Moving Data From Form To Array

Jun 23, 2014

I am trying to take form data and move it to an array and then I am going to put the data into a row of a worksheet. At this time I am having problems with data mismatch.

Dim RowCount As Long
Dim ctl As Control

RowCount = Worksheets("Data").Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
With Worksheets("Data").Range("A1")
.Offset(Me.TextBoxRecordNo.Value, 0).Value = Me.TextBoxRecordNo.Value
.Offset(Me.TextBoxRecordNo.Value, 1).Value = Me.ListBoxDistrict.Value

[Code] ...........

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Prevent Down Arrow Moving To Next Form Control

Mar 13, 2008

I have multiple dropdown lists (forms combobox, NOT activex) on a worksheet -- once the user selects them, a keypress on the downarrow will move to the next dropdown list.

is there a way of preventing this? instead, i would like to move focus to the next cell (same column, 1 row beneath the combobox)

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Create Form To Output Data And Erase Form Once Data In Ouput

Sep 20, 2007

I am trying to create a form to use as a golf tracker. I basically have created a scorecard where I input the date, score, fairways in regulation, greens in regulation and putts. I want to be able to put that information just like if it was a scorecard and then have a button that says submit. Then that information is output into individual sheets (i.e. one for scores, one for fairways, one for greens and one for putts).

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UserForm Initialization: Fill The Form Out Once And Click 'OK' (run The Code To Put The Form Data Into A Sheet)

Mar 31, 2009

I'm missing something in my UserForm initialization code. If I fill the form out once and click 'OK' (run the code to put the form data into a sheet), when I go back into the form all the old info is still there. If I then click 'Cancel' (Unload Me) and reopen the form, the old data is cleared out. What am I missing to make it clear it out the first time?

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Lookup/Fill-in Form ? (insert Data Fields Into A Spreadsheet Form)

Dec 2, 2008

I'm having trouble trying to come up with a way to insert data fields into a spreadsheet form. I have a travel authorization form that I would like to have automatically fill in the required fields based on typing in a name. i.e. I would type in an employees name, and it would automatically fill-in the correct address, etc for that employee. I have attached a spreadsheet that contains one sheet as the form, and another sheet containing the employee data. I know nothing about VBA, but I have a feeling that is where I need to go.

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Recall Sub In A Form To Pull Back In Data To A Form When Reference Added

Jun 26, 2013

I am needing to create a form that exports data (a quote) to an Excel Db (table) and is then able to recall the data back into the form. (the default form in excel does this and I want to copy that.)

Once the data is called back in, I can then export it to another Table to show that the quote has been approved and will be used.

I am having trouble with the VBA coding that copies the inputted quote in Cell C2 (the reference for the quote number) of the "Form" sheet and looks it up in the "Database" sheet. I have tried several variations of code, but nothing works so far.

Sub RecallQuote()
' RecallQuote Macro
Range("C2").Select 'this is the cell that holds the quote number to look up from the table

[Code] ......

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User Form-Easy Selection Of Data To Be Filled In The Form

Jun 3, 2006

find the attached workbook

I have a Database and user form, in the user form i have a field named “Vehicle No” this is a combo box from which a user needs to select the Vehicle numbers, and all these are working fine now, I need your help in the following:

When user selects the second field named "Select Vendor name" i need a pop up window which shows all the Vehicles belongs to the vendor which they have selected, and with the popup window user selects the vehicle number then the Vehicle number combo box should be filled.

Currently users have to select by scrolling through Combo box which takes long time and difficult to find by scrolling.

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Passing Array From Module To Form

Mar 7, 2007

I have been struggling with a problem passing a small array to be used in a form and I hope that somebody can help me. I cannot get the array into the form.

In the main module code I have an array containing information on a book reference:

Private Function PresentForm1(ByRef iID() As String, sBookRef() As String) As Boolean
Dim iCounter As Integer
For iCounter = LBound(iID) To UBound(iID)
Form1.ListBox1.AddItem iID(iCounter)
Form1.ListBox1.Selected(0) = True

For iCounter = 0 To 2
MsgBox sBookRef(iCounter) ' This bit works fine
Next iCounter

End Function ...

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Look Up Data And Plug Into Form - User Form In Reverse?

Jan 14, 2009

I have created a registration workbook for this year's youth sports league. All of the information is entered into a User Form and separated onto it's appropriate sheet designated by the child's age. Next year, I would like to use this year's workbook to look up returning players.

Will it be possible to add a "lookup" button into my form, or create a lookup program, that once the registrar clicks on the correct player, the information is plugged into the User Form, the registrar adjusts the age and any necessary info, presses enter, and the information is copied into the appropriate category in the new workbook? I haven't worked with User Forms long enough to know if they can be filled in that way, but if this can be done, you are the people who would know.

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How To Use VBA Array To Combine User Input Form

Jun 19, 2013

I have a form created using the instructions here [URL] ..... however I only have two boxes that I need completing. What I need to do is combine both inputs from the form into one cell. The code below shows this working but I am unable to get the array to work.

Essentially I need to get the array to drop in the old number and new number into the new cell so it looks something like this:

Old Number - 1234
New Number - 6543
Value in cell 1234 6543

The code I am using is set out below:


Private Sub submitmeterswap_Click()
Dim iRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim myarray As Variant
Set ws = Worksheets("x")


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How To Return All Cells (in The Form Of An Array) Containing A Certain Word

Jun 4, 2009

I am drawing a total blank here, lets say I have a column of cells:

A1 ("Word")
A2 ("No")
A3 ("No")
A4 ("Word")
A5 ("Word")

(they all have words in them). How can I return all cells (an array?) that contain a specific word?


returns: 3

That function is almost perfect, except that returns a number - I need this to return an array of all of those cells that contain the word. Because I have another function to run after that takes in cells and THEN counts how many are a certain color (this one already works) - so it obviously cannot take in a number, it needs a list of cells

So it should return:


But I'm not sure in what format

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Moving And Deleting Entire Rows Between Tabs In Workbook And Moving Them Back If Needed

Sep 23, 2013

I have an excel work book with 6 tabs. I would like to have Excel move an entire row from one tab to another tab (removing the row and inserting it in the other tab). I.e. Example I have a tab with items that are marked as "Open Actions" so if I were to change the drop down to close. Excel would move that entire row of actions to the tab with the "closed actions" and insert into the next available row. Now if someone were to come back at a later date say no it should be reopened than I would change the drop down to open and excel would move that row back to the open actions tab into next available row. I tried a PIVOT table and no good I played with few macro and not.

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Excel 2007 :: Moving Data From One Worksheet To Another Keeping Data And Formatting?

May 5, 2014

I am working on a project that has 5 worksheets. I have been able to figure out everything else I need to do but this has me stumped. I have data in Sheet1 A6, that i want to place in Sheet2 A6, Sheet3 A6, Sheet4 A6 and Sheet5 A6 and keep data and formatting(BOLD AND UNDERLINE). So I change Sheet1 A6 and the other 4 sheets change also. I'm using Microsoft Excel 2007.

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Data Validation Rules Not Moving With Data

Feb 24, 2014

creating a spreadsheet for work which is almost working a treat Unfortunately, when a row of data moves from one sheet (Queries) to another (Archive), data validation is lost. Initially I thought I daidn't have it set up on the Archive sheet, but on moving it back to queries (by use of a macro) the validation is still not working. how to keep validation rules WITH data when it is moved please? I will upload my file when I get home from restrictions prevent me doing it here!

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Moving Rows Of Data Into 1 Row

May 20, 2014

I'm essentially getting a lot of data at the moment, which has a few orders people have made on my website.

Essentially, think order id, address etc and then all the products the customer has ordered.

However, the part which includes what the customer has ordered creates multiple rows of data, with the order ids etc duplicated. What I need to do is consolidate this into 1 row. So to add additional columns instead of rows.

The reason fro this is I want to mail merge the data into an invoice and mail merges work of 1 line of data at a time. I've attached an example, any way to do this?

(Attached to this post / or linked here: [URL] ....)

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Moving Data To Another Cell

Dec 11, 2009

I have 3 columns Z, AA, AB. The heading for Z1 is “A”, AA1 is “B” and AB1 is “C”
In column Z2:Z2000, there is a mix of A, B’s and C’s. I want A to stay in Z1 column, B’s to goto AA1 and C’s to goto AB1, also I want this added to a macro that I previously created, so everything happens with one push of a button

Now for save, not sure if this is possible or not, if I can have this added to the macro as well that would be great. When I push my macro button, the file saves to “Dec (today’s date) DB (81).xls” The number 81 is the total count of A, B’s C’s, this # will change depending on how may A, B’s and C’s there are. I really hope there is a way of doing all this




----- B.....

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Moving A Row Of Data Into One Cell

Dec 13, 2012

Essentially, there are two columns I am dealing with. One is "Sales Rep" and it lists all of the sales reps employed by the company. The other is "Zip Code" and that will list all of the zip codes that sales rep is responsible for.

Now, I have a row of data, all of those zip codes listed out, that each rep is responsible for, but my supervisor wants all of the zip codes listed in one cell, in that second column. Example: (02018, 34098, 16711).

The commas are not necessary, but is there any way to get this done other than manually entering them?

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Moving Data With VB Code

Jul 24, 2007

I have a workbook with 5 Tabs. One of these tabs is "Completed" (for completed work) The other tabs are names of Managers and the tabs contain information about who is doing what work for the Manager and information about it.

What i would like to do is in column F on every sheet is the "status". I would like when the "status" is changed to completed, to have VB code move that entire record to the Completed tab.

I think its possible i just don't know how to do it.

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Macro For Moving Data

Sep 1, 2007

I need to move a lot of data from what was originally a txt document into an easily readable form.

I have used Macro's before but only for very basic routines (so please treat me as a bit dumb when it comes to Macro’s).

I have Include Screen shot of the data highlighted in a colored box and the relevant colored cell I need to move it into.

This needs to be repeated many times with data that is consistent in its layout.

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Moving Matching Data Into The Same Row From Different Ones

Jul 21, 2009

what im basically trying to do here is to move XYZ from column B and 123 from column C to match up with XYZ in column A ....

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Moving Data Between Two Userforms

Aug 6, 2009

I am trying to do what I have quoted below. In particular,I have the two userforms set up so that I open one and then click a checkbox that opens the second userform. I would like the data I enter into a texbox in the second userform to populate a text box in the first.

Originally Posted by dominicb
Good evening scott92

Sounds like you want to dump the contents of textbox1 into a public variable and force textbox 2 to pick them up from there. You might have a problem deciding exactly when textbox2 is to update - ie what event you're going to hang it from. Are both userforms visible on the screen at the same time? is the updating to take place in real time?


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Moving Data From Spreadsheet A To B?

Jan 31, 2012

i need to move data from a speadsheet (that is open) to

P:SharedAgentsAdmin TeamAvrils TeamSamuel Kinver-WrigleyEscalations ManagementSIOXTeamNew SIOX beastFOR GRAPH PURPOSES.xls

So all the data in the open workbook is in a sheet called "move sheet".

So first to move:

A1:D13 to the workbook address above in sheet "admin" but it needs to look for the next available row in col. A to paste the data.


A15:D27 to the workbook address above in sheet "Outgoing (Cust.)" but it needs to look for the next available row in col. A to paste the data.

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Moving Data From One Sheet To Another

Jul 11, 2012

What vba code would I use to move data from rows a and b in sheet 1 to sheet 2. preferably with a button if possible.

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Moving Data From One Workbook To Another

Jan 18, 2014

I have two workbooks and wish to extract data from the first workbook (second tab), and insert certain cell data into a specific cell in the second workbook (first tab).

The first workbook has this info:
Customer 1
Customer 2
Rec Month

Customer A
Customer B
Block 10

[Code] .......

This is a very large data set. The S/N will appear multiple times. The rest of the data will change with each entry, but there are some exceptions where it may be the same.

The second workbook has this data:
Date Rec
Ship Date
Customer 1

1 thru 14
Yes or No
Customer A

[Code] .......

This too is a very large data set. What I need to do is to find the S/N in the first table "based on the month" and replace the entry under Customer 1 with the associated Customer 2 data entry. The VLOOKUP function can't seem to handle the multiple S/N entries.

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Moving Data In A Database

Mar 15, 2007

I've "lurked" around the board for a few days now, and I've gotta say this is the most helpful excel forum by far. After wading through a tiny chunk of the thousands of threads on this board, though, I am still having trouble with coding a macro that will do what I need it to do. If it affects anything, I'm on Excel 2002 on Windows XP.

I am currently in a project where I have to go through a database, formatted as thus: ...

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Moving Data To A New Cell.

Apr 12, 2007

I have cut and pasted a large amount of data onto a spreadsheet. The problem is that I have two rows of data that is associated with one another, so lets say A1 has a name and A2 contains that person's age. This process repeats in the same way in A3 and A4 and so on.

I need to move the data from A2 to B1 without using a simple function like =A2 in B1. The reason is that I will need to sort just the Names in column A once I get the the data moved. I am not sure how to do this.

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Moving Data Between Sheets

Apr 9, 2009

I have one very large piece of data located in one worksheet that I use across ten other worksheets. I simply copy and paste this data into each worksheet each morning after the data has been refreshed. Is there any way to be able to simply have my master sheet update and then get coppied to all of my other sheets?

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Moving Old Data By Months

Sep 4, 2009

I have 6 rows of data with 12 columns. The first row of data consists of the 12 months and the order changes with the current month -1 listed first. The first column of data is updated from a separate sheet. When the first column is updated I would like the old data to follow the month it was originally listed under until that month becomes the first month again.

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Lookup Moving Data

Nov 9, 2006

I have a spread sheet made by a former employer, if i enter a charge code in I4 it give me a price, the fomula is =(VLOOKUP(I4,boq,4,FALSE))*H4 the 4 after boq is the row the price is in. h4 is the amount of that item I have done, the problem I have is that my client has now changed the way we charge them, if I do 1 to 5 of an item it is one price, if I do 6 to 25 its a lower price, if I do 26 to 100 it lower still. I have added the prices for 6-25 in line 5(e) and 26-100 in line 6(f), what would the formula be so vlookup looks in the line depending on the value in H4. ie if h4 = 1-5 look in line 4. if H4 = 6-25 look in line 5 & if H4 = 26-100 look in line 6.

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Moving Data To Another Sheet If

Jan 26, 2007

using visual basic on excel and im after some code for a macro to be assigned to a button in a workbook that will do the following task:

1. In sheet "Main Page" Select rows between A4 and D100 that have anything in column C.
2. Copy the data in these rows and paste them in sheet "Invoice Page" in rows below and including 4 without leaving any empty rows, although there might be rows that dont contain data in column C in the first sheet where they are being copied from.

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