I have searched the forum but can't find an answer to my problem. I have a list of about 3000 streets, a sample of which follows:
ASHWORTH AVE...................
I know how to populate a List Box, but rather than having to scroll through the entire lot I would like to just have to type in a few letters and the output only display streets that start with only those letters. For example, if I type in AS only the following appear in the listbox.
ASHWORTH AVE........................
I have been able to create a userform that allows users to fill out a form without the need to navigate throught the excel spreadsheet form that has been created. to further refine this I am trying to use either a list box or Combobox to display specific items for certain cells, ie Travel Method (Air / Rail / Other), or Department (Projects / Finance / Engineering / Admin etc). I can create these in a spreadsheet without to much problem, but sofar have been unable to get them to work in the user form.
I have a ComboBox (cmbJobNo) in excel which lists a series of numbers. By using the code below other TextBoxes are automatically filled with related text once the ComboBox number is selected. On typing a number in the ComboBox the number is predicted, which is great except when a number is not sequential. Say the number is 15304 (the next number in list is 15315), when 1530 is entered, 15304 is predicted and VBA jumps to the next data entry Textbox, the data entry person then enters 4 (they type a lot faster than me, without looking), which is incorrect for that box.
VBA does not allow the complete number to be entered. If I turn off MatchEntry the other related textboxes txtClient and txtProject) do not automatically update when number is entered. What can I do to allow complete number to be entered and related Textboxes updated after number entry?
Private Sub cmbJobNo_Change()
If cmbJobNo.ListIndex > -1 Then txtClient = Format( Range("Jobs").Cells(cmbJobNo.ListIndex + 1, 2), "0") ...............
I have managed to set up a dynamic range called "Managers" which is held in a worksheet named "Lists" to validate entries in Col D of a worksheet named "PartTimeStaff" -
I also have 2 userforms which either add or delete managers names from the dynamic range, this all works well.
What I need to do when using the Delete form is to check that the managers name is not selected in any cell of Col D in the "PartTimeStaff" worksheet - this is to ensure the user has reassigned the records to another manager before deleting selected manager on ListBox1within this form.
The code which runs from a command button is below
Private Sub cmbDelete_Click()
Dim i As Integer Dim SelectionsIndex() As String Dim ArraySize As Integer Dim RowToDelete As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Sheet2 .Visible = True .Activate End With
Set ManagerStartRng = Range("A3")
Application.EnableEvents = False
If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete this manager?" & vbCr & vbCr & _ "This action cannot be undone!", vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel, "Confirm Delete") = vbYes Then
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim fileList() As String Dim fName As String Dim fPath As String Dim I As Integer 'define the directory to be searched for files fPath = "C:Will"
Would like to change
fName = Dir(fPath & "*.xls")
to load graphic files, .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .gif, instead of excel files.
It works if changed to .jpg only but as soon as I try multiple file types it does not work.
My question is about creating User-Defined Data Types. Is there ANY way possible i can create a User-Defined Data Type that declares a variable of another User-Defined Data Type instead of the Pre-Defined User Types like String, Integer, etc?
The following explains my problem in more detail.
I know to create a User-Defined Data Type at the top of the module before any procedures. Like this:
I have 2 userforms. UF1 and UF2. UF2 has a rowsource set to its Listbox. UF1 has a search function that searches the original sheet. Now I want to double click on an entry in UF1's Listbox and select the same entry in UF2's Listbox. I want to then work with that entry in UF2.
I do all of this to circumvent Excels restriction. I can't search in a rowsource Listbox, but any edits done to my new Listbox wouldn't be made to the Excel sheet.
I have a class module with several private variables, including one that is an array of a user-defined type. I am trying to set the values of a single element of this array with "Property Let ..." from a string array:
Am trying to get dynamic population of 2nd combobox based on match from criteria in combobox 1.
if column a = bears and column b = colours of bears then
when I select bears in combobox one, combobox 2 would populate with colors of bear.
I am think of having a combobox 1 change event that evaluates each row in a specific range (does it match the criteria?) if so, then add 2nd cell (column b) of that row to the combobox 2.
I know it would probably involve match and offset, add item and loop, but I am not sure what the syntax is.
I have a listbox that has one or more (up to five) entries. each of these entries must then be represented by a variable. i set up msgboxes to make sure the right values are collected. but im getting back blanks!
With UserForm1.Booths For fLoop = 0 To .ListCount - 1 If .Selected(fLoop) Then fUpper = fUpper + 1: Redim Preserve Boothlist(1 To fUpper) Boothlist(fUpper) = .List(fLoop, 0) End If Next fLoop For i = LBound(Boothlist) To UBound(Boothlist) If i = 1 Then Boothlist(i) = group1 MsgBox (group1)...................
I have a form control listbox, which is populated with filenames from a specific directory. When the user selects an entry I need that text to appear in a cell in the workbook. This is then concatenated with a folder path to open the file to copy and paste some data out into another workbook. I have tried...
Code: Sub GetWrbkbkname() Dim strlist As String strlist = Sheet1.Listbox18.Text Sheet1.Cells(1, 1) = strlist End Sub
But receive the method or data member not found error. The cell link property just returns the position in the list! I need the text!!
The only workound I could think of was populating a space in the SS with the directory contents and using the cell link value in a choose function to return the selected workbook name.
I have a user form that has a combobox, two textboxes, and a button on it. When the form is loaded, the combobox fills with data from a worksheet I created. THe worksheet has a column with the item names, and another column with the quanity of each item. The combobox is filled with the item names. SO far I have this done. My issue is that when the user selects an item from the combobox, and enters a quantity in to the first textbox, and then clicks the button, I want the quantity in the textbox to add to the quantity cell that the part number from the combobox references to. Then I want this new quantity to show in the cell and the second textbox.
I would like to use a combobox and I want to force the user to selected one item from the list, and not to be able to type anything in it.
My other solution would be to use a listbox but I like the combobox design better...
I found this code in a MSDN Forum but somehow, it does not seem to work. Maybe it is because I do not know what to do with a "public class", or my Excel 97 does not support this. I tried pasting the "private sub" in a sheet code (where my combobox is), but it did not work.
Public Class Form1 Private Sub ComboBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) _
Handles ComboBox1.KeyPress
e.Handled = True
End Sub
Is this code actually working under excel 97 and if so, where do I have to put it?
I'm trying to create a spreadsheet that will add a value to one column from one specific cell. For example: I want to enter a name in cell G10 and add that entry value enters in A1, then erase that name and enter a name in G10 again and that entry value enters in A2, and so on and so forth.
I must be overlooking something. Apparently, there is some difference between comboboxes and listboxes that I was not aware of. When I use the following code to populate a listbox, it works perfect:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim GrowerData() As String Dim GrowerRange As Range
I am trying to work up a referral tracker for my wife's employer. I have Named Ranges on sheet 2, a running log on sheet 1. I also have a userform that is being populated from the ranges on sheet 2. I have the project mostly functional, except for a feature I would like to add in. I am interested in adding to the named range that is being accessed if the entry is not in list, via the combobox1 on the userform. Also, if possible, I would like the list to re-sort behind the scenes so the added entry is properly located in A-Z format for next time. After searching the web a bit, I found some code that might work with some tinkering, but currently I am having issues with it. Here is the bit I am trying to use.
[Code] ....
I have been getting 424 Object Errors and a few others as I continue to mess with this. I am also attaching the project if someone may see a better way of getting the task accomplished. The overall scope of this is to log all referral sources so monthly and yearly reports could be made.
I am trying to find out whether you can restrict the rest of the userform from being available, unless a certain field is entered.
I have a tax invoice userform, I want to restrict the user from entering any other data unless they have selected a customer.
There are other fields such as Customer Address, Customer Number, Disc% and Terms that populate through vlookup code once the customer is selected, so still need that to work once the customer is selected. I just don't want them to be able to enter any other data on the userform without the customer being selected.
I wasn't sure whether I needed to enter code into every other textbox or combo box that if cboCustomer = "" then pop up an error message, but that would require a lot of code to be entered. I have 30 comboboxes and 53 Textboxes that I want to restrict to not being available unless a customer is selected from combobox.
We need to have various users input data into a spreadsheet, so I have created a userform. Just need some code with the submit button to populate the central sheet, I think that I will need it to open the sheet, paste the data, save and close it.
This is my submit button as it stands, with the form and spreadsheet in the same workbook:
Private Sub btnSubmit_Click() Dim RowCount As Long Dim ctl As Control RowCount = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count With Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B1") .Offset(RowCount, 0).Value = Me.coboPropSalutation.Value
I have a spreadsheet where for traceability purposes, I get some vba to enter elsewhere on the sheet, the date and time that data is entered into a cell. Is it possible to also somehow capture the name of the person entering the data. We are on a network, so the pc does "know" which user is logged in.
I want to change data through a user form and disable users from going around my form. I want users to see the underlying spreadsheet as the form manipulates data.
If I enable a form in Modal mode users can bypass the form. If I use it without modal form I can't change data from my form. I seem to be in a catch 22.
I'm attempting to add the values for a combobox and (2) text boxes to a list box on a form. The list has 3 columns. When I run code to add to the list box the values are added on separate rows instead of the same row. See code below and attached screen shot.
VB: Private Sub cmdAddToList_Click() Dim i As Integer Dim iRow As Integer If Me.cboParts.ListIndex = -1 Then Exit Sub For i = 0 To Me.lstParts.ListCount - 1
I want to create a userform that selects a Staff members name from a combo box, once selected the listbox would then display what time off that person has taken - ultimately I would then like to be able to select a date taken and either edit or delete it from the sheet that holds the information.
I'm trying to use 2 combobox's to filter a listbox with 7 columns. I need to match the 1st 3 chars. and the last 2 chars of the 1st column field to filter the list that displays in a listbox on a form. Is there an easy way to do this? I tried working with the autofilter, but couldn't get rid of the dropdown selection arrows.