Min / Max Formula Output Cells (Multi-Step Data Table)

Oct 28, 2013

I have a long chain of formulas calculating the return on a particular investment in equipment. We'll call the inputs A, B, and C, and the output (total savings generated) Z. There are several set combinations of values for A, B, and C that I'm interested in generating a summary report for.

There are a number of steps in-between the inputs that I'm interested in, all of which are necessary to get to the output, but is there a good way to have excel chart inputs and outputs without filling out the intervening data?

I suppose the whole thing is essentially a multi-variable, multi-step data table.

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Multi-Conditional Table Formula

Feb 15, 2010

I'm trying to add "yes" as per the attached spreadsheet, using forumla. Account codes are duplicated (sometimes more than once, although no shown on the example) each account code needs to have the same yes column.

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Highlight Differences Of Cells In Multi Column & Row Table

Mar 20, 2009

- A record is created
- The record is modified once/several times
- Only the original record and the last modified record needs to be kept

- The differences between the original and the last record need to be highlighted in the spreadsheet.
- This has to be repeated for a whole bunch of rows

Currently I am manually deleting the rows and eye-balling the changes. I'm using Excel 2002. I have ASAP Utitilities as well. Although macros are cool, I was hoping I could try with an Add-in or software.

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Copy Input Data To Output Table Based On Variables

Mar 20, 2008

For what I'd like to do, the attached workbook actually represents 3 worksheet. one input sheet and two output sheets (output1 and output2)

I plan to use command button " CommandButton1" on input sheet to start the calculations

Here's what I want to do after pressing the " CommandButton1" :

1. start with case 1 and find the value of Input A to Input J from input table using Vlookup and paste those values to respective palceholder for inputs in blue colour area above the input table for each input.

2.for empty cell in the input table paste 0 (zero)

3. after this will give results for case 1 inputs on sheets "output1" and "output2" on basis of formulas used for each output

4.then copy the results for case 1 inputs from sheet "output1" and "output2" and paste them on "input sheet " in Output table (its below Input Table) next to case1

5.Do this for all cases (in actual workbook there will be more than 100 cases)

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Lookup Values From A Multi Dimensional Table / Data Sheet

Oct 24, 2007

I have a sheet that has to look up value on a report from a sheet sheet that has more than value. Ex)
On the report I have values 123A and 1234A
On the data tab I have table that has.

Ref Tot Value Desc Value1 Value2 Value3
1 123A Widgets 1 2 3
2 123A Widgets 4 5 6
Ref Tot Value Desc Value1 Value2 Value3
1 123B Nuts 7 8 9
5 123B Nuts 1 3 5
Ref Tot Value Desc Value1 Value2 Value3
7 1234A Bolts 2 4 6
11 1234A Bolts 3 5 8

So the report need find the values for Value 1, 2, 3 on where the value matches the data tab.

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Calculate A Multi-variable Equation Based Off Of Data In A Table With Different Criteria

Jan 8, 2010

I'm trying to calculate a multi-variable equation based off of data in a table with different criteria. If you reference the attached spreadsheet I am trying to calculate cost based on weight and zone. For the data entered in cells B1 and B2 944.01 would be the cost. If you look at the table in G2:N3 you'll notice that the values in G2 and G3 are the weight limits G2 is from 0-4999 and G3 is 5000+, this should impact where the value in B1 falls. B2 should select from H1 to N1.

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Formula To Compare Cells And Give Output As Txt

Jan 21, 2010

I know that I an probably asking for too much but I must get the formula some way. OK, I need a formula for this:

lets say I have 3 columns (A,B,C (search criteria). In each Column there is a DIFFERENT number. There is 3 more columns (D,E,F (used to compare).Each column has 3 Different numbers. If 3 numbers match between the two sets of 3 numbers I want Column G to display "CCC". IF 2 numbers match I want G to display "CCH". If 1 number is a match I want G to display "HHC". If none of the numbers match I want G to display "HHH".

I can manually do these but it will take waaaay toooooooooo much time to do. If you can do this for me it would be a great help indeed because I'm trying to do other states. With this formula I can use Automate to do a large quantity of numbers.

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How To Use INDEX Formula In Conjunction With Data Validation To Output Data

Jan 9, 2014

Essentially, I would like a user to be able to select a PUB from the Data Validation drop down in row 2 of the PUB RATES sheet so that the corresponding information in the DATA sheet autofills.

Currently, this works only for the first column under each PUB when selected and this fills across all 4 columns (rather than the respective information for each column filling).

Also, the Data Validation dropdown includes blanks which I would like to exclude.

I have used a Range Name for the Data Validation of each PUB so that these can be drawn from a separate sheet as I don't want all the DATA content on the same sheet as the PUB RATES content.

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Macro Executing Step By Step

Jun 5, 2008

I don't know what exactly is happening, but every step of the macro is happening every 1 second. Literally, the BPM is 60. It will execute a step in the macro every second, when in other macro's i've made, it zips right through as if it was on fast forward.

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Concatenate Multi-row Cells Into One Multi-row Cell

Aug 21, 2013

I have multiple rows within a cell separated by Alt+Enter, and would like to combine them as follows:

Desired Result

First Name
First Name

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Link Graphed Data To Output Cells

May 19, 2008

I am trying to get the information that I have plotted, on a scatted graph,
off onto the second sheet an splitting the information. I'm not too sure if
this is the right place for this thread, but I am hoping that someone can

The original data that is on the graph is in 3 columns. One has the company
name, one is the current value and one is the predicted value.

I need this info to come off the graph or from the original data in 2
fields. Customer and predicted value, but they need to be prioritized.

1 needs to be the one with the lowest current and highest potential.
2 needs to be the 2nd lowest current and 2nd highest potential......so on.
Then I need to get the highest current and highest potential.......so on.

I know that what I require is quite complex and it may have to be via
calculations, but I am hoping that excel can do this?

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Step Calculation Formula

Apr 14, 2007

I have a simple calculation - Say 0-6. What i need to do is, if the value is <7 place a 10 in the cell, or if the the value is <12 place a 5 in the cell, or,
lastly if the value is <21.5 place a 0 in the cell. Is this at all possible - as i can only do it with conditional formatting using colours at present

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Formula To Compare 2 Columns And Manipulate The Resulting Data And Output

Mar 31, 2007

I have column A and column B:

I will be inputting data into column B.

I need excel to check to see if the data I input into column B is an exact match to the data in column A.

If it is an exact match, then column B will remain blank.

If the data in column B is different, I need column B to show the following:

No match: <data>

Example I input in column B the following:

Column A Column B
1. Car Car
2. 4357 9999
3. fsd34d 4erd
4. 98dkf 98dkf

Spreadsheet should show:
Column A Column B
1. Car
2. 4357 No match: 9999
3. fsd34d No match: 4erd
4. 98dkf

(Cell 1 and 4 in column B are empty because they are exact matches to Column A cell 1 and 4)

My questions:
1) How does the excel formula need to be written for this to work?

2) Is there a way to set it so that when I do a mass copy to data into column B that the formula will not be overwritten and it will still check to see if the data I copy and pasted into that column matches the data next to it in column A?

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Step Based Rebate Formula

Apr 4, 2013

I am having trouble with the code for this stepped scale rebate structure

$50,001 TO $150,000=5% OF NET PURCHASES
$150,001 TO $1,000,000=8% OF NET PURCHASES
$1,000,001 TO $2,000,000=9% OF NET PURCHASES

I have the forumula for retro active to 50,000

If the customer did 2.5 million. I need a formula that will multiply the first 150,000 by 5%, the next 849,999 @ 8%, the next 999,999 @ 9%, and the remaining 500,000 2 10%. I was thinking of using a min/max function.

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Step Based Commission Formula

Sep 7, 2006

I am having trouble with the code for this stepped scale commission structure.

Net Service

Step Scale Comm. %
$0-500 40%
$500-750 45%
$750-1000 47%
$1000-9999.99 50%

Final Commission Paid $ ?

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Create Database Table From Multi-Column Summary Table

Nov 5, 2008

I want to accomplish something like this but slightly different:


I have the same issue but a bit more complex. In my case I have an additional amount of columns (let's say dimensions). So for the example given (sales per month) I would add two columns for 4 different regions and 5 machine types (just examples).

The output (that would serve as pivot tabel input) would then have to be a 4 x 5 x 12 x 4 = 960 row database table.

I have tried to accomplish it by customizing the given code but that provedto be beyond my powers ;o)

and some 3rd party software [url]and [url] but non of them is doing what I'm looking for.

The code I'm looking for ideally would count the number of columns and unique records per column and construct the database table from that. So I am looking for flexibility in the number of dimensions also...

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Multi Cell Data Driving And Individual Cells Color?

Feb 3, 2014

I'm looking to auto populate "K7" with a color to indicate project status (i.e. green, yellow, & red) based on a percentage in "K1". The tricky part for me is I want a date range in G58 & G59 to drive the color in K7. So, when I enter a percentage in K1 and (for example I'm not at 90% with 3 days left in the project K7 will be RED.

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Pivot Table Output To Table Detail

Apr 16, 2012

I have a pivot table that has about 20 categories of Asset Numbers as a filter. I use the show pages function to create individual sheets for each category, but I don't want pivot tables to be the output; I want the detail from the pivot table (the rows that are displayed when you double-click the grand total). I have been messing around with various macros, but can't seem to find the right commands to get this output.

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One Step Further On Formula To Eliminate Duplicate Records In Array.

Mar 26, 2009

I got a formula from this forum to eliminate duplicate records in a array from 1 column in database. Now I would like to take it one step further and filter out records in the array that do not meet the criteria of being in a particular "Zone" selected by the user by clicking on a ComboBox from cell "AA18".

The first formula is copied to cell "C7":

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Vba To Step Thru And Edit Data

May 26, 2008

I get a report that I have to manually edit everyday. I've done some VBA, but not sure where to start with this one.

The attachment has two sheets, first is what I get and the second is what I want. I'll explain the process i have to go thru now and maybe I can get some help to automate it.

-Add the tech number to the first column for each job for each tech.
7988 us the first tech number.

-Then delete every row that isn't a job.
-Add a column with the install date.(report data near the top.)
-Add a column and populate it with the system, which is the sheet name.
Thats why its example.

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VBA To SHADE Cells Based On: Step-size & Starting Cell

Mar 4, 2009

I have a spreadsheet that will monitor payment schedules, in which both payment frequency and the payment start date are inputted by the user.

As such, to make filling out the column(s) fool-proof, I want to grey out cells in which data should not be entered.

For example, if the payment frequency is every 6th day, and the payments are to begin on day 0, then days 0, 6, 12 (etc) should be left white, whereas the remainder of the cells should be shaded.

I can achieve this using multiple conditional formatting rules in excel2007 with iterations of formulae of the type:

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Input Table -> Output Table

Sep 1, 2009

It would take forever to describe the problem so I just made a sample Excel file.

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Multi-Spreadsheet Formula Down To Populate The Other Cells In The Total Spreadsheet

Jan 4, 2010

I have attached a document paralleling a document I am working on. The dollar amount in each spreadsheet represent sales. I have entered in values into the candy, soda, and chips spreadsheet. I have also linked values for candy into the total spreadsheet. My question is can I somehow type something or drag the formula down to populate the other cells in the total spreadsheet?

The idea I am thinking but which I don't know how to implement is to list all the items (as in column G) and list all of the relevant cells (e.g. B1 in the Candy spreadsheet) as in columns H and I (Note that all items will have the same cells but the cells will have different values...e.g. all three items have a cell B1 and B2 in their spreadsheet but these cells contain different values). I then try and fail to create a formula in cell B3 of the Total spreadsheet. I am trying to create a formula of the following nature:

='(Spreadsheet Name From Column G)'!(Cell Name From Columns H and I)

The Second half of the formula doesn't really concern me (i.e. the cell name from column H and I). However I am perplexed as to how to achieve the goal in the first parentheses above.

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Create Function To Selects Data From ABC Column And Put Into New Columns For Each Step

Mar 3, 2012

Is this possible? If

0 0 0
0 0 0
1 4 5
2 4 8
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
2 6 9
8 9 3
3 5 6
0 0 0

In the raw data, the 0s split up the data into different steps. I am trying to create a function that selects the data from the ABC column and puts it into new columns for each step. I.e:

New Columns with:
1 4 5
2 4 8

2 6 9
8 9 3
3 5 6

In the raw data files, there will be 10 steps, with a varying length of data.

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Put Bi-directional Output In Pivot Table

Aug 25, 2009

Is it possible to put bi-directional output in pivot table? PTexample.xls. Explanation is in example

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Output Based On Lookup Table

Dec 1, 2007

I created a Vlookup table so that when you type a ticker into Cell B3, it tells the user how many points and what percentage of the criteria the stock passes. I would like to create a macro (or something) that takes each ticker in the Ticker sheet, enters it in the Cell B3, and then transfers the data that the vlookup table produces to the output sheet. My attachment is a simplified version of the real spreadsheet.

I hope this isn't a duplicate question. I did look, but maybe I'm not phrasing it correctly. A reference to a similar problem works too.

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Macro To Create A Statistics Table From Another Data Table (containing Merged Cells)

Apr 14, 2009

I would like to have a macro to automatically generate a statistics table (on the "statistics" tab) with the 5 following fields:
Fragment names / # samples / # of failed samples / % of success / # of variations in the fragment (SNP). At the bottom of this table, I would like to have a cell with the average % of success for all fragments. The data to generate these statistics are on the "gene name" tab (please note that this name will change every time I will work on a new gene). To make things easier, I think the macro should be run from this tab.

1. The Fragment names are displayed in row #5. I use one column per variation per fragment. If one fragment has 3 variations, there will be three columns and I will merge together the fragment name cells. The fact that some cells are merged can be a problem when copy-paste to the stats table (as I would like to get rid of the merging).

2. # of samples corresponds to the number of cells in blue in column A. The number of samples can change from one report to another but is always constant in the same report.

3. # of failed sequences. In the table, I type "Failed Sequence" (if the analysis has failed) and "Missing Sequence" (if the analysis has not been done). When a sample is failed or missing, it is for the who fragment, no matter how many variation there is in the fragment, so I usually merge the cells of all variations for this failed sample.

4. % of success: this is quite easy #sample/#of failed+missing sequence for this fragment

5. # of variation is equal to the number of variations for this fragment (can be 0, 1, 2, etc.). When there is no variation in a fragment, I put '-- in all cells of the corresponding fragment on the "gene name" tab. Fragment 3 on my file is an example of 0 variation.

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Multi-Variable Lookup Table

Jun 12, 2014

I make budgets that have line items that have standard price based on 2 factors: a description, and a number. I want to keep these items in 2 different cells. I also have different clients, and the costs are different. I could simplify so that I can use a VLOOKUP with HLOOKUP and separate the clients but I would prefer not to.

Screen shot 2014-06-12 at 12.36.47 PM.png

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Pivot Table Output To Numerous Worksheets

Apr 3, 2008

I believe in the past that I have told Excel to send the output of the pivot table to different worksheets. For example if I have three regions- the pivot table would send the output to three worksheets and name the worksheets with the three regions.

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Formula To Auto-populate Data In A Table From Another Table?

May 13, 2013

I have a table below that looks like this:

# of days





The # of days column will be a manual input. Then I have a larger table that will take those values and convert them to look like this: (Obviously the dollar values are pulled from somewhere else)

$ 1,292.00

$ 1,292.00

$ 1,292.00


I've been thinking of trying to use a macro but not sure that is the best way. Using a button or something doesn't seem very elegant either.

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