Mark Changed Cells For Archiving

Feb 22, 2008

Column-A starts out empty.A user changes cell B5 and navigates to another cell (whether by clicking, tabbing, or enter-key, it doesn't matter).An "X" is placed in Column-A for that row.Preferably the user would then be taken to the cell they were navigating to (whether by mouse-click, tabbing, or the enter-key).This happens every time a change is made to a cell.I have no idea how to code for this.

I'm not sure what constraints I might have for exceptions. For instance, can it handle multiple row being pasted into or cleared at once, etc. ( Deleting columns will not be allowed in this instance.)


I continued my search and found the instructions at [url]

My ultimate goal in putting an "X" in Column-A is to identify rows with changes, so they can then be copied into an "archive" worksheet. I'm thinking this VBA version of track changes would be much better than what I was earlier thinking.

I have a workbook with two worksheets, Data and Archives. I want to let a user make changes to data in the "Data" worksheet. Then when they save or press a button all rows with edits will be copied into the "Archives" worksheet.

Appending date/time and username stamps in the trailing columns would be very handy too.

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Archiving Rows

Aug 2, 2007

I would like to have a macro wherby a row would be cut and pasted on the next available line on a separate worksheet, thereby archivig the row without further data entry. I think whats failing me os the command for 'next empty line' if there is such a command

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Running 20 Day Cell Value Archiving

Nov 27, 2007

I want to store 20 days of stock information for any given stock in 20 cells. Cell 20 will be 20 days into the past from today. Cell 0 would be today and would be the value that updates (let's say the price) using the stockquote msn add in.

I want cell 20 to be cell 19's value tomorrow, cell 19 to be cell 18's value tomorrow, and so on. So essentially, everyday I open it, cell 20's value gets trashed, and all the values become one day older, effectively having a 20 day tracking of a particular stock. I want to also make sure that if I update day 0 or (today())'s value, that today()-1, etc.. doens't change just because today() was updated. There has to be a change in the date for that to happen, so referencing a static cell that contains today() will most likely be useful.

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Mark Formula Cells

Aug 14, 2009

I have a problem - I wanna to mark (to colour) just cells which I use in formula is there any option for thise

If I have some table and I have formula =A1+B5+C7 I wana to colour just mentioned cells

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Auto Archiving Based On Date?

Aug 19, 2014

I have a workbook with separate worksheets that I would like organized based on how old the data is. I want a macro that automatically cuts information from one worksheet and pastes it in the appropriate worksheet based on if it is 30, 60 or greater than 90 days old. So information will be cut from the "Archived Emails" worksheet and pasted into the "30 day archive" when it is 30 days older than today. It will then be moved from the "30 day archive" worksheet to the "60 day archive" worksheet when it is 31-60 days old, and finally moved to the "90 day archive" for anything over 90 days old.


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Joining Two Cells Data With A X Mark In Between Them

Jan 28, 2013

i have two entries in my excel sheet which i want to get noted in the other cell as follow

1 ORDER NO. 480
3 P.M 480X5

as my table have data in B1 AND B2 so i want B3 automatically becomes 480X5 so how can i do it

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Mark Cells For Entering Data

Oct 4, 2007

Can I add something to a cell and have it so it does not print?

I need to mark certian cells to have data filled in, in those cells. However if data is not put in those cells I need them to be blank when printed.

I can put text in B7:
Enter Name Here

Then the user knows to put the name in that spot. If there is no name to be entered then I want to be sure that is not printed when I print the list.

Is any of this a possibility without putting 33 different labels on the page, which is one way. Or 33 different comments on the page, another way.

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Mark Cells Where 2 Column Conditions Are Met

Sep 4, 2007

I have a macro that's supposed to update the value in column 1 when two conditions are met. Unfortunately it doesn't update the column at all:


Dim item, rownum, maxrownum As Integer

Application. ScreenUpdating = False
maxrownum = Range("A2000").End(xlUp).Row

For rownum = 2 To maxrownum

If (Cells(rownum, 1).Value = "=") & (Cells(rownum, 29).Value = "OPEN") Then
With Cells(rownum, 1)
End With
End If

Next rownum

End Sub

I took the code from another spreadsheet I have where it works fine. But there only one condition has to be met before the field is updated.

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Mark Common Cells Between 2 Lists

Dec 16, 2007

I have 2 lists in column A and column B. For each cell in column B, I want to put a "YES" in the corresponding cell in column C if the contents (of the cell in column B) are somewhere in the entire list under column A (I think the list in both columns is about 5000+).

I have logged in after quite a gap and found that all my subscribed threads (gathered over a year) have vanished

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Archiving Records To A Separate Table Then Edit.

Jun 1, 2006

I'm having an issue and I've tried thinking of all the work arounds and haven't come up with a usable method. I built a form that pulls info from a Pipeline table. I wanted to keep track of all the people that make edits on a separate table. Is there a way to take the original info and paste it on to another table by way of a click() and allow the others to make edits on the fly afterwards? This has been bugging me all week.

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Protect Certain Locked Cells From Editing And Allow Certain Unlocked Cells To Be Changed On Multiple Worksheets?

Jan 31, 2014

1.I need to protect certain locked cells from editing and allow certain unlocked cells to be changed on multiple worksheets.

2.When all of the changes are made to the unlocked cells, I need to password protect the entire workbook (except one worksheet) from any changes. (i.e. Prevent even the unlocked cells from being edited)

3.I also need a password to un-protect the workbook and return it to the state described in # 1. above .

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Locked Cells Have Changed Formatting

Jan 23, 2014

On an excel document that was originally formatted as a number and then locked, somehow users have changed the formatting to a date. I think it is an accident, but I can't figure out how they are doing it. I have several data files on a server where several offices have access to them to input data and somehow formatting gets changed sometimes, even when locked.

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Run Macro Automatically Once 3 Cells Have Changed

May 21, 2008

how to alter this Private Sub for my code to execute automatically once all 3 cells have changed. At the moment it executes as soon as any of the 3 cells change.

Here's the Private and Public Sub codes:

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Calculate Cells When Another Cell Is Changed

Jul 25, 2014

I'm after some vb code that will only allow the range - PRODUCT_Selections!A2:C370 to calculate, when something is changed in the range - Input!T11:V500

I would like all other calculations in the workbook to continue as normal.

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Set 2 Cells Equal, While Allowing Either One To Be Manually Changed

Jun 9, 2009

Is there a way to set 2 cells equal, while allowing either one to be manually changed? So if I put in value of 10 for Cell1, Cell1 and and Cell2 will both be equal to 10. Then if I change Cell2 to a value of 20, both cells will be equal to 20.

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Protect Select Range Of Cells From Being Changed?

Mar 5, 2013

How do I protect a select range of cells from being changed? There may be some formulas in certain cells, which produce data based on other worksheet cells. These cells are not for user data input, but for data output only. I don't want end users to acidently delete the formulas in cetain range of cells, by entering a value in the cell, which then will write over the formula.

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Adjust VBA Code To Run Only When Cells In Certain Range Are Changed

Feb 26, 2014

I've managed to piece together a VBA code that works perfectly for my needs. The problem is that the sheet it is on gets adjusted a lot, and I only need the code to run when certain cells are changed (rather than each time any cell is changed).

Here is the code I have now:

[Code] .....

Put simply, I need this code to run only when a cell in Range "TValueDeal" is changed. Is making this adjustment as simple as adding a couple lines of code, or is there a better way to write the entire thing?

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Trigger Macro When Cells Changed By VLookup

Dec 6, 2013

Colouring calendar entries based on a date match... VBA to colour a cell on each line based on date match

The code works fine if you change the date in the cell and press enter however my date changes are triggered via a Vlookup which the code doesn't recognise has changed so doesn't trigger the macro.

Is there any way to amend the VBA code shown below so that it triggers the macro when dates are changed in column I via Vlookup?

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Intersect(Target, Range("I:I")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Target.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone

[Code] ......

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Run VBA Code Any Time A Particular Range Of Cells Is Changed

Aug 23, 2002

Is there a way to cause a particular VB function I write to execute any time a value in a particular range of cells is changed?

I thought I had it when I thought I could do a sum formula, range on the cells to be checked, then call the function as a side effect of this sum. It was then that I realized I didn't know how to call VB from within an Excel cell formula.

1. Is there a way to call VB (say, sheet1.myFunction())?

2. Is there a better way to do what I want than to try to hack a side effect into a formula in a cell that depends on a sum (which "watches" for the changes for me.)

The cells would have text in them, not numbers, so using the sum-based formula would be iffy at runtime to me at best. What I really want to do is run a function on the cell value as a string. There are a lot of such cells (thousands) so ideally I would only need one external cell to activate the function (which scans all the cells I am concerned with) rather than have to paste a custom, relative formula into thousands of cells manually to have each one watch one cell, if you know what I mean.

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Automatically Calculate 2 Cells Based On Cell Changed

Apr 25, 2009

I have some rather complex formulas that when a value is placed in one of any three cells it solves for the other two, taking values from other places on a worksheet (including the cell itself).

Scenario: Cell F10, G10, and H10 all have formulas in them. If a value is placed in F10 it solves for G10 and H10. If a value is place in G10 it solves for F10 and H10. If a value is placed in H10, it solves for F10 and G10.

I really do not think the actual formulas matters at this time...

Has anyone done this before, using VBA code to place the formulas in cells F10 G10 and H10? Look for a working example of this if possible.

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Multiple Conditional Format Conditions Changed Based On Another Cells Value?

Jun 12, 2009

A1:A6 have numeric values 1 to 6.

I want the conditional format values to change Based on the value in Cell B2.

If the value in B2 is "old", then I want these conditional format conditions for A1:A6. Numbers between 1-2=green text, 3-4=orange text and 5-6=red text.

IF the value in B2 is "new" then I want the conditional format conditions in A1:A6 to change so 1=black text, 2-3=green text, 4-5=orange text and 6=red text.

I know how to do multiple conditional formats but i have no clue how to change multiple conditions based on another cells value.

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Automatically Updating Adjacent Cells Based On Dropdown List Selection Even If Changed

Apr 12, 2013

I have a workbook that has two worksheets. One worksheet is an input worksheet. A user will select a date from a drop-down list and type in the events that occurred on that date in 8 adjacent cells. The user selects a button that advances date and clears form. On sheet 2, whatever was typed into sheet one is saved via VLOOKUP formula. However, if I try to change something retroactively and select a previous date from the drop-down list, it clears everything in sheet 2 that was typed for any selected day.

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Trying To Copy Changed Cells In A Workbook To Another Workbook?

Mar 14, 2014

What I am trying to do is when data is changed in a workbook, I would like to be able to have it automatically copy the changes to another workbook.

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Mark Up Formula

Oct 1, 2007

i have a project and i am making a spreadsheet for a make believe green grocers. i have a retail price and a whole sale price

to work out the retail price i need to sue this forumula

retail price = wholesaleprice + x% of wholesale price

im stuck, what i have done is declared the percent value on the page, which can be changed at any time, how do i then substitue this value in to the formula (and most importantly, what is the formula!)

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How Do Mark All Posts?

Feb 26, 2009

how and where to navigate on the website to mark all my posts solved. Sometimes I don't see the edit button, I don't know how to list all my posts, etc.

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Look Into Another Workbook And If Value Is There - Mark As Yes

Jul 22, 2014

I have two workbooks, lets say book1 and book2

In column A of book 1 i have a list of numbers, going down to A250

A1 = 23423423
A2 = 23442345

etc etc

I would like some code for a button press, if the value in A1:A250 is in book2 (A1:A250)

Both workbooks will be open at the point of the button press

then adjacent cell in B1:B250 is marked as Yes

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Character Mark In A Box

May 23, 2008

I've searched for this in the forums but can't find anything. I need to find/replace a character in Excel, it's a question mark in a box and looks like this

I've tried searching for special characters (using the ALT key and number pad) but I can't find anything matching this.

When I save the spreadsheet as a CSV (TAB delimited) this character gets picked up as a TAB, but when I try find replace on the TAB character it doesn't work!

I'm using Excel 2007.

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Find And Mark

Mar 16, 2009

I have to manually enter the code nos. of the hard copy to find the code in the soft copy. After finding the number, I wish to mark it as so that double work should not be done or to find which code's hard copy is not with me.

I am using Find and Replace to find the number and after it is found I have to click the replace tab to enter colour in it.

Is there any auto function to mark as soon as I find the required number instead of clicking the replace tab to save my time.

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Mark Cell By Column And Row Value

Feb 2, 2014

I have the following formula and need to incorporate that it is only a "B" if B20 also matches in named range "Breakdown_RSC"

Formula: ...........

I need the following section to take into account the data in B20 as in if it matches the data in the cell it should be a "B" in the cell.

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Mark Intersection Of Two Items?

Mar 3, 2014

I am making a rough gantt chart in excel for a project schedule. Japanese at work love excel fro some reason that is why I am trying to do this. I have column headings for days ( 3/3, 3/4, 3/5, etc) and I want to find a way to mark the intersection when a date is input in another row. I tried to do some conditional formatting using symbols, but couldn't get anything to work.

see picture. I want to mark at correct date according to column headings when date is placed in column E or F. This example shows column E with 3/10 so I want to make a value appear at intersection AS and the row 3/10 is on. Would like to get a symbol to appear there if possible.

excel help.png

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