Looping Through Range And Inserting Formula Where Condition Met
Feb 6, 2014
I am having trouble looping through a range and inserting a formula where a condition is met.
My range is "h9:i"
My current code inserts a formula in column i when there is a value in the adjacent row in column h:
[Code] .....
However, because there are so many rows (12,000+) it is taking a considerable length of time to run.
Some of the cells in column i will already contain the relevant formula, so to speed this up I want to insert the formula in column i only when the cell value (in column i) is not null, as opposed to inserting it for all cells within the range.
I know how to loop through the range, but the problem is the 'H9' cell reference in the formula in the code above will need to change depending on what row it is being inserted into- so if it is going into "i31" this will need to be "h31".
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Jan 1, 2010
I would like to insert a formula in a column, the formula is in column D and must be something like "=C1-B1" for row 1, "=C2-B2" for row 2,...etc. I would like to do it without using a loop cycle in VBA...I have attached an example of the data I'm using..
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Aug 29, 2013
Inserting a row. I have a for loop, and after a certain condition is met, add a row.
VB : Rows(i).Insert Shift:=xlDown
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May 4, 2009
I want to insert a line wherever I encounter a number. I have a range of cells in column "A" with invoices listed and at the end of each customer I have the total. At the total line (the number) I want to insert a line. Right now I can't figure out how get the cell value to recognize a number from a non-number data type (bolded area)
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May 16, 2013
What I need it for is an automated report that should be used for several different projects. Each projekt have events on different dates, and I only want the report to show a specific date if there is some text (i.e. event) on that date. As it is now, it's a looong report with several blanks with only a date showing. So it should insert a row (the tricky part) + the date + the text if condition is met, and do nothing if they are not. The script should add and remove rows and text depending on what project the information is taken from.
The data it should grab is in this form (many more data inputs though..):
Date Date Date
And the report:
Date: TEXT
and should be like:
Date: TEXT
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Aug 27, 2008
I have 2 workbooks, A (source) and B (destination).
Workbook A has 1 sheet named 'master' and has 10 columns a:j
I would like to copy a range of data in worksheet 'master' for entire 10 columns while the cell value (moving down worksheet) of the next cell in column A is greeater than the current cell. eg. if cell values of range a1:a6 = 1 then cell value a7 =2, then copy range a1:j6 to workbook B in sheet 'r1'.
Then I would like to go back to Workbook A sheet 'master' and begin process again starting from where it left off at a7.
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Apr 25, 2007
writing a macro that will look to cell A15 on a worksheet "A", decide how big a range is (which is in contiguous cells beneath it - i.e. A20), then select the value of each cell and paste it into a cell in worksheet "B" (for example, if the macro decides the range is 3, then A15 = 1, it would copy and paste that onto the next workbook, then go back to A16 and get that value, paste it into the next workbook, etc). The range will vary in size.
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Jun 16, 2014
I have a 2 X 44 range of text cells in one worksheet. The first column includes the same array of variables that are found on a second worksheet. In the second worksheet I want to run a looping vlookup to check if the column in the second worksheet is empty, if it is not I want it to lookup the element in that column in that row from the first worksheet and return the 2nd column item to the adjacent column in the second worksheet.
When I run my program in its current form two problems happen. The first row in the range of the column I want the data returned in is empty, and for the rest of the rows the same value is returned, when it should in fact vary. I think part of the problem is that in my vlookup my entries are:
vlookup(CrudeType, Range("Sources"), 2, false) where crudetype is defined as Range("c2:c" & lrow). This is the C column on the second sheet, I want my output in the D column. Range("sources") is on the first sheet and covers D2:E45.
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Nov 2, 2012
I have a set of data and I need to find the max for range 1-10, then 2-11, then 3-12 and so on. Is there away to do this using a loop. I'm new to vba and I've been trying but either it doesn't work or I get an error message.
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Jul 2, 2013
I am looping through a selected range. The code searches through column B and finds any data. If found, it returns the value to a different workbook to column B. When there is no more data, it goes to column C and does the same thing. My problem is, when there is no data in a column it returns a blank. How do i get rid of this blank???
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Mar 1, 2007
My ultimate goal is to have some rows of data and and checkbox with each row. I will have a button that will copy only the rows that are checked and paste them into a new worksheet. With the help of some other posts on this site, I was able to figure out how to loop through the checkboxes and copy and paste some data. The problem is I am only copying and pasting in the same rows. I need to know how to move on to the next row that is checked, which is not always the very next row. Here is what I have so far:
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 26
If ActiveSheet. OLEObjects("CheckBox" & i).Object.Value = True Then
Worksheets("Master"). Range("B8:J8").Select
End If
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Nov 24, 2007
is it possible to loop in a formula like I do beneath?
The code will not run. What is wrong?
the problem is variable aa - that should be a1,a2,a3 etc.. It is no problem if I write a1 etc. in the formula. but if the loop is long I cannot write cell reference for every cell a1,a2 etc.
For k = 1 To 10
aa = Cells(k, 1)
Cells(k, 3).Value = "=KOMPLEKS(B13, 1 / (2 * pi() * aa * B14))"
Next k
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Aug 28, 2013
Question: I have a VBA code that transpose every 7th row of a dataset in column A only, however I would like for the code to extend the transpose to (7 row and 3 cloumn).
This is the code:
Sub Transpose()
Dim A() As Variant
Dim i As Long
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Feb 23, 2014
I have a range of cells in F2:F30000 that I want to round to the nearest whole number.
How can I do that to the entire range of cells without looping? Every search I perform on the topic has a loop of some kind as a solution and my data set could be over 100k rows and speed is already a concern with the workbook.
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Feb 6, 2008
I have 10 ranges that if the value in a cell falls into one of those ranges, a calculation needs to occur. I think I need to use a macro which i have set up to run off a button click, with a do loop in it, but not sure how to get the loop to move down the range?
for example:
Cell Reference(s):
1 250
2 700
1 0 150 75
2 150.01 300 125
3 etc.. etc.. etc..
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May 4, 2009
As a part of a much larger routine, I need a code to find five consequetive cells in a column with identical value "XYZ" and select the first one of them. Say,
I have a column:
I need to select the twelfth cell in this column, highlighted red.
I guess there could be some complicated if-then loop to go through the whole column, checking each cell and comparing it to the next four, but it would take forever to excecute... Is there some other way around? To find the first occurence of five xyz's one directly under another?
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May 16, 2013
I have code that looks at F1 to see if there is a value and then performs code where it looks down column D and if the condition is met it puts in one of two formulas
I then do the same thing for G1 Unfortunately, I am not VBA smart enough to recreate this code to adjust itself so I copied it and manually tweaked it.
Here is my dilemma, I need to do this for every column that has a value in row 1 from column F:BZ this would take me forever.
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Feb 16, 2010
i m looping through each cell in the range A5:G11 and deleting the last part, "',[ABSMacro.xlsm]Region Breakdown'!$S$1:$S$64999" of the formula in each cell.
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Nov 6, 2009
I have about 20 different workbooks and i want to create identical tables and graphs in each one of them using the least number of steps.
The number of the rows changes by workbook but the colums are identical. So the range will vary by workbook.
so for example:
name sales
a 10
b 20
c 30
name sales
a 10
So I want a macro that does the tabling and charting in workbook1 and automatically moves to workbook2 and so on.
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Nov 1, 2012
I have a spreadsheet that calculates a rolling percentage of a row of numbers. The formulas are contained in two columns, J and K. The first row is a header row, and the formulas repeat every 52 rows (e.g. J2:K53, copy paste those cells, re-paste at J54, then J106, and so on. Because I don't know how to loop, I've had to manually right in the paste every 52 rows in my line of code. Surely there is a way to have this cut down and to actually stop when there are no more rows of data. For the record, this continues on manually until 80,000 because I don't know how to stop it at the last row.
Sub CopyPasta()
' Copy_Paste_52 Macro
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Jun 24, 2013
I have a matrix of coordinates in sheet ("layout") (eastings - V4:BR4, northings - U5:U100). I'm trying to run through each northing (row value U5:U100), for every easting (V4:BR4), by writing the coordinate value to sheet("ISO_model"), cell K18. Within the sheet (ISO_model) there is a model which gives an output in cell HA500. I'd like to write this output (for the specific easting and northing) back into the sheet ("layout"), so that I then have the x,y, z values to create a contour plot.
I've tried to start the look through the row of eastings, but it is not working.
Sub noise_contour()
For Each Cell In Range("V4:BR4")
'write coordinate into the model
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Mar 8, 2007
Sub New_Book()
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-2]"
Dim ThisFile As String
Const MyDir As String = "C:"
With ThisWorkbook
ThisFile = .Worksheets("2006-07").Range("b3").Value
. SaveAs Filename:=MyDir & ThisFile
End With
End Sub
The above VBA works by saving a copy of existing Workbook by refering to cell A1 and then Pasting Special worksheet 2006-07 which has external links. Is it possible to create a looping macro that refers worksheet("BUs") which list all business units I need to run and save? Range(A1) needs have a looping macro that refers worksheet BUs and then automatically saves files without manually changing cell references.
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Apr 4, 2014
I wanted to do a multiple return vlookup so I used an Index formula. I have account names and am trying to vlookup contacts associated with those accounts (4 max). So I have a list of Accounts all with 3 blank rows in between them.
How do I loop an array formula? So far I have the code..
[Code] .....
This finds the 4 contacts associated with the first account in C5 which I named the cell "myVar". I now want it to find the contacts associated with the accounts in C9, C13, C17 and so on until the first empty cell.
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Oct 2, 2012
I want to create a loop that goes down all the rows in my spreadsheet and does the formula (end/beginning -1) for all the rows of cells. The "end" cell is the cell that is the farthest right in the row (some sort of end.xlright) and the "beginning" cell is column D of the row that is being calculated.
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Jun 13, 2014
I would like to create a change event macro that will update multiple formulas that pull data from various tabs on a file. The tabs are named with a single date. So ideally when a certain master cell (Allocation!H2) is updated to the current date the macro will be prompted to update the range that contains formulas and update accordingly...so its and index match fomula based that has a variable being the tab name which is a date. I have a range of dates in cells F4:AB4 and want the formula to go into F5:AB5, I can then fill that down to whatever row I want...that bit I can handle.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim KeyCells As Range
Set KeyCells = Worksheets("Allocation").Range("H2")
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Mar 8, 2012
I have a range (of 2 rows) that are set up as a header row and sub row. I want a macro to insert these above the active row (ie. where the user places the cursor), but when I select and copy the range in the macro, I don't know how to refer back to the 'active row' because that's not active anymore.
I'd also like the cursor then to be placed into one of the cells in the new row, ready for the user to start editing.
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Jun 28, 2012
Suppose that i have a table that displays different metrics for each month of the year. I'm dealing with waste management at a thrift store so I'm looking at the weight of donations salvaged, weight of donations sent to landfill and weight sold and so forth. It would look something like this..
weight sent to landfill
weight sold
In my dashboard I'd like to be able to sum the total weight salvaged for certain months like Jan-Feb or Jan-March.
I've named the ranges such as "weightsalvaged.Jan_Feb". So for the sum of the weight salvaged, I have the formula =sum(weightsalvaged.Jan_Feb)
I would like to have another cell where I write "Mar" and the name of the range in the formula automatically changes from
=sum(weightsalvaged.Jan_Feb) TO =sum(weightsalvaged.Jan_Mar)
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Aug 13, 2014
I have a long row of text cells in a range. Starting with the 1st cell I want to insert 3 empty to the right, then repeat for the next cell that had originally butted up against the first cell until 3 cells have been inserted for each cell in the range.
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Sep 30, 2009
I have a macro recorded that inserts into column E in the attached report, and then retrieves data from another worksheet in the workbook. In column D I am trying to keep a 6 month average which includes the latest inserted data, however every time I insert a column the relationship with column D is moved out by one. e.g. range E8:J8 becomes F8:K8.
I am also stuck with setting up a macro to import a new model into the report. I have set up a worksheet called new model with the manufacturer, model and fail descriptions, however all macros I have recorded fail when trying to insert the manufacturer and model into mulitple cells.
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Nov 23, 2012
I have a data set which is structured such that there are variable numbers of products (column A) from 1 - 48 and these repeat multiple times for each "Name" held in column B. I have attached an example of this which uses a data set with 7 entries reapeating 7 times.
I need excel to insert 2 formula for me multiple times which needs to varry according as follows
1. Calculate the average value of data in Column C - G for n cells starting at a specific cell (C2), I have inserted an example of this and highlighted it in yellow. This then needs to repeat down column C several times, the number of times this will repeat depends upon the number of different names held in column B. But I have this calculated already and stored in a cell im my main document.
2. Calculate the variance of each value in the x cells above from the average calculated in point 1 above. I have highlighted this also in yellow.
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