Map 2 Lists Of Data To Show If Equal

Dec 19, 2013

I need to map 2 reports to show if they are equal.

One report has 2 columns with name and amount of what was sent to a vendor.

The second report has 2 columns with name and amount of what they received.

The second report name column has account number added so the column won't be exact.

I need to compare the 2 reports to see if the same name and amount was correctly sent/received

Report 1 (sent)
Column 1-Name Sandra
Column 2-Amount $100

Report 2 (received)
Column 1-Name Sandra/284578
Column 2-Amount $100

I am not sure how to display my findings. I would need to identify what is not matching.

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Dropdown Lists Data Went Selected Won't Show In Next Dropdown Only Remaining Data

Mar 11, 2013

I am trying to pull data from more than one drop down but don't the same data to show if already use, example as follow:

First drop down Contains:- Pants

if I chose Hats it should not show up in the second drop down

second drop down Contains:- Pants
Is this done in data validation or combo Box? if so how?

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If Cell Has Number Then Equal, Else Show Nothing

Sep 20, 2007

If square A1 says deposit account and c1 has a figure in it, i want g1 to repeat the figure,but if a2,a3 etc says something other than deposit account i want g2,g3 to remain blank.What is the formula for square g1etc?

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Join 2 Cells & Show Equal Sign In Cell

Jan 17, 2008

For Exempel


I have even tried with concernate and indirect in A3 but no difference there...

I want A3 to return =B1 but it only returns it in text but i want it in form of a formula. Is there a formula that returns text directly into a formula or an easy way to do this?

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Drop Down Lists Show Various Choices

Jan 19, 2010

I can create a drop list show various choices, is it possible to have the list of choice but also for the user to input text not in the list.

So if you had a list of names andrew, brian, chris and then not in the list you could write david ?

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Pivot - Can't Show Field Lists

Apr 9, 2007

I don't know how I done it. But I have managed to totally goober up my pivot table settings at a global level.

Start with a data worksheet and do Data | PivotTable and Pivot Chart Report... and just click the Finish button and you get a skeleton with the grey "Drop Column Fields Here", "Drop Data Items Here", "...Row...", "...Page..." and blue highlights around each. I don't know when -- but it must be recently, perhaps even this morning... I did something that turned off this behavior. Now I don't see the grey messages. Now I don't see the blue outline. Normally, if that were the case, one simple clicks on the Show Field List buttons and voilá. But neither on existing pivots in workbooks that have always been well-behaved and new pivots too, I cannot get the Show Field List buttons to work! Neither the default feller on the PT toolbar, nor the same button on the popup menu that you get when right-click the PT. Even more amusing? The button(s) are not disabled. If I click somewhere off the PT, then yes, the buttons disable.

Click back on the PT and the button on the PT toolbar "enables". They just don't do anything.

Troubleshooting failures so far...

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Show Data In Cell Only If Other Cells Show Data

Sep 8, 2009

I have 2 different formulas that I need changed in a similar way.

The first formula is for cell AV11:

Every cell starts off blank.

What I need is for cell AV11 to always start off blank until data is entered into one of the other cells. The problem is that since the sum always needs to be +10 only when data is entered in the other cells, I don't know how to keep 10 from showing in cell AV11 when no data is typed in the other cells.

The other formula is for cell CO39:

I pretty much need the same thing. If no data is entered in cell CU8, then I do not want cell CO39 to show the 3.

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Add Or Remove Info To Two Lists In Sheet1 And Sheet2 And Difference Between Two Lists

Mar 29, 2014

My problem in the given excel file

1. Sheet1; how to Add "B000" in the List A or "B00" if the digits and 5 in the list
2. Sheet2; how to remove "B000" or "B00" from the list
3. Sheet3; how to highlight difference or find out the difference between to lists


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If A Cell Has Data Show It If Not Show 0

Oct 9, 2009

I have a column of data held in column B.

I am required to show the following.

If there is data in the cell then it is to be left. If there is no data in the cell then I would like to show the value 0.

I have tried using a circular reference, using the formula =IF(ISBLANK(B1),0,B1) and other similar formulas but they dont work as the formula overwrites the data in it.

do I need a macro?, or conditional formatting?

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Cells Not Equal Even Though They Have The Same Data

Jul 17, 2013

I have a spreadsheet with Golf Stats on it, and on my latest import, the lookup stopped working. I am no longer able to look up any of the golfers names.I have attached a portion of the spreadsheet as an example.Lookup Failure.xlsx

Before the data was pulled in 'last name','first name' but is now 'first','last'... so that explains why I have the lookup column in Column A, because it used to convert the last,first format to first,last but that is besides the point. What my real problem is not being able to lookup Column D. As you can see in Cell L4, I tried to test if K4=D4 (Both say Nicolas Colsaerts but Excel does not say they are equal).

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Values Which Are Equal Not Treated Equal

Jul 5, 2007

I'm having trouble with a small vba macro. At the end of the macro I test to see if two variables are equal and then print out true or false. However, for some reason even though the variables are equal vba is not treating them that way. I have put the values that represent the variables on a spreadsheet and used the if(x1=x2) formula and it says it is true, also, when I debug the macro and watch the values when it comes to test the logical expression the numbers are the same. I don't understand why vba does not say that the two variables are equal. I have attached a screenshot of the breakpoint where I double check the values are equal.

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Arrranging Data In Equal Rows

Dec 17, 2008

Data flows from other columns and is in eight or some time in ten rows. Sometime one row has maximum of 12 entries and some time in a row, there are three to seven entries. To say that the number of entries in a row is not fixed. I wish to let the data remain as it is in their original rows but to arrange it in different equal rows i.e. one row may contain ten entries and the data may retain the sequence. For example, if row No.5 has seven entries, the remaining three entries may come from row no.6 so that one row has ten entries in a uniform way, the row no.6 may get the required entries from row no.7 and so on. At the moment, I arrange it one by one and that is very time consuming.

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If Data Equal A Range Then Return Corresponding Value

Mar 8, 2013

I have 2 works sheet.

Sheet 1 is a table, sheet 2 is the source data. On sheet 2 the source data, are two columns. Column A has a range of codes , column B has a range of dollar values. Each code has a different corresponding dollar value.

On sheet 1 I would like to enter a code in column C and have it return in the cell to the right in Column D, the corresponding value from sheet 2 column B.

Column C Column D

E4 $145.78

E7 $89.01

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Lists, How To Make Drop-down Lists Optional

May 13, 2009

Is there a way to make a drop-down list optional? When I create drop-down lists the user has to make a choice from that list.

Example: a list of doctors. I need the user to be able to select from that list if the patient saw one of those physicians, but if the patient saw another doctor not on the list, I need the user to be able to enter the name of that other doctor. Currently the user has to select from the list or not enter a doctor. I am using Excel 2003.

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Sum Cells In One Column If Data In Next Two Columns Equal

Nov 13, 2013

I have three columns: Symbol, Dividend Payment, and Shares.

What formula will look at the shares column and symbol column and say if cells in column C are equal each other & cells in Column A are equal to each other than add all the div payment that correspond with those symbols and shares?


Dividend Payment
Sum (Formula would go here)



(result desired) 1.5 (B2+B3) because (add the dividend where their symbol (A2&A3)and shares (C2&C3)are equal) both conditions have to apply to add div payment

[Code] ......

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Arranging Data Justified Way In Equal Rows

Dec 20, 2008

I get text type data from a different sheet in the following way.
The data is dispersed in different rows and entries range vary from row to row:

1111 2222 3333
4545 5454 6456 xwty mnb ypdxy zxty
7678 9809 1234 4zpx howe ever

I would like that it may be arranged like this in other rows so that the above original data may remain in its original form.

1111 2222 3333 4545 5454 6456
xwty mnby pdxy zxty 7678 9809
1234 4zpx howe ever

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Data Lists

Jan 22, 2007

I would like to have a list that when one of the items is chosen, it brings up a second list and so on.

Therefore, list 4 will depend on what was chosen from List 3 which will depend on List 2 which will depend on List 1.

I'm not sure if macro's are required.

I have attached a file that lists out a Decision Tree (Decision Tree Tab).
I also have a Form tab which is where I have the decisions that need to be made.

So, in the Gender Row I can choose Male or Female. If I choose Male, then the Interests list should contain Cars, Sports or Colors.

Type will depend on which I chose and finally, Detail will depend on which Type I chose.

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Equal Distribution Of Budget Data Based On Condition

May 6, 2014

I have written a code for equal distribution of Budget Data based on condition.

The user will enter annual budget number in Column K (highlighted in Green) and based on condition in Column N (highlighted in Yellow), the data will be divided by 12 and it need to be equally distributed from Colum P to Column AA. The condition for distribution is 'Y' (Yes)/ 'N' (No).

I have also attached the sample file.Budget_Input Form.xlsm

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Conditional Formatting :: A1 Is Equal To Data Highlight Cells On A2

Dec 15, 2009

how to create a conditional formatting formula that looks like this..

"If A1 is equal to DATA highlights greater than zero on cells A2 to A1000.

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Using Lists To Sort Data

Apr 30, 2013

1) Imagine i have a row 1 with names, column 1 with bank account numbers, and under each name corresponding to each bank account it says "yes" or "no" depending on whether or not they are authorized on the bank account. How do i make 2 drop down lists, 1 with bank account numbers that produces the names which are authorized on the account and visa versa (list with names showing bank a/c numbers). It needs to be able to be updated easily.

2) Suppose I have the table as described above and another excel file with 1 column as bank a/c's and another column is authorized bank users. In this column however each cell just has a bunch of names for example one cell may contain (james, john, jack, jennifer, bill). Is there anyway to check these names against the ones in the table from the other spread sheet?

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Comparing Data Lists

Sep 27, 2011

I have two lists of serial numbers which I want to compare to find those number which are not in both lists. I have used the following formula: =IF(A2=$G$2:$G$283,"",A2) where A2 equals the first cell in list 1, G2:G283 the range of the second list, true value "" false value display the contents of the original cell.

This works so far; where the contents in the A and G cells are the same on the row eg A2 and G2, but where they are different the contents of the A cell are being returned even if they are elsewhere in the range.

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Matching Up 2 Lists Of Data

Oct 8, 2009

I have a list of data in cells A through C, and also have the same data in G through I.
A:C is 2009 data, G:I is 2008 data.

Some of my data is a line off, what i want to do is match numbers based on A and G and then match up there data.

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Compare Lists Of Data

Jun 5, 2007

I need to search a column of numbers in Excel (A) and compare it to another column (B). I need to find all of the numbers that apprear in column A but not in column B. Can this be done?

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Disappearing Data Validation Lists

Sep 22, 2008

I have a very large spreadsheet that I work with on a daily basis. The main portion of the spreadsheet is broken down into weekly sections (for example, columns GF thru GM contain data sections for one week, which then repeats with the next set of columns, etc.). Below these weekly sections are detail and summary sections for all the data entered above. In the main weekly portion, each week contains a size drop-down list which calls to size information in the detail portion below. Recently, the data validation lists have started disappearing. By disappearing, I mean that the data validation for the cell no longer exists on a large portion of the list cells. I have tried recreating all of the data validations, saving the file, and re-opening it, and when I do, they've disappeared again. I have no idea what to do at this point. The functionality of the spreadsheet is crippled without the sizing drop-down lists (for various lookup reasons).

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Data Validation :: Dependent Lists

Oct 14, 2008

See the attached example. I have created a dependent data validation. The list available in B2 is dependent on the item chosen in Cell A2.

What I would like to know is how do I expand this validation down columns A and B. I don't want to have to add the validation in each cell individually!

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Match Data From Two Almost Identical Lists

Aug 20, 2009

I'm working on two almost identical lists but because of their nature, some rows are repeated on one of the sheets and so on. I need help matching some cells onto the other sheet. I tried the VLOOKUP formula but it doesn't work since some rows are repeated... I need the match to link especifically a Name with it's correspondent Value, regardless of the position of the name in either of the sheets and whether it is repeated or not.

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Data Validation Dependent Lists?

Dec 31, 2012

I cannot seem to add more dependents using this code. I think it is in the "If / then / else" structure that it is limited to only those three "groups". But I need to be able to add at least one more dependent list to the code.

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Dependent Data Validation Lists

Sep 10, 2009

I am trying to make two dependant lists in Excel. Using data validation lists, is it possible to, for example, select a country from one list, then select a city in that country from another list. For example, if I select France from one list, I only want the list of cities to include French cities, rather than the entire list of cities in the list.

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2 Lists And Finding New And Canceled Data Through VBA

Nov 30, 2006

I have 2 sets lists which should be identical, but every day I get give one new file which I have to compare to the other one. I need to find new data and removed data in the new file.

It is a dynamic list, but I need to check every day that all the data that was there yesterday is also there today. If not then I need to be told which data is missing and which data is new (maybe thrrough a pop up box and a new sheet with a new and cnacles coloumn).

A Example of the data is below. On day1 everything matches. On day 2 Grapes is a new entry, so I need this flagged up.
On day 3, pears hsave disappeared, I need this flagged up.

What would be great is to have a messgae box pop up and say "2 new entiries and 3 deletions - Please refer top Changes tab". And then the new/deleted entries will be in a seperate sheet.

I have tried searching this on the site, but can't find anything (I can't beleive problem like this is not on the website) - If there is an article would you be able to point me to it.




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Matrix - Need Data Sorted Into Lists

Mar 9, 2008

I have a matrix of mixed numbers (going across many columns and rows) in Sheet1. They are a mix of positive and negative numbers, In Sheet2 I need 2 lists to be automatically displayed, taken from the data in Sheet1.

The first list (column) is for positive numbers only, the second is for negative numbers.

There is one filter: only numbers over a specified value (for the positive list) must be used from the data, and only numbers under a specified value (for the negative list) must be used from the data. The 2 filters can be stored in any cells in Sheet2 (the worksheet where the lists will be), lets say, for ease of use, A1 and B1.

But here's the tricky part: I need the location reference of each number in the matrix displayed next to the number in the list!!! Eg: in the matrix, I have names running down the left (A2 to A25) and the same names in the same order running across the top (B1 to Y1) - just like any basic matrix! If A6 is called "John" and L1 is called "Pete" and their value (at cell L6) is 10, then I need them to be displayed in the "positive list" amongst the others (sorted automatically into numerical order) with the words "John" in the cell to the right of the score, and "Pete" in the one after that to the right: so it will look like:

A2 B2 C2
10 John Pete

(remember that these 2 lists are on Sheet2, not on the matrix worsheet! A1 and B1 contain the 2 filters for the positive and negative lists).

Of course, this must only happen if the filter in A1 (the positive filter) is 10 or under. If it was anything above 10, then this one would not make the list.

As for duplicates in the matrix coming up twice in the lists, that's not a problem this wont matter! It's ok for the lists to have constant duplicates displayed eg: 10 John Pete will also have next to it 10 Pete John.

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