Adjust VBA Code To Run Only When Cells In Certain Range Are Changed

Feb 26, 2014

I've managed to piece together a VBA code that works perfectly for my needs. The problem is that the sheet it is on gets adjusted a lot, and I only need the code to run when certain cells are changed (rather than each time any cell is changed).

Here is the code I have now:

[Code] .....

Put simply, I need this code to run only when a cell in Range "TValueDeal" is changed. Is making this adjustment as simple as adding a couple lines of code, or is there a better way to write the entire thing?

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Run VBA Code Any Time A Particular Range Of Cells Is Changed

Aug 23, 2002

Is there a way to cause a particular VB function I write to execute any time a value in a particular range of cells is changed?

I thought I had it when I thought I could do a sum formula, range on the cells to be checked, then call the function as a side effect of this sum. It was then that I realized I didn't know how to call VB from within an Excel cell formula.

1. Is there a way to call VB (say, sheet1.myFunction())?

2. Is there a better way to do what I want than to try to hack a side effect into a formula in a cell that depends on a sum (which "watches" for the changes for me.)

The cells would have text in them, not numbers, so using the sum-based formula would be iffy at runtime to me at best. What I really want to do is run a function on the cell value as a string. There are a lot of such cells (thousands) so ideally I would only need one external cell to activate the function (which scans all the cells I am concerned with) rather than have to paste a custom, relative formula into thousands of cells manually to have each one watch one cell, if you know what I mean.

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VBA Code - Adjust Column Range

Dec 19, 2013

I have this VBA (from a recorded macro) how can I amend it so that these two formulas change depending on the number of values....right now the range is to 129 only because we only have 129 cells of info but some sheets will have more some will have less. I want excel to base it based on the column I which used to be H.



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Adjust Dynamic Range To Ignore Formulas In Blank Cells?

May 19, 2014

Attached is a spreadsheet I am working on that has a series of graphs with defined dynamic ranges. I am having 2 separate issues on 2 different tabs.

1) Ranges named AirRecBra4 (and Bra10); AirComBra4 (and Bra10); AirRemBra4 (and Bra10) are not pulling in data from the correct data points. Instead of using the last 26 data point, they are currently beginning at the top of the column (currently cells 11 to 36 is their respective columns). The formulas are copy and pasted from working offset ranges in the same tab but are reading differently.

2) On the last 6 tabs beginning with Stn Backlog, I want to have defined formulas beginning in cell B119 and continuing downward to at least F200. However, when I add the formulas, the offset reads the formulas as being data and adjusts for that. I do not know how to adjust the dynamic range to ignore formulas in blank cells.

Global Demand-Capacity Management_working (version 3).xlsm

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Protect Select Range Of Cells From Being Changed?

Mar 5, 2013

How do I protect a select range of cells from being changed? There may be some formulas in certain cells, which produce data based on other worksheet cells. These cells are not for user data input, but for data output only. I don't want end users to acidently delete the formulas in cetain range of cells, by entering a value in the cell, which then will write over the formula.

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Naming Ranges But If Any Cells, Row Or Columns Are Inserted The Range Will Automatically Adjust To Suit1?

Jul 25, 2006

Range("B25").Name = "EndMull"

Its fine but if i insert a new row or column then it mucks the whole thing up. Is there away of naming them but if any cells, row or columns are inserted the range will automatically adjust to suit1

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Adjust Code From Cell Range Trigger To Button Trigger

Jul 1, 2014

I have the code below that is two separate activities and I want to change the second activity from a cell trigger (Set KeyCells = Range("K42:AD42")) to a button trigger. I need to first to remain unchanged.

I'd be ok if this was just one macro that I could assign to a button but because its two and I need to write the second's to clicking a button I'm over my head.

Its occured to me while writing this that because it'll be a range of buttons I'll probably need to make each one an individual code? Is this the case? If so I may have to just keep this as it is.

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How Does This Code Need To Be Changed

Oct 2, 2008

I have created a userform with multi pages... One of the page is up and running ok.

However I have on one page entries like customer number, name, address, and so on.

I have the same userform from a book which I like to use in one of my pages.

Now what I have problems with is that I need one page to refer to another worksheet of the workbook.

Lets say first page to one worksheet the second page to another. And so on.

Here is the code from the book and it likes to refer to the same worksheet as the userform is opening up.

Private Sub frmDFG_Initialize()
'Startzeile für das Drehfeld festlegen
If .ActiveCell.Row < 3 Then
spn_Change = 3
spn_Change = ActiveCell.Row
End If
End Sub

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Adjust Code To Include Sorting Employee Sheets A-z?

Oct 25, 2007

how I would add in code to sort the worksheets from A-Z. Also, Ideally, I would like to hide the template sheet that the new records are copied from. Is it possible to add code that would unhide the resulting worksheet once it is copied and renamed? I am learning loads from this forum, so thank you once again. Here is the code in it's current state:

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Excel 2007 :: Get Two Cells To Be Used To Adjust Other Cells On Same Sheet Repeated Times

Jul 7, 2013

I am trying to get two cells to be used to adjust other cells on the same sheet repeated times.

In a inventory sheet I have 5 columns as such , A1 previous balance, B1 Qty received, C1 qty on hand, D1 last cost, E1 current avg cost What I want, is to be able to enter my weekly received items in the B1 Qty received and the new cost in D1 Last cost cells and have them calculate my current average E1 and update my qty on hand C1 total. This in itself is not the biggest challenge. I was asking if there is a way that after the E1 current average cost and C1 qty on hand are updated by that formula, that the next time I enter a new B1 qty received and new cost in D1 Last cost cell they will update again basically without changing the earlier calculations achieved .

Example: Today I have item X with a A1 previous balance of 10 , with a D1 last cost of $1, and E1 current avg cost $1

I want to receive B1 10 more today at $.50 D1 last cost, which ideally would end up showing

A1 previous 10 (or 20 if adding) , C1 Qty on hand 20, D1 Last cost .5, E1 current avg $.75

Next week I want to receive B1 10 more at $.25 D1 last cost , which then would update showing

A1 previous balance 10 (or 30 if adding), Qty on hand 30, Last cost $.25 and E1 current avg $.58

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Run Message Box When Header In Table Is Changed (VBA Code)

Aug 18, 2014

I have this VBA code running in cell A1 which gives you a yes/no message box when you try to change the selected cell. I am trying to have the Target.Address = 'Specific Header Cell in Table' but I am not able to develop the code to do so. Here is the code:

[Code] .....

The main reason I have this message box is to prevent the user from changing the cell in the table because the titles in the tables are linked to macros. If they are changed, the macros will not run. Also, I am aware there are codenames for the excel sheets in a workbook. If there are codenames for the header titles in an excel table, I could link my macros to the codenames. As a result, I would not need this macro for the message box.

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VBA Code Works Great Until Number Of Rows Changed

Jan 21, 2014

I wrote the following basic code earlier (which will end up being part of a larger code)

Dim DateInput As String
Dim LastCell As String

Sub LastRowInputBox()

LastCell = InputBox("What is the last row number in the range?", "Last Row Input")

[Code] ......

As you can see, all the ColumnCopyInsert Subroutine does is copy select/copy four columns (E:H), inserts the copied selection immediately to the right, inserts formulas and autofills down to the last row required. I added the LastRowInputBox routine as the range of rows varies from week to week (inserting new rows, deleting others).

The code works great...up to a point unfortunately. If ran as it is, everything that should be copied/pasted will be and cells autofilled to the row specified via the InputBox. Here comes the problem, if any rows are either inserted or deleted then the code throws out "The object invoked has disconnected from its clients" when it reaches the first instance of the following line:

Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight

At which point, Excel hangs (or maybe in some sort of loop) and I have to open Device Manager and close the Excel exe process.

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Event Code Errors When More Than One Cell Changed/Deleted

Apr 15, 2008

I used the code below for Conditional Formatting. This works fine but the VBA-code crashes when I delete more than one selected cell. Is there a simple modification possible to prevent this from happening?

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim icolor As Integer
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A1:C250")) Is Nothing Then
Select Case Target
Case 1
icolor = 6
Case 2
icolor = 12
Case 3
icolor = 7
Case 4
icolor = 53
Case 5
icolor = 15
Case 6
icolor = 42
Case Else
End Select

Target.Interior.ColorIndex = icolor
End If
End Sub

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Make Range Adjust As Add Or Remove Row?

Feb 22, 2012

I know there is a way to make a range adjust as you add or remove row. I just can seam to remember how to do it .I am using a countif function and later I will be adding more rows I want the countif to look at everything

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This Simple 10 Line Code Doesn't Work If Just The Reference Is Changed..

Jun 10, 2009

I asked for a macro to delete the whole row if a duplicate customer number was found in column B. Sometimes, though, my column numbers change. So, logically thinking, I simply changed the criteria, but the macro ONLY seems to work if duplicate customer numbers are in column B only.

This code below won't work if the Customer Number is in column D instead of B even if the reference of B:B is changed to D:D, it doesn't carry the macro over.?

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Run Macro And Adjust Column Width Range A:Y

May 3, 2014

i want a code to adjust the column A:Y from width

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Dynamic Name Ranges Don't Adjust When New Range Inserted?

Mar 7, 2009

the dynamic name ranges I had created did not "adjust" in their position references when I added new name ranges later.

My workbook (see attachment) Master sheet has several name ranges that are based on their position to a key name range I set up..."Unit". Example below:


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Adjust Range Within Formula To Get Expected Results?

Dec 13, 2013

I have a system that generates 4 databases with different types of statistical data. Observed defects, Calculated Defect, Capability and Number of points. I have set up a system for telling me what ranges each section is and I am manually changing the ranges to get my expected results.

Is there a formula that I can use that could adjust my ranges, within my formulas?

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Adjust Data Range Without Manually Filling Down

Dec 17, 2008

The below formula is in Col F6, how do i get this formula to adjust to data range without manually filling down, my data changes everyday therefore i need the formula to auto fill according to data range.


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Adjust Date Range Plotted On Chart

Oct 14, 2008

I am trying to get some help by adjusting my datarange dynamically based on what days I select. I would hope the chart could adjust to display for example 10/3/2008 to 10/10/2008 values and only those values.

I have been trying to figure out how the datarange varies in this post Dynamic Chart dataranges, I do not understand how to apply them to the charts source data. Ultimately Krish's chart would be ideal to understand and I belive is the keystone to where I am trying to go.

I have attached a sample of my workbook and the source data and chart I am trying to manipulate.

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Adjust Chart Source Range Via Combo Box

Mar 31, 2008

I have various charts others view and require the data range to change in 12 month intervals, ie Jan07 -Jan08, Feb07-Feb08. I currently move the ranges manually every month but find the it would be more interactive for others if a drop down combo box on the chart were used enabling the user to choose which intervals to view.

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Protect Certain Locked Cells From Editing And Allow Certain Unlocked Cells To Be Changed On Multiple Worksheets?

Jan 31, 2014

1.I need to protect certain locked cells from editing and allow certain unlocked cells to be changed on multiple worksheets.

2.When all of the changes are made to the unlocked cells, I need to password protect the entire workbook (except one worksheet) from any changes. (i.e. Prevent even the unlocked cells from being edited)

3.I also need a password to un-protect the workbook and return it to the state described in # 1. above .

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How To Set Table Range To Automatically Adjust To Source Data

Oct 17, 2013

How or if it is even possible to have a table automatically adjust its range or the number or rows it has based on another table

I have two tables:

Table1 is raw data that is added two daily

Table2 has formulas with column header references to Table1 that processes the information and converts it to a readable format. (basically barcodes to words)

Is there a way to get Table2 to automatically resize to the same number of rows that Table1 has whenever data is added??

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Both Range Addresses Get Changed Not Just One

Jan 6, 2014

When I move the range rDes, another range rOrig with the same address gets changed. How can I prevent this?

Sub Macro1()
Dim rSrc As Range
Dim rDes As Range
Dim rOrig As Range
Set rOrig = Selection

[Code] ........

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Adjust Formula Range Reference As Columns/Rows Added

Apr 4, 2008

I'm using a template that has formulas using a $ sign to attempt to stop the ranges they refer to changing. The problem is, when I use the template (which involes Access importing some data and adding columns to the sheet the formula refers to in the process) the rows referred to in the formula change in line with the number of rows of data that have been imported. Only the row numbers change not the column headings. So for example:

=( SUMPRODUCT(((Workings!$H$3:$H$1000=Explanation!B9)+(Workings!$E$3:$E$1000="Buy")*(Workings!$J$3:$J$1000))))-998


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Concatenate Two Text Fields BUT Left Adjust First Field And Right Adjust Second Field

Jun 22, 2012

I want to concatenate two Cells into a single cell BUT have the first field left justified and the second cell right adjusted.

A1 = "John Williams", A2= "Single"

A3 = "John Williams Single"

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Change Timestamp When Worksheet Range Changed?

Feb 11, 2014

I am trying to have one cell (G5) populate with a timestamp when a change is made to any cells in a range (some are merged). The code below worked for a second, until it didn't.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Intersect(Target, Range("F8:G33")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Range("G5").Value = Now()
End Sub
*Getting a yellow arrow by the row starting with Range("G5")

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How To Get Cells In A Column To Adjust Height Automatically / Text Wrap

Oct 28, 2011

Is there a way to get cells in a column to adjust their height automatically, or with a macro to account for text overflow/wrap?

For example, lets say a column is 200 px in width and it's height is enough to view a single line of text, and the column is set to wrap text. Now more text is entered into the cell and it needs to be re-sized to fit two lines of text.

Is there a way to create a macro button to have this done automatically?

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Print Out A Pivot Table (even Though Changes Have Been Made And Range Has Changed)

May 3, 2007

Is it possible to always print out a specific pivot table even if changes/selection and range have changed? What I have right now is a button that prints out the pivot table (assuming the range is not changing). But if a user changes selection the button prints only a part of the pivot table.

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Locked Cells Have Changed Formatting

Jan 23, 2014

On an excel document that was originally formatted as a number and then locked, somehow users have changed the formatting to a date. I think it is an accident, but I can't figure out how they are doing it. I have several data files on a server where several offices have access to them to input data and somehow formatting gets changed sometimes, even when locked.

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