Merging Data From Two Workbooks Into One?
Aug 1, 2014
I have an excel spreadsheet supplied by a client, let's call this the master sheet, with about 500 URLs and I've been asked to gather information from Google Analytics and place in a spreadsheet. This spreadsheet can't be changed as it goes into their CRM system.
On the master sheet, we have a list of URLS, what I need to do is go through each URL and place the number of visits to each URL on a weekly basis.
Google Analytics excel spreadsheet, will spit out a list of URLs and the page visit numbers.
My question is:
If I have both spreadsheets open, the master spreadsheet and the information from Google Analytics spreadsheet. Is there a way of having both sheets open and doing an exact match on the URLs between both spreadsheets, so we can copy and paste the information directly.
Or even a formula that says something like:
If the master sheet spread has the same URL in the Google Analytics spreadsheet, paste the relevant information into the correct cells?
As you can see, doing this manually will take a long time. I'm just looking for a productive method to save time.
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Jun 11, 2014
I am attempting to write code for a macro that can cycle through about 30 excel workbooks and merge the data. getting the raw data on one sheet is not a problem, but I also need to sort similar data into corresponding columns while merging such that all data from the workbooks with a certain column heading will be in a single column with a single heading on the summary sheet. The problem is that the column headings on the source workbooks are not always standardized, i.e. "F high", "high F". Each sheet has several columns that look like the one below, with a header at the top and a series of numbers. (please ignore the dashes, I just used them to line up the columns in this post, in excel each value is in a different cell)
F Low---F High---V Low
My vba skills are very basic, so I have been approaching this problem with a mountain of if..else and InStr commands, which doesn't seem like the best method and isn't working.
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Feb 16, 2012
We have a master worksheet, and I cant let staff see it, but I want them to update 'their bits' themselves, rather than email the admin staff and let them update the master sheet..
every job is on its own row and contains a unique ID.
is there a way i can merge their data in to the correct row and column(s) on the master sheet?
i've been playing with datasources etc
Excel 2010
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Oct 25, 2009
I have a series of duplicate workbooks to allow for distribution to multiple users. The workbooks have a userform which allows the user to save records into a worksheet. I would like to have a standalone workbook which is a merge of all of the worksheets.
Since data will be contiuosly entered, I want the master workbook to have a "constant" link and alway but current without need to run anything.
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Sep 15, 2014
Is it a good idea to merge xls workbooks in to one master workbook?
I have read online that some say it is ok and nothing will happen and others say it isn't a good idea because macros and formulas will not work right once merge in to one workbook.
So I have many workbooks with 2 - 4 worksheets in them. All have formulas as well as macro's and everything is working fine just as it is. But I would like to have 1 Master workbook with all workbook/worksheets combined in to 1, so that I can stop opening so many workbooks.
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Sep 14, 2009
I have multiple files with data in that I need to merge, basically append the data from various files to an existing file. Does anyone know of a macro that can be written to do this?
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Jan 16, 2014
I have a few hundred workbooks that I am merging into a single file. I found the following vba code that performed this task very well.
Sub simpleXlsMerger()
Dim bookList As Workbook
Dim mergeObj As Object, dirObj As Object, filesObj As Object, everyObj As Object[code]....
After I merged the data, I realized that I needed to know the source file that each row of information comes from.
How can I modify the above script to copy the filename and add it as an additional column of information when each sheet is copied into the master file?
For Example:
Currently If I have 3 files:
File 1:
1 2 3
4 5 6
File 2:
a b c
d e f
File 3:
v w x
y a b
Running what I currently have will give me:
1 2 3
4 5 6
a b c
d e f
v w x
y a b
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Apr 9, 2013
I will have about 100 files to merge together that are in one directory. Is it possible to merge all workSHEETS named "Bob" from each workBOOK and end up with just one master file?
I found this code on this web site (no proper reference!). It doesn't work for me. Yes, I changed the directory and it still didn't work. I will have 12 columns (A:L) and differing # of rows in each "Bob" worksheet.
Sub g_CombineMultWB_AllXLSFiles() ' This Will combine all EMALL XLS files located in the
' S:DMSMSPOMSMaster POMS NIIN DataMaster EMALL Data FilesEMALL Excel Folder
' into a single worksheet in a newly created (or previously existing) workbook
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Jul 15, 2007
I have 2 books right now. Each book has 2 colums of data (See attached jpg.):
Book 1 has a column for "phone number" and another for "street"
Book 2 has a column for "phone number" and another for "house number"
I would like to merge these books together so that all the information I have about these contacts is in the same book. Column A will be the phone numbers, column B will be the street name, and column C will be the house number. As you can see by looking at book 2, I only have house numbers for some of the phone numbers in book 1. My goal here is to have book 2 "look at" book 1, and add any information book 1 does not have (such as house number) to the relevant row (the row where the phone numbers match). This new book will by my book 3. I've attached a jpg. with how book 1 looks, book 2 looks, and how I want book 3 to look.
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Apr 8, 2014
I'm trying to take a single worksheet from a workbook and merge them all into one workbook. In that master workbook I'm looking to have each of the worksheets on different tabs and the tab names as the original workbook name.
So if I have Workbook1, Workbook2, Workbook3, Workbook4 in a folder. I want to open a new spreadsheet, run this macro, select the folder with the Workbooks in, and have it take the range selected from the worksheet 'other' from each of the workbooks and generate a 'master' Spreasheet where each tab would be called Workbook1, Workbook2, Workbook3, Workbook4 and the contents would be from the 'other' tab
I found some of Ron de Bruin's code online which I've tried to customise.
Currently this takes a range from the tab specified, puts it into an array and then pastes it all into different columns on one worksheet. change this so that it creates a new worksheet for each original workbook, and names it after that workbook.
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Jul 8, 2013
I have two workbooks, Quotes and Invoices. They have a common field (column) between them called "QuoteID". Since not all quotes turn into invoices, there are more rows in the Quotes workbook than the Invoices one. Is it possible to match the "QuoteID" cell values in Invoices to just the ones in Quotes that match up, and then merge them into a new worksheet? If not, is there an add-on that will accomplish this?
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May 24, 2014
I have 30 xlsx files in a folder and I want the first sheet of all that files to be merged to a new workbook. The thing is I don't want the macro to copy paste the value in to the same sheet of the new master sheet like Ron's excel merge tool does. I want a macro to create new 30 sheets on the master file and copy the data from source files. And I want the newly added sheets to be renamed as the source file name. This works well except the sheet renaming thing.
Sub Merge2MultiSheets()
Dim wbDst As Workbook
Dim wbSrc As Workbook
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Dec 8, 2013
I'm looking for a way of keeping case sensitive data in a range of cells, before using Data Consolidate, which when merged afterwards, Consolidate removes the case sensitivity and combines the quantities into one.
Check out this simple table as an example >
[Code] .........
Cells A1-B7 and C1-D7 are two sets of original data, before consolidation.
Cells E1-F4 are the result of applying a Data Consolidate operation to the A1-B7 and C1-D7 ranges - note how the merged result ignores the case sensitive condition in the original ranges.
Cells G1-H7 is the post-consolidation result that I'm looking for, where the original text case is maintained.
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May 17, 2014
I have a parent spreadsheet with raw data(with errors) and a child spreadsheet without errors. I want to merge the child into parent. (:{). I am thinking of comparing multiple columns from each sheet to ensure maximum accuracy. And when those columns match up we paste the corrected column data from child sheet to parent one. I am using windows 7 and Excel 2010.
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Aug 2, 2009
I'm compiling data to be transfered into a report program but the programe can't deal with any Excel Formulas so the data has to appear 'as is' so to speak. I have 2 columns of data (roughly 1200 rows) and I need to merge the two together but i can't have the formula in the merged cell......
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Feb 10, 2009
I collect data from a number of tools for our server and switch info. I don't have a problem merging that data. My problem is trying to get that data into a working format.
-- I have a server that has dual network connections.
-- This data resides in different rows, and each has slightly different data that I need to preserve.
-- I want to merge these two rows into one pre-defined output layout on a separate sheet without loosing any of the data.
Some other things of note. Not all of the servers have duplicate entries, but still want that data on the output sheet as well.
I have attached an example of what I have to work with and what the output sheet that I'm trying to get to looks like.
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Aug 22, 2008
I have a sheet with the registered members of our program (about 600 of them) with the date they registered for 2007, and I have another sheet with the same but for 2006, another sheet for 2005 etc.
How can I merge them into one sheet with columns for name, area, and 2006, 2007 etc? That way I can have one sheet giving up to date information for our members as they come and go over the years...
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Jan 14, 2009
I need assistance with a formula two merge data of two cells together. For instance I have a column 'first name' and 'last name' and I want to create a column of just 'name' and concatinate the data eg: John Smith. I have roughly 175 cells to do this for.
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Apr 12, 2009
I have two spreadsheets that have one set of data in each column in common.... simply put it is a number.
From the one spreadsheet, I want to pull the column that is to the right of the number in column and merge it with the other data.
I am trying to figure out a formula that will accomplish this... I have attached a file to show the two spreadsheets and my end result I would like to have.
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Nov 1, 2009
I have 2 large (100k+ rows) Spreadsheets, where one has lots of information including each entries state and City and I also have another spreadsheet which has city and postcode information.
I need to get the postcodes into the main sheet that already has the cities but not the postcodes.
Is there a way to import this seeing as each sheet contains fields of similar data (ie. the city information)
Sheet 1 example fields:
Name, description, state, city
Sheet2 fields:
State, City, Postcode
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Jun 27, 2014
finish up a macro. The first part of the macro that is already working copies and paste 4 cells content from each worksheet found in a closed workbook thus generating 4 rows of data for each worksheet.
How to merge those 4 rows of data into one row. I have attached an example with the original data and the results data I am looking for but here is an explanation:
The column that is a constant and that I want to match is column B (Worksheet name). The 4 rows generated per worksheet will be showing on the first row data in Column C and columns D,E,F will be blank; then the 2nd row of data will have column C blank, column D with data and column E,F, and so on for the next 2 rows. What I would like the macro to do is merge all 4 rows so that the data found in cell C,D,E,F can be found in one row.
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Sep 22, 2009
i have two excel sheets named APP1.xls and APP2.xls. I want to copy the data from both these files into one sheet.
I want to copy the Header row which is common for both files and i want to copy the row which has Total for that Application.
Have attached both the Input files and the outfile for your reference.
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Dec 7, 2012
i have a workbook in which table is given on sheet 1 , and sheet 2 respectively , i want a macro which will copy sheet 2 data in sheet 1 below sheet 1 data .
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Jan 12, 2014
I am trying to merge data from 2 tables into a master sheet. Column goes like this 1 = customer ID, 2 = allocated number, 3 = age
The first table has around 2000 entries and 2nd table has about 1000, and they both contain some overlapping entries. I wonder if there is a simple way to go around this rather than manually looking at each individual entries as I will be more tables to fit in later on.
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Jun 19, 2014
How would I combine the data in 30 cells into one cell.
They all 12 digit numbers and I need them separated by a comma.
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Dec 21, 2007
Hi i need to combine and merge difefrent data into groupings. EXAMPLE
It needs to end up as
With a 2 or 3 empty lines until the next set of data
But if for example i have this:
3 c z......................
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Dec 19, 2006
I have 2 worksheets. Worksheet A is my working copy and contains around 6000 rows of "active" accounts. Worksheet B is an export from a separate system and contains around 8000 rows. Column A on both worksheets contains an account number, however worksheet B contains about 2000 old account numbers, which I want to ignore. Column B on worksheet B contains a name (text) associated to the account number.
What I want to achieve is where the account number in column A worksheet A matches that to an account number in column A worksheet B, then copy the name from column B worksheet B to column B worksheet A.
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Jan 8, 2013
I am having couple of excel files with same sort of data. Want to merge all the data from differnt files into a single excel file.
How could I do this??
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Feb 22, 2013
Column A: List of document numbers
Column B: List of amounts
111 $5.00
222 $10.00
111 $5.00
222 $15.00
I need to merge all equal document numbers so that it shows the full amount on that document number. It needs look like this in the end:
111 $10.00
222 $25.00
I realize a pivot table will do this but the formatting of a pivot table will not work with what I am ultimately trying to do.
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Jan 24, 2009
Give me the code to attached one column of data to the bottom of another?
ie the next available cell
so column a has 250 lines of data the data from another column will then go diectly into 251
thats not the number i want but the next available
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