UserForm Code Showing Cell Protected Message

Aug 24, 2006

I have a spreadsheet set up to automate calculations and control data input for in process quality control checks. The spreadsheet is basically a series of input boxes requesting information from the user. To control the input of part numbers I have some code for a userform which populates listbox within the userform from another closed spreadsheet (opens & closes without updating screen) & enters the selected data from the listbox into a selected cell in the spreadsheet

all the input boxes and calculations are working well, the userform works well, BUT when I include the userform within the code I get the following problem, an error saying that I am trying to change data in a protected cell where data has been entered and then protected by the VB code, even though the code is not trying to change the cell.

I have tried just loading and unloading the userform and everything works well, it only fails when I actually use the userform, and then close it. from this I am fairly sure the problem lies within the form so I have been through the form code line by line and deleted anything that is not vital and the problem persists. Here is the form

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Msg, Style, Title, Help, Ctxt, Response, MyString
Dim Part As String

Part = ActiveSheet.Range("B1")
Msg = "Are you sure you want Part No" & vbNewLine & Part ' Define message.
Style = vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2 ' Define buttons.
Title = "SELECT PART No." ' Define title.

Response = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title)
If Response = vbYes Then ' User chose Yes.
Set_Data_1 ' Perform some action.................

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Double-Click Cell On Protected Sheet To Open UserForm

Apr 23, 2008

I have spreadsheet with client names. I'd like to build logic that will open a form with client information when a user double-clicks on the client name. But I have a couple of problems.

- First, I'd like to protect the sheet and hide the formulas. But when I protect the sheet, I get the "the cell or chart you are trying to change is protected" error when I double click the protected cell.

- If I deselect the "Select Locked Cells" options when I protect the sheet, I no longer have the ability to double-click on the cell.

how I can double click on a cell yet not allow the user to edit the cell (or see the formula)?

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Spreadsheet Isn't Showing The Message?

Aug 29, 2013

You know when you go to open a spread sheet and someone else is in it you get the message saying "open read only" "Notify" etc.

I have a spread sheet that isn't showing that message. So users are opening it, editing away and then finding that they can't save it because it's opening in read-only. How do I get that message to show?

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Cracked Vb Code: Prevent People From Accesing The Code I Protected The Code Blocking It From Visualization

Feb 8, 2007

I've developed a little software using Excel Macros & VB. To prevent people from accesing the code I protected the code blocking it from visualization. It seems not enough as an acquaintance of a friend cracked it in 25 minutes. Or so he says. So I'd like to know if there is a better way to protect the font code.

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Open Sheet After Showing Warning Message

Jul 8, 2014

I want open particular sheet in a workbook after showing warning Message .

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Display Sheet Protected Message

Nov 8, 2006

I m trying to input values of an protected cell and an error dialog will display. my question is how to invoke that error dialog through vba? i have attached that error dialog for your perusal, see .jpg attachment

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Avoid 'function Is Not Available On A Protected Worksheet' Message

Aug 27, 2009

I am using the before double click event on a protected sheet. When the event fires the first thing the procedure does is unprotect the sheet, does stuff and then it applies protection again at the very end.

Regardless I still get the 'Function is not available on a protected worksheet' message. How can I stop the message? Any ideas? If no standard approach is available does anyone know how I can hook this using API?

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VBA Code For Data Validation Input Message By INDEX MATCH When Cell Clicked

May 30, 2014

code that will be able to lookup a cell in Column J of Sheet1 by using a lookup value on Sheet2. The lookup value can be any cell in columns B, D, F, H, J, K, or N on Sheet2. The tricky part is, I want the result of this lookup (the result comes from Column H of Sheet1) to be placed as a data validation input message for the cell directly to the right of the lookup value when this cell is clicked.

For Example: Lookup Value is "416991" which lies in cell N8 on Sheet2. Look it up in Column J of Sheet1 and return the appropriate value "X" from Column H of Sheet1. "X" will then appear as an input message when cell O8 of Sheet2 is clicked.

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Userform Refresh Not Showing

Mar 1, 2007

My macro is called from a command button on a userform. The userform contains 3 command buttons, a label, and an image box with no attached image. When a command button is pressed, the code sets the background colour of the image box to red and changes the label caption to "Processing..". Then screenupdating is set to false, the code runs, screenupdating is set to true, the image turns green and the label says "Ready!".

The problem is that the userform does not refresh to show the changes until the code is finished running, as though the screen does not update the userform before the "screenupdating" is turned off. Can anyone tell me how to ensure that the forms are displayed correctly before the screenupdating is disabled?

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Userform Textbox Not Showing

Apr 21, 2006

I have a macro with the following code at the start:

Unload UserForm2

returnvalue = MsgBox("Are you ready to update your Records? Did you enter all the bowler scores? Did you change the bowler's Status?" & Chr(13) & "If you answered Yes to all questions, then click YES, otherwise, Click NO & make your corrections.", 36)
If returnvalue = 6 Then
UserForm7.Show vbModeless
Application.Run "Records1"
Exit Sub
End If

Userform7 loads but the TextBox with the text 'Please Wait' doesn't show.
how to show the TextBox.

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Hiding Workbook While Showing UserForm

Jun 12, 2013

1. I'm looking for a better way to get a UserForm (frmParts) to show right from the start as soon as I open the workbook while hiding the application. I use the following when I initialize the application:

Application.Visible = False

2. Later on, I add some parts to my inventory, but if I don't make the application visible, it doesn't save the data. So, I have to make it visible and then hide it again. Is there a right way to accomplish the save without having to unhide/hide the application? This is the applicable code I used (ComboBoxes & TextBoxes involved):

'copy the data to the database
Application.Visible = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

With ws 'ws=Inventory

[Code] ..........

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UserForm Control Not Showing Fully

Oct 24, 2007

I have a workbook which when opened connects to an external datasource (excel file) and downloads a table of information. While this is happening I have a userform which shows which has a lable saying (connecting to datasource, please wait....). However, when I open the workbook, the userform shows but the labels do not show, the userform just appears white.

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Showing Userform When Closing Previous Workbook

Dec 22, 2008

I have two workbooks (Book1 and Book2). When Book1 opens, its Workbook Open procedure displays a Userform1 that has two Command Buttons. The first Button closes Book1 (exit the program). The second Button opens Book2. Book2 has a Workbook Open procedure that should close Book1 and display a new Userform2. When the Workbook Open procedure of Book2 closes Book1, the procedure stops there and does not show the UserForm2. How can I get the Workbook Open procedure of Book2 to execute both steps of closing Book1 and showing Userform2? This must be done by clicking the second Button on Userform1.

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Modeless UserForm :: Loop Showing Progress Bar

Jul 10, 2009

On opening of my WorkBook I refresh my PivotTable and that takes a while so while its refreshing. So I want to launch a UserForm that basically have a loop showing progress bar similar than the Windows loading bar (i.e. a set of green vertical green bars moving in a black rectangle).

Here is the code in THisWorkbook:

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Enter Data In Cells While UserForm Showing

Oct 30, 2006

is it possible to enter data on a spredsheet while a form is opened or must the from be closed first. I thought I was smart to have a form remain open so users could change parameters but at the same time allow them to enter data in uprotected cells.

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Path/File Error Showing UserForm

Dec 12, 2006

The attached spreadsheet is as simple as it gets - a single userform with a combo box that allows 1 of 4 choices. It gets loaded and displayed in the workbook_open() event - or at least it should - but 9/10 times i get the message "Path/File error" and debug crashes out on the line. The next time I try and open the file (despite not saving it) Excel crashes and closes! Even re-starting Excel does not allow the file to be opened!

If, however, I open the file with macros disabled, and go into the VBE and manually run the workbook_open() all works fine. I'm using Excel 2003 and I've tried it on other installations - sometimes it will work, other times not.

I've tried every combination of userform load, unload, hide & show with similar results.

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Userform Showing Choseable Matching Results Between 2 Sheets

Nov 10, 2009

I have a wordlist (65000 words in Column B*) in a worksheet “w1” and poems (about 21000 rows) in another worksheet “w2” where first verse is always in B and second one in C. The column D of w2 contains of information such poems name, author’s name, book’s name and so on.

I want to search for those verses through a macro which contain words from my wordlist B* w1 and add references to my words that way. It’s about making a dictionary in which each word has a reference to a poem and verses in which it is used.

Column A of w2 has number in it which shows how many times these rows have been already used as reference. Column A of w1 contains of a value “1” or “0” in which “1” means this entry has already been processed or already has a reference and “0” means it has yet to be done.

If my word B* from “w1” exists in verses B or C of “w2” the results should be shown in an userform containing 5 text boxes with 5 results. In each text box a result should be shown “(verse B; verse C); (value of Col.A)” and a checkbox (or a button). That would mean 5 result, 5 textboxes and 5 checkboxes (or 5 buttons). I would like then to choose one of the results by checking the checkbox (or pressing the button) in front of the text box. After I have chosen the result the whole row from w2 should be pasted in following columns of B*. That means the cells from w2 column B,C,D would be pasted to column C,D,E of w1.

The criteria for the search in B and C should be the lowest value in A of “w2”. I mean the w2 rows with lowest A value should be preferred if there are more results. The result showing user form with 5 text boxes and 5 checkboxes(or 5 buttons) which gives me the choice to choose one of the results should also contain a button “search for further results“. For the case none of the results is useful.

As far there are many poems (verses) I would like to prevent using the same verses many times. The more different verses I use as reference for the words in w1 the better it is. Therefore every time a result is picked by me “1” should be added to the value in Column A in w2. And every time search is started the lowest A values should be searched first.

As soon a word has successfully got it’s reference the value in A w1 should be changed from “0” to “1”. And by next search all words with A value “1” should be ignored and only “0” words should be searched for.

Each time a row from w2 is used as reference, the B* word w1 should be added to col. E of w2. If used for many ";" should be the seperator.

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Userform As Printer Interface For Protected Workbook

Apr 21, 2014

I'm closing in on the final stage of a large project and I've run into a road block. The following line of code is preventing my users from being able to select specific page ranges when using the Print Entire Workbook option in the print menu.

[Code] .....

I've attached the latest version of my form (with significant support by jaslake) to explain what I'm attempting here. The attached form has several macros that activate upon open; including a user form. The password for the workbook/worksheets/VBE is "j".

Attached File : HCT-RCS ITP V1.89.xlsm

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Getting Error When Userform Transfers To Protected Sheets

Jan 30, 2014

I have a userforms which transfers data to protected sheets.The userforms worked until i protected each sheet.Can there be any code which i add to the current userform code so it can still transfer the data to protected sheets

The other issue also is now that the sheets are protected the Outlining also does not work.Can this also be changed so the Outlining works on protected sheets

I have 5 userforms which all transfer data.


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UserForm Text Box Code (whatever Text Has Been Entered Into The Userform To Be Put Into A Cell )

Feb 1, 2010

I've created a userform with a text box and a command button (Enter)

On clicking the command button I'd like whatever text has been entered into the userform to be put into a cell (Say A1).

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Code For A Password Protected Database

Sep 16, 2009

I use the follwing code to update an access database from excel.

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Code To Prevent Calendar Pop Up When Protected

Aug 15, 2012

Some code that would prevent my user form (calendar) from popping up when the worksheet is protected?

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$G$8" Or Target.Address = "$G$14" Or Target.Address = "$G$17" Then
End If
If Target.NumberFormat = "m/d/yy;@" Then

[Code] ........

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Sharing Add-in With Password-protected Code?

Apr 10, 2013

I have an add-in which I want to share with others, but I want to protect the code from modification.

I know how to apply a password to a VBA project (Tools -> Project Properties -> Protection) but the problem is this: when a colleague installs the add-in, the subroutines within the add-in are not available in the Macros list to be added to the ribbon (in the Customize Ribbon window). The subroutines only appear when I remove the password.

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Run VBA Macro Code On Protected Worksheet

May 18, 2009

I have incorporated print/print-preview command buttons/VBA into a workbook with protected sheets. To enable these command buttons to function when the relevant sheet is protected, I have had to add VBA code to unprotect the sheet before generating the print preview, and then to protect it again afterwards. However, the code I have used (see below) prompts the user to enter the protection password, is there any code I can use where I can write the password into the code itself to unprotect the worksheet without the using having to enter the password?

'Unprotect Sheet

'Print preview & cell formatting code

'Protect Sheet
ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True _
, AllowFormattingColumns:=True

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Color Code Protected Cells

Oct 23, 2007

Well I am back to the colour coding of protected cells

I am using excell 2003

Many cells in the worksheet are locked

My problem is that when I am debugging I forget to turn sheet protection on

when I am finished And then users can overtype the cell formulae

How can I set excel up so that when the sheet is protected all the Locked cells have a green background , but when the protection on the worksheet is turned off
then the locked cells must be a red

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VBA Code For Showing Detail From Pivot Tables Into Different Sheets

Dec 21, 2011

a query as i'm not too good with vba codes but can record macros but not for what i need.

I have got a pivot table which has about 200 rows. In Column A is the provider and in column B is the total number of people.

I now need to create a sheet per provider and the manual way to do is to double-click on the numbers.

Is there a code that would this automatically?

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Auto Fill Dropdown Not Showing When Typing Code?

Oct 8, 2012

I am not sure the correct term for this but the autofill drop-down menu that pops up when typing code does not come up for me.



I usually get a drop-down menu with a list of members of the "ComboBox" class.

Is there a setting for that enables/disables this?

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Button Code Does Not Activate When The Sheet Is Protected?

Aug 18, 2006

I have a button on a sheet which needs to remain protected.

However, the button code does not activate when the sheet is protected...

Any hints on how to "unprotect" just the button?

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Write To Spreadsheet With Userform/Message Box On

May 25, 2009

I have a question related to Userform and/or Message box. In case a macro solve and displays the result as in Userform and Message box then is it possible to write (type) the values to the excel sheet without closing the Userform or Message box ?

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UserForm As Popup Message While Calculating

Jun 3, 2009

I am building a macro that deals with a lot of data and takes several minutes to run. I want to display a message to the user stating "Calculating..." while the calculating is taking place. I got the idea to use a userForm with a label on it. The problem is that excel waits for input from the userform before continuing the calculations.

How do I display the userform, continue doing the calculations, and then hide the userform when the calculations are complete? (without any input from the user)

I currently have:

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