Output Based On Lookup Table

Dec 1, 2007

I created a Vlookup table so that when you type a ticker into Cell B3, it tells the user how many points and what percentage of the criteria the stock passes. I would like to create a macro (or something) that takes each ticker in the Ticker sheet, enters it in the Cell B3, and then transfers the data that the vlookup table produces to the output sheet. My attachment is a simplified version of the real spreadsheet.

I hope this isn't a duplicate question. I did look, but maybe I'm not phrasing it correctly. A reference to a similar problem works too.

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Copy Input Data To Output Table Based On Variables

Mar 20, 2008

For what I'd like to do, the attached workbook actually represents 3 worksheet. one input sheet and two output sheets (output1 and output2)

I plan to use command button " CommandButton1" on input sheet to start the calculations

Here's what I want to do after pressing the " CommandButton1" :

1. start with case 1 and find the value of Input A to Input J from input table using Vlookup and paste those values to respective palceholder for inputs in blue colour area above the input table for each input.

2.for empty cell in the input table paste 0 (zero)

3. after this will give results for case 1 inputs on sheets "output1" and "output2" on basis of formulas used for each output

4.then copy the results for case 1 inputs from sheet "output1" and "output2" and paste them on "input sheet " in Output table (its below Input Table) next to case1

5.Do this for all cases (in actual workbook there will be more than 100 cases)

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Tabled Lookup: Able To Lookup If Anywhere In A Cell Contains A Word From A List Of Words, And Then Provides An Output

Apr 27, 2009

I want to be able to lookup if anywhere in a cell contains a word from a list of words, and then provides an output.

Column G:
VAT payment
HMRC payment

I have a table on the side that shows:
Column Y Column Z

ie. If anything in column G matches one of the words in Column Y, then output the Column Z. I have use a Vlookup that works for the first two, as VAT is the first thing, but dont know how to make it work if the key word is in the middle of the cell.

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Lookup In Table Based On List Choice

Aug 22, 2007

I have a way of getting a cell value from having a data validation linked to a row of cells containing lookup formulas.. which in turn are looing at a table.

I have attached a small example.

The problem is the spreadsheet is a large one and i was hoping I could shrink the size of this by removing the vlookup formulas by having some kind of index/match/lookup formula inserted directly in the data validation.

I got this to work using nested IF formulas but its not very practicable!

The attached example has data validation in column A that selects the task type. Choosing this then changes the values in the vlookup area.. which then becomes the validation list for cell in column B.

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Lookup Column Header Value Based On Matching Table Value

May 16, 2013

I'd like a formula that'll return the column header by matching a lookup value with a table in the second sheet.

eg: sheet 1



[Code] .......

The formula should match the name in A2, John, with value from the table in sheet 2 and return the correct region, this case North.

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Multiple Output From Lookup

Dec 25, 2012

Writing a formule to lookup for a value and return more than one result,


Col A has Names, Col B has ID number, in Col C I need the output to look for names in col A and return the ID from Col B, I can use a VLOOKUP for this but the problem when col A has a name repeating more that once, In this serinario the lookup picks the first name and gives the first ID

Here is how I want the out put to be as:

Names ID Output
John 1 1,3,6
Mathew 2 2
John 3 1,3,6
Mike 4 4
Bob 5 5
John 6 1,3,6

The output should have the ID of all same names

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Table Lookup Based On Multiple Data Validation Options?

Apr 23, 2013

i am attaching a sheet here.

i have put data validation list in three columns

from data lsts i select unit type , then hinge type then code.... the problem is that as soon as i select code all the values (H W D ) in the next three cells should automatically change.

the values against each cabinet code are also provided in the same sheet.

Sr No.
Unit Type
Unit Type

Base Unit
Double Hinged Door

Base Unit
Single Hinged Door

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Pivot Table Output To Table Detail

Apr 16, 2012

I have a pivot table that has about 20 categories of Asset Numbers as a filter. I use the show pages function to create individual sheets for each category, but I don't want pivot tables to be the output; I want the detail from the pivot table (the rows that are displayed when you double-click the grand total). I have been messing around with various macros, but can't seem to find the right commands to get this output.

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Output Last Record Lookup Array?

Jun 9, 2014

I have attached a worksheet which I need to show the last update and last date customer contacted, The formula :


is used to output the last contact and the formula contained within column Av, Both of which contain #N/A

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How To Use Buttons To Lookup Data Then Calculate Output

May 1, 2013

I am struggling to begin designing a program to use for quoting sheet metal parts. We buy three types of material in 9 different thickness. The material is purchased by weight but I sell it by square foot.

I tried a few training exercises using macros but I dont believe macros is the proper function to achieve my output.

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Multiple Reference Lookup And Output Sum Of Corresponding Values

Apr 3, 2013





in the above table I need to the sum of WC for each Language code & batch no. eg. for Language "id" & batch 1 I need to get the SUM of WC corresponding to the criteria.

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Input Table -> Output Table

Sep 1, 2009

It would take forever to describe the problem so I just made a sample Excel file.

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Put Bi-directional Output In Pivot Table

Aug 25, 2009

Is it possible to put bi-directional output in pivot table? PTexample.xls. Explanation is in example

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Pivot Table Output To Numerous Worksheets

Apr 3, 2008

I believe in the past that I have told Excel to send the output of the pivot table to different worksheets. For example if I have three regions- the pivot table would send the output to three worksheets and name the worksheets with the three regions.

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Date Fields Increase Date By Numbers Of Years Based On Lookup Table?

Aug 11, 2013

In column A, I have dates; In column b i have security levels. I have made a table called "Security" it contains to columns, a list of security levels and no of years when each security level is required to be reviewed. the table is setup -

d1 e1
Restricted 5

Example of data
a1 b1 c1
Restricted 1/06/2012 1/06/2017

What I am looking for is a formula to look up a1 "restricted". then lookup the security table and find "restricted" its value is 5 (years) then add the 5 years to date in b1, but place it in c1.

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Lookup Table (adjust Which Column The Lookup Function Refers To)

Jun 12, 2009

I am trying to perform a lookup (vlookup) function in a cell in excel and wish to have the range as a variable, so that I can adjust which column the lookup function refers to.

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Min / Max Formula Output Cells (Multi-Step Data Table)

Oct 28, 2013

I have a long chain of formulas calculating the return on a particular investment in equipment. We'll call the inputs A, B, and C, and the output (total savings generated) Z. There are several set combinations of values for A, B, and C that I'm interested in generating a summary report for.

There are a number of steps in-between the inputs that I'm interested in, all of which are necessary to get to the output, but is there a good way to have excel chart inputs and outputs without filling out the intervening data?

I suppose the whole thing is essentially a multi-variable, multi-step data table.

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Format And Customize Pivot Table Double Click Output?

Mar 11, 2014

I have an excel sheet with multiple pivot tables. I would like to customize the output based on a criteria when I double click on these pivot tables. Criteria could be different for each pivot table. Criteria for each pivot is to auto fit the contents, delete certain columns and format the contents.

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Lookup Function To Lookup For Data In Another Table

Jul 29, 2008

I am trying to use lookup function to lookup for data in another table (we call it table A). Unfortunately, whenever the code is not in the table A, Excel will return the data from the previous row.... is there any possible way to prevent this... in another word, if the code does not exist in the table A, I want Excel to return 0 or some other figures.

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Web Based Input Output

Feb 14, 2007

I got a question where I cannot think of a good descriptive title for, I have seen this done but do not know how it is done. An internet user inputs data onto a web form, and and presses a submit button. The submitted input is 'processed' on a through excel and outputs the result back the internet user.

Two questions
1 - what is a good title for this?
2 - how is it done?

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Lookup Up Entire Table Not Just Column In Table Like Vlookup Does

Jun 5, 2014

I'm trying to see if you can look up multi columns for a number and when it finds it return back to one column and return that data?

I am trying to sort out territories for a state I work on; the territories are divided up by zip codes.


territory 1 12345 54321 11222
territory 2 22222 33333
territory 3 44444 55555

and what I want is to say put a formula in cell B3 on Sheet 1 pointing to cell C3 that has zip code 33333. I want it to then take that and look in Sheet 2 and search A1:D3 and when it finds 33333, return "territory 2" back to cell B3 on Sheet 1.

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Output Based On Numbers In Adjacent Cell?

Oct 5, 2011

Set cell fill color based on number of adjacent cell

I am doing a research with the following information. In column B, I have the name of the buyer company, column B cells that contain numbers 1, 2 or 3 opposite the company name in column B depending on certain characteristics. I would like to mark the companies in column A in different colors (or some other recognizable way) as described below.

columns result
col A col B col C
7 Materials Inc 3
7 Materials Inc 2
6 Rayon Inc 3
6 Rayon Inc 3
6 Rayon Inc 3
8 Commun Corp 1
8 Commun Corp 2
8 Commun Corp 3
8 Commun Corp 2
8 Commun Corp 1

I would like to have on output in column A as shown above according to the following criteria:

4: if there are only 1 in column C opposite the specific company in column B

5: if there are only 2 in column C opposite the specific company in column B

6: if there are only 3 in column C opposite the specific company in column B

7: if there are 1, 2 and 3 in column C opposite the specific company in column B

8: if there are 1 and 2 in column C opposite the specific company in column B

Any suitable function in excel or Macros that can work with the formatting, because I have tens of thousands of companies and it will take too much time to do it manually.

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Limiting Output Based On Cell Data?

Mar 22, 2013

I've got a worksheet that needs to be limited by the value in a cell. I've attached it so you can look at it and understand what I need better. In I7 (red box) is a number that is the max a machine can rotate. B6 should never exceed this and B9 should be scaled down to match the output of B6. I think B9 will scale down automatically from the existing formulas if B6 is throttled correctly.

Should =FLOOR((((F5*D11)/D9)*3.82),50) have a max value equal to I7? And how would I incorporate it?

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Lookup Table That Will Lookup The Tuition

May 1, 2007

I need to place a lookup table in a work book and I'm not sure how to do it.Below is what I specifically need in my workbook.

c. The workbook will need a lookup table that will lookup the tuition, clothing
and entertainment figures depending on the selection of college, and will
ensure that only the colleges on the list are selectable. That is, the
worksheet will not allow the user to enter another college not in the list.

The lookup list must be on a worksheet by itself at the end of the workbook.

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Table Lookup (search On A 2 Dimensional Table)

Aug 4, 2009

I am attempting to do a search on a 2 dimensional table, based on Product Code/Month. Is there a function, addin or a macro that will allow me to do this? All I can come up with is a messy combination of VLOOKUP/HLOOKUP/COLUMN.

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Logical Formula With Output Based On The Text Input

Dec 2, 2009

Sometime it’s so hard to explain what it is you are having problems with, specially in the little title. I'm trying to write a formula which should be very simple but isn’t . The formula is in box F10 if B10 has anything in it and its going to have a mixture of text and numbers (first text then numbers) then it’s should equal to the value in the box C7. Here is the formula I wrote that doesn’t work.

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Automate Calculation Of Output Based On User Input

Nov 2, 2009

What I am trying to do is get the ROW 13 and ROW 18 outputs depending on inputs in ROW 2 to 5. Inputs in ROW 2 to 5 can have any value in any year. I would like to perform the calculations if the value in column U is 2 (if 1 then no action required)

I don't need ROW 10, 11, 12 separately if that is easier ...I am interested in getting the ROW 13 basically.

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Text Output Based On Combination Of Cell Values?

Mar 9, 2014

I'm tying myself in knots when trying to combine logical formulas to return a text value based on multiple cell values.

Cell A1 can equal 1-10, and cell B1 can also contain the values 1-10.

I want C1 to display the text "YC" if B1 value is equal to 9 or 10. I want C1 to display the text "SC" if B1 value is 5-8, and A1 value is 4-10. Any other combination of values should return a blank cell.

I tried splitting this into two components before trying to make it fit into a single equation, and i can achieve the first condition of display "YC" =IF(AND(A1>=9,A1

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Index - Match Function To Output Data Based On User Input

Apr 30, 2009

I have a list of data that I'm using the index - match function to output data based on user input.

For example, I have:

1 10
2 15
3 20

So when '1' is selected another cell outputs '10'.

However what I want is for example if 1.25 is input, I want it to interpolate to spit out the correct number between 10 and 15.

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VLook Up Specific Text Within Text And Output Match From Table

Dec 3, 2009

Table 1:
I like to go to Berlin.
You like to move to Amsterdam.
They want to see Chicago.
When will the reach San Francisco.

Table 2:
San Francisco

What I want to do:
I want my function to see if the text in Table 1 contains a value in Table 2, and if yes, output that value.

Desired Result:

Row A1:
I like to go to Berlin.
Row A2:
Row B1:
You like to move to Amsterdam.
Row B2:

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