Macro To Open New Files And Edit Links

May 12, 2014

I'm trying to set up a macro so that: in column C I will see the current (old) links being used by the workbookin column D I will input the new links I want to use in the workbookthe macro will open all those files in column Dthe macro will then replace the current (old) links with those listed in column D

I have the following so far, but something doesn't seem to be working - it gets as far as opening the first new file but doesn't open any others and doesn't change any links (although I've tested the part to change links separately and this seemed to work ok).

Sub linked_sheets()
Dim LinkedBooks As Variant
Dim i As Long
LinkedBooks = ThisWorkbook.LinkSources()
For i = LBound(LinkedBooks) To UBound(LinkedBooks)
Cells(i + 3, 3) = LinkedBooks(i)

[Code] ..........

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Macro Where I Try To Edit The Links After I Open The Workbook

Feb 3, 2007

I have a macro where I try to edit the links after I open the workbook. I used the macro recorder to get the code, and if I use it, it works great. However, when I try to insert some variables in the code, I get an error saying "Method 'ChangeLink' of object'_Workbook' failed. I don't know why I'm getting this error. Below is code.

Sub MyCode

Dim VarianceMonth As Variant
VarianceMonth = VarianceReport.cboMonth.ListIndex + 1

Windows(VarianceMonth & "_2007 Forecast (LGBU).xls").Activate
ActiveWorkbook.ChangeLink Name:= _
"\sf1d3shareLGBU_ FinanceAdministrative ReportsMonthly Forecasts" & VarianceMonth & "_2007" & VarianceMonth - 1 & "_2007 Forecast (Ancillary).xls" _
, NewName:= _
"\sf1d3shareLGBU_ FinanceAdministrative ReportsMonthly Forecasts" & VarianceMonth & "_2007" & variancmeonth & "_2007 Forecast (Ancillary).xls" _
, Type:=xlExcelLinks

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Open, Edit, Save Macro - Various Files

May 22, 2006

i've got the code below, and if you notice the directory and file line, I want a loop that'll do what the macro below does, but also for files j1k2-j1k200. I'm hoping there's a macro that'll be able to do this, as I don't want to have to copy, paste and edit the same macro below 200 times!

Application. ScreenUpdating = False ' turn off the screen updating
Set wb = Workbooks.Open("C:Uni StuffStocks_J20j1ka.xls", False, False)
Selection.Replace What:="]w1", Replacement:="]w2", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
wb.Close True ' close the source workbook saving any changes
Set wb = Nothing ' free memory
Application.ScreenUpdating = True ' turn on the screen updating
End Sub

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Unable To Edit Links With Workbook Open Because Of Invalid Reference?

May 31, 2013

I'd prefer to edit links with the source workbook open, however I receive this error when I do "A formula in this worksheet contains one or more invalid references." I am able to edit links with the source workbook closed but this takes far too much time to be satisfied with that as the solution. I have used vlookup formulas and the index-match method and they both take about the same amount of time to update. I've separated each worksheet and used the "name manager" add-in and have searched all links for any type of error. I feel like I'm missing something. Is there a way to fix this "invalid reference" error so that I can edit my links with the source workbook open?

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Open Set Of Files To Fetch Data Starting From A Master File Where The Links Are Given Using A Loop

Aug 29, 2006

I am trying to open set of excel files to fetch data starting from a master excel file where the links are given using a loop. Some of files given as links are either absent or the link is wrong.

* What is the syntax to find if the link is correct/present

* What is the syntax to find if the file is present in specified location

* What is the syntax to find if the file is password protected to open

* I use error handler to resume the next statement if OPEN statement fails.It works fine inside the loop only for first two files.

For example if the third link is errorneous the error handler fails and RUN TIME ERROR occurs.

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Edit Links - Break Links Not Working?

Jun 22, 2012

I have an unwanted link and I can't remove it. I have tried through the Edit Links dialog box, searched for [ in formulas throughout the workbook and gone searching manually for the reference but to no avail.

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Edit Macro To Open Specific File Automatically

Aug 16, 2007

I am using this code to get me to a path then I click on the file I want and it opens it and makes it a .csv file. Then my code does stuff with it and closes it. My question is, do I even have to click on it? Can I get the macro to automatically open the file. Note the "NewestFolderInThePath" is a function that open me up to the "newest" created folder in the path. From there I double click file.

NewestFolderInThePath = ReturnNewestFolder("\datawhse
Path = "\datawhse

TheFile = Path & NewestFolderInThePath
CreateObject("WScript.Shell").CurrentDirectory = TheFile

TheFile = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel Files (*.*), *.*", , "Open Balance Sheet File FRPMBSDTL")
If TheFile = "False" Then
continue = MsgBox("Do you want to Continue to IS Download?", _................

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Edit Links Greyed Out?

Sep 10, 2009

I've read a bit on the web about there being a bug with the 'edit links' feature. How/Can I get this function to work?

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Excel Edit Links Will Not Update?

Apr 19, 2013

I have inherited an excel document that has dashboards, data pages and pivot tables. There is macro and links within this but I can not view the macros at all. When trying to update the links ( using break,update, change) it appears to work ( changes to OK) but the location field on bottom of edit links page NEVER goes to new location and the MANUAL button is greyed out. I need to be able to update this master file tomorrow with the multiple excel sheets I will get but do not know how to do it if can not update links proeprly or even be able to view the macro

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Change/Edit External Links

Dec 12, 2007

Is it possible to update external links on a worksheet via running a macro?
I have a worksheet where some cells have external links to other files, and every month I have to scroll through and do the typing in order to have everything up and running.
A typical cell has formulas like =[E:ReportsAug-2007.xls]Data!F25
Another cell =[E:ReportsAug-2007.xls]Data!F43
and so on.

Every new month I actually have to replace all [E:ReportsAug-2007.xls] occurrences with for example [E:ReportsSep-2007.xls]. So, is it possible to have a macro which opens a textbox of which i can type the new month 'Sep', so that when the macro runs I save all the typing?

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Edit Links When New Worksheet Added

Jun 27, 2008


I was wondering if it is possible to update links from one worksheet to another that contains a running tally - even when another worksheet is added and needs to be linked to the running tally as well?

I have attached a sample workbook. What I have is a summary sheet ( Sum Hrs CMS) that has SUMIF calculations for a series of rows in the Estimate Sheet.

The problem that I have run into is - when you press the Add New Sheet button on the Estimate sheet, it copies hidden sheet and inserts it at the end of the workbook, however I then need the hours in the CMS portion to link to the summary sheet. What I was wondering is how do the links on the 'Sum Hrs CMS' sheet include this new sheet and the data that is entered on it?

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Name Manager - Edit External Links Automatically?

Mar 21, 2014

how do I edit external links automatically in name manager?

I got external links like


It is easy to replase manually few links, but what about few hundreds...

How do I replace from




automatically ?

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Can't Find Edit Links Command In Excel

Feb 16, 2014

I can't find the Edit Links command in Excel. where it is?

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Excel 2007 :: Edit Links And Still Retain Cell Comments?

Jan 17, 2014

How can i break the links in a row of cells but still retian the cell comments thereafter.

At the moment, the comments dissapear after editing the links in excel 2007 that i am using.

Changing the display (foe cells with comments, show) under file-options-advanced has not really worked.

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Copy Entire Row By Range & Suppress 'Cannot Edit Links' Message

Jun 25, 2008

I have 10 workbooks which have various calculations and have several links to each other. We use Excel 2003.

For each of these files, I have the following code in the Auto_Open module
Range Range(“TodayComp”) is a date taken form a link in another spreadsheet. It is on Column 3, but the row changes every day as more rows are inserted before it

This sub looks at Range(“TodayComp”) and checks the date on the cell directly above.

If say Range(“TodayComp”) is 6/25/2008, and the cell above is 6/22/2008, it will insert three rows right above Range(“TodayComp”). These rows need to be copied with formulas from the current row above Range(“TodayComp”)

Issue One:
The following code works (it copies the rows), but it takes forever to run, as you can see in bold, I copy and paste each cell, instead of the entire row.
Is there a way to copy and paste the entire row? Remember that I have only a named range to refer to, no cell address as it changes every time.

Public Sub Auto_open()
End Sub

Public Sub Update_Dates()
Dim tdy, prev As Date
Dim index, i, j, yr, no_inserts As Integer

Sheets("Comparison Computation").Activate

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Edit Excel Formula Links To Use Environment Variables Instead Of Static Absolute Paths

Sep 30, 2013

Is there a way that formula links in spreadsheets can use environment variables to reference formulas in other spreadsheets/addins?

For example, I have a spreadsheet that imports templates which call functions in an addin. The spreadsheet, templates and the addin could be installed into either the 'Program Files' or the 'Program Files (x86)' folders.

I am experiencing issues with the formula references when moved between 32 and 64 bit computers since Excel seems to store the full path of the addin in the Excel formula (even though it hides it when the reference resolves its path) in my templates. I would like to update the references in my templates so that they use an environment variable (set by my software installer) to always know the correct path of the addin.

In Excel 2003, spreadsheet links are edited via: 'Edit'->'Links'
In Excel 2007 and higher,'Data'->'Edit Links'

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Open All Files With A Macro

Apr 30, 2007

If i have a folder with multiple csv files in it, all with different names can i get a macro to open all these files.

I know that i can if they are always the same name each time i run the macro but what i would like to do is to change the name of the csv files daily.

The reason is because i could have upto 50 different files a day.

So basically i'd like to click a button and open all the contents of the folder regardless of the name of the files inside.

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Open PDF Files Via Macro

Jul 28, 2007

How can I code a Macro in Excel to search in a preset directory and pull out, aka open/run a certain Adobe Acrobat .pdf file automatically? Is this even possible to code in Excel Macro or is it out of its scope of what Excel VB code can do?

Right now I have a very repetitive task where depending on the value of a certain field in Excel I have to search for the right/corresponding .pdf file and open it up do work in the .pdf as well as the Excel worksheet... I have to do like hundreds of this. So is there a quick way to code in Excel that a certain value will open a certain file named .pdf acrobat file? Can other programs/files be called upon and ran/started/opened from within Excel Macro?

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Open All Files In Folder And Run Macro

Jul 19, 2012

Please look at the code below...need this to open and run FIXId macro, save and close then loop through all files in the specified folder.

Sub CorrectID()
Dim Wb As Workbook, sFile As String, sPath As String
Dim itm As Variant
Dim strFileNames As String

sPath = "C:UsersXXXDocumentsFlash Repots2012"
sFile = Dir("C:UsersXXXDocumentsFlash Repots2012" & "*.xlsx")

[Code] ....

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Open Many Files/Workbooks & Run Macro

Oct 16, 2006

Here is what I'm doing:

-Open .xls file
-Run a macro (it works correctly when run by itself but I'm trying to speed things up)
-Open next file, and so on (I'll do this on no more than 200 files at a time all in the same folder)

Here is the code I am using: ....

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Macro To Open All 18 Files One A Time

Oct 19, 2007

I use this same macro on 18 excel spreadsheets. The spread sheet retrieves in data then massages the data then saves the spread sheet depending on cell values.This macro runs on file open. When a file is run one at a time the macro runs perfect.

This is the problem: I created a macro to open all 18 files one a time ,this macro Opens the file then the Macro (listed below) runs then closed the file. When this happens the macro will only save every other file. And I get a Text box message do I want to save this file. I have changed order of when the files run which has no effect.

Sub Auto_Open()
Sheets("Raw data from qmf").Select
If ActiveSheet.Range("W1").Text = "Done" Then Exit Sub
Application.Goto Reference:="R2C1"
Selection.QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
'If no data Save and Exit sub
If ActiveSheet.Range("A2") = "" Then Application.Run "BuildPath"
If ActiveSheet.Range("A2") = "" Then Exit Sub
Sheets("Sub Total by Ticket").Select
Application.Goto Reference:="R2C1"....................

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Macro To Open Up Several Files And Update Data?

Aug 12, 2014

I have several workbooks in folder C:Parts &Service where the data needs to be updated with downloaded files in C:extract

I have a macro that allows me to open up a workbook in c:Parts & SVC Sales. One opened I then need to select the appropriate file in C:extract

Sub Update_Workbooks()
ChDir ("C:Parts & SVC Sales")
Application.DisplayAlerts = False


The are two types of workbooks in C:Parts & SVC Sales "Parts Sales" and "service Sales" . The branch name is at the beginning of the file name

Instead of opening up each file individually in C:Parts & SVC Sales and selecting the appropriate csv file in C:/extract using the Update_Macro, I would like the macro to open up all the files in the directory C:Parts & SVC Sales and update each of these with the appropriate csv file in C:extract

The name and description type must match the csv files and then updated eg Br1 Parts Sales to be updated with csv file Br1 Salesperson 01-07-2014 (the date in the file is not important for match the parts file -the branch name for eg BR1 and "salesperson is) i.e Br1 Parts Sales must select BR1 Salesperson 01-07-2014

BR1 Service Sales Must be updated with Br1 Service order repair register.csv (branch name for eg Br1 in this instance name and Service order repair register (pertain to Service Sales) is important)

Br2 Parts Sales to be updated with Br2 Salesperson
Br2 Service Sales must be updated with Br2 Service order repair register etc


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Open And Close Files Using Excel Macro?

May 16, 2014

I have a folder which has a set of files (Files may be anything like excel,pdf,word..etc).My rrequirement is: When i run the macro the first file to last file should open and wait for 5 sec and then close..I mean first time the first file should open and wait for 5 sec and close..Next 2 nd files shoul open and close after 5 third files should open and close after 5 sec...Like wise till last file..Is this possible to achive through macro code..

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Open Different Types Of Files From My Single Macro

May 5, 2009

I have the following macro that is linked to a button.

There is also a function that is called to check to see if the file is already open.

These macros & functions work properly.

Basically, the Case statements check the extension of the file to be opened and then calls the correct macro to open that particular file.

I have shown the macro that is called by the Case statement that has the extension .xls . . . Excel

I want to keep these Case statements as I always want Excel files opened in new instances of Excel.

What I need is when the existing case statements do not find an extension that is listed, I want code added to this macro that can open any type of file, such as files with other types of extensions or without extensions.

My son suggested that I should try to get a macro that could open the file using the RUN command found under the Start Button. Sounds good to me.

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Macro That Will Open Certain Files Based On Contents Of A Cell

May 6, 2013

I am trying to create a macro that will open certain files based on the contents of a cell. There are three possible files that I will want to open.


If the contents of cell Q2 = 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 then open "File1.xlsx"
If the contents of cell Q2 = 60, 70 or 80 then open "File2.xlsx"
If the contents od cell Q2 = 90, 100, or 110 then open "File3.xlsx"

If the contents of Q2 do not equal any of the possibilities listed then I would like an error box to show with the option to end or debug the code.

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Creating Macro To Open CSV Files And Pasting On Sheet?

Jul 11, 2014

i was wonder is there was any way I could go to the following website:


and copy paste it into an excel sheet. What i would need is to get this page and the previous 7 days by changing the date "20140711" to "20140710" and so on. Each orevious day needs to be copy pasted to a different sheet.

As a new day occurs, I would like to delete the page 7 days ago and add the new day on a new sheet.

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Loop Macro To Open/copy List Of Files

Oct 24, 2007

I am trying to write a macro to open a specific file (i.e site 1) and copy a range and paste that data into another workbook (Comparisons).

I can manage to write the macro to do this one by one, but ideally I would like to write some sort of loop macro that will go down a specific range of files (column A), listing the copy range (column B), and where to paste (column C) until it hits a blank row.

That way I do not have to keep re-programming my comparison spreadsheet every time a new site opens.

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IPad APP Which Can Open Macro-Enabled Microsoft Excel Files

Jun 20, 2012

I am looking for an IPad App which can open Macro-Enabled Microsoft Excel Files.

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Macro To Open Specific Files And Copy Data From Week Number Sheets

Jan 8, 2010

What im trying to do is have a macro that will open a file called Blue 1.xls in location "I:SchedulesBlue" and then copy data from cells N13:034. Then paste it into another excel file (Press.xls)on worksheet "Press Break" cell G14.

The data that is copied not always fills up the cells N13:O34 so I need it to go to the next blank cell in column N and paste the information from file Blue 2, and so on for Yellow 1, Yellow 2, YellNR, and Green.

So to summarise I need a macro to open 6 files copy data from the same location on each of the files(N13:O34) then close and paste it into a master document(Press.xls) worksheet "Press Break".

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How To Handles Links To Other Files

Nov 19, 2012

I have been having problems lately with excel files on Network drives. I have one file that I created on 11/12/2012. However, on Friday that file showed it had been modified by myself on 11/13/2012. I did not do this. As a note, this file contains macros based on a button that is clicked from a worksheet.

I then copied data from this worksheet into another file, creating a link that I did not know was there with the worksheet and the macro. From the first workbook, I also copied in data collection from two other worksheets, also I believe with a link to the first workbook.

I did a test on the first file this morning and found out you can open a file, make no changes, and close the file. Excel will ask you to save the file. If you say Yes, the file will show being modified with today's date and your userid, even though nothing really changed.

What I am actually trying to find out is that can the original file be altered somehow that will automatically update the linked file? Or, when I open the linked file, do I have to say "YES", I want the updates before the linked file is updated?

There were some questions as to how a value showed up in the link file (or actually ended up being removed) and when I looked at the original file it was also removed. We checked on stability across the network drive but found it to be okay, now we are looking at the link issue.

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