Macro That Will Compare The P'folios In Sheet "Data To Sheet Workings
Feb 28, 2009
i need a macro that will compare the p'folios in sheet "Data to Sheet Workings, and then list the p;folios which is in sheet Data but not in workings in Sheet "New", so in the example below this would be ETSTSA ...
I have I workbook that contains 2 sheets. The first sheet "Business Objects" is the master list. The second sheet "Gene" contains similar data but is incomplete. There is a unique identifer for both sheets and that is item ID. what I would like to do is look at the Item ID column on sheet1 compare it to SS# on sheet two and copy any rows from sheet1 to the end of the sheet in sheet 2. I have found in my searches on this forum a bit of code that identifies the ones in sheet1 that are not in Sheet2 and highlights them red(which is not neccessary for me, but I am struggling to figure out how to take that and paste it to sheet2.
I have attached a 97-2003 .xls file with data for multiple store locations on sheet 1, and the desired result on sheet 2. I am actually using excel 2007, but I dont think I need any special features that it provides.
I will try to explain the issue here without opening the attachment.
I need a Macro which pulls the data from different sheets of excel (which is not formatted properly) to Main Sheet. Also some of the columns will not have the same names, so macro should handle this exception as well.
I need to create a macro that will scan a spreadsheet for the number of sheets and then pull data from the same places on each sheet in order to create a summary sheet. Let me try to explain a little better.
The spreadsheet I'm working with has a separate sheet for each new deal our company makes. Each of these sheets is in the same format - we use a template and fill in the data based on that whenever a new deal emerges. The sheets contain basic info about the deal in the first few rows and columns, then some narratives with dates describing the progress of the deal, and then a list of issues and whether or not they have been resolved. The problem is, each of these sheets contains too much info for a quick, high-level overview with the bosses so they've asked me to create something that will pull the basic info, the most recent narrative, and any unresolved issues from each sheet. This way, each time there's an overview scheduled with the bosses, the macro can be run and it will create a new sheet with data from each sheet in the workbook.
SalesImport contains sales data, and one column of that sheet is a unique reference number to identify the agent responsible for those sales.
Main contains much more data, and I need to transfer sales data from SalesImport to Main in the most efficient, automated way possible - on a monthly basis most likely... but possibly weekly or even ad-hoc at a later date... so it really does need to be quite quick.
At the moment I have come up with an idea to loop through each row on the SalesImport page, and for each row, compare the unique reference number (Column I) with the unique reference numbers on the Main sheet, (Column C). If they match, set the value of the sales column on Main to the same value as the sales column on the SalesImport sheet.
However, this is not working as i would hope, and doesn't copy anywhere near all the rows I know are found in both sheets.
Sub SalesDataImport_Main() Dim c As Long, d As Long, Limit1 As Long, Limit2 As Long, Limit3 As Long, sh1 As Worksheet, sh2 As Worksheet, sh3 As Worksheet
Set sh1 = Sheets("Main") Set sh2 = Sheets("SalesImport")
For c = 2 To Limit2 sh2.Cells(c, 9).Select For d = 3 To Limit3 If sh1.Cells(d, 3).Value = sh2.Cells(c, 9).Value Then sh2.Cells(c, 27).Value = "In Main List" Else: sh2.Cells(c, 27).Value = "Not in Main List" End If Next d Next c End Sub
I'm trying to get the data from Receipt log (sheet 1) to automatically populate into the Print Receipt (sheet 2) and to automatically filter and go to the Activity by account (sheet 3). I am so new to this and totally lost.
How to create macros. I need to copy a certain group of cells from one sheet to another, and then do it for x number of times. I'm just using the record function and now i'm lost. Here is the code i currently have:
Also, column C is blank. i would like to get the values from another list in the same workbook, say "branch list". I would like to populate Column C with one specific branch for each "batch", if that makes any sense...
I am looking for a Macro which can transfer data from sheet 1 to the first available empty row on sheet 2.
For example, I have data in the following cells on sheet 1: B2, B4, B6, B8, and B10. I want to transfer this data to the first available empty row into cells A1, B1, C1, D1 and E1 of sheet 2. The cell number is ofcourse depending on the first available empty row and could thus be 2, 3, 4, 5 etc.
I also want to delete the data from the original cells in sheet 1 after the data has been transferred.
I have a couple of spreadsheets that requires me to copy data from Sheet 1 that matches certain criteria to Sheet 2.
I have tried using posted VB codes that have been written for other people but they dont seem to work (this is probably to do with me not actually knowing what I am doing, as I am not sure what I should be replacing and what I need to be deleting etc out of the pre-written code )
I need to be able to search on column e in Sheet 1 for anything that has just h written in the cell and then copy all the rows that match into Sheet 2. I also would like to ensure that when it is copied it doesnt go in row 2 but maybe 4 or 5 as I have quite allot of headings.
at first i wrote company's name short so that i have to type less but now i want full name of company.....
like.....if in sheet#1 column B any company's name is started by Rel of sheet#2 column A , then the cell containing Rel is replaced by Reliance Industries ( sheet#2 column B but same row that of Rel) sheet#1
Creating a macro to compare 2 sheets in a workbook and print the differences to a 3rd sheet.
Each sheet will have the same number of fields, 5 columns with the header in the first row.
All values in the cells are integer except for the last field which will be a character.
The key is the value in the 2nd column. If it's not in the other sheet, then it's a new record. If it's a new record then highlight it a color depending on what sheet contains the new record. Now if the key is the same in both sheets, then check the other columns to see what's different. If there is a difference, print the record for both sheets in the third sheet and highlight the differences. I attached a sample of what I want.
For clarity, I have placed the sample datasets at the following URL [url]
Given: the datasets for sheet1 and 2 might not contain the same number of rows.
I am looking for new rows (it might be inserted in any position of the rows) in sheet1. The new rows will be highlighted in red color. For example: [url]
I want to import data with a web-querie. The data consists of numbers in a column (14 cells).
I want to poll the info in the table in the webquerie every 15 minutes to see if the info in the table is changed. Therefore I refresh the info every 15 minutes, and when the info is changed, than the data must be put in a new sheet in a column and the columntitle must be the date and time that the info is put into the column. Can this be done in vba? I suppose that to compare the info of the new poll with the info of the previous polling the previous info must be put in a "compare" table.
I have an excel file having the month wise model cost breakup e.g.Prod.Qty,CKD,Local etc.My problem is that I want to make a summary in a separate sheet showing the Input i.e. Model Code.If I give that input then automatic summary should be prepare.
Please refer attach file: Costing Table.xlsx
I this file,having 2 sheets.One is details and other is Summary sheet.
focus the cell no.C4 in the summary sheet.When,I give the model code then the summary should be ready from the details sheet data range, month wise.
I want to be able to copy a name from one sheet (Available Players), paste it to a cell in another sheet (Round 1 through Round 20). The cell that will be copied is fixed but the place where it will be pasted will be different and may be on a different sheet.
also i would like to change the color of the copied cell to "greyed" out or cut if it can not be greyed out. I have created a button and put in a macro that i created but have been having problems with it, generic 1004 errors that i can not figure out. i am attaching the document.
I have a workbook where Sheet A is a Master Order Form. Employees will input the quantities they need in Column C. The sheet will be otherwise protected. Sheet B is a "printable" order form that only contains the rows from Sheet A where the Quantity on Sheet A is not blank and is >=1. This will allow me to print sheet B with no blank rows for the items I don't need.
I found the following formula which claims to be able to do what I want:
EXAMPLE: Complete Sheet called "Day1". When day1 is complete you click on button and it then copies itself and creates and renames new sheet to "Day2", then when "Day2" is complete you click on button and it then copies itself and creates and renames new sheet to "Day3", and so on and so forth to "Day30".
Example, I have a sheet named DATA1, I want to add a new worksheet, copy a certain range from the DATA1 sheet to the new sheet and rename it the same name DATA1 and delete the old DATA1 sheet.
Also, the sheetname will be unknown, the macro must get the sheet name first.
This work is challenging for me, now am doing Comparing the Data between One Sheet to Another Sheet, and Paste into Different Sheet.
I am Manually Comparing the Data between two different sheet, If the Data is matching, or Not matching, those data i have document in other sheet, So i have lots of records available. so manually doing its very difficult, but macro can compare the data. I will give the details of my process and example sheet is attached here....
Data 1.xls == This sheet have multiple tab with data and different order no.(Multiple Tab with thousands of records available) orderNumberModified.xls == Modified data available. (Compare the OrderNumber to Data1.xls)
Now we have to compare the modified.xls and Data1.xls... For modified.xls have ORDERNUMBER available, that Numbers match with all tabs from Data 1.xls sheet.
If ORDERNUMBERS are matching, Need to copy the entire row from modified.xls To AVAILABLE TAB from Comparedata.xls sheet If ORDERNUMBERS is not matching, copy the entire row from modified.xls To NOTAVAILABLE DATA tab from comparedata.xls sheet
I am currently using a macro to copy a sheet from a closed workbook in to my current workbook. However this copying is based on the sheet name. At present when I run the following code
I am using Excel 2010 and I have a password protected workbook with password protected sheets that uses several macros. Most of them, in order to run, have to un-protect the sheet and then re-protect it again. This has been accomplished easily enough by adding ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:= "mypassword" and ActiveSheet.Protect Password:= "mypassword" to the appropriate places in the script. All of my macros, which do various things like sorting and moving data, deleting blank rows, displaying dialog boxes containing warning messages etc. run fine.
My problem is this: when I password protect the sheets manually, I have checked the following options in the "Protect Sheet" dialog box. Under "Allow users of this worksheet to" I have checked 1)Select unlocked cells and 2)Format cells. After entering my password and closing the dialog box my sheet is protected, but I can edit cells in the manner my allowances permit. However, once I run any of the macros that un-protect and re-protect the sheet, I remain able to select and edit unlocked cells (practically, for my purposes, this means that I can input data which will appear in the default font size and color of the sheet) but I cannot format cells (which, practically, for my purposes would allow me to occasionally change the font color and size of the data). Naturally, after running a macro, the other cell-formatting options are unavailable to me as well. Is there any way to get my manual selections to remain in place after running a macro that functions as mine do? Or is there any way to make my manual selections the default settings for a protected sheet?
I am running excel 2010 with windows 7. I created a macro in sheet 1 and I wish to activate the macro from sheet 2 using a form button. I have entered the code below. I know how to perform this function on a more simple macro like adding names to cells. This code is a bit more complex I just dont know where to start.
I am trying to take the tables you will see in the dummy page on the second and third sheet and have them output onto the first sheet based on the parameters of the drop down menus. Is there a way to have a button on the first page that controls a macro to do this?