Move Data From One Column To Another Based On Column Headers And Row Text
Feb 7, 2014
I am in need of restructuring a spreadsheet of addresses for mailing purposes. (I tried to find something similar answered previously, but nothing seemed to work for me.)
I have attached a small example spreadsheet below, but our spreadsheets can be hundreds or thousands of rows in length.
I need a macro that will look for the "PO Box" addresses under the column headers named "ADDRESS2" and "ADDRESS3".
The PO Box addresses will need to be moved under the column header "ADDRESS1" within the same row.
It will need to overwrite the text that is already under "ADDRESS1" and delete the text from the "ADDRESS2" and "ADDRESS3" columns - UNLESS the text in 'ADDRESS2" is a PO Box AND "ADDRESS1" begins with "c/o".
If the data in "ADDRESS2" or "ADDRESS3" is anything other than a PO Box it will remain the same. As will "ADDRESS 1".
Basically if there is a PO Box it needs to be in the column named "ADDRESS1" and overwrite anything else that was there. The exception will be for PO Boxes that are in c/o someone else, the PO Box will then need to be listed in the column directly after the column that has c/o.
If the c/o exception will be too difficult the code could just highlight those scenarios and we could fix them manually. We usually do not have a lot of them, but enough that we need to be mindful of them.
The different scenarios are listed in my sample spreadsheet.Also, the code will have to use the column header names in row 1 because those headers are not always in the same column.
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Aug 28, 2012
I am trying to move a column of numbers based on the information in another column. I've been looking for about a week and find macros that are close but not quite.
In one column it reads Mobile, Home, or is blank. If the number is a Mobile (column R), the area code (column P) needs to move to column S and the phone (column Q) needs to move to column T and the primary phone (column R) needs to move to column U. Home and blank cells remain as they are.
area (P)
phone (Q)
primary phone (R)
col S
col T
col U
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Jun 7, 2014
I have a userform with two listboxes in them, i have set the columns in the listbox to 9 and would like to populate the column headers in the listboxes with the column header of one of the sheets.
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Mar 21, 2008
I am trying to have rows moved from (Schedule) to (Complete) in the attached workbook. The criteria to have the row moved would be the user-selected "Status" list changing to "COMPLETE" in Column G.
I would like to have the row cut and deleted from Sheet4 (Schedule) once "COMPLETE" is selected from the list in Column G with rows below moving up. The row would then be inserted into Sheet2 (Complete) at the top of the list (Row 7) and rows would move down below the new entry. I would also like to have the formatting remain uniform (every other row fill)
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Jan 29, 2010
I have data as follows in Column A:
Part Number: 0000000-1 ARTEC-GH-56S 12A
SPARES in Repair: 20
On-hand: 100Location: BNCD
I need the data under different columns as follows: I also want an extra column before Column A labelled as Common number.
0000000 20 100 BNCD
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Jun 30, 2014
I have a excelsheet that looks like this:
Column A | Column B | Column C
Los Angeles | Fire Dept | 3
Los Angeles | Health Services | 12
New York | Fire Dept | 8
New York | Health Services | 22
New York | Internal Services | 100
New York | Public Works | 7
Chicago | Health Services | 15
Chicago | Public Works | 56
Chicago | Social Services | 4
And I am trying to make it look like this:
Fire Dept
Health Services
Internal Services
Public Works
Social Services
Los Angeles
New York
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Mar 15, 2007
I am importing a 20 character text string (from a barcode scanner) to H2. I need to send that data to the next unused row in Column A (after insuring that no matching text currently exists in Column A-no action taken if matching data is found). I can provide a copy of the sheet, along with a description of the project.
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May 2, 2007
Here is the situation:
There is a spreadsheet that I use that has multiple plans in one column for various members. You can see the plan for Robert James and Amanda James is plan 5. If all this information was in column A how would you move the plan type say column C for each member?
For example
Column A
Customer Name
Robert James
Amanda James
Plan 5
Nikki Martinez
James Gross
Plan 6
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May 29, 2014
I have set of data Pasted in 4th row, in the top row 44 columns values assigned i want move data from set of data to different column among these 44 columns
Like "Service Order ID" is 1 column in set of data ,it move to second column of top row
Some of column need to delete. (Service Order Type,Service Order Description,Created By,Status,Contact,Expected Delivery Date,
Creation Date,Priority,Net Value,Currency,External Reference,Reference Date)
I want Get output result in same sheet (Actual).
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Mar 4, 2013
I have a small sample table that replicates what I am trying to do
[Code] ........
I would like to have excel put in compile the list of members on Teams 1 through 4. So in A7 through A10, I will put the teams and then in the B column I want the compiled list seperated by commas for each team so that they read like this...
Team 1: Bob, Jim, Mary, Sue
Team 2: Bob, Jim, Sue
Team 3: Bob, Mary
Team 4: Bob, Sue.
Of course this should be dynamic so that if I place an x in C4, then Team 3 would read as Team 3: Bob, Jim, Mary.
I have tried various index match offset combinations and did not have any success.
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Apr 24, 2014
Ceating a macro to perform a look up and return based on column headers.
General Synopsis: Using a call and parameters to choose a lookup column and return column, and their respective sheets. Then the sub routine finding their respective column headers and perform a lookup/return. Essentially the current problem is the macro runs to slowly.
Link to original post: Lookup Macro based on column headers
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Jun 12, 2014
I've done some searching and cannot find the right answer for my question. I need to create a formula that will pull column header text data based on cells within a table that contain a numeric value not equal to zero. The catch is that I cannot use any one specific numeric value as the basis for a Lookup.
I've attached an example spreadsheet for reference. Basically, I need two formulas:
1. Formula to pull column header (Receiver name) based on Sender. This is a necessity.
2. Formula to pull individual lines for those senders that have multiple receivers (Division D in my example).
My actual data file has 80+ senders and 100+ receivers.
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Feb 4, 2014
I have a sheet which I need to arrange and it looks like -
Column A
Column B
Column C
Column D
the values in Column B, C , D , E & F need to be in new columns based on what we have in Column A associated with "1"
Output should be -
Column A
Column B
Column C
so whatever is in Column A associated with "0" should remain in place whereas whatever is in Colimn A associated with "1" should get added to the new columns. 0 and 1 resembles the 1 Records which are used as a split to normalize the data.
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Apr 10, 2014
I currently have a worksheet filled with data from other worksheets. I want to combine data from different columns when they share an identical row header and don't know how. For example:
Would go to:
Another specific issue is that some row headers are bold and need to be considered a separate header from the non-bold alternative.
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Feb 16, 2010
I'd like a macro that finds all cells in column C with the text "Apple" and moves all those cells values (text) to column E.
Case InSensItive.
One Caveat though, the search must continue and not stop searching until it is equal to the bottom-most row of data in column F.
I don't want this macro to search all 1 Million + Rows.
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Feb 7, 2014
I have a DATA sheet that is all of the information reported on a monthly basis. This format will never change, but the data will. I have a second sheet called MMUSAGE.
On the MMUSAGE tab, I have identified which headers (in red) from the DATA tab that correspond with the headers in the MMUSAGE tab. Question is: how do I move the data from the DATA tab over to the MMUSAGE tab under the appropriate headers?
Example: IF Product Number on Worksheet(DATA) = Product Code on Worksheet(MMUSAGE) then move all data to Column L.
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Nov 19, 2013
I have been given a spreadsheet with standard configuration with column headers etc, but when you scroll down the sheet the actual column headers change from the normal A-Z display to be the column headers that have been entered into the cells.
I know this can be achieved similarly by setting Freeze Pane but how this other option has been switched on. I have attached the spreadsheet (which has totally fictitious content).
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Jan 31, 2013
I have a large spreadsheet converted from pdf whose data still appears in A4 reading format.
I need to move part columns of data from 6 columns to form 1 large column in column A.
For example, move range B8 to B76 beneath range A8 to A76 and range C8 to C76 beneath that etc, page by page working through all 270 pages !
Also need to delete unnecessary 'page headers' throughout as in rows 2-6
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Oct 25, 2007
I need help creating a macro that will search through my excel spreadsheet and for every instance where column A isn't empty it should cut a range of columns from that row and paste them in a different range of columns in the row before it. It should then delete the row that it cut the columns from and keep searching until it has done this for the whole worksheet. I can modify which range of columns are needed, but it has been so long since I've worked with excel macros that I haven't been able to do it.
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Jan 16, 2007
I have some macros that will look for a certain item and then move it somewhere else on the spreadsheet. However, I can't seem to get the code right to skip over the section if the text is not found. I assume it would be easiest to do it with error handling, but the attempts I've made haven't worked.
the macro will search for the text "Name" and move everything under that column elsewhere; then it will do the same for "Date." But currently, if "Name" is not found anywhere on the spreadheet, it will cause an error and ask to end or debug.
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Feb 24, 2014
I have individual date columns with calculated field in the next column, and this goes on for the rest of the worksheet. Example,
Column Header H to N consists of dates ranging from 2/24/2014 to 3/2/2014.
Column O will be the new column.
I want to change the new column header with the combined dates in the first column and the last column , i.e. the column before the new one, with a "To" text in between these two values. That way it becomes easy to identify the new column headers which are supposed to be week-wise.
So, for this example, it will be Column O = "2/24/2014 To 3/2/2014"
i.e. Column O = "Column H1" To "Column N1"
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Feb 4, 2014
I need to count column E when it does not say "MTO" or if column G is blank. E.g. below would return me a value of 2. I would count row 1 and 3 only.
Column E Column G
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May 30, 2012
Basically Column O has data that need to be moved to the different worksheet in one workbook.
so If Column O=Bad Number in any row in Column O move to sheet1 or If Column O=Good Number in any row in Column O move to sheet 2 etc.
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Jun 13, 2013
I am trying to move info from an unformatted sheet to a sheet ready to import into a program. I need to look at the source sheet and if a column heading matches the heading on the destination sheet I need it to move the entire column to the destination sheet.
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Jul 15, 2014
I have a large table that I want to reconstruct. For simplicity sake, let's just says it's 3 rows (excluding headers) by 3 columns.
Item Description
Cheese Burgers
Hot Dogs
I want to reconstruct it so that the column headers become values in the table. The table headers are dates, in this case, if that gives clearer picture. So the new table would have 9 rows, (3 rows of data, excluding the header times four columns).
Item Description
Cheese Burgers
Hot Dogs
[Code] ....
The above example is sorted by date but I would be indifferent if it's sorted by the Item Description.
Is there an easy way to do this? Pivot possibly? Again, my data table is large: 36 rows x 181 columns. Using the copy/paste/transpose feature is pretty impractical.
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May 3, 2013
I have large information scattered all over worksheet. If I want to move all data in one column "A" how can I do it?
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Nov 19, 2008
I have data in multiple columns like this:
I'd like to move all data to one single column (like column #1)
Can someone help me out with a VBA macro ?
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Sep 13, 2013
I want to take what is in column A and replace the number after the "=" with new number.
I need a formula that identifies the 6 numbers or letters after the = and replaces with column A
111111 showstocknumnber//details.php?vid=111111
222222 showstocknumnber//details.php?vid=111111
345673 showstocknumnber//details.php?vid=111111
The 111111 after the = could be any string of 6 letters and numbers. The contents of column b are a URL.
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Mar 13, 2009
I am trying to get excel to search a workbook/(or worksheet if easier) for a matching unique value and fill in its associated data. My first workbook has the SKU (A) filled in but not the UPC (B). My second workbook has both the SKU (A) and the matching UPC (C) filled in.
I need to take both workbooks/(worksheets), compare the SKUs, and if a matching SKU is found, extract the UPC from Workbook 2 and fill in the UPC field in Workbook 1, and if no UPC is present in Workbook 2, then it leaves the cell in Workbook 1 blank.
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Dec 11, 2013
If I have a table as noted below with the following assumptions:
- this table will likely grow
- the 'Include' column data will change based on external criteria/formulas, so the 'Include' column will not be sorted.
- Macros aren't an option as this sheet needs to be macro free.
How do I build a formula that I can place in a data validation drop down to only include 'Item's that have Yes indicated in the 'Include' column?
I've been researching this and found answers if the 'Include' column was sorted via offset, but I haven't found any to sift through when unsorted. I feel like there is a simple answer to this that I am missing. Here is the sheet --> ExampleSheet.xlsx
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