Match,VlookUp & Highlight

Aug 17, 2009

I am able to to use the Vlookup to look up for value in the "Sheet sept". All value can be updated expect the item called "mug" as it is not listed in the "Sheet all". How do I highlight the missing item in the "Sheet all"? Attached herewith a file for better understanding.

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VLookup To Pivot Table Using Match Function - Returns Error If Can't Find Match Value

Mar 11, 2014

I am having some trouble getting a formula to work. I am building a report that pulls figures from a pivot table in another workbook. I am using a vlookup with match function to get the column index to find the relevant data I want. Where I need to add two columns together I am using sum, with the vlookup & match formulas nested in them e.g.:

=SUM(VLOOKUP(F13,'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C:$AQ,MATCH("FAID",'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C$6:$AQ$6,0),FALSE),VLOOKUP(F13,'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C:$AQ,MATCH("COMM",'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C$6:$AQ$6,0),FALSE),VLOOKUP(F13,'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C:$AQ,MATCH("BPCM",'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C$6:$AQ$6,0),FALSE),VLOOKUP(F13,'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C:$AQ,MATCH("COMD",'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C$6:$AQ$6,0),FALSE))

F13 = Employee number
Column C on the pivot 156 workbook is where the employee number is based.
The Match formula is then getting the column index from the column headings of the pivot table ie. "FAID"

This in itself works fine, as long as it finds a match in the column headings. This is where i get the error as in the above function "COMD" is not in the pivot table. However I need to keep it included as it may appear on a future pivot table. Is there a way of getting the sum function to complete even though later in the formula it can't complete the vlookup? So it will ignore it, or assume the value is zero if it can't find it? The formula probably needs to do this for all the vlookups as some headings may drop off in future pivot tables.

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VLOOKUP / INDEX / MATCH Function: Match Data From 2 Independent Sets??

Oct 8, 2009

I am trying to match data from 2 independent sets, formatted slightly differently so not sure which function would work best for me. From the attached file, I am trying to match the date and time stamp (in cell A1) with that from the other data (in this example in cell E1) and return the data (from cell F1) to cell C1. So basically any date and time stamp before 04/03/09 04:00 will return a value of 44 (this value should appear, therefore in cells C1 - C30)

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VLOOKUP / INDEX And MATCH To Return All Values That Match

Feb 4, 2014

I have two sheets of data , sheet A and Sheet B.

Sheet B contains a column called "Name" and for each name, and for each name there are corresponding numbers. In sheet A, I have a "list of interest" in column A. What i want to do look through the data in sheetB to find a match from the list of interest and return the corresponding letters, located in column A.

I have filled out the first two rows of results that should be returned as an example.

One idea i had was to put a vlookup formula in each column result 1 to result 6 so i can catch all 6 "Serves" columns from column B, but there may be duplicates in the serve columns and vlookup only reports the first match.

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Highlight If The Date Match

Jan 7, 2010

is there any way that i can match the date in a data and apply a color if match?
sample: column a2: 11/5/09 $15.00

column b2: 11/5/09 house $15.00 -> then the column B2 must be filled with color because they have the same date with the column a2.

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Highlight If Numbers Match

Nov 12, 2009


In the table above in cells A3:F4 is the draw result.

Option1: in the column H played numbers are separated by semicolon
Option2: in the column I played numbers are separated by coma
Option3: in the column J played numbers are separated by space

Is there any formula or conditional formatting method to highlight match numbers out of any one of three options?

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Highlight Row With Vlookup

Jun 7, 2007

I am wanting to highlight a row if criteria is found in another workbook.

I expect VBA is needed and that is fine.

For row 9 I want this formula, but with a highlight result ...

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Search List A Highlight Non Match

Oct 31, 2009

Within conditional formatting I use =COUNTIF(Task,I4)=0 and it highlights the non-matches. Task is a named range which works fine, but how could I actually just use a string instead of the named range? The named range only consists of Major and Sub. My first guess would be =COUNTIF({"Major";"Sub"},I4)=0 but this is not working.

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If Two Cells Match (date), Highlight A Third Cell...

Aug 14, 2009

I have a row D2:ND2 where each cell contains a date from October 1st through to September 20th). I also have a column NI3:NI13 that contains various dates such as Easter or bank holidays. Would it be possible to use conditional formatting (or something else) to highlight all rows below D2:ND2 if the dates specified in each cell in D2:ND2 match any of the dates in column NI3:NI13?

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Highlight Match Old And New SKU From Two Columns And Change Price

Jun 18, 2014

We are currently working on uploading product (XML) to our website, we have some old product data done and now there are some new product sheet came out and we have 30 of them. Between the new and old product sheet, we have to add new products, remove discontinue products and update all the old product's pricing.

First come to first, we need to find out which are the old products and which are the new products. Yes, the manufacture didn't separate the new from the old. I have put together a sample Excel, please see attachment.

I need to compare them and highlight the cells in in GREEN on both columns when they are match.

Column A (Old SKU)
Column B (New SKU)

Column C (New COST)
Column D (New MSRP)

Update new pricing from NEW Columns C,D,E to OLD Columns F,G,H when the cells from Column A and B are highlighted

Column F (Old COST)
Column G (Old MSRP)

Can that be done within Excel build in functions?

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Compare Values In Two Cells - Highlight When There Is No Match

Jan 3, 2013

I have two cells with values that are strings.

I would like to know of a macro that can compare each two cells(start from E2 and compare with E3)to see if the values are NOT equal.

If they are equal, do nothing and if they are NOT, highlight the value.

compare E2&E3, E4,E5,E6,E7,.... if for example E2&E3, E4,E5,E6,E7,.... each hat same string, do nothing, but if they were not the same highlight it with red.

This code checks two cells and highlights one cell when there is duplicate, I like the opposite one, but don't know what to change!


Sub CompareCells() Dim r As Range, cell As Range Range
("E2", Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Name = ("MyRange") Range("MyRange").Select
' clear all colors from selection Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
' loop through cells and compare Set r = Selection Set r = Selection.Resize(r.Rows.Count + 1)
For Each cell In r If cell.Offset(1, 0).Value cell.Value Then
cell.Offset(1, 0).Interior.ColorIndex = 3 End If Next End Sub

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Match Up & Clearly Highlight The Pairs (duplicates) In Each Coloumn

Dec 3, 2008

A:2007 Email Addresses
>6000 more email address9000 more email addresses)

I need to match up & clearly highlight the pairs (duplicates) in each coloumn.
What's the trick for this?

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Conditional Formatting Lookup To Highlight 1st Match Only

Mar 4, 2008

The Problem: There is data in a step chart from left to right. On a separate step chart, Conditional formatting is set to lookup values from the first step chart and highlight non empty cells in the row. The formatting should only format the first non empty cell from left to right in the row. After formatting the first non zero value in the time line the formatting should cease. Note: the conditional formatting value and the value of the cell being formatted are not the same in either value or time but are related. The formatting is to illustrate the relation

Current Formatting formula:


Syntax for Vlookup(Lookup_Value,Table_array,Column_index_num,Range_Lookup)

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Highlight Rows Where Only Specific Cell Values Match?

Jul 22, 2014

I'm finding it hard to explain what I am trying to do (which may be why I can't find a solution through Google), so I have an example. I am using a much larger spreadsheet than this sample(18,000 rows)



I want to highlight rows if there are multiple instances of ID and # values - I included a column at the end showing which rows in this data set would be highlighted.

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Highlight A Cell Formula Result If It Doesn't Match

Sep 28, 2007

I've been asked to assist with modifications of an excel spreadsheet. One of the features is a column that has a formula of what the total order should be. For example, 1 base order of 25.00, plus 1 bonus order of 18.00, plus 2 bonus orders of 15.00 would be $73.00 due. Then data entry persons enter the actual amount collected. Is there a way to highlight either the cell or the result if the amount collected does not equal the amount due? I know I can accomplish this with another column, but they want to keep the columns to a minimum.

This is for a non-profit agency and the orders are now at 1000 that must be entered within a day or two period, so they want to keep the fields to a minimum so as to make the entry easier for those doing the input. And they would like the data entry person to see an immediate flag if what he or she enters as collected does not equal what is due.

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Vlookup Macro: Highlight The Cells In The In The Workbook

Jan 12, 2009

I have created a macro to open a workbook from another workbook and do a vlookup against the data in the source workbook. I then wanted to highlight the cells in the in the workbook that I'm doing the vlookup from, and to unhighlight any empty cells. I did this all without code using the macro recorder so that I could then study the code and learn something.

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Conditional Formatting - Highlight A Cell When The Number Doesn't Match The Value?

May 11, 2014

In a column in which there are repeating numbers is there a formula I can enter into conditional formatting that will highlight a cell when the number doesn't match the value from the value above it?

So in this example the values with an * would be highlighted.


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Excel 2013 :: Highlight Cells If Data In 2 Columns Match

May 27, 2014

Please see the attached example. I'm trying to highlight cells only if 2 values in the row match 2 values in another row. If a book title/author combination matches that of another title/author combination in a different row, it would highlight. Some alternate rows will contain different titles by the same author, and some rows will have like titles by different authors...but they should not highlight.

The only situation where highlighting would occur is if the title/author pairing appears in another row.

I'm trying to decide if this would be a conditional formatting/highlighting rule, or if it would be a macro/vbs?

I'm using Excel 2013.

Pairing example.PNG

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Formulas By Using VLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH, INDEX&MATCH Separately

Oct 8, 2009

I have this table




As you can see, the number I has a,d,and g, II has b,e,and h, and III has c, f, and i

I want to make formula that if I make the input g it would return I, f would return III, and c would return III, and so on

I want to make four formulas by using VLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH, INDEX&MATCH separately.

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Match And Vlookup

Nov 20, 2007

I am either trying to do 2 vlookups or 1 match and a vlookup, but I am not sure. I have two workbooks. The first workbook I need to populate the 'Actual Taken' column from my second workbook. Below is the first workbook:

******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - FY07Q3_LMS_Payroll_.xls___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows Windows 2000 (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutD9=
[HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name box

The second workbook contains all of the data. Please see below:
******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Book2___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows Windows 2000 (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutA1=

What I would like to do, is first have the formula locate the Store Manager from the First workbook and find it in the Second Workbook, then once it finds Store Manager, look at the Course Name from the Frist Workbook and find it in the second workbook, finally populate column C from Workbook 2 to the Actual Taken in Workbook 1.

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Vlookup/ Match

Mar 20, 2007

I have an account issue. In the attached file sheet Balance, there is a trial balance sheet with account ID, Name, Credit and Debt which I download from system every month. In sheet Check, I have some related account IDs. If the ID is found from Balance sheet and is Credit, the amount in Check sheet will be positive. Otherwise it will be negative.I have ever tried to use Match, Vlookup function to do it but did not get it.

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N/A Error Using VLOOKUP Even Though There Is Match?

Jul 24, 2014

Why I am getting N/A errors in sheet 1 of workbook?

For example, in sheet1, Cell B2 should equal 3. And it should stretch across the entire data range, so even something like B14 should return 3.

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Match Vlookup Query

Nov 26, 2008

I have a spread sheet of information exported from an inhouse software package saved to my computer; this info is a few months old so i want to compare it against newly exported data to check for new companys on the system and changes of address for old companies etc.

Typical fields are as follows:
Setting name; street address; post code; etc...

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VLOOKUP With Two Match Requirements

Dec 23, 2008

In Column A I have vessel departure dates
In Column B I have Final Destinations
In Column D I have vessel arrival dates

I am trying to get the result of column D based on matching A & B information. My dilemma is that if I have vessels with the same departure dates going to different destinations how can I retrieve the arrival date? I've been trying "vlookup" and "index/match" to no avail.

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Vlookup OR Index And Match.

Oct 22, 2009

I have a worksheet that has numerical data in A1:A22. In E1:E61 I have set values in numerical order and in F1:F61 I have a letter or letters that correspond to E1:61.

I am trying to write a formula in B1 that will look at the value in A1 and then match it up in E1:E61 and then return the corresponding letter in F1:F61.

e.g: in A1 i have an INDEX and MATCH formula

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Partial Vlookup Match

Nov 13, 2009

In cells A1:A10 I have the following list;


I want to be able to get a partial match that will allow for spelling mistakes by the user. The wild card (*) seems to only look at the left-most text and return #N/A if the text isn't matched sequencially.

For example ....

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Vlookup Return More Than One Match

Aug 26, 2007

i have a customer work book for outstanding orders of which there are hunderds of rows with there name order number and the items that are outstanding

when i have progressed all my purchased orders i take all the items and run it throught my work book using vlookup to return who wanted what items if any

but what if there are more then one customer wanting the same item how can i get vlookup to know that and return the next match

i'm still very new at excel so can someone please help me

attached is a small test of my work book

if you see item 3182Y/1.0/BLK
you can see it is wanted by both a.f switchgear and amg

but it will only return a.f switchgear

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Vlookup Match The Columns

Sep 23, 2008

I have two columns with names on it. and Column A has about 600 names and column B has about 447 names. I want to match these two columns and get the names which do not match on Column C.

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Vlookup And Match To Sum All Else Except Certain Cells

Nov 19, 2008

i currently have a spreadsheet that uses vlookup and match to identify data that matches 2 criteria.

so there is a table with names on the left and dates on the top, and the dates change over time. this reference another table with the data for the names at all dates. therefore, the formula does is a vlookup with a match inside it.

this works well.

so say today is Jan 1.
Columns 1, 2 and 3 are Jan 1, Feb 1, March 1
On Feb 1, columns 1, 2, and 3 are Feb 1, March 1, April 1

in column 4, i want it to equal the sum of the data for all dates beyond the date in column 3.

does this make sense?

i attached a small sheet i was working on to play around with these functions. in the sheet i just used numbers (1,2,3) instead of the dates for simplicity

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Vlookup & Match What Is In Column

Dec 2, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that looks like this:

1Scenario A Scenario BScenario C
7Scenario A Scenario B Scenario C
8Studio5% 10% 15%
91Bed10% 15% 20%
102Bed15% 20% 25%

RIght now my formula For Cell D2 is


I need the formula to Match what is in Column A and Also what is in Row 1 to what is in the table (C7:F10)

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