Merge Cells Of Identical Corresponding Cells

Nov 13, 2008

I'd like to merge (and position in the center) all identical rows within column A without affecting the columns to the right of it. I have attached a small sample of what I'd like to accomplish.

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Merge Identical Cells In A Row

Jun 15, 2013

In the attached Excel file, the data has been place from d2 to dyo2.

For example, value "2607" is placed from cells va2 to wk2.

I need to merge cells from va2 to wk2.

I can't use horizontal alignment - center across selection because my boss wants it to merge only.

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Merge Date From Adjacent Cells Inbetween Current Cells

Nov 17, 2009

I have 2 columns of data and want to be able to merge as follows

4123567 123.45
4125467 900.56
4356456 456.32

need to get result of


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Combine Identical Cells And Get Count

Jun 10, 2008

I have a list of transactions on accounts that have the account name multiple times. I want a count of just those account names but without the copies for the different transactions. I have like 5 entries (transactions) on say Bob Smith's Towing I need it to combine all five entries into one or delete all but one so I have a true count of how many accounts I have.

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Cells Are Identical But Not Showing Same Result?

Dec 26, 2013

On the top, you'll see that even though there is an equation in cell "K" and merged cells "O and P" that the cell is reflecting a blank box (how I want it to look). Within the same workbook, a different worksheet that has the same exact cell settings is showing "$0.00" in those cells. I can't figure out how to get it to be blank! Yes, I tried the copy/paste from the cell that I like to the other worksheet but it doesn't work. Again - all of the cell settings are the same.

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Creating Identical Cells In Different Worksheets

Jun 13, 2007

I am creating one big workbook with several different worksheets. I need to make the first two columns of every worksheet identical.

I would like to make it so that when an item is changed in any cell in any column on any worksheet, the other worksheets automatically change to become identical.

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Merge 3+ Datasets With Identical Structure To Summarize Content By Pivot Table

Jun 11, 2014

I have several data sets that that have the same column headers (product portfolio data, split by categories into different workbooks) and the same structure and want to merge them to create summaries in a pivot table that I can slice the way I need to look at the data (e.g., by "Category 1" level, "Category 2" level, etc..). The messy way would be to just copy/paste all data in one master set and then create one pivot from it. The problem is that this a) takes a lot of time since I have several data sets and b) the content of these data sets is constantly changing, so I would need to constantly update the master data set by replacing updated sub sets.

I was hoping that I can use PowerPivot for that which is apparently not the case - as I understand PowerPivot is only being used to link data sets that contain a column with an identical key to then basically do on a larger scale what a vlookup would do. Is there a way to do this with PowerPivot?

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Find Value In Cells, Merge Found Cells To One Column

Jun 23, 2007

I need to mine a huge spreadsheet of about 30,000 cells and make columns from specific words. As in.

I need to search for all words "table" even if the word is "My_table" or "aTable" and suck them into one column. I have to do this one several words.

Let me know if you have the solution. I am trying to write something but I am unsure of the syntax at this level.

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Formula For Counting Identical Values In Cells

May 3, 2007

I would like a formula which will look at a range of cells, for instance a2:g2 and count how many of the cells contents are the same. The cells contain a combination of text and numbers.

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Merge Cells Based On Used Cells In Column 5

Jan 7, 2014

I have data written in Cells B5, C5, D5 etc that changes as you add more column data

I am trying to figure out how to merge cells starting from Cell B3 based on used cells in row B5 to end of column.

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Compare Identical Text In Two Cells On Two Sheets - Return Value On Target Row Into Cell

Jan 2, 2013

I have a workbook with tons of programming I need to achieve. Here is my work book so it can be viewed.

Right now on "Protocol" Sheet I want the cells with the "Protocol 1" field to look at Admin_Panel Sheet and find the row with the same text. Then take the text in cell A of the same row and copy it to the cell below the "Protocol 1" listed on the protocol sheet.

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3-D Formula Syntax: Consolidate Certains Cells In 30 Identical Worksheets In A Workbook

Jun 7, 2006

I want to consolidate certains cells in 30 identical worksheets in a workbook. I understood that if I use the 3-D formula method, that I could insert new identical worksheets into the range of worksheets and the consolidated totals would update. Is that correct?

I cannot seem to get the syntax to work. When I read the Excel Help file it gives an example of =sum(sheet2:sheet7!B3) but I don't understand how Excel could answer this ( if the worksheets were named Sheet2,sheet3,sheet4 etc up to sheet7)
In my example, the formula is clearly wrong. Why does it not use the single quotation marks '? I cannot find references to the proper syntax anywhere. I have your training program but this does not spell it out for me either. If I use Data>Consolidate then I have to labouriously do this for each cell that I want to consolidate.

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Excel 2010 :: Highlight Groups Of Identical Number Cells In Alternating Grey And White?

Jun 27, 2014

I am looking for a way to highlight groups of identical number cells in alternating grey and white. My goal is to make it clear when there is a repeating set of numbers. Below is an example of what a completed state of this would look like that I created manually. The real form I will be using this code on will have long number which is why I am looking for this added clarification. I am using excel 2010.







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How To Merge Cells In Same Row

May 30, 2014

How can I merge cells in the same row so when I sort a column (A>Z for example) the contents of the row near the selected one change position as well. I paste a picture for example.

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Merge The Cells...?

Aug 6, 2009

I've got a workbook with a ton of worksheets in it. Every worksheet has 4 columns a, b, c & d that I want to merge so that column a will be the contents of the 4 cells above seperated by _ so it will become a_b_c_d. not sure if im explaining this right but i think you'll get what i mean. i need to do that for every worksheet in the workbook

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How To Merge Cells W/ VBA

Mar 20, 2007

I say reluctantly because it seemed easy enough that I should have been able to locate it in the help file of VBA. Which leads me to believe I do not know how to search effectively in VBA, yet/still.

how to merge cells w/ the use of VBA.

Below is my Post and Answer by EE ....

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Merge Cells ..

Apr 23, 2009

I have a rather large amount of data that comes to me very frequently in a bit of a mess and I have a need to somehow do the following:

I need to look for a cell that has date text in the format of 3 characters for the month followed by a four digit year i.e.Apr 2009 or Sep 2009 along with one marked YTD.

The cell then needs to be merged with the 2 adjoining cells to the right.

This heading structure repeats itself frequently over about 700 hundred rows so it will need to repeat itself until all date looking cells and YTD's have been merged with the 2 adjoing cells.

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HOW To Merge 2 Cells

Jun 1, 2009

i have a file i need to merge 2 cells. the first cell has street number. second cell has street name. and i need a space between the number and the name

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Merge Cells ....

Jun 3, 2009

I have sheet and this kind of data in two colums:

1 Text
2 continues in different
3 rows in B column.
1 I want to
2 merge this
3 text in single
4 row.
1 1 in A column
2 means a new row.
1 How can
2 I do it,
3 maybe with
4 macro?
1 Again new row.

There are over 30000 rows in my sheet. So there must be way to do it some other way than manually with copy-paste method.

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Merge Cells

May 16, 2006

I want the representant to fill the form we have with number 1 or 0. The only things, it's some time My cells are merge for visual aspect of the form. I made it work with a single cell but now I'm facing a wall for merge cells. This is the code for a single cell:

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("I9")) Is Nothing Then
Cancel = True 'Prevent going into Edit Mode
If Target = vbNullString Then
Target = "1"
Target = vbNullString
End If
End If
End Sub

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Merge Cells With Same Value

Sep 21, 2006

How we can automatically (with macro) merge & center cells with same value? For example if ranges A6, A7, A8 have the same value 09/20/06, find them & merge A6:A8 & get only one 09/20/06.

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Merge Cells In VBA

Feb 9, 2007

Is it possible to merge cells in VBA? I tried this:

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range(A1,B2).Merge = True

I also tried this:

Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(A1,B2).Merge = True

This is in a blank spreadsheet.

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Dynamically Merge Cells

Nov 19, 2009

I'm am trying something that is still a little over my head...

Normally, I merge cells the easy way:

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Compare And Merge Cells

Dec 15, 2009

I need to create a micro that can compare the value of the cells and if it is the same, it will merge. currently my code is ......

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Macro To Merge Cells

Feb 7, 2013

I have a range of data, that I need to setup a smart macro for, but I need the macro to do the following:

Merge Rows if Column G is the same, merge shall be done in Column A, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, S, T, U, V, W, X, YNo Merge: Column B and O, P, Q, RMake SUM in Column L, M, N for column O, P, Q. The macro to run for the entire sheet, until first empty cell in column G



I have tried with a Pivot, but it doesn't work out, as I need to be able to make changes to all cells after the "merged" cells has been done.

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VBA Merge Cells That Contain Same Value But Within Particular Group

Mar 21, 2013

I have a question regarding automatic merging in VBA. Its similar to this thread (Macro Required - Automatically Merge vertically identical cells) but with a slight twist.

So say if I have four columns set up as follows, where the first line contains headings (before)

Term (years)


[Code] .......

Im looking for something like this (please ignore the periods as i had to put them to keep the table from incorrectly displaying). I'd like to highlight the non-merging of Striker (line 7 and 8 in column2) becasue one belongs to Manchester and the other to Arsenal

Term (years)


[Code] .......

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Merge Two Cells Data Into One?

Dec 4, 2013

I have an empoyees first name in A1 (Joe) and Surname in B1 (Bloggs), however, I want "Bloggs, Joe" in C1?

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Merge Formulas Of 2 Cells Into One

Nov 17, 2008

I would like to merge the following formulas into a single cell . . .



In the new formula, I need to add the following:

If D61="E", then I need the cell shaded in red with black font
If D61="S", then I need the cell shaded in bright yellow with black font

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Merge Duplicate Cells Into One

Jul 30, 2007

I want to make a report wherein the macro has to merge cells based on duplicate cell values in column A and to put corresponding data in columns into one cell which we do manually by pressing ALT+Enter.

How this can be done through a macro or other tricks as I need it for a large report and need to use repeatedly.

A sample WB is attached which explains more.

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Merge Two Cells Repeatedly, Down A Row For An Entire Tab

Aug 11, 2009

I want to merge two cells repeatedly, down a row for an entire tab. For instance merge A1 and B1, merge A2 and B2, merge A3 and B3 and so on. I feel like there should be an easy way to do this but I cannot figure out a way other than manually going through each row and do not know how to write the macro. Sadly I have about 500 rows in 10 sheets so doing this manually would be.

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