Excel 2010 :: Merging Data From Multiple Workbooks To Single Master Book?

Feb 16, 2012

We have a master worksheet, and I cant let staff see it, but I want them to update 'their bits' themselves, rather than email the admin staff and let them update the master sheet..

every job is on its own row and contains a unique ID.

is there a way i can merge their data in to the correct row and column(s) on the master sheet?

i've been playing with datasources etc

Excel 2010

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Excel 2010 :: Data From Multiple Workbooks Into Master Workbook

Jul 9, 2012

I got a master format in xl2010 to collect data, which is being circulated between my team. members fill in their respective data n mail back the file with their name attached to file name. i want to creat a macro which can copy the data from every members file to master file.

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Merging One Sheet From Multiple Workbooks Into One Master

Apr 9, 2013

I will have about 100 files to merge together that are in one directory. Is it possible to merge all workSHEETS named "Bob" from each workBOOK and end up with just one master file?

I found this code on this web site (no proper reference!). It doesn't work for me. Yes, I changed the directory and it still didn't work. I will have 12 columns (A:L) and differing # of rows in each "Bob" worksheet.

Sub g_CombineMultWB_AllXLSFiles() ' This Will combine all EMALL XLS files located in the
' S:DMSMSPOMSMaster POMS NIIN DataMaster EMALL Data FilesEMALL Excel Folder
' into a single worksheet in a newly created (or previously existing) workbook


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Merging 1 Worksheet From Multiple Workbooks Into Master Workbook?

Apr 8, 2014

I'm trying to take a single worksheet from a workbook and merge them all into one workbook. In that master workbook I'm looking to have each of the worksheets on different tabs and the tab names as the original workbook name.

So if I have Workbook1, Workbook2, Workbook3, Workbook4 in a folder. I want to open a new spreadsheet, run this macro, select the folder with the Workbooks in, and have it take the range selected from the worksheet 'other' from each of the workbooks and generate a 'master' Spreasheet where each tab would be called Workbook1, Workbook2, Workbook3, Workbook4 and the contents would be from the 'other' tab

I found some of Ron de Bruin's code online which I've tried to customise.

Currently this takes a range from the tab specified, puts it into an array and then pastes it all into different columns on one worksheet. change this so that it creates a new worksheet for each original workbook, and names it after that workbook.

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Merging Excel Workbooks Into Master Workbook With Separate Sheet For Each File

May 24, 2014

I have 30 xlsx files in a folder and I want the first sheet of all that files to be merged to a new workbook. The thing is I don't want the macro to copy paste the value in to the same sheet of the new master sheet like Ron's excel merge tool does. I want a macro to create new 30 sheets on the master file and copy the data from source files. And I want the newly added sheets to be renamed as the source file name. This works well except the sheet renaming thing.

Sub Merge2MultiSheets()
Dim wbDst As Workbook
Dim wbSrc As Workbook


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Excel 2010 :: Merging Multiple Worksheets Into One All Data Worksheet?

May 29, 2013

I know there are many ways to create an "All Data" worksheet. Copy & Paste is the most obvious or pasting named ranges into the new worksheet. I have a workbook with 48 tabs with up to 1000 rows of data per sheet. I need to merge each tab into one main "All Data" worksheet.

How to combine these 48 sheets in an easier way than the two options I already know (Copy/Past or Paste Named Range). Any Add-In's to Excel that can possibly do this? I am using Excel 2010.

How to make this "All Data" worksheet combining data from each sheet of the 48 tabs would be most useful.

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Merging Workbooks: So All The Information I Have About These Contacts Is In The Same Book

Jul 15, 2007

I have 2 books right now. Each book has 2 colums of data (See attached jpg.):

Book 1 has a column for "phone number" and another for "street"
Book 2 has a column for "phone number" and another for "house number"

I would like to merge these books together so that all the information I have about these contacts is in the same book. Column A will be the phone numbers, column B will be the street name, and column C will be the house number. As you can see by looking at book 2, I only have house numbers for some of the phone numbers in book 1. My goal here is to have book 2 "look at" book 1, and add any information book 1 does not have (such as house number) to the relevant row (the row where the phone numbers match). This new book will by my book 3. I've attached a jpg. with how book 1 looks, book 2 looks, and how I want book 3 to look.

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Getting Data From Collection Of Workbooks Into 1 Single Master File

Jan 14, 2014

I'm trying to collect specific data from a collection of different (.xls) files into 1 master file using the following code (which runs in the master file):

Sub FolderPick()
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)


I'm having trouble with the Name-variable in the 'red line'. This variable is set in the 'purple lines' however, the code (which I got online) keeps adding ".pdf" to the name.

I think it has to do with the settings of the 'purple/underlined line' but I don't know if this is true and if so, how to change it.

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Merging XLS Workbooks Into One Master Workbook?

Sep 15, 2014

Is it a good idea to merge xls workbooks in to one master workbook?

I have read online that some say it is ok and nothing will happen and others say it isn't a good idea because macros and formulas will not work right once merge in to one workbook.

So I have many workbooks with 2 - 4 worksheets in them. All have formulas as well as macro's and everything is working fine just as it is. But I would like to have 1 Master workbook with all workbook/worksheets combined in to 1, so that I can stop opening so many workbooks.

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VBA Code Error - Extract Data From Multiple Workbooks To Single Excel Spreadsheet

Mar 28, 2014

I have a folder with multiples excel sheets

Destination : C: Project CustomerExcel

I would like to extract and compile the information contained in these cells:
a5,c5,a6,c6,c7,a14,g14,e16,g16,e18,i18,a20,g20,h22,j22,h24,l24 all the sheets.

New sheet would contain the information of each sheet eg. Column A2= file name

And Row B2 to R2 or whatever will be the corresponding cells mentioned above for each cell. The code I have only brings back the file name but only a5 from the range but not the rest.

Sub MergeAllWorkbooks()
Dim SummarySheet As Worksheet
Dim FolderPath As String
Dim NRow As Long
Dim FileName As String
Dim WorkBk As Workbook
Dim SourceRange As Range

[Code] .....

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Excel 2010 :: How To Take Data From Multiple Columns And Add Them Onto Single Column

Mar 8, 2013

I have a long list of data with many columns and I'd like all the information to be in one column without manually copying and pasting each column and adding to the first column. The data has different amounts of rows and columns as well. An Example is below. I'm using Excel 2010. Is there a formula or something for this? This isn't the data I'm using but just an example since I do this frequently.

Data Looks like:




Would like to look like:








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Moving Data From Single To Multiple Columns And Merging?

Dec 16, 2012

Current Data:
File 1:

Each set of data is listed in either two or three rows




The goal is to move them to separate columns (rows can be 3 or 2 for each data set, and may or may not be separated by space/additional row)

File 2:

Has a common field 'ID' as that of File1, does not have Date, and Filename, but has a new field 'Detail' (already in the expected format)


ID Detail

The goal is to merge properly formatted data from File 1 to File 2


ID Date Filename Detail

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Merging Data From Multiple Non-standardized Workbooks Into One Summary Worksheet

Jun 11, 2014

I am attempting to write code for a macro that can cycle through about 30 excel workbooks and merge the data. getting the raw data on one sheet is not a problem, but I also need to sort similar data into corresponding columns while merging such that all data from the workbooks with a certain column heading will be in a single column with a single heading on the summary sheet. The problem is that the column headings on the source workbooks are not always standardized, i.e. "F high", "high F". Each sheet has several columns that look like the one below, with a header at the top and a series of numbers. (please ignore the dashes, I just used them to line up the columns in this post, in excel each value is in a different cell)

F Low---F High---V Low

My vba skills are very basic, so I have been approaching this problem with a mountain of if..else and InStr commands, which doesn't seem like the best method and isn't working.

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Consolidate All Data In Multiple Worksheets Of Multiple Workbooks In One Master File?

Jul 12, 2014

I need a macro that would consolidate all data in multiple worksheets of multiple workbooks in one Master file.

All the workbooks will be in one particular folder. The macro should search for data in all the workbooks and consolidate it in one master excel workbook.

I am currently using both excel 2007 and excel 2010. This macro would really reduce manual work as currently consolidating data from 45 to 50 sheets takes an ample amount of time...

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Combine Several Workbooks Containing Data In Multiple Sheets Into Master Workbook?

Apr 9, 2014

I am trying to combine several workbooks containing data in multiple sheets into a master workbook. All the workbooks have the same number of worksheets. I would like to combine all data in Sheet1 into a new Sheet1, all data from Sheet2 into a new Sheet2, etc.

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Macro Copy Data From Multiple Workbooks Into Master Workbook

Aug 4, 2012

I have 17 workbooks which contain similar data and formatting. The only variance is the number of rows of data in each. I want to write a macro in the Master worksheet that will accomplish the following

1. Create a worksheet name in the master workbook with the same name as the workbook that it's pulling data from.
2. Copy over the column headings from columns A:P to the newly created worksheet on the master workbook
3. Copy over all rows that contain the word "down" under column D titled Operational status

The naming convention for the master workbook will be titled "All Switches". The naming convention for the worksheets containing the data are titled Port_Map_on_tiegcsw01, Port_Map_on_tiegcsw02, Port_Map_on_nypgcsw01. There are other names , but I can reference the code an update accordingly.

I found some searches on the forum for creating a macro to copy data between workbooks, but not quite sure how to write the macro for the three functions.

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Automatically Transfer Data From Multiple Workbooks Into Master Workbook

May 28, 2014

I am trying to automatically transfer data from nonadjacent cells (C1, B5,B10,B16,B22,B28) from multiple workbooks in a masterworkbook folder from A2:F2. I am a novice at VBA. I am not able to copy as Range("C1,B5,B10,B16,B22,B28") and the way it currently is coded only the last copied range (B28) is pasted to the master workbook. The data pastes to A2 in the master workbook instead of F2 where I want it. I need copying the cells from the workbooks into row 2 in the master bookbook. Here is what I currently have:

Sub LoopThroughDirectory()
Dim MyFile As String
Dim erow
MyFile = Dir("C:ToolFolderWorkObjectives")


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Data Extraction Multiple Workbooks And Sheets To Master Spreadsheet

Mar 20, 2009

I have directory with multiple workbooks. Each workbook contains multiple sheets (sheet 1, sheet 2, etc). On each sheet of the workbook, there are various data. The data I am looking to extract from these sheets are in the same cell of each sheet. (See data sheet –datasheet.xls). If I can extract these data without opening the file, it would be preferred. Otherwise, opening the workbook, extract the data, and then close the workbook is acceptable.

Desired Solution:

I would like the assistance to create a macro that will extract data from each sheet of the workbook in the directory at a time until all the workbooks and sheets within the directory are read. The macro shall extract data from cell B5, B6, B10:B20, and sheet name from each sheet of the workbook and copy these data to an active sheet called “US” on workbook, DesireResult.xls. The DesireResult.xls shows how the data should be copied over. Before copying the data to the DesireResult.xls workbook, the macro will prompt the user to enter a cell on the “US” sheet as the starting point to paste the information to. Prompting the user to enter the beginning cell shall happen only once and not for each workbook or sheet being read. The reason for this is because the “US” sheet will already have other data in it. After reading each sheet, the macro shall leave a blank row at the end. The data from the next sheet shall be pasted below the blank row. Note: all the workbooks contain macro and link to other file. When opening each workbook, the macro should automatically choose not to update the links.

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Merge Data From Multiple Workbooks Stacking Data Into Master Workbook

Aug 2, 2013

I have three source workbooks that needed to be consolidated into a master workbook pasting the data with values & formatting.

The Master workbook also contains 6 additional worksheets that link to the data pulled in from the source files.
My question is how do I write the code so the source files populate the master in a specific order.
For example, the 3 source files are named "Central" "NED" and "WEST" and I need them to populate the master workbook in that order.

This is the code I am using to consolidate the data:

Option Explicit
Sub ConsolidateSheetsFromWorkbooks()
'Author: Jennifer Starr
'Date: 7/12/2013
'Summary: Open all files in a folder and merge data (stacked) on all

[Code] .....

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Excel 2010 :: Input Multiple Cells Based On Master Cell?

Dec 9, 2011

I am trying to create a UserForm in Excel 2010 that will look for a part from our database (or on a specific Sheet, possibly a hidden sheet), then add specific data from that part's row into a new line.

More Specifically:

| Part # | Description | Category | SubCategory | Cost | Labor Hours | Weight | Etc |

I want to be able to input the Part #, and have it automatically add specified information to sheets 1 and 2 and those two differ. 1 is our Quote Sheet, and 2 is our bill of materials.

Also, I need each piece of information to go to a specific column (ex. Cost always goes to Column K)

What I have now is a broken UserForm that references a DOC file with a Table, but I need something a good but more complex.

Ideally, what I want is to have 4 ListBoxes where you choose Category --> SubCategory --> Make --> Model then have several CheckBoxes below that would determine whether to add a part (Cost, Labor, Weight).

The reason for this is because we have no need for the Cost or Labor Hours in our Bill of Materials, but need that information for our Quotes. And we generally don't need Specific Dimensions in our Quotes, but DO need them in the Bill of Materials...

Can I make it so that it will insert Pre-Specified information into both sheets at the same time?

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Excel 2010 :: Comparing / Merging Child Spreadsheet (purified Data) Into A Parent One Raw Data)

May 17, 2014

I have a parent spreadsheet with raw data(with errors) and a child spreadsheet without errors. I want to merge the child into parent. (:{). I am thinking of comparing multiple columns from each sheet to ensure maximum accuracy. And when those columns match up we paste the corrected column data from child sheet to parent one. I am using windows 7 and Excel 2010.

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Transfer Rows Of Data From Multiple Workbooks To Master Workbook Based On Value In Row

Apr 16, 2014

I have created timesheets for employees that work in our shop. Our company manufactures products for different industries, such as mining, wind power generation, general industrial applications, and so forth. I modified some time sheet templates I found for excel to accommodate our company's actions. Each employee has their own workbook, in which the months are separated into different worksheets. Each sheet is divided further into weeks and in each weekly section the areas of information are divided as follows:

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M
Work Sector / Workshop or Fieldservice / Scope of Work / Job # / Reg or OT / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat / Sun / Total

There are 7 workbooks (one for each employee), each with 12 sheets (one for each month). I want to create a master sheet that will pull information from everyone's timesheet if they worked on a particular job. In other words, I would like to type a job number into a cell, then have excel look through everyone's timesheets and pull over only the rows of information that contain that job number

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VBA - Copy Data On Different Cells In Master Spreadsheet To Multiple Closed Workbooks

Dec 19, 2013

I have tried to write the below VBA to copy a specific cell to a specific workbook. I have set the folder path in B1 and listed the file names in column E4 onwards. E1 being the number of files in column E. I get a run-time error 91 "Object variable or With block variable not set" on Current File = ActiveWorkbook.name.

Sub UpdateParameters()
Dim CurrentFile As Workbook
Dim wbOpen As Workbook


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Excel 2010 :: Multiple Formula For Single Cells?

Feb 18, 2014

I'd like to apply multiple formula to a set of cells on a summary page. My summary page also contains 3 variable dropdowns, and I'd like to display data based on the text selected in those dropdowns (pulling data from 2nd tab "Variables")

The following formula works in the first instance:

=IF(AND(H4="Product Type A1", H6="External", H8="Existing"), Variables!C4, 0)

What I'm struggling to do is add additional formula to the same cell in order to deal with the remaining eventualities of the drop down variables:

Variable 1:
Product Type A1
Product Type A2
Product Type B1
Product Type B2

Variable 2:

Variable 3:

Or am I better using a VLOOKUP or something?

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Excel 2010 :: Automatically Transfer Data From Master Sheet To Others

Apr 26, 2012

I work for an insulation company and we have all of our jobs, completed and in progress, on a master worksheet.

Currently there are 437 rows of data (but will increase), and columns A to N with various bits of data.

Row A is a location field - there are 5 locations currently.

I would like to be able to add a new line at the bottom of the master sheet, and then this automatically identifies the location from column A and which worksheet is it to be copied to and then copies the data from that new row to the bottom of the relevant location sheet.

I would also like to be able to update the data in the existing entries (e.g. when a job has been assessed initially, and then completed, I need to put the dates in) and for this to update on the relevant worksheet.

Each worksheet has the same format (columns A to N have the same headings in row 1, then data to begin in row 2).

I wouldn't say I'm an advanced Excel user (otherwise I wouldn't be asking this question), but I do have a fairly good working knowledge of it. Currently using Excel 2010. Would ideally like to be able to do it without VBA as it needs to be uploaded to Google Docs and for others in the company to access online.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Combine Multiple Workbooks To New One Workbook

Jan 9, 2014

I have three workbooks. Every workbook has 50 persons IT information. Those are CPU list, Monitor list, UPS list. I would like to create another workbook. Where all user's IT information will be available. Like X user's information required, under x information his CPU, monitor and UPS information link will be available. How to create link of the CPU, UPS monitor sheets with new workbook?

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Excel 2010 :: Automatically Copy Multiple Workbooks Into One

May 2, 2012

I am attempting my first working macro. I am currently using Excel 2010 on Windows XP. Here is what I am attempting: I need a very user friendly macro that will allow my staff to click on a button to run the macro. Each month they receive multiple workbooks from one of our clients. The workbooks are always stored in the same location. I need the macro to go in and pick up the first worksheet of each workbook and copy it into a new workbook. Each original sheet1 of each workbook should have its own sheet in the new workbook, i.e. if there are 5 original workbooks then the macro should create one workbook with 5 sheets. Here is the programming I have been using:

Sub GetSheets()
Path = "C:Documents and Settingse462863My Documents
Filename = Dir(Path & "*.xls")
Do While Filename ""
Workbooks.Open Filename:=Path & Filename, ReadOnly:=True
For Each Sheet In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
Sheet.Copy After:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
Next Sheet
Filename = Dir()
End Sub

This works, but I am running into a few problems. I need to create a "run" button but I'm unsure how to build it. Also, when I run this macro there are tons of extra sheets and the worksheets tend to duplicate. I am wondering if the "loop" is picking up more than I need.

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Create Multiple Workbooks With Data From Single Workbook

Mar 18, 2014

I have a TEMPLATE workbook that has 106 cells (all in the same worksheet) that need to have data input in them.

I have a separate DATA workbook with 3,000 rows of data, each row has 106 columns that correspond to the cells in the TEMPLATE workbook.

I need to create 3,000 new workbooks that are populated with the data from the DATA workbook.

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Copy Data From Multiple Workbooks To Single Workbook In Another Location Using VBA

Jun 10, 2014

I have a folder which contains multiple 'Customer' workbooks (example attachment 'Customer_001'). Each workbook has a filename unique to the customer (Customer_001, Customer_002, Customer_117 etc). The workbooks contain a single sheet with customer information and answers to questions. These 'Customer' workbooks are automatically saved into a folder once the customer completes a Userform and clicks 'save'. Potentially, there could be 100's of customers' workbooks saved in the folder, each with their own unique filename.

I also have a 'Master' sheet saved in a different folder (example attachment 'Master'). The 'Master' workbook has multiple sheets named 'Department 1' and 'Department 2'. The purpose of the master sheet is to consolidate all information from the individual customers' workbooks.

Specifically, I would like a command button on the 'Master' workbook to execute the following tasks...

1. Copy the data from range A3:F3 from each of the 'Customer' workbooks held in the folder.
2. Paste the data into the next blank row on the 'Department 1' sheet in the 'Master' workbook.

3. Copy the data from range A7:F7 from each of the 'Customer' workbooks held in the folder.
4. Paste the data into the next blank row on the 'Department 2' sheet in the 'Master' workbook.

5. Save the 'Master' workbook.
6. Delete all 'Customer' workbooks in the folder.

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Excel 2010 :: Copying Worksheets From Multiple Workbooks Into Current Workbook?

Apr 2, 2014

Im trying to copy multiple workbooks and just save it into only one worksheet. I have 2000 diffrent workbooks with the diffrent amount of rows, The ammount of cells is the same and it dosent change.

im working on a excel 2010

This is what i got for the moment..

Sub LoopThroughDirectory()
Dim MyFile As String[code].....

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