Mode Or Frequency

Jan 31, 2006

I have a large data set. Within the column I have determined the mode. How
do I find the second most common number, third most common, etc.?


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Sorting By Frequency

Dec 20, 2008

how can data sorted be more frequency as most frequent on top and as the following:
i attach file

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Frequency Of Numbers

Mar 9, 2006

I have a grid of random numbers. What I want to do is make a new,
corresponding table that has those numbers' frequencies from the initial

So, if I have a row 1,2,3,4,5, the first row in my frequency table shows the
frequencies for those numbers, whatever they might be regarding the entire
set of numbers.

I'm just wondering if there's a more automated way of doing this than
running the historgram function and then manually matching the frequencies
with the original numbers to come up with my table. My dataset is growing,
so that's becoming too time-consuming.

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Formula For Sum Frequency

Apr 14, 2014

I have ID in column A and amounts in column B. ID's are duplicated, and I need to add amounts based on ID, so for example total of ID 156 should be $13,851.14 or 156 should be 7,290.63.

In the following example ID are in order, I need a formula that adds up the amounts in column C.





[Code ...........

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Frequency Function

Sep 15, 2009

My data is on order database as follows:

column B: customer name

column H: order value

column C: Total Order Value for the customer calculated as =SUMIF($B$2:$B$36383,B2,$H$2:$H$36383)

column D: number of orders for that customer, calculated as =COUNTIF($B$2:$B$23155,B2), and defined as a range called No_of_Orders

I'm trying to work out how many customers fall into the various categories. So on sheet 2, I've got an array formula:
{=FREQUENCY(No_of_Orders,$F$4:$F$12)}, where F4:F12 contain the 'bin' values.

The trouble is, that gives me the number of orders that fall into each category, not the number of customers.

How can I get it calculate the number of customers?

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Sum Character Frequency

May 29, 2008

I have large spreadsheet that analyses the number of times specific characters etc appear in individual cells, but only takes into consideration the filtered cells. My current formula that works fine is:

= sumproduct((subtotal(3,offset($c$66,row($c$66:$c$6959)-min(Row($C$66:$c$6959)),,1))),--isnumber(search("F",$s$66:$s$6959)))

So at the moment every time an F or other specified values is in one of the filtered cells it is counted and displayed in the respective cells. What I would like it to be able to do is recognise when a cell has say 3 F's, and increment the displayed product accordingly.

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Return Value With Highest Frequency

Apr 9, 2014

I need a formula that can lookup the sell price with the highest frequency. For example, I need to look up item 2100 in sheet2 and sheet1 contain data for vlookup like this:

ID No_Frequency Sell Price
2100 4 2.99
2100 5 3.49
2100 1 1.99

I need to be able to look up and return the sell price of 3.49 since it has the highest frequency.

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Frequency Using Date Range

May 5, 2014

In column A, I have dates.

In column C, I have shopping centre locations.

One or more sales promoters can be rostered at shopping centre locations performing full shifts and half shifts.

How can count the unique dates associated with the shopping centre using a Start date and an End date? Example below.

Col A Col B Col C Col D
02/03/2014 Joe Shopping Centre #1 D1=01/03/2014 (start date)
02/03/2014 Bob Shopping Centre #2 D2=10/03/2014 (end date)
02/03/2014 Lee Shopping Centre #1
07/03/2014 Tim Shopping Centre #1
07/03/2014 Kay Shopping Centre #3
12/03/2014 Joe Shopping Centre #1

The results for the Frequency formula should show:

Shopping Centre #1 - 2 (dates)
Shopping Centre #2 - 1 (date)
Shopping Centre #3 - 1 (date)

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Frequency Combined With IF Statement?

Mar 26, 2014

Sample Excel with Frequency.xls.Attached a sample sheet with some data. What I'm trying to do is combine the frequency function and add another variable. Not sure how to do this. I'm using Excel 2003, so I don't think I can use "countifs".

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Frequency Of Associated Numbers In A Table

Mar 8, 2009

I am looking to find the frequency of times 1 number appears with another number in a row in a table

Click here for an example

or see the attached spreadsheet. I included the excel 2007 and 2003 versions.

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Add Text Frequency As Well As Subtotals

Jan 3, 2012

I need to count the number of times a word appears in a column in a pivot table and add the total value in the next cell minus 1 if the number is more than 1.


Count of 1ST LVL ERROR
Error Type


The totals in C come from a pivot table created from the data in a separate sheet. I need to dynamically show who made an error and the frequency of that kind of error. I've gotten the Error Type count to display according to the word in column B, but column C will show how many times that a specific notation was made.

For example:

"Annualization" appears in column B 3 times, but column C shows that one of the descriptions is listed twice in the separate sheet. The current formula shows 3, but it needs to count the 3 in B, then add any number that is more than 1 minus 1 in the relative C cell to yield 4.

This is my count array: =SUM(LEN(B6:B4506)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(B6:B4506,D6,"")))/LEN(D6)

I've also used: =COUNTIF(_1ST_LVL_ERROR,"*"&D6&"*")

I don't know how to get the second column to factor in, though.

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Counting Frequency Of Name In Column

Jan 9, 2013

I have a column of names and I want to find the frequency that each name occurs per row, but the cells have a string of text. For example:

Column A:
John Dimon, Matt Carpenter, James Chan, Gary Smith
Matt Carpenter, Leo Monroe, Craig Thomson
John Dimon, Matt Carpenter, Larry Barclay

I would like a way to count how many times each name occurs in the column. So John Dimon would be 2, Matt Carpenter would be 3. I tried countif but it doesn't seem to work with a string of text.

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Find The Frequency On Numbers

Feb 24, 2007

(1) i have a project of a series of numbers running left to right in a random order what i am after is to sort them into order

(2)i want to find the frequenzy on numbers and how often they apear with other numbers compairing one line to the rest all the way threw

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Sum If Frequency But Eliminate Header Row

Dec 27, 2008

I am using the formula below to count the unique items in column M. Two questions, how can I use the whole range M:M, but then also ignore the header because that would return 3. I tried repacing M2:M6 with M:M but I get #NUM!. I'm using 2003 but when I take this back to work I will be on 2007. If using the whole range M:M is not possible then I could just extend out to M2:M7000 which should cover the range.
PAS Sheet

LM1Count of PASPAS22FD093 FD094 FD645 FD646 FD64
Spreadsheet FormulasCellFormulaL2=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(MATCH(M2:M6,M2:M6,0),MATCH(M2:M6,M2:M6,0))>0,1))

Excel tables to the web >>" target="_blank"> Excel Jeanie HTML 4

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Frequency Function And Modifications

Jan 16, 2007

i need to write my own frequency function and after that make some modifications. here is the thing: i dont know how to run over ranges and i dont really know how to start.


Data_array is an array of or reference to a set of values for which you want to count frequencies. If data_array contains no values, FREQUENCY returns an array of zeros.

Bins_array is an array of or reference to intervals into which you want to group the values in data_array. If bins_array contains no values, FREQUENCY returns the number of elements in data_array.

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Frequency Table/ Bar Chart

Jun 29, 2007

how to make a frequency table and a bar chart for 6 different branches of industries. These categories have numbers (1 for branche A and 2 for Brance B and so on) I tried Tools > Data analysis > Histogram yet. But then the categories are displayed as numerators. I just want to show how many companies there are in Branche A, Branche B, etc. I tried to change the categories into text, but it wont make a difference. I will include the file.

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Count Frequency In A Column

Jul 28, 2007

I used Match array to count the frequency of occurences (ie. string begins ASC) with but to no avail. Match or Frequency function how to do this? =MATCH(IF(LEFT(A1:A9,3)="ASC",LEFT(A1:A9,3)),A1:A9,0)

Column A

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Frequency Function With Criteria

Aug 21, 2007

I have a condition that it only applies to criteria before a certain date but I cannot get it to give me the right answer.

Original Formula ...

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Frequency With Conditions / Criteria

Mar 6, 2008

I've tried to adapt a formula I've found in the forums. But the result comes back at a figure much lower than I expect.
I have a column of numbers (column J)that I would like the frequency of but only if the date contained in another column (column R) is beyond a certain date.

Columns J & R do contain blank cells.

This is my adaption: -

IF('Current Bonds'!$R$13:$R$490>39173,
IF('Current Bonds'!$J$13:$J$490>0,'Current Bonds'!$J$13:$J$490)),
IF('Current Bonds'!$R$13:$R$490>39173,
IF('Current Bonds'!$J$13:$J$490>0,'Current Bonds'!$J$13:$J$490))))

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Conditional Chart With Frequency

Mar 11, 2008

I have four columns in my worksheet. In column C, I need to find the no. of times word "Alarm" is occuring. Further, with each "Alarm" entry in col C, there is a alarm type given in column D. I need to find the no. of alarms for each type and then display a bar chart for the alarm type vs. frequency of its occurence.

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Frequency Of Occurence In 12 Hours

Mar 26, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that contains the number of faults in 12 hours. What I would like it to know the frequency of fault i.e 204 faults means a fault every 00:02:03
Is there a formula I can use.

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Splitting Frequency Data By A Category

May 21, 2014

It may be easier to view the attachment to see what I am trying to do.

I would like to split frequency data by groups.

So I have 2 different names in column A, with a bunch of their ratings in column C.

I would like to be able to view the frequency of their individual ratings to see who gave the most types of ratings.

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Frequency In Large Data Tables

Nov 11, 2009

I need to find the most frequent number for each name in a large datatable, eg. Name1=12.

ColumnA / ColumnB
Name1 / 12
Name1 / 11
Name1 / 12
Name2 / 100
Name2 / 105
Name2 / 105
Name2 / 98
Name3 / 14
Name3 / 14
Name3 / 2
NameX / ..

Since Pivot tabels cant do the trick as far as I know, i'm clueless of how to proceed.

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Convert Frequency Table To Vector?

Jul 4, 2013

I have a large frequency table, the dataset looks like:-

Category Age Frequency
A 1 4
A 2 3
A 3 2
B 7 1
B 8 3
C 4 2
C 6 4

I would like a formula to get:

1 7 4
1 8 4
1 8 6
1 8 6
2 6
2 6

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Song Set List And Frequency Chart?

Sep 13, 2013

I have the desire to create a spreadsheet that will, in the end, allow me to see the frequency of certain songs I've seen by a certain band (the same band). trying to figure out the best approach in creating such a spread sheet.

What I want to do is provide the date of a concert, and all of the songs played at that specific concert. I have that info. There are 78 concerts that I need to input. However, it seems redundant for me to list, for example, "Song A" if it was played on "date X", and then list "song A" again if was played on "date Y". This is where I'm not sure what makes the most sense.

Would it be better to use the A-Z axis and provide the 78 dates of concerts, and use the numbered axis to list all of the songs that were seen/heard. Then I could put some sort of check mark in the cell that corresponds to the song and date?This way seems like more work than is necessary.

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High Frequency Data Calculation

Oct 16, 2009

Suppose you have a large database, which consists of high frequency minutes data, you need to calculate differences in values between each different time intervals, e.g. from 1 min to 10000 mins.

the format is looked like below

1 min aaa
2 min bbb
3 min ccc
4 min ddd

More specifically, what I am supposed to do is to calculate aaa-bbb, bbb-ccc, ccc-ddd, and then aaa-ccc, bbb-ddd, and then aaa-ddd and so on.

I know the VBA has a function to do repeated executions but am not sure how to adjust the time intervals.

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Find Hightest/lowest Frequency's

Nov 20, 2008

I trial tested many another forumla's before posting this.
I'm having a hard time building this simple function see image:

The formula I need finds the hightest & lowest frequency appears of a number from the index list (index numbers range from 0-9 or if needed changed to 1-50). Along with the hightest/lowest frequency's it needs to also find the second hightest/lowest frequency's i.e.

need result: (9 2) (0 3)
(0 & 3 did not appear so there listed as the lowest frequency's)

2 <
2 <
9 <
9 <
9 <

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COUNT Or FREQUENCY With Multiple Criteria

Jan 5, 2009

I have a list of 267 individuals who are each in one of 4 class designations (A,B,C, & D). They produce widgets for me. The individuals’ names are in A2:A268, their class designation is in B2:B268; and the number of widgets they each produced is in C2:C268. Row 1 is a header row.

I used the FREQUENCY function, for the first time, to show how many of the individuals produced 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60, and 60+ widgets last year. NOW, I’d like to take it a step further and show the number of individuals that produced widgets in each of these number groupings, but want it further split out by their A, B, C, D, class designation. So, I want to see how many individuals in the “A” class that produced 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, etc. widgets; and how many individuals in the “B” class produced those numbers, etc.

I’ve been playing around with using the COUNT and IF functions together and the FREQUENCY and IF functions, but have not been successful. Am I making this more complicated than it is? By the way, their class designation doesn’t have any relation to the number of widgets they produced, and the data is sorted alphabetically by the individuals’ names.

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Frequency Of Specific Value Based On Date

Dec 19, 2011

how many times "-1" appears in column AM for dates (column B) that are 09/14/2011 or later?

Column B = dates
Column AM = 1, -1, or 2

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Generate Recurrence Frequency Report

Nov 30, 2012

I am trying to generate a recurrence frequency report and this is what I have been doing manually, (to long by hand)

=FREQUENCY(B3:G38,I1:I53) and so on until I reach =FREQUENCY(B18:G53,I1:I53)

I want the out put in J:AA

my data is B1:G53

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