I have 2 different formulas that I need changed in a similar way.
The first formula is for cell AV11:
Every cell starts off blank.
What I need is for cell AV11 to always start off blank until data is entered into one of the other cells. The problem is that since the sum always needs to be +10 only when data is entered in the other cells, I don't know how to keep 10 from showing in cell AV11 when no data is typed in the other cells.
The other formula is for cell CO39:
I pretty much need the same thing. If no data is entered in cell CU8, then I do not want cell CO39 to show the 3.
If there is data in the cell then it is to be left. If there is no data in the cell then I would like to show the value 0.
I have tried using a circular reference, using the formula =IF(ISBLANK(B1),0,B1) and other similar formulas but they dont work as the formula overwrites the data in it.
There are two cells on different sheets in which the user can enter data into either. Both cells should then show the same value. For example, if the user enteres 15 in cell SheetA!A1, the value in SheetB!A1 should equal 15. If, at a later time, the user enters 12 in SheetB!A1, SheetA!A1 should also show 12. Data can be entered in either cell so that eliminates the use of a formula. How do I do that (can I do that?) in VBA?
i am having trouble putting together an IF Formula together with and/or. i need to do the following
if cells k8 and l8 and r8 are empty, then no data should show. if cells k8 and l8 and r8 is zero, then show zero. otherwise add all three cells. i thought i should use if(and... that is all 3 cells must be empty or zero.
=IF(OR(ISBLANK(K8),ISBLANK(L8),ISBLANK(R8)), "no data", IF(OR(K8=0, L8=0, R8=0),"ZERO", K8+L8+R8))
i have tried if(and) and if(or) and no matter what i have tried it doesnt work
I have several spreadsheets referencing the "Data" sheet's table (about 35 columns, and the row lengths will differ from 10 to several hundred).
I need to be able to filter the table in "Data", and have the hidden rows not show up everywhere else in the document. I have both vlookups and index formulas in the other spreadsheets, and what I'd like to do is be able to filter by any column in the table and have only the shown results show in the other sheets.
I know this might be accomplished using subtotal, and Row, etc., but how to set it up with the different formulas I have going on in the sheet that pull data from the table. I need this to work with both the vlookups and index cells.
I'm using Excel 2003 and have a main workbook which stores the quotes, invoice, worksheet and contact details. In order to email only the invoice to a customer I have created another workbook which replicates whatever is shown in the open invoice tab of the main workbook. A macro from the main workbook then opens outlook.
I attach a sample of both for information. My problem is this - You will note that on the email invoice that any entries where there is no cost in the main workbook, that it shows "£ -". how to get it to show an empty cell if no value in the main workbook?
there is data going to excel from database. The data is something like jan to dec sales and in a arbitrary fashion. now if there wont be data availble for say month of july then nothing will be there.
Now i need to nicely formulate data from jan feb ..Dec and in same order in another cells. Now for empty cells data after formualting it is coming as #N/A. and by this i am getting a same thing in the application where this excel sheet is being used. So for eliminating it i need to use 'if' such that if it is undefined or NULL then blank should be there in the formulated cell.
Call centre data for financial years located in separate workbooks (1 for each year)
Here's what I want to create.
One main file to consolidate/view all data
I've tried to make this as user friendly as possible by having a validated list, whereby the user can select the year they want to view, and hey presto, the data changes to reflect the year displayed in the validated cell.
I'm using Excel 2002 and am having trouble with what I thought was a simple conditional command. On part of the spreadsheet I have 3 columns: Hours (D5), Cost Per Hour (E5) and Total Cost (F5). Here's what I'm trying to do.....
If there is no value in the Hours then the Total Cost should show an empty cell and conversly if there is a value in Hours then calculate Hours*Cost Per Hour in the Total Cost cell. My condition for cell F5 is as follows: =IF(D5="","",SUM(D5*E5)). Whilst it works if there is a value in D5, when empty F5 shows #VALUE!
I have a spreadsheet that queries the web for a weather forecast each day. I'd like to associate pictures on the excel page based on the weather description, but can't figure out a way to select /change the picture automatically.
I have created a color coded calendar on a spreadsheet for work that shows when a book will be published depending on when it comes into our warehouse, this is on sheet one.
I would like on sheet two to have some kind of filter or statement that would eliminate the need to look at the calendar, I.E. the user would just have to type in the date or select the date from a list and excel would show you what day the book would publish on using the data from sheet one.
I can imagine that this is hard to picture so i have attached the file as well.
I have a user form with a ListView box , I am trying to get 2 things done;
1- When I type a text or a number by using "Search Box" I like to search the things in the ListView box items and highlight whole row
2- When whole row highlighted I like it to show the "Ref" item (Colum 5) in the text box which is called "Invoice No". Also when clicking the row I like the "Ref" item to show in the "Invoice No" (Column 5) text box.
I own a Hair Salon which collates its daily takings using a spreadsheet. A section of this takings sheet asks staff to enter which Products have been sold and what they where sold for (RRP), so that once all products have been entered, totals at the end of the day allowing the end -of-day "till-up" process to reconcile purchases and services rendered aginst cash and cheques received.
Unfortunately there is over 600 products to choose from and this evergroes as new products are introduced by manufacturers. Names are long and often very similar, and product price manual listings are slow to reference, therefore the customer has to wait while the staff find the right product and select the right price.
All of this is subject to human error. What i would like is simply to enter part of the product name into a Cell and the right product to be visibly selectable and the price automatically added to an adjacent cell.
I added an attachment with an example. You will see a matrix, with in the most left column an ID, then the headers of the matrix has different numbers that mean something.
What I want to do is, you fill in a number in the combobox, then press on a button and a report will be made on a new worksheet. With a list of the numbers and dates in the matrix that the ID has. Like shown in the example sheet in the workbook.
So, ive got a big list with loads of Data on it, there are 3 groups, each with diffrent teams on. Teams and groups are chosen with a data validation list as people move around here.
Is there any way make a second table that only shows data from a set group/team?
So for example.
Group A - Five Teams Group B - Four Teams Group C - One Team
I could use a dropdown on a second table that would only show group B and its four Teams.
creating either a macro or a formula that will help fix my problem.
I have my data for each person arranged in lines. In line 2 I have the following data in column A B and C: 1, 2 and 3. In line 3 I have the following data in column A and B: 1 and 2.
Now what I want is for a formula or macro to return the last data entered in a line in column D. In the example both cell D2 and D3 should equal 2.
Now the example is off course simplified in reality I can have data entered from column D through T and more than 200 lines but the principal should be the same.
I would like a formula to return the top 10 products sorted by value, but to return the colour name in order starting with the larges and the value in a different column. Ideally I would like to do as little formating as possible. I have attached a spreadsheet as an example
This function seems to work well, however there is one thing I want to add to it somehow, and I can't seem to make it work. I want the cell to show a zero if there is no information in cells C13 and/or E13.
I have an excel 2003 sheet that collects data from Infopath forms. The forms are to record students who have broken school rules, when, where, repercussions etc. One column shows their class and there is a separate column for each rule broken.
I want to create another sheet to show each class down the rows and the columns to show each school rule. Therefore, each cell would show the number of each particular rule broken for each particular class. I have tried to do countif and sumproduct (if on sheet 1, column B the class is KA and on sheet 1, column M, the rule is bullying = how many times this has occurred).
See xls file. I have this chart and the data labels are percentages instead of the actual value. How did these get that way? Under Chart Options there is a autotext box that is there but if I uncheck it, the data labels go back to the actual dollar value and that autotext box goes away.
I am totally baffeled by this despite serach the help, the internet and this forum. I am sure it is something easy I am missing.
Can some one provide some color on this?
I cut this from a larger book with many tabs because I am not able to send out the entire thing (proprietary).
I'm creating an Excel chart, and I have some data that goes from 0-100. I want to show all of the data, but I'd like to have a different format when it goes above 90.
So I was wondering if there is a way to show text on the screen while viewing/editing the workbook, but to not show those specific CELLS while printing.
I have a table with row headers (in column A) and column headers (in Row 1). Throughout the table there are 1's and blanks depending if the column is applicable to a particular row or not.
I want to write a VBA macro to do the following:
1. Do a Vlookup of column A for a particular user input text string. 2. Only show the row that matches the text string. 3. Only show the columns where there is a 1 associated with the selected row.
Then once that is done I need a separate macro to return the sheet to show all the rows and columns.
I have used a userform found on this forum (I cannot find the link) that displays row data from a range within a listbox. Unfortunately though you cannot determine the column width. As such I wondered if it was possible to show the data within other listboxes. So for example in listbox1 you can see 5 columns accross (from a range) however one of them is very wide.
Looking at Listbox1 you can only see the firsy 20 characters approximately in each column. Is it possible therefore that once this row of data is selected that the contents of the columns is duplicated in other listboxes on the same userform that can be expanded to accommodate larger text?
Looking for an excel worksheet to keep a record of |MOT's due
By entering the Name, Reg, Date, Comments, Reminder
by way of a userform after the data is entered it is stored on anther worksheet..
every morning when they get to work. they want to open it and on the MotDataEntry sheet it needs to bring up the Mot's that are due in a months time (reminder) ,name reg etc