macro that will allow me to copy the value in cell A2 and paste to B2, but if B2 is not empty, paste to C2, and if B2 and C2 are not empty, paste to D2, etc.
In a column, there are data, but in between of each data in a column, there are many blank cells. I would like to do a copy and paste of the first data, and paste it in the same column column, while the cells are blank, and stops when there is a cell with a data, which is different than the previous one, and do the same again and again.
I am looking for a macro that will open a file called File1.xls highlight only the cells in columns A:B that have content, then toggle back to another file called File2.xls, scan columns A:B, find the next blank cells within A:B and paste.
Here is a sample of what i am looking for:
Macro to scan File1.xls and find & copy only cells in columns A:B that are not blank.
File1.xls _|__A_ |__B_| 1|_text|_text| (Copy) 2|_text|_text| (Copy) 3|_text|_text| (Copy) 4|_text|_text| (Copy) 5|blank|blank| (DO NOT Copy)
Toggle to File2.xls, scan columns A:B, paste content copied cells from File1.xls in next blank cells in columns A:B of File2.xls.
File2.xls _|__A_ |__B_| 1|_text|_text| (Pre-existing text) 2|_text|_text| (Pre-existing text) 3|blank|blank| (Paste Row1 from File1.xls) 4|blank|blank| (Paste Row2 from File1.xls) 5|blank|blank| (Paste Row3 from File1.xls) 6|blank|blank| (Paste Row4 from File1.xls)
I have a Worksheet that is manually populated with file names into the 2nd cell of each column for columns A through D.
I need a macro that will loop through each column, starting at B2, c2 etc, and copy each value, and then paste it into the first available blank cell in column E
After ALL10108595101085661010859510110182
Ive tried a few combinations of code, but nothing seems to be working.
Sub simplecopypaste() Workbooks.Open Filename:="G:DATAWork for JCdata source.xls" Range("B2:E2").Select Selection.Copy Windows("Data Destination.xls").Activate Sheets("Sheet1").Select Range("A2").Select ActiveSheet.Paste End Sub
This should open my file, find the relevant data and copy it to the worksheet that contains the macro. At present I can have it paste to the first cell however in future the first cell will have data and as such i need it to paste to the first blank cell in column A. any ideas on how to do this, do i need to get excel to scan from the bottom cell up until it finds a cell with data then paste below it? if so how do i do that.
I need a macro to find the last cell in the column, then copy the formula to the next blank cell. Then, it goes back to the last cell (above) and paste's values. Then, go to the next column and repeat the process. I can do this but have to call each cell separatly...however, I would like to do it in a loop to simplify things. It would be great to even be able to just set the start and ending columns. Here is my current code:
Dim rng As Range, aCell As Range Set rng = Range("C8, D8, E8, F8, G8, H8, J8, K8, L8, M8, N8, O8, P8, Q8, R8, S8, T8, U8") For Each aCell In rng Selection.End(xlDown).Select Application.CutCopyMode = False
[Code] .......
It does not go to the next column, instead it stays in the same column and repeats the process.
I am having problems finding a way to copy the contents of a cell and paste the content to a different worksheet on the first blank cell at the end of a column/row.
Data range is A2:A301. From this range sometime all and sometime selected data is required to be copied in another column for example C2 downward. What is needed: select the range from A2:A301 with an input box then the required data to be pasted in C2 downward but with a blank cell after four cells.
C2 C3 C4 C5 blank C7 C8 C9 C10 blank and so on.
I'm doing it Ctrl+C n Ctrl+V but that is very time consuming.
I want to copy the data in "Sheet1" without the header and paste it in "Sheet2" but only paste it in the first blank cells because i sometimes have data in "Sheet2". i would also like to paste it as paste special method when pasting. See attached for details.
I am working on some code that loops through a column of number values. Whenever it encounters a number value and a blank cell in an offset column, it places that number value into an offset cell (forming a separate column to be compared to another column in a separate sheet). I would like to take all the values in that new column and begin placing them in a new column in a separate sheet adjacent to another table. Most of the time, these values should match the adjacent values in the separate worksheet. However, if they don't match, I would like a new row to be created for that mismatched value.
For example. This is the first worksheet. So far, my macro loops through the column with rows 1-5. It looks in the offset cell(0,2) for Isempty value and then places that value into the offset cell(0,6)
I have data in some of the cells within range A26:A39
These cells are populated via an IF function on another worksheet. Even though the cells appear blank (as in the value returned is ""), there is a formula in these cells. I think it's called formula blank?
I am looking for a way to copy the data from the cells within the range which are not blank (ie: not = "") and paste this data elsewhere on the sheet in a list with no blank spaces in between.
I anticipate that there will be 4 non blank cells within this range.
Ideally I would have data from the nonblank cells copied and pasted to cells A40 A41 A42 A43
the situation is i have a sheet, contains like 500 cells, from A1, to T500, some of the cells are blank, then i figure that from cell A1 to E500 not all the words in capital, so i make it with upper on the2nd sheet, then, i copy + paste value back to the first sheet (A1 to E500)
i get wht i want, but why it's like there's no blank cells anymore on my worksheet.
like you know, if u want to jump from a filled cell to the blank cell, you would hit Ctrl + Down, it jump to the very end of the datas that i paste value before.
so when i hit Ctrl + Down from A1, it jumps to A500, meanwhile the filled cells only 10 cells.