I wos wondering if anyone knows how to return the information that is in the cell to a textbox. Ex. i have text in b5 and when i activate my userform and enter in text it erases my text from befor.
I have an existing table with times on the left most colum and diferent areas and events on the next 12 meaning a count of events and outcomes for 6 areas per hour. (X=QTY.throughputs; Y=QTY. Errors) This would be the headers.
Time, XY, XY, XY, XY, XY, XY.
I need a formula to return the max "X" but also return the time it was recorded.
I need the formula for statistical data analysis for a research project i'm helping out with, and this is too complicated for me to know where to even begin searching for the information. The problem is this:
I have a sheet (called Sheet1) containing 9009 rows of information on columns A to AL. I am interested in searching for the starting sequences of codes contained in column AI and returning values on the same row but in a different column. The formula that works so far is this (note: I use Excel 2003 and a swedish version, translated the formulas though)
I havent come up with this formula entirely on my own so dont think my expertise is this high In any case, this formula gives me the value of the A-column in the same row as the first N06 found in the AI column. If N06 isn't found anywhere in AI, it gives me "error". The problem is this: I want it to "continue" searching column AI for strings starting with N06 and returning the values in the A-column for the following N06s found. I basically want to wash out all rows of information that dont contain the string N06 in AI, and get the new information on another sheet.
To make it even clearer: I want to have all values on column A on a new sheet, but only where the AI value on the same row starts with N06. Eventually I want other columns as well, and also search for other codes, but that should be easy to figure out once I get the initial formula.
If column F, G, H says PAP then I want it to return information from column A, B, C, D, E respectively into another worksheet. I have attached a sample
i want is to create a search engine in excel that allows users to input the clients name and the search will return all the info on the client such as the issue and their policy number.
Is this even possible? Using Access is not an option. I know I can use Access but most of my users dont know how to use Access and I want to make things as simple as possible.
Thanks so much in advance who ever succeeds at provding an answer u're a genius cuz I have no clue where to start lol.
we have an Invoice workbook "SampleInvoice.xls" with a drop-down list to select from a list of products, listed within the Data workbook "SampleData.xls" (which includes descriptions, codes, prices related to that product). So far, when you select the product, the macro will locate the product inside the Data Workbook, and return the Description of the product to the same cell in the drop-down cell.
My question is: 1) The cell to the left should bring up the Code for that product automatically 2) The cell to the right should display the Price. But there's a catch - there is a Distributor, Trade and Retail price. Ideally that cell will be a drop-down menu which gives the 3 pricing options. When you select the suitable field, the macro will determine the Code (as identified in point 1) and match the suitable pricing accordingly. Here is the code so far:
Option Explicit Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) On Error Goto errHandler If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Goto exitHandler If Target.Column = 2 Then If Target.Value = "" Then Goto exitHandler Application.EnableEvents = False Target.Value = Workbooks("SampleData.xls").Worksheets("Stock List").Range("C1") _ .Offset(Application.WorksheetFunction _ .Match(Target.Value, Workbooks("SampleData.xls").Worksheets("Stock List").Range("B1:B500"), 0), 0) End If...........................
In one worksheet there is a code for every customer and their details e.g. Name, medication they are on, what they are alergic to etc then in another new worksheet can we just type in that code and their individual information comes up automatically?
I have a formula that needs some tweaking. This formula is to reference the ACCT and find the “best” contact information and return the result to the Merge sheet. If the ACCT does not have a Parent then you reference the ACCT to the abc_Phonelist sheet. If the ACCT does have a Parent then use the Parent ACCT since it has a more desirable account number to reference against the abc_Phonelist. If the ACCT or the Parent ACCT uses Processors then the ACCT from the Processors sheet has the best reliable account number to reference against the abc_Phonelist. In sum, there are three different possible “number tiers” that can be used. The first, the ACCT phone number. This means that the ACCT has neither a Parent nor a Processor. The second, the parent ACCT phone number. This means that the ACCT has a Parent, but neither the Parent ACCT nor the ACCT has a Processor.The third, the Processor phone number. This means that either the ACCT or the Parent ACCT has a Processor phone number.....
Create a macro button in 'Spreadsheet 2' that searches 'Spreadsheet 1' for updated information specific to a certain criteria and adds it to a new row in 'Spreadsheet 2.'
There are three sheets
Prospects (where all original data is entered)
Actions -Bob (Bob's new Prospects are added to this sheet)
Actions -Frank (Frank's new Prospects are added to this sheet)
So in this example Row 6 in Prospects (Constituents, Rating, Manager and Solicitor would be added to ACTION - Bob's sheet on Row 5 and Row 8 in Prospects (Constituents, its Rating, Manager and Solicitor would be added to ACTIONS - Frank sheet on Row 5
Here is the example spreadsheet - Prospects and Actions.xlsx
I have created a userform that allows input of information and then deposits the information on a specific sheet. I am looking for a way to have that information not only deposited on the specific sheet it is already set to but also to another sheet based on a selection made from a combo box.
Basically I am trying to create a worksheet in which everytime I input information into Sheet 1, it is copied into Sheet 2. I want to have each entry in succession on Sheet 2 such that my first entry would be on Row 2, second on Row 3, third on Row 4, etc. However, everytime I put something new in Sheet 1, it just overrides the information in Sheet 2.
Basically I type in ticket sales in sheet 1, it calculates the prices and keeps a transaction log in sheet 2. But everytime I do a new ticket sale, it just overwrites the previous transaction witht he new transaction information. I've pasted my VBA below:
Sheet 1 VBA:
Code: Option Explicit
'Form level variables - used in more than one event Dim intAdult As Integer Dim intStudentSenior As Integer Dim intBalcony As Integer Dim intChild As Integer Dim sngAmountDue As Single
[Code] .......
Sheet 2 code:
Private Sub cmdSummary_Click()
'Declare Variables Dim intCount As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim intAdult As Integer Dim intStudentSenior As Integer
I have a cell that has data like the following: ab 4111 / nw 2652 / ev 8741 up to 5 or 6 entries in the cell. If I just want 1 of these entries say the ev 8741 how can I have that be the only data that remains in the cell?
I'm trying to build a macro that copies the information from cell D2 and then special pastes it into the next free cell on that specific row (as the information is from a vlookup so don't want to paste the formula) - ideally I'd like it to paste from H2 onwards but can move the spreadsheet around if that's not possible! I'd then like to do this for every row until there is no data in a row.
I've been using the below which I've found on the internet but this only pastes into column H and then just goes down the column rather than across the row, and I can't figure out how to do this.
Sub Summarize() Range("D2:D25").Select Selection.Copy Sheets("Pot 2").Select lMaxRows = Cells(Rows.Count, "H").End(xlUp).Row Range("H" & lMaxRows + 1).Select Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _ False, Transpose:=False Range("D25").Select End Sub
I have spread sheet with 2 tabs (MASTER LIST & CYCLE COUNTS), on each tab I have 2 columns(LOCATION1 & DATE1 and LOCATION2 & DATE2) I need to verify if I any cell from LOCATION1 is repetead on LOCATION2 and copy the informacion from DATE2 to DATE1. then if I update the CYCLE COUNTS sheet I want the MASTER LIST update by it self.
This is the formula that Im using but Im having problems with the range..... =if('Master list'!$A2$:$A$15000='Cycle counts'!$A2:$A$15000, 'Cycle counts'$B&2:&B&15000,0)
And what I want to do is use this information further down in my excel-sheet. So whenever I plot in "Location 1" I want "Security" and "John Johnson" to magically come automatically.
I have several thousand cells where I need to pull out some information at the end of each cell. So for the examples listed below, all the information resides in the "A" column. For example:
M55116/14-5 CONN,RECEPT,6 PIN,U-228 TYPE B EA A AS 17 85.00 1,445.00
M39029/30-222 CONTACT,#0,RED-RED-RED B EA A AS 96-0327 46 6.75 310.50
M39029/44-288 CONTACT B EA A AS 93-0852 400 2.18 872.00
I am trying to pull off (starting from the end) all of the information to the first space. So I would like the following results returned: 1,445.00, 310.50, and 872.00. Can anyone recommend if there is a Function or equation that I could use that would pull everything from the end of the cell until the first space?
I receive a workbook on a monthly basis and it arrives in csv format. I need to format it and split it into several pages prior to sending to managers. I'm comfortable with the vba for formatting and splitting it into several pages but I have a problem with some cells that always have data in them in the same (incorrect) fashion.
how to go about fixing these cells and then I can get on with writing that into the macro.
Currently looks like:
A || B || C No requested || No Supplied || Percentage 4 || 4100% 12 || 875% 6 || 350%
Should look like:
A || B || C No requested || No Supplied || Percentage 4 || 4 || 100% 12 || 8 || 75% 6 || 3 || 50%
I was thinking of some kind of Left() formula to extract the leftmost character and place it into it's new cell BUT realise that sometimes I might need to extract 2 (or perhaps even more) characters.
I'm trying to extract information from one specific cell, and place it into another. This other thread kind of does what I'm looking for. I wish to extract from the following; "20/04/2009 5:42:51 AM". Placing the date in one cell, and the time in another. All spacing within the quotation marks is respective of the cell. Obviously dates and times would vary.
I can’t seem to work out how to pull data relating to a particular title from one spreadsheet, to another, separating the information on.
For example, column A lists names, and column B lists tests scores for each person. However each person has done several tests, and the tests are listed in one cell, separated by a carriage return (not comma etc, so can't do a delimited function).
I want to create a new spreadsheet with names still in column A, but the test scores separated. So Column B = Test one, Column C = Test two, Column D = Test three, etc. In each column I would like only the test score listed (so not the test title - I will put this in the first row as the column header)
and would like to know if there is a way I can quickly create a list separating each email into a different cell. I was thinking of using a MID formula or maybe an INDEX or MATCH, but cannot figure out how to make it work.
Is it possible to pull only certain information out of a cell?
I have in cell A1 (As of 6-30-12 and 5-31-12) i would like to put a formula in cell b1 to pull just (6-30-12 and 5-31-12) so that everything i change A1 B1 will also change.
I've done some basic ADA-programming before that in my head can solve it, but as I said, I'm not quite sure VBA can do the trick...The problem I have is that I have a worksheet that consists of a combination of empty cells and values. For each cell with a value there are 5 more values unique for that cell that can be found at other parts of the worksheet. My job right now is to sort all this data..To do that, i would like to create this; Array_all_orders = (rows, columns) where every "cell" in that array contains a variable that hold those six values..
Here's the code I have so far:Sub Order_Array()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim Array_all_Orders() As Variant, Order_Width_Array(0 To 5) As Variant Dim No_of_Rows As Long, No_of_Columns As Long Dim Array_Row_Counter As Long, Array_Column_Counter As Long, Counter As Long ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("RO").Activate No_of_Rows = Range("A5", Range("A4").End(xlDown)).Cells.Count - 1 No_of_Columns = Range("K4", Range("K4").End(xlToRight)).Cells.Count
ReDim Array_all_Orders(1 To No_of_Rows, 1 To No_of_Columns)
I am trying to tie two worksheets together. If text found in one cell in sheet1, make the same cell on sheet2 different color.*
There is a catch... no formula can occupy the cell in sheet2.*
My question is, is there a way of have a formula in completely different cell that will eventually fill the cell on sheet2 with proper information?
To explain a little better, I am trying to tie the sheets together, same cells and everything so when information gets put inside the cell on sheet1 the same cell on sheet2 will change color or display different information, and vice versa. That is the reason no formulas can occupy those cells.