I want to do is save each worksheet in a workbook to an individual workbook with the name of the worksheet. After executing the code below the strangest thing happened in that each saved workbook contains the lines ...
I have 25 files with certain worksheets that I need to move to 25 other files.
Worksheet 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Workbook A needs to be moved to Workbook A-2014 Worksheet 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Workbook B needs to be moved to Workbook B-2014 Worksheet 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Workbook C needs to be moved to Workbook C-2014 etc....
Is there a way to do this with a macro? Preferably I would like to do this automaticly - i.e. runing the macro from a master file that
1. Opens Workbook A copies the worksheets 2. Open Workbook A-2014 paste the sheets 3. Save and close Workbook A-2014 4. Close workbook A without saving
I am trying to divide a table of data (7 Columns, 500-1000'ish rows) into individual worksheets based on any unique values in column. There may be anywhere from 10-30 instances of the same value in Column C, and I need to bring all rows of each unique instance into a newly created worksheet to be labelled the same as the value in Column C.
The RAW data will be updated monthly by keeping a template file copying and pasting data, therefore I am hoping to have a "SORT" button with this Macro assigned to it. I have quickly thrown together a sample workbook with how the RAW DATA will be pasted into the file, with additional sheets showing how I would like the data split and organised.
I'm trying to copy worksheets from different workbooks to one workbook, but it doesnt work. This my code, can anyone spot the error? The problem is that it stops at the workbook that all the worksheets are supposed to be copied to.
Sub Makro11() ' ' Makro11 Makro ' Makrot inspelat 2008-03-17 av White ' ' Kortkommando: Ctrl+w ' namn = ActiveWorkbook.Name ActiveSheet.Select If ActiveSheet.Range("B3") = "" Then ActiveSheet.Range("B3") = "v 16," End If If ActiveSheet.Range("B3") = "v 15," Then ActiveSheet.Range("B3") = "v 16," End If ActiveSheet.Copy Before:=Workbooks( _ "KI.xls").Sheets(2) Windows(namn).Activate ActiveWorkbook.Save ActiveWorkbook.Close End Sub
I have a master workbook that has three sheets: Application, Equipment, Storage. I have over 500 other workbooks that have those same three sheets in them. Those workbooks also have other worksheets that I do not want. How can I create a macro that will open every one of those workbooks and copy over the data from each one of those 3 sheets into it's counter part in the master workbook?
I have a workbook with multiple sheets and I want to make these sheets into separate workbooks. I need them to be saved in the same path as the original workbook and automatically named (same filenames as worksheet names). I tried a code from a VBA book, and I got "Object needed" error message.
I am comfortable with getting a macro to copy & paste where I need it to, however how to get the macro to recognise when a certain value has stopped.
For example in Column B on "DataDrop" are all the divisions that exist in my company i.e East Anglia, Essex, London etc. There is an empty row between each division.
I am trying to copy worksheets from a master workbook to numerous other destination workbooks. I would like the code to check if the destination workbooks already contain any of the sheets being copied and if this is the case, miss out that sheet and move on to the next. Currently, if duplicate sheets are present, a second sheet is created and copied to the destination file.
VB: Sub CopyTrend() Dim Filename1, sFileNameAndPath, sThisWorkbookName As String
I want to be able to loop through all the sheets and copy similar named worksheets to seperate workbooks. So all the VARIOUS go to one workbook, all the PART 1000 goto another, and all the PART 1001 goto another. I can only determine the worksheet names by looping through all sheets - as I am not sure what they will be called because it is done programmatically. ALL sheets will contain a "(n)" where n is the sheet number, so I believe can extract similar names from the string preceding the left bracket.
At the moment I just lump ALL the worksheets irrespective of name to a single workbook creating an array and using the SPLIT function. This is very efficient and what it does, and I still want to use the SPLIT function and arrays.
this is the code I currently use, any help much appreciated!!! Please tell me how to modify this existing code to clump together similar names and copy - I guess I will need to loop multiple times to achieve this.
For Each mySheet In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
Range("Arc").Value = "'" & Range("Arc") & "," & mySheet.Name If Left(Range("Arc").Value, 1) = "," Then Range("Arc").Value = "'" & Right(Range("Arc").Value, Len(Range("Arc").Value) - 1) End If Next
I have a current macro that saves each sheet as their own file. The first 10-15 sheets are not really necessary, so I typically delete them once the macro has run. I am looking to add two things to my current code:
1. Add a tab called Start. Make the macro look for 'Start' tab and then just save each sheet to the right of that as its own file.
2. Save each sheet in the macro as just a copy/paste value. They current have a lot of links and it makes each file close to 3MB. That makes it incredibily difficult to paste all in one email.
Here is the current code:
Sub CreateWorkbooks() 'Creates an individual workbook for each worksheet in the active workbook. Dim wbDest As Workbook Dim wbSource As Workbook Dim sht As Object Dim strSavePath As String On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
I get 'x' number of workbooks(with one sheet only) everyweek from which I need to copy data and paste to a master worksheet. (SCREEN CAPTURE BELOW)
I am unable to write the code myself as I have never worked on VBA and am only a beginner.
Part I:
The data I need to copy starts from the 19th row (A19:H19). The end point is determined by the row just before the row that has the words "Calibration Request" in it.
Part II: Just below the data that was pasted from Part I, the data from 2 rows below the words "Calibration Request" needs to be pasted. The end point for this would be a blank row encounter.
I've got a macro that combines multiple worksheets and workbooks. Just a minor problem, the very last row of each worksheet is being deleted, and I can't seem to pinpoint the cause of the problem.
'This will copy data from all sheets of the selected workbooks 'To a sheet named 'Data' in the sheet in which the macro is run from
Dim pasterow As String mainsheetname = ActiveWorkbook.Name MsgBox ("Please select spreadsheets to combine") filestoopen = Application. GetOpenFilename(MultiSelect:=True) responseval = MsgBox("Do you want to leave the combined spreadsheets open?", vbYesNo) Worksheets("Data").Select Range("A1").Select 'open workbooks For Each w In filestoopen...................
I have a workbook with approximately 30 worksheets. This workbook already has a massive macro that I've written. I'd like to write a code that will take a designated worksheet, check to see if there is data in cell A2, if so, save it as a new workbook.
The name of the workbook should be predetermined, for example "SIA April(Previous Month) 2008(Current Year) P-Card Import Template.xls" The months and years will need to change.
The file to save it in will also change monthly- for example- G:PCard DirectoryCloses2008 ClosesApril(previous month) 2008(current year)
Can you please help me enhancing the macro that you created for consolidating multiple workbooks into one. The macro creates worksheets based on the server names, can we create individual csv files as well for individual worksheets of the consolidated workbook?
I have a Master list of kids names and age groups, that will be used by Coaches to update, from this i would like to have each of the different age groups details extracted into different worksheets within the same workbook.
I used an IF statement to but found it was leaving blank lines between finds.
I'm having trouble making a master worksheet that imports data from a set of worksheets that are in the same file directory.
Basically, I have about 200 or so rate sheets and I need to get them all into one master worksheet so that way I can run different data and graphs without manually typing each one into the master worksheet.
I've not really new to excel; however I am new to VBA and I'm assuming that's what I need to use??
I've now uploaded all the correct files that I'm using.
Attached: RC1272.xls Master RCF Report.xls
I need to find a way to import the info RC1272 and others alike into the master file. In reality, I'll have about 150-200 "RC" to get moved over.
What stuff that I need to move from the individual RC files are highlighted in YELLOW in the RATESHEET tab
Here's a list of the items that I need moved over from RateSheet (from top to bottom and left to right) to the master file
Provider Name: Column B Provider Number: Column D OSS/IPC Resident days: Column F Total Resident Days: Column G Total Provider Beds: Column E Total Allowance Days: Column H...........................
I have a workbook with 100 sheets and I want to quickly save each sheet as its own PDF file. I was able to find some instructions, but the code keeps giving me an error at the highlighted spot.
I have a file w/ individuals monthly sales information (per worksheet) that needs to be distributed in one mass email to the entire sales force. I want everyone to have access to the "Summary" tab, but individuals should only have access to their own "Details" tab. I know there has to be a way to accomplish via VBA. However, I'm not proficient in writing code.
I’ve created a spreadsheet to record all transactions ( Sheet 1) at a train auction for members only (Sheet 2). Currently, the workbook I created will ‘manually’ create receipts for any buyers/sellers by filling in Member's name in Sheet 1 and then selecting ‘View ‘Member’ Receipt’ button.
Ideally, I would like a macro that will automatically generate a worksheet for any member that has sold or bought an item at the auction and insert worksheets between ‘Start’ & ‘End’ tabs (with option to refresh data) in location order (A-D). Because members come from near and far we would like to generate the members that need to travel the farthest first. Is it possible to create a receipt for only the members that have transactions?
I'm just starting out on my journey into VBA and this forum has been a valuable resource for picking up hints and tricks
I've decided to cut some corners and ask for help for the final piece of my current jigsaw - effectively this comes in two bits.
Part one:
I want to copy a sheet from two open workbooks and paste them into my active wookbook. Both source workbooks only have one sheet. I want a dialogue box to select the desired workbook, select and copy all data and then paste to a specified sheet (replacing the current data) in the destination workbook. I then want to select the other source workbook from the dialogue box and copy all data to a separate sheet in the destination workbook. I would like the dialogue box to have two options - Ok to select, copy and paste data, Cancel to end the macro.
Part two:
I want to copy a sheet from my source workbook and paste it as a separate sheet in a new workbook (a one page workbook would be ideal). I then want to save the new workbook in a specified location as "Data - Date" in the format 2009 02 12.
I have a huge worksheet containing Blackberries expenses of my company divided by multiple sections. Each section follows the following pattern: Example:
Client 222-5555 MY COMPANY NAME LCC International Calls - Call to Bahamas on June - $50,00 Local Calls - Call to NY on June - $ 30,00 Total Price - 80,00
I would like to select each row between client and total price and paste then on multiple sheets in order to create individual invoices. The selection must be based on the client number (for instance 222-5555) that is part of the cell value.
I have 3 workbooks open. 1 is my working file and I name it as "Final[date].xlsm". The other 2 files are my source files which are also open are named as source1.xlsx and source2.xlsx. Both the source files has only one tab/sheet as "Sheet1". My objective is to bring the contents of the source file to my working file in 2 different sheets. all the contents in Sheet1 of "Source1.xlsx" should be paste.values only to the "Final[date].xlsm" with a sheet name "BankDetails". This will enable the user also to replace the old data in "BankDetails" tab. The "source2.xlsx" sheet1 has a different situation. I need to copy only the cells with values, not the entire cells, because it has to be pasted (values only) to range C2:L. I have formulas in the other columns before C and after L.
Take note that my working file name is changing every based on the date while my source file has always same file name.
I have Book1 (reference workbook) and Book2 (where i copy values from Book1)
Now I have macro to fetch the datas and paste the values in the format below.
But I can only doing this for one reference workbooks. But i need to add more reference workbooks in a file and paste to Book2. (etc: Book1, Book3, Book4, ....... to Book2)
Book2 looks like:
A1 B1 C1 D1 Name Adress Age Sex Ozan xxxxxx 27 M
Here' s the Code.
Option Explicit Sub TransferData() Dim wkb As Workbook, wks As Worksheet, LastRow As Long Dim FilePath As String, FileName As String Dim ws As Worksheet, blnOpened As Boolean 'Change these variables as desired...
I have 17 workbooks which contain similar data and formatting. The only variance is the number of rows of data in each. I want to write a macro in the Master worksheet that will accomplish the following
1. Create a worksheet name in the master workbook with the same name as the workbook that it's pulling data from. 2. Copy over the column headings from columns A:P to the newly created worksheet on the master workbook 3. Copy over all rows that contain the word "down" under column D titled Operational status
The naming convention for the master workbook will be titled "All Switches". The naming convention for the worksheets containing the data are titled Port_Map_on_tiegcsw01, Port_Map_on_tiegcsw02, Port_Map_on_nypgcsw01. There are other names , but I can reference the code an update accordingly.
I found some searches on the forum for creating a macro to copy data between workbooks, but not quite sure how to write the macro for the three functions.
Copy over data from different workbooks and using paste special values to paste it into a new workbook using a macro. Here is what I have and what I am looking for:
My file path is
C:Documents and SettingsMy DocumentsProjectCostsDecember12
I also have a workbook called DecMonthlyTotal in the same folder with the same named worksheets.
I am looking for a macro to be placed in the DecMonthlyTotal that will pull the data from the Cashable12-13 worksheets from Function1, Function2 and Function3 and paste special the values into workbook DecMonthlyTotal, worksheet name Cashable12-13, it will also pull the data from the NonCashable12-13 worksheets from Function1, Function2 and Function3 and paste special the values into workbook DecMonthlyTotal, worksheet name NonCashable12-13
Both the Cashable12-13 and the NonCashable12-13 have Columns A - G The row that the macro should start the copying from is Row 3 for each of the workbooks; however I don't have an end row for the workbooks as this will vary.
I'd like to copy/paste from different spreadsheets. The place it will be pasted is specific.
Sub Family1() Range("A2").Value Sheets("Black Market").Select Range("C3:C35").Copy Sheets("Profiles").Select Range("B2").PasteSpecial Sheets("Real Estate").Select Range("E3:E30").Copy Sheets("Profiles").PasteSpecial End Sub