Message When Code Has Completed Successfully Or Not
Jun 25, 2008
This seems easy in theory but it's above my head. I have written code to add text and numbers from a userform to certain cells on a worksheet. Now, is it possible to display a message box after the code executes to acknowledge the code has executed successfully? I have tried simply adding the Msgbox function at the end of the code but that does not work.
I attached the sheet that I am trying to get up and running, there is two things I need to do, but cant get it working as I intend to.
Sheet 1 - When the invoice number is fulled in in cell F8 a message box must pop up requesting the hyperlink to the invoice saved on a share folder, but for now on the desktop, when the file is selected it (the hyperlink) must be returned to cell G8, then once the last cell (I8) has been completed, the line 8 must be locked so that it can't be editted again without a default password and a new line must be added below line 8 for processing, I tried recording the macro, but it only works on one line, and on the message box request, I truly am not up to speed yet, this I can't get up and running.
I have an Excel VBA macro which calls a stored procedure. The stored procedure calls a SQL agent, which in turn calls an SSIS package. All I need from the Excel VBA code is to ensure that the SSIS package ran successfully. How do you develop a VBA code to let the user know that the job either failed or succeeded after the user executes the Excel macro? Also, is there a need for a recordset in the VBA code?
Could I get the code for creating a message pop up in case a particular character is typed in a cell. eg Typing in "3" should throw a pop up msg saying "Not allowed"
Does anyone know the code I would use to input a message box into a spreadsheet that says "Do NOT click on this cell" when a user clicks on cell C5? I only want this message to come up if the user click on cell C5.
A B C D 1 DATE EMP NAME EMP CODE SHOE 2 01/01/09 20029 1 3 01/01/09 30463 1 4 04/01/09 10103 5 12/01/09 10036 1 6 12/01/09 10166 1 7 12/01/09 30465 1 Now what I want is that an employee shall not be entitled to take more than one shoe in next one year from the date of last issue. In that case if again the person claims, a message will appear " Not Entitled."
I am using an input box to enter the value of column D. After the value of column D is entered, I want a message box that displays the corresponding data in column A and B. with the vba coding?
I have this VBA code running in cell A1 which gives you a yes/no message box when you try to change the selected cell. I am trying to have the Target.Address = 'Specific Header Cell in Table' but I am not able to develop the code to do so. Here is the code:
[Code] .....
The main reason I have this message box is to prevent the user from changing the cell in the table because the titles in the tables are linked to macros. If they are changed, the macros will not run. Also, I am aware there are codenames for the excel sheets in a workbook. If there are codenames for the header titles in an excel table, I could link my macros to the codenames. As a result, I would not need this macro for the message box.
I have a worksheet with several columns (30+). One of these columns is "Date Opened". This "date opened" column can have dates as early as 01/01/89 and as recent as today.
Can a macro be made that does this
1. Data/Sorts the whole worksheet by the "Date opened" column 2. Brings up a message box in xx/xx/xxxx where format saying "Please enter the earliest date opened you would like to use, all other rows will be deleted" 3. Do just that, delete all rows that have a date earlier than the date entered in the message box.
So if the date of 01/01/2009 were entered into the message box, the macro would delete all dates in the "Date Opened" column that were older than that date.
And then, continue on with the rest of the sub, if neccessary.
I just want to see if this is possible, here is the code but what I want is a message box that display how long cetain code has taken to run.
I have most of what I need I just need to figure out how to take one varaible away from another to give the run time... but no idea where to start with it.
Private Type SYSTEMTIME wYear As Integer wMonth As Integer wDayOfWeek As Integer wDay As Integer wHour As Integer wMinute As Integer wSecond As Integer wMilliseconds As Integer End Type
Private Declare Sub GetSystemTime Lib "kernel32" (lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME) Public Function TimeToMillisecond() As String.........
I have a dropdown list in my spreadsheet, on the list is Compound, Pay by Check, Internal Transfer, and ACH. I would like a message box to pop up with a message when anything except Compound is selected. The cell is d38.
I have code to open another workbook and run a specific macro. I plan to then take that and copy it over to my workbook.
The problem I am encountering is when I run this macro, at the end of the code, a form/msg pops up stating it is complete. This then automatically stops my code from running (from my original workbook). How do I close this form in order to keep my code running?
I have a spreadsheet with a number of fields on it which must be filled in before the file can be saved, and if the user attempts to close the spreadsheet without filling in the required fields, I want a message box to appear asking for confirmation that the user wishes to quit, if yes, the sheet exits, if no, the sheet remains open
I have a spreadsheet set up to automate calculations and control data input for in process quality control checks. The spreadsheet is basically a series of input boxes requesting information from the user. To control the input of part numbers I have some code for a userform which populates listbox within the userform from another closed spreadsheet (opens & closes without updating screen) & enters the selected data from the listbox into a selected cell in the spreadsheet
all the input boxes and calculations are working well, the userform works well, BUT when I include the userform within the code I get the following problem, an error saying that I am trying to change data in a protected cell where data has been entered and then protected by the VB code, even though the code is not trying to change the cell.
I have tried just loading and unloading the userform and everything works well, it only fails when I actually use the userform, and then close it. from this I am fairly sure the problem lies within the form so I have been through the form code line by line and deleted anything that is not vital and the problem persists. Here is the form
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim Msg, Style, Title, Help, Ctxt, Response, MyString Dim Part As String
Part = ActiveSheet.Range("B1") Msg = "Are you sure you want Part No" & vbNewLine & Part ' Define message. Style = vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2 ' Define buttons. Title = "SELECT PART No." ' Define title.
Response = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title) If Response = vbYes Then ' User chose Yes. Set_Data_1 ' Perform some action.................
code that will be able to lookup a cell in Column J of Sheet1 by using a lookup value on Sheet2. The lookup value can be any cell in columns B, D, F, H, J, K, or N on Sheet2. The tricky part is, I want the result of this lookup (the result comes from Column H of Sheet1) to be placed as a data validation input message for the cell directly to the right of the lookup value when this cell is clicked.
For Example: Lookup Value is "416991" which lies in cell N8 on Sheet2. Look it up in Column J of Sheet1 and return the appropriate value "X" from Column H of Sheet1. "X" will then appear as an input message when cell O8 of Sheet2 is clicked.
I cannot figure out how to get my error handler to work, or actually, not work. It seems to work fine when there is an error, but the code still gets read even when there was not an error. Basically, I am trying to open a file, which may or may not be there. When it is not there I want a message to pop up informing the user. However, when the file is there and it opens, the error handler still gives the message box. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
Private Sub btnOK_Click() Application. ScreenUpdating = False Dim LCSfile As String LCSfile = frmSelectFile.Listbox1.Value On Error Goto ErrHandler Workbooks.Open Filename:=sPath & sDate & "" & LCSfile & "QUANT.CSV" ErrHandler: MsgBox ("File is not quantitated. Please select another file.") Application.ScreenUpdating = True
We have a spreadsheet in use at the moment which has various lines of information, each line has a customer name, id, request and various other bits of information which needs looking into.
The infomation is arranged onto weekly sheets and is managed manually. Once the customer request is complete, we grey out the background colour. Some outstanding issues background colours are either left blank, yellow or red, depending on whos doing them.
I was wondering if there is a search criteria that we could use that would search through all the sheets in the workbook and find any customer queries that are not greyed out and display them on the results page.
5427 Data 5427 Data 5427 Data 6565 Data 6565 Data 7765 Data
all I want to do is have the above table look like this :
5427 Data 6565 Data 7765 Data
The concept being that I can double click that row to see the additional information(i.e. expand to show extra information)
Real life use would be of such, the first column contains the invoice number, the 2nd 3rd etc contain item associated with such invoice.In grouping the column invoice number, you only have to look at one invoice, instead of it duplicating for each item contained within the invoice.
This will need to be done in an efficient manner(over 4000 rows need grouped)
I realize I could just create a list that has one copy of the duplicates, but I want to extract the original information as well. For example, it would look like the following :
Original : 1212 Data 1212 Data 2 1212 Data 3 2323 Data 1 2323 Data 2
Note : This grouping will also have to span across the whole row, sample rows : Invoice# Price Color Weight Item 1212 Column1Data Column2Data Column3Data Column4Data etc. 1212 Column1Data Column2Data Column3Data Item2Column4Data etc.
I am trying to come up with a composite score that if a child takes a particular course and has a grade then make a composite score. Here is an example below.
What I am trying to do is record the time when a task is completed on the spreadsheet. For explanation sake, lets say I have list of 10 tasks in column C 1-10. In column B 1-10 I have a button for each task. When you press the button for the task, the time it was pressed is recorded in D 1-10. To put the time in I used =now(). The problem that I am having is, when you press button 2-10, it changes the time in the cell above to the same time. So instead of have 10 different times in 1-10, I have 10 identical times,being the last button I pressed. I tried timestamp, time value, etc
I need to be able to have users complete a range of mandatory cells before they are able to close a workbook.
Foe example cells c5,c10,i11, i18,i22 i24,i26 etc etc need to have data in them before uses is allowed to save or close the workbook. I would like to have a message box prompt to alert them to the issue.
I have a little problem and could use some help please.I created a worksheet for logging orders but now find it too large to cut and paste but have little knowledge of macros
I would like to have any completed rows moved to another sheet in the same workbook ...