Loop To Find Email Recipients From List With Duplicates
Aug 18, 2014
I'm trying to create a macro the saves a report and then opens an email dialogue box populating the recipients from a list. I have the following code so far but the receivers are constant.
[Code] .....
I have attached a simplified example of the list. The list is always sorted by time and date. Not including headers, the list can be from 1 to an unspecified number of users long and users may repeat throughout the list any number of times.
The user name always appears as their email address prefix and the email address will always end in "@example.com".
I am aware that a loop could perform this task but do not know how to employ it in this case as it must not repeat recipients and will also need to populate the EmTo line. Possibly a second loop for this?
Attached File : Report Test.xlsx
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Apr 30, 2014
I have an excel sheet with 25,000+ emails in column A with hyperlinked emails addresses, Column B has different Subject lines based on the category the clients belongs to but on the same sheet, Column C has the following hyperlink :
To create a hyperlink of the email address with the desired subject line.
macros that i could use to open about 25/50 outlook message with the email ids in column A of the sheet and the subject lines in column B.
I don't want the messages to be sent automatically but i want to have the option to change the body of the email if necessary.
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Jan 2, 2014
I would like to generate a blank email with a list of recipients (no more than 40) in the 'To' field. I would like to do this in a single click on a cell with the text 'newsletter group' in it (cell B17). The recipients email addresses are in the format of one complete email address per cell in a column starting at C17 (C17, C18, C19, etc...). I thought I had found a way to do this (using the hyperlink function I think, but can't quite remember)but it turned out you could only string together about 8 email address before the function stopped working.
Also just to be clear, I don't want to send the workbook to the recipients.
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Jan 9, 2014
I am working on an email marketing project and i have a small problem. I have two different email list. One (List A) is a large list of potential leads. The other (List B) is a list of leads we are not supposed to market to. I need to delete every lead on List A whose email address is also in List B, so that we do not send unwanted emails to our clients.
The best way i have to do this so far is to go through line by line, which is very impractical.
In case it matters here is out list format. Each list has 10,000 + leads. Each lead occupies a row. The row stretches across 13 columns and each column holds a different variable about the lead (names, state, email address).
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Dec 11, 2009
I'm not sure if this is a macro problem or an Outlook problem. I'm using the routine below to email a group of recipients through Outlook (not Outlook Express). The routine works fine for one recipient, but doesn't seem to work for multiples. I searched online, and found a solution of putting the email addresses like this:
That didn't work, so I tried it below with AND, which also doesn't work. What happens in both examples is that Outlook tells me something else is sending a message, and do I want to allow it (same as message when I send to a single recipient). I say "yes", it appears to go through, but nothing is sent from my outbox. Here's the
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Jan 23, 2010
I have obtained the following code which works great apart from the fact that I want to just send one email to all addressees instead of multiple emails.
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May 4, 2009
I feel like I almost have the Excel button I need (thanks to an exhaustive forum search), but I have 2 problems that I need help to correct. First, the code works fine if I have one email address in my Email column, but If I add a second or third email in my column, the code sends the mail, but bounces back because of an Invalid Internet address specified error. The response looks to me like it is taking the first address and appending to the second email recipient. An example would be <example@example.com,example>@example.com. Here is the code I am using:
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Apr 6, 2012
I found the following macro after much digging and got it to work for me, but I'd like to go one better. Currently it sends a simple breakdown of orders that need to be placed. The data lies in a sheet called "Orders" where column A is the vendor name and column B is the order total.
This data is pulled from numerous other sheets, one for each vendor. What would be awesome is if I could send each vendor an email consisting of:
1. Item Number - Column C
2. Item Description - Column D
3. My Cost - Column F
4. Quantity to Order - Column J
5. Order Total - Column K
The complications I've thought of so far:
1. Each sheet is an inventory for the items we have from that vendor. It could be just a few items, or it could be two hundred.
2. There is one row per item, but not every item will have need to be ordered. I don't want an item to be included in the email unless there is an order quantity in column J associated with it.
3. Each sheet should be emailed to a different address which I'll put in A1 for that sheet.
I'm thinking I should do this under each sheet so I can just hit a button on that vendor's sheet and send each order independently.
Sub LNotesEmailPartsOrders()
Dim NSession As Object
Dim NDatabase As Object
Dim NUIWorkSpace As Object
Dim NDoc As Object
Dim NUIdoc As Object
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Apr 15, 2013
I have a macro currently using the activeworkbook.sendmail command to send out an email using LOTUS NOTES with the workbook as an attachment. Unfortunately, the code appears to only support putting recipients in the TO field. I need to be able to also add additional recipients under the CC field.
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Aug 19, 2014
Auto generating an e-mail that will consolidate duplicate rows for 'column a' in my attachment. The key here isn't necessarily deleting the rows... What i really need is vba code that will enumerate through the table and auto generate an e-mail for each individual. For each individual, i need the code to generate a table in the body of the e-mail & attach the activity for that recipient and the date. The trip up here is when a recipient has two activities associated to their name, and their name shows up multiple times in the data set.
I need the code to
a) identify the duplicate recipient,
b) send out 1 email for that person, and
c) attach each activitiy/date (2 or more) to a table.
Automate the Consolidation of Duplicate Recipients to 1 Email (2).xlsm
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Mar 26, 2014
I been trying to create stuff that will make my work life real easy. I need creating a program that will send an email to different recipients. I created a spreadsheet the contains different information. When a persons name is selected on Column D, excel/outlook will generate an email to that person containing the info on Column A to D.
And then as soon as the work is processed and column G is filled, outlook will generate an email back to who created the requests column A.
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Nov 23, 2008
I am using the following code to try and send a workbook via attachment to multiple email recipients however it will not work. If I only include one recipient then the code runs fine however it crashes when there is more than one.
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Oct 17, 2011
Here is my code below for a program that opens a user interface, lists all the names of tabs in the spreadsheet in a list box. By selecting an item (or sheet name) in the list box then clicking "email" a specific area of that selected sheet is sent to an email address located on the sheet.
What I would like to have happen is with the click of a button email each sheet to the specified email address. So if there were 100 sheets rather than clicking on each name then clicking email, have one button to email the each individual sheet to the associated email address. I am guessing something like a "For" loop would be required but am not quite sure how to implement.
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub ListBox1_Click()
'this will set the label caption depending on which sheet is selected in the list box
Label1.Caption = Sheets(ListBox1.Value).Range("b2").Value
[Code] ..........
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Mar 4, 2014
I have been trying to write a couple of macros;
1) save file as pdf, to be saved as filename=(cell in A1 & todays date (format yyyy-mm-dd)) and overwrite any existing file of the same name.
2) Email the pdf to a set of recipients round in Range "A2:A3", and subject = (cell in A1 & todays date (format yyyy-mm-dd))
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Jun 4, 2014
My Macro sends a PDF to a "To:" recipient and a "CC:" recipient. Both email addresses are referenced from cells. Here are the first four lines of the code:
With OutMail
.SentOnBehalfOfName = "myaddress@mycompanyname.com"
.to = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("N8").Value
.CC = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("T8").Value
The code works great right now. However.......
I've added another email address to Sheet1. The address is in U8. I need it to be the SECOND CC. I could BCC it easily, but that is not an option.
Code I would add behind .CC = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("T8").Value to make it also CC the email address in U8?
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Apr 27, 2007
I am trying to write a macro that will find duplicate listings in two worksheets by row. I don't really want to do a user form unless I have to.
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May 3, 2009
I have searched high and low on the forum and can not seem to find a solution to my problem. Here is my problem (besides being new to Lotus Notes): I need a button on my excel worksheet that gets information from Column H in the attached spreadsheet and puts all the emails in the To: (could be >than 100 email addresses) Field in Lotus Notes. I would like to have the subject read "New Email from Your Basin Coordinator" and have the CC list come from a second worksheet (CC).
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Jan 6, 2009
My vb code works well for sending worksheets to multiple recipients (about 400 rows) IF I have only one email address in a cell, however, I have some rows that have more than one email address (eg. bob@hotmail.com, dan@gmail.com). I've spent hours researching a clean way to do this and I think I need to be able to extract each of them and assign them to a variable to use in an array???
I'm using Lotus Notes 6.5 and Excel 2003.
'Here is where I get the email address to put in the mailAddress variable
Workbooks("GSA Mileage Report.xls").Activate
mailAddress = ""
On Error Resume Next
mailAddress = Application.WorksheetFunction. _
VLookup(EmailAddrSheet.Cells(RowNum, 1).Value, _
Worksheets("MailInfo").Range("A1:B" & _
Worksheets("MailInfo").Rows.Count), 2, False)
On Error GoTo 0
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Jun 12, 2014
I have this code below to send a workbook as an attachment to different recipients.
The macro finds the recipents by going through a list. The problem I am having is when it moves through the second loop and enters the line which is starred in the coding below.
Run-time error '-2147221238(8004010a)':
The Item has been moved or deleted.
Sub Mail_Workbook_1()
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
On Error Resume Next
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Sep 16, 2013
I am using Excel 2010. I have been given a task at work that can save my team a lot of time if I can solve the problem. Every month, we have a spreadsheet with about 5000 rows that we have to email. In each row, there is a range that we have to email to a specific email. For example, I would have to copy and paste Range A2-R2 in the body of the email, and then email it to whatever email is in cell S2. I would then continue this for the next 5000 lines, making it a possibility that i will be sending 5000 emails manually.
I have been trying to come up with a solution through VBA that would automatically send these emails. My goal is to automatically send the Range A2-R2 to outlook email, then cell S2 into the "To" email address box, and then automatically send it. So far, i have successfully been able to send one row, but cannot figure out how to loop it for the remainder of the rows.
A couple other key points are that I have column headings as well (Range A1-R1). If possible, I want to be able to include the column headings in the email body as well. Example - first email would be range A1-R2. second email would be range A1-R1 and A3-R3, and so forth. The body of the email would also contain a standard script, such as "Please review the information below."
The goal here is to save everyone from having to send 5000+ manual emails. This would be a big boost for my team.
Sub Email()
Dim rng As Range
Dim OutApp As Object
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Mar 27, 2014
I'm trying to email multiple worksheets from a list to multiple recipients in a list, but in one file per person. In a sheet called "Email list", for example, I have a list of 50 worksheet names (e.g. one for each cost centre) in column A (with a heading in cell A1, if that's OK, so the list starts in A2) and in columns B-F up to 5 recipients for each worksheet (e.g. 3 recipients might be 2 supervisors and their manager).
Also, each manager and supervisor might also receive several sheets.
Although columns B-F are presently free-format (they can be anyone's email address, regardless of whether they're a supervisor or manager), it might be easier to split these columns so B,C,D are supervisors emails and E,F are managers, if that makes it any easier creating the collated file of worksheets..?
Unfortunately the recipients might change occasionally so they can not be hard keyed into the macro itself (which would be much easier), but need to be in a table so it's easier for the user to update and maintain - in the past, I've managed to hard key the requirement into a macro which I've maintained (by recording and editing the macro), but I don't know the VB to figure this new request.
Ideally, I am trying to create a macro that can collate the various worksheets each person will receive and send the selected sheets in one file to that recipient, rather than multiple files within one email and/or multiple emails.
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Feb 26, 2013
Imagine this..
In Column A I have 500 email addresses.
In Column B I have 2000 email addresses.
Now in Column C, I want to have all the email addresses in Column B MINUS all the email addresses in Column A.
IE: So basically if Column B had 300 of the same email addresses in Column A, then Column C will have 1,700 email addresses (2,000 - 3000) = 1,7000.
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May 5, 2006
I am trying to create a macro that loops through a spreadsheet, copies data over to another workbook then emails the new document.
I have taken this code from an old macro that I found but cant seem to get it to work.
This is the code
Sub EmailAssessments()
Dim strTempName As String
Dim strForename As String
Dim strSurname As String
Dim strBookingNumber As String
Dim strReportingTo As String
Dim strBookingGivenBy As String
Dim strJobTitle As String
Dim dtmStartDate As Date
Dim strEndDate As String ''Need to use a string as there maybe no end date
Dim strDepartment As String
Dim strTierName As String
Dim r1 As Range ''For loop
Dim intNumberOfRows As Integer ''Count how many rows.........
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Apr 18, 2013
I have my dummy data, and I have (what I think) is how I want the data to be shown. My friend uses Google Sheets, but I prefer Excel. I am trying to convert the code because I am a stickler for excel. Typically I can convert codes some easily, but this is way beyond me.
For Column A: I want to create a list on sheet 'Setup!' based on ids!D2:D="yes". If that list has duplicate entries, I would like only the first entry to show up, but for the next entries I would like the cell to be blank. (this is important for the next step) For Column C: I want to have the corresponding dates go with the name entry. For Column D: I want to have the notes go with the corresponding date entry. (I believe I can manipulate Column C's code to do Column D myself).
I am also going to upload a data sheet, and an expected results sheet.
unique list.xlsx
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Feb 7, 2014
I have two pieces of code that each work, but I am struggling to combine the two.
I started with Ron de Bruin's code to attach multiple files to an email and then found more code that will loop through a folder to attach multiple files to an email.
Essentially, I would like the structure of Ron de Bruin's code, with the ability to have folder paths in the cell range, rather than file names.
Here is the code that works to loop through a folder, but it only works when I have the paths listed in one column, not in a range (e.g. columns C-Z)
Sub Send_Indv_Files()
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
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May 27, 2014
Eng list.xlsx
The attached file (a copy of my main one) has a list of our engineers, and what stock they carry. The stock parts are the 64, 65, 66... numbers.
I need to create a list from this (as underneath the main table), for all instances where there is a 'Y' in the columns next to each engineer. So if an engineer has 3x pieces of stock, they need to appear in the list 3x times. If they have 1x piece of stock, they appear in the list once.
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Nov 28, 2007
I have a list of data which looks like this
Column B
Jones, Bob
Jones, Bob
Jones, Bob
Smith, Mike
Smith, Mike
Smith, Mike
Calai, Dave
Calai, Dave
Calai, Dave
What I want to do is take the entire list and create a distinct list that I can use in a named range then use a validation list to have a drop down within a different tab.
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Feb 20, 2007
I'm trying to use this Find Method and combine it with a countif or loop. Something that will count a number of occurences of a unique type of character. I'm looking to find all "F" characters in Bold, Italic and Size 16. Here's my find code that I'm trying to use. I can get it to work by itself but not along with a countif or loop.
Sub count_4()
Dim r As Range
Set r = Range("A1:A6")
With Application.FindFormat.Font
.Bold = True
.Italic = True
.Size = 16
End With
r.Find(What:="F", LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, searchformat:=True, MatchCase:=True).Activate
End Sub
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Jul 6, 2014
I have a sheet with numbers in descending orders with duplicate in one row and their respective value in 22nd row. I want to find the2nd occurrence of that value. (max. occurrence2 is 2)
Foe example
A----B-----0---- C-----0-----D-----E
So if i lockup value "3" C should be returned (not 0) and for 2 "D"
see attached also
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Jun 1, 2006
I'm trying to fully automate a process for my team. So far I have a main workbook that imports files to Excel and puts them into 2 reports for us.
We then copy and paste separate sheets into their respective workbooks
I am wanting to create a button for both files to be emailed from our main workbook.
The two files have the same file name every day except the date is added to the end every day in format mm-dd-yy
The two filenames will always be ABC Flash Report and DEF Flash Report.
Is there a way for to search the directory they will be in(always be the same as well) and then attach that file to an email?
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