Merging Multiple Cells

Feb 8, 2007

Is it possible to write a macro whereby the data in numerous cells in a row, say A1:K1 are copied into one cell, L1 then the cells from the next row, A2:K2are copied into the same cell, L1 but on the line below in the cell. I know the above doesn't make much sense so i've attached an example.

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Merging Cells From Multiple Rows Into One Row

Jan 29, 2014

For my work I need to delete duplicate rows with the same name but keep the information in the (original) cell.

for example I have:

Cells: C D E F
Row 1 SoccerPremier League Holland
Row 2 SoccerPremier League Germany
Row 3 SoccerPremier League Poland Poland

I want to keep row 1 and add the data from row 2 & 3 with the data in the same cells so it will be:

Cells: C D E F
Row 1 SoccerPremier League HollandGermanyPolandPoland

As cells D, E, F are empty I would say you can just merge the 3 rows by selecting them and merge.

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Merging Multiple Cells Containing Text

Jan 26, 2010

I need to combine or merge text from cells in 20 rows of data into a format able to be printed. This is evaluation data for a class of 20 students, where each row is one students response to the evaluation, with the last cell in the row containing their comments (text data that may be blank, or up to several sentences in length). Here's what I'm trying to do:

Combine all 20 cells into one cell that can be printed (with word-wrap turned on).
Add a blank line between each comment.
Disregard any blank cells so extra blank lines are not added.

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Merging Multiple Rows Into One Row With Certain Cells?

Oct 3, 2013

I am trying to do the following:

I have about 50,000 rows of user info, something like the below -

First Name



What would be the best way to go about this?

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Merging Multiple Data Cells Into One Cell?

Oct 24, 2013

I have a spreadsheet where I am trying to add up codes and quantitys, after this I want the repeated info deleted. For example;

12.004RWHB 4 Row Wooden Handle Welders Brush
12.004RWHB 4 Row Wooden Handle Welders Brush
20.004RWHB 4 Row Wooden Handle Welders Brush
24.004RWHB 4 Row Wooden Handle Welders Brush
4.004RWHBSS4 Row Wooden Handle Welders Brush S/S
10.004RWHBSS4 Row Wooden Handle Welders Brush S/S
12.004RWHBSS4 Row Wooden Handle Welders Brush S/S

So what I want to do is add the numbers up so I can get one value. For example, 4RWHB I want to add them all up so that it totals 68 still shows the code and description but then only shows 68 4RWHB 4 Row Wooden Handle Welders Brush and not the same line repeated. I want to condense all the information down so where there is same model numbers I can add it up and it doesn't give me multiples but summarises it down into one line per model number.

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Multiple Formula In One Cell / Merging Cells?

Nov 7, 2013

I want to create a string of 0's and 1's in the same cell in excel.

I used the function =randbetween(0,1) to generate 1's and 0's. Just wondered if there is a way to repeat this multiple times in same cell so it looks like 1 0 1 0 0 1 etc... as an example. Or a way to merge cells?

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Moving And Dragging Multiple Cells Without Merging

Jun 14, 2006

i have a row, A2-A7

there is data in each cell

can i make it so i move any of the cells up or down a row or wherever and they will all move in a unit as if they were merged? i dont want to merge though because then that will screw up the data?

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2003 - Merging Four Adjacent Cells With Text And/or Blank Cells

Jun 14, 2008

I am trying to merge text, in four adjacent cells in the same row (say cells A1,A2,A3 and A4), into a single cell (say cell A5).

I would like a comma or full stop and then a space between each item merged (cell A5).

The text to be merged may appear in any one of the four cells (cells A1 to A4). Those cells without text are blank.

Only where all 4 cells are blank, will I need cell 'A5' to indicate this.

The formula needs to be relative as I will need to copy the formula down the spreadsheet so that it applies to additional rows.

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Merging Multiple Workbooks

Oct 25, 2009

I have a series of duplicate workbooks to allow for distribution to multiple users. The workbooks have a userform which allows the user to save records into a worksheet. I would like to have a standalone workbook which is a merge of all of the worksheets.

Since data will be contiuosly entered, I want the master workbook to have a "constant" link and alway but current without need to run anything.

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Merging Multiple Workbooks With Macro

Sep 14, 2009

I have multiple files with data in that I need to merge, basically append the data from various files to an existing file. Does anyone know of a macro that can be written to do this?

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Macro For Merging Multiple Rows To One Row

Aug 19, 2013







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Merging Multiple Rows Of Data

Mar 20, 2008

I have several worksheets in a single workbook.

I have the following

employee paymethod earningcode earningtype rate hours amount
jane doe H CR R 5.00 80 400.00
jane doe H CO O 7.50 2 15.00
jane doe H HL R 5.00 8 40.00
jane doe H SE R 10.00 10 100.00
john smith H CR R 6.00 10 60.00

I need to have

jane doe CR 5.00 80 CO 7.5 15.00 HL 5.00 8 SE 10.00 100.00

I will have multiple employees. Not all employees will have all 4 earning codes (some will only have one, some will have two, and some will have three).

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Merging Multiple Worksheets Into A Workbook

Aug 21, 2009

I have a task to complete that requires me to extract worksheets from hundreds of workbooks and consolidate them into one "master" workbook. Out of the hundreds of workbooks, there is only one worksheet that I need to extract from each. The worksheet's name is "CostData". Once I have all the worksheets in one workbook, I will have to create buttons that will be able generate reports and charts based off the data in the worksheets. This will assist in determining cost comparisons, trends, and predictions. I am sure something like this has been done before, so can someone please help me out! Is there any code out there that can do this?

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Merging One Sheet From Multiple Workbooks Into One Master

Apr 9, 2013

I will have about 100 files to merge together that are in one directory. Is it possible to merge all workSHEETS named "Bob" from each workBOOK and end up with just one master file?

I found this code on this web site (no proper reference!). It doesn't work for me. Yes, I changed the directory and it still didn't work. I will have 12 columns (A:L) and differing # of rows in each "Bob" worksheet.

Sub g_CombineMultWB_AllXLSFiles() ' This Will combine all EMALL XLS files located in the
' S:DMSMSPOMSMaster POMS NIIN DataMaster EMALL Data FilesEMALL Excel Folder
' into a single worksheet in a newly created (or previously existing) workbook


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Mail Merging Multiple Rows One Document

Jun 20, 2014

I am trying to mailmerge a spreadsheet relating to invoices. there are multiple rows for each company, however each row is a unique Invoice Number.

Instead of email mail merging normally, I want just one mail merge made for each company, where it lists the invoices there, rather than a whole new document per row. Otherwise I'd send one company 50 emails!

I have attached an example spreadhseet - and I have attached a screenshot of the word document Im working on.

Dont ask me where I got that code at the top of the word document - ive copied and pasted from somewhere - it might as well be written in italian. Im trying to match the mergefields with what I think it's trying to denote. Yet, I cant make an If then else mergefield?

Is it possible to do this sort of mail merge, then use the email column to designate where to send the finished merged product?

Attachment 326799
Attachment 326800

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Merging Multiple Excel Sheets Into One Sheet

Mar 31, 2011

I have a workbook with multiple sheets (21 sheets) in it. The header on each sheet begins at row B5. The actual data starts from row B6. The number of rows in each sheet varies and the last row contains the total for all columns that has numbers. I wish to have one sheet that combines data from all the 21 sheets. But;

1) The header should be repeated only once
2) Only the rows that has data should be included, blank rows should be ignored
3) I do not need the last row i.e. total to be considered while merging the sheets

I've given a snapshot of the data below. The first column contains the row number just for reference.

B5 Name Address Telephone Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Total Other Members B6 Tony PQR Complex Road 1 12345678

B7 Stany PQR Complex Road 1 1234567890



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Merging Cells ....

Jan 19, 2009

I have a column with data, the cells go data, blank cell, data, blank cell, data etc.

The row count will vary.

What I need to do is go through the non blank cells in the column and merge the them with the blank cells beneth them.

ie A2 = Apple
A3 = blank
A4 = Pear
A5 = blank

run the code to get

A2 and A3 = Apple
A4 and A5 = Pear

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Merging Cells ...?

May 25, 2007

I have data in two separate cells as follows:

Cell A1 = 7890
Cell A3 = 1

In Cell A4 I want to merge the figures as following figure:

What type of formula would I need to create for this to work for me?

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Moving Data From Single To Multiple Columns And Merging?

Dec 16, 2012

Current Data:
File 1:

Each set of data is listed in either two or three rows




The goal is to move them to separate columns (rows can be 3 or 2 for each data set, and may or may not be separated by space/additional row)

File 2:

Has a common field 'ID' as that of File1, does not have Date, and Filename, but has a new field 'Detail' (already in the expected format)


ID Detail

The goal is to merge properly formatted data from File 1 to File 2


ID Date Filename Detail

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Merging Multiple Rows In Column Without Losing Text?

Jul 3, 2013

sample merging file.xlsx

I have a data array of 7 col and 256 rows. I want to focus only on the first 2 columns though. Here is what is going on. In the first column I have numbers from 1-256, these numbers are merged to the appropriate size to accommodate the data in column 2. However, the data in column 2 is not merged, it consists of 1,2, or 3 lines of text. Excel deletes the text in the rows below 1 if I try to merge, excel does not allow multiple row merge selections. What I am looking for is a formula that looks at column 1, finds how many rows are being merged in column 1, then looks at column 2 and identifies the number of rows needed for merging and displays that text in only one row. Basically, it's a formula that merges multiple rows of text in col 2 depending on the number of merged rows in col 1.

1Fairbanks Morse /
Beloit, WI
2H+H Umwelttechnik /


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Merging 1 Worksheet From Multiple Workbooks Into Master Workbook?

Apr 8, 2014

I'm trying to take a single worksheet from a workbook and merge them all into one workbook. In that master workbook I'm looking to have each of the worksheets on different tabs and the tab names as the original workbook name.

So if I have Workbook1, Workbook2, Workbook3, Workbook4 in a folder. I want to open a new spreadsheet, run this macro, select the folder with the Workbooks in, and have it take the range selected from the worksheet 'other' from each of the workbooks and generate a 'master' Spreasheet where each tab would be called Workbook1, Workbook2, Workbook3, Workbook4 and the contents would be from the 'other' tab

I found some of Ron de Bruin's code online which I've tried to customise.

Currently this takes a range from the tab specified, puts it into an array and then pastes it all into different columns on one worksheet. change this so that it creates a new worksheet for each original workbook, and names it after that workbook.

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Merging Cells In Row That Have Same Values?

Nov 23, 2013

I'm trying to merge cells in a row (row 1, in the example below) that contain the same values. For example:




I've used the following code, and it actually seems to work, but it gives me a runtime error and I can't figure out why.

Sub MergeCells()Dim r As Range, c As Range
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Set r = Range("A1", Cells("1", Columns.Count).End(xlToRight))


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Merging Data Of Two Cells Together..

Jan 14, 2009

I need assistance with a formula two merge data of two cells together. For instance I have a column 'first name' and 'last name' and I want to create a column of just 'name' and concatinate the data eg: John Smith. I have roughly 175 cells to do this for.

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Merging Cells Where Row Is Variable In VBA

May 27, 2012

Merging cells where the row is a variable. The code has two loops that consolidate date from two other sheets, it works fine but as you can see it puts the data into columns A,B and C,D respectively. My goal is to combine both into the A,B columns, which I can do very easily. My problem is that between the loops, marked by "HERE" i want to skip a line, merge cells A and B on whatever row that maybe and set an header.

Workbooks("Discovery Errors.xls").Sheets("Totals").Range("A3:U60000").EntireRow.Delete
Workbooks("Discovery Errors.xls").Sheets("Totals").Range("A3:U60000").EntireRow.Font.Bold = False

ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Disc_Nodes").Range("A1:U60000").Sort Key1:=Range("J1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:= _
xlYes, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

[Code] ........

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Merging Several Cells Of Data Into One

Jun 19, 2014

How would I combine the data in 30 cells into one cell.

They all 12 digit numbers and I need them separated by a comma.

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Merging Duplicate Cells ..

Mar 25, 2008

how would i run a macro to merge duplicate cells in a column

For example, i have lots of data in columns A, B and C

however some of the data in columns A and B is the same. Column C data never changes. so to make it easier to read, i would like to merge these cells (which are the same) together?


would become.... (with all the other data the same)




I dont want to lose any of the rows, as the data in column C is always different. I just want to merge the similar ones, so its easier to read.

Its a bit like this, but i cant even come close to getting this to work:

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Merging Data From Multiple Non-standardized Workbooks Into One Summary Worksheet

Jun 11, 2014

I am attempting to write code for a macro that can cycle through about 30 excel workbooks and merge the data. getting the raw data on one sheet is not a problem, but I also need to sort similar data into corresponding columns while merging such that all data from the workbooks with a certain column heading will be in a single column with a single heading on the summary sheet. The problem is that the column headings on the source workbooks are not always standardized, i.e. "F high", "high F". Each sheet has several columns that look like the one below, with a header at the top and a series of numbers. (please ignore the dashes, I just used them to line up the columns in this post, in excel each value is in a different cell)

F Low---F High---V Low

My vba skills are very basic, so I have been approaching this problem with a mountain of if..else and InStr commands, which doesn't seem like the best method and isn't working.

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Excel 2010 :: Merging Multiple Worksheets Into One All Data Worksheet?

May 29, 2013

I know there are many ways to create an "All Data" worksheet. Copy & Paste is the most obvious or pasting named ranges into the new worksheet. I have a workbook with 48 tabs with up to 1000 rows of data per sheet. I need to merge each tab into one main "All Data" worksheet.

How to combine these 48 sheets in an easier way than the two options I already know (Copy/Past or Paste Named Range). Any Add-In's to Excel that can possibly do this? I am using Excel 2010.

How to make this "All Data" worksheet combining data from each sheet of the 48 tabs would be most useful.

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Merging And Multiplying Cells Using Criteria

Oct 12, 2012

I want to merge some cells using a criteria. To be more specific, let's speak on the file attached.

Beginning with the P5 cell I want to merge to the right groups of 4 cells for each name from the column J. Therefore the first group of merged cells will be P5:S5, the next group will be T5:W5 and so on until reaches 11 groups of 4 cells. The last group will be BD5:BG5.

I tried a script like this but it says that there is a syntax error on the "Else" instruction:

Range(Range("AB5").End(xlToRight).Offset(0, 1), Range("AB5").End(xlToRight).Offset(0, nrCat)).Select

Dim i As Long
nrCat = Range("O2").Value
For i = 1 To nrCat
If Range("AB5") = "" Then

[Code] .....

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Merging 114,618 Cells Into 1 Very Long Cell?

Mar 30, 2013

I have a spreadsheet of barcodes 114,618 rows long. I have a program that requires me to enter in each and every barcode in a certain format. This is the format that it requires me to place the barcodes into.

23423432, 23432342, 234324323, 234322344, 432432432, .............

so and and so forth.

Only problem is my POS system exports the barcodes in a format that looks like this:


Now I have a Macro to add a comma to the end of these barcodes. That part was a breeze, however, I have hit a brick wall when it comes to placing them into an ongoing sentence type format, that my program needs. I have found several ways to combine and merge and "justify" the content, however these typically only cover small amounts of content, and doesn't even come close to hitting anything over 100,000. I don't know if maybe I need to be using another program in tandem with Excel.

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