I'm working on two almost identical lists but because of their nature, some rows are repeated on one of the sheets and so on. I need help matching some cells onto the other sheet. I tried the VLOOKUP formula but it doesn't work since some rows are repeated... I need the match to link especifically a Name with it's correspondent Value, regardless of the position of the name in either of the sheets and whether it is repeated or not.
I have two identical drop down lists (months i.e. Jan, Feb, Mar ...) in two different sheets but in the same workbook. Is there any way where the user changes the month in sheet 1 & the other drop down list in sheet 2 changes automatically to the same month selected by the user in the sheet 1 or vice-versa?
I have over 2000 rows with 20 columns and i need to find and remove identical rows. I can do a match with MATCH() by concatenating the columns and comparing them as a whole but i need to apply this to the whole table and i need it to remove all the duplicate rows it finds.
I have two columns with hundreds of identical data and i need to match in column A with an identical data in column B.
The tricky thing is there are many identical data. Each identical data needs to match with another identical data in column B and then, remove matched data.
So, i need to display whats left unmatched in column A and in column B.Match Identical Data.xlsx
Here is an example:
Column A
100 200 300 400 100
Column B
400 200 300 100 500
Ending results should be showing unmatched "Column A: 100" & "column B:500"
I am retrieving data from 2 different sources in a database. i am having problem with identical data being classed as different, see below.
******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Book1___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutA3= ABCD11.9.2.1**Access*Security*****Access*Security***3FALSE***Sheet1* [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name box PLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.
These two cell are identical (have checked theer are no random spaces) however the formula is saying that they are not equal. They are also in identical formats.
A B Eva 1982 Anna 1981 Lisa 1983 John 1980 Steve 1972 ...
A B Eva Female John Male Lisa Female ...
Can in any way match the above lists automaticly, so the information from List number 2, column B, appears at the correct place in List number 1, Column C? For empty cells, no information is fine.
I have already have my lists created.... Problem... in Cells A17:A62 I need the list of employees names to display down the column by selecting the number value in Cell A13...(A13 being a four digit crew code)... Each employee has a four digit crew number associated with them.... so far I have Cell G10 as a drop down list to select the crew name, which puts the crew four digit number in A13. So now I need Cells A17:A62 to display the employee names down the column by using the value in A13... does that make sense?
If I have a column with a list of items, and another column with a different list of items, how can I get excel to check/compare both list and return a value (eg. TRUE) if there is an item that is both lists, or a different value (eg. FALSE) if there isn't?
From the attached file. Column 1 is a file name Column 2 is a list of file names (but some of the files have been split into -A and -B parts or suffixed with an A or B
I need to highlight in column B, if the exact file name in column A exists
Example: Column A: BSDS-0001 Column B: does not have this exactly instead it has BSDS-0001-A and BSDS-0001-B
I need some indication/highlighting that BSDS-0001 does exist on column B
So an indication that the whole of the file name in column A appears partially in column B. I have tried using max character lengths searches etc but cannot get an accurate way of doing this.
How can I repeat identical data in the previous cell. For example I have in Cell A1 - Marketing then I have in cell A2 to A3 same Marketing but it is not shown. Then I have in Cell A4 - Operations then Cell A5 to A8 same Operations but not shown. I need to have them all shown as in Column B,
I try to transfer a data from multiple worksheet in a same 2 identical workbook. One I keep for me and the other one will be update by the user. So I need the data update by the user can be transfer to my workbook and only the new data not the one that already in my workbook. I try with the code below but it seem not working. The code run but nothing being transfer.
I have 2 different worksheets having similar format (header rows/columns) but different data (values). I need to pull out these data based on their values, means if cell is blank leave that cell and move on, but if cell has some value then pull that value with its corresponding row & column headers to place into a simple table to further use it for PivotTable. The number of rows and columns are equal in both worksheets.
So basically, the proposed function will run a check on both worksheets within a specific range of cells for their values and if not blank, it will fetch that cell value along with its relevant row header and column header and place all these attributes into the destination worksheet.
Hope I am quite clear with my query. with the required function to ease my life?
I'm having difficulty trying to get the second file appended to the bottom of the 1st imported file. I get "run-time error '13' type mismatch". There is no difference between the two files. I'm thinking there is a problem with my range statement in the second file import, but this range works fine in other macros. Here's my code so far:
1. Sheet1; how to Add "B000" in the List A or "B00" if the digits and 5 in the list 2. Sheet2; how to remove "B000" or "B00" from the list 3. Sheet3; how to highlight difference or find out the difference between to lists
I am trying to match data from 2 independent sets, formatted slightly differently so not sure which function would work best for me. From the attached file, I am trying to match the date and time stamp (in cell A1) with that from the other data (in this example in cell E1) and return the data (from cell F1) to cell C1. So basically any date and time stamp before 04/03/09 04:00 will return a value of 44 (this value should appear, therefore in cells C1 - C30)
Is there a way to make a drop-down list optional? When I create drop-down lists the user has to make a choice from that list.
Example: a list of doctors. I need the user to be able to select from that list if the patient saw one of those physicians, but if the patient saw another doctor not on the list, I need the user to be able to enter the name of that other doctor. Currently the user has to select from the list or not enter a doctor. I am using Excel 2003.
I would like to have a list that when one of the items is chosen, it brings up a second list and so on.
Therefore, list 4 will depend on what was chosen from List 3 which will depend on List 2 which will depend on List 1.
I'm not sure if macro's are required.
I have attached a file that lists out a Decision Tree (Decision Tree Tab). I also have a Form tab which is where I have the decisions that need to be made.
So, in the Gender Row I can choose Male or Female. If I choose Male, then the Interests list should contain Cars, Sports or Colors.
Type will depend on which I chose and finally, Detail will depend on which Type I chose.
I have kids in my classroom that work on a program that charts their progress. I want to post the top 5 completion rates for all the modules. Many of them have the same percentage of completion, e.g. 22% I need to have it display the percentage with their name. I have over 100 kids and the data is compiled in columns. I want it to end up looking like this:
Bill 20% Kathy 19% Jill 19% Gary 18% Jarome 18% Louise 18%
Additionally, if there is a tie (which there usually is) for the 5th place, I want to include the 6th or 7th place automatically.
1) Imagine i have a row 1 with names, column 1 with bank account numbers, and under each name corresponding to each bank account it says "yes" or "no" depending on whether or not they are authorized on the bank account. How do i make 2 drop down lists, 1 with bank account numbers that produces the names which are authorized on the account and visa versa (list with names showing bank a/c numbers). It needs to be able to be updated easily.
2) Suppose I have the table as described above and another excel file with 1 column as bank a/c's and another column is authorized bank users. In this column however each cell just has a bunch of names for example one cell may contain (james, john, jack, jennifer, bill). Is there anyway to check these names against the ones in the table from the other spread sheet?
I have two lists of serial numbers which I want to compare to find those number which are not in both lists. I have used the following formula: =IF(A2=$G$2:$G$283,"",A2) where A2 equals the first cell in list 1, G2:G283 the range of the second list, true value "" false value display the contents of the original cell.
This works so far; where the contents in the A and G cells are the same on the row eg A2 and G2, but where they are different the contents of the A cell are being returned even if they are elsewhere in the range.
I need to search a column of numbers in Excel (A) and compare it to another column (B). I need to find all of the numbers that apprear in column A but not in column B. Can this be done?
I have a very large spreadsheet that I work with on a daily basis. The main portion of the spreadsheet is broken down into weekly sections (for example, columns GF thru GM contain data sections for one week, which then repeats with the next set of columns, etc.). Below these weekly sections are detail and summary sections for all the data entered above. In the main weekly portion, each week contains a size drop-down list which calls to size information in the detail portion below. Recently, the data validation lists have started disappearing. By disappearing, I mean that the data validation for the cell no longer exists on a large portion of the list cells. I have tried recreating all of the data validations, saving the file, and re-opening it, and when I do, they've disappeared again. I have no idea what to do at this point. The functionality of the spreadsheet is crippled without the sizing drop-down lists (for various lookup reasons).
See the attached example. I have created a dependent data validation. The list available in B2 is dependent on the item chosen in Cell A2.
What I would like to know is how do I expand this validation down columns A and B. I don't want to have to add the validation in each cell individually!
I cannot seem to add more dependents using this code. I think it is in the "If / then / else" structure that it is limited to only those three "groups". But I need to be able to add at least one more dependent list to the code.
I am trying to make two dependant lists in Excel. Using data validation lists, is it possible to, for example, select a country from one list, then select a city in that country from another list. For example, if I select France from one list, I only want the list of cities to include French cities, rather than the entire list of cities in the list.