Moving Selected Data From One Sheet To Another
Aug 28, 2009
how to work across sheets in the same book.
I want excel to recognise text strings in one column and depending on that value, copy the whole row to a corresponding sheet (could even just make do with one extra sheet rather than one for each of the 5 values)
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Jul 11, 2012
What vba code would I use to move data from rows a and b in sheet 1 to sheet 2. preferably with a button if possible.
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Jan 26, 2007
using visual basic on excel and im after some code for a macro to be assigned to a button in a workbook that will do the following task:
1. In sheet "Main Page" Select rows between A4 and D100 that have anything in column C.
2. Copy the data in these rows and paste them in sheet "Invoice Page" in rows below and including 4 without leaving any empty rows, although there might be rows that dont contain data in column C in the first sheet where they are being copied from.
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Feb 3, 2010
I have an excel file that contains about 1000 rows of data, from column A to O. Column C contains either the letter A or the letter I, A means Active, I means Inactive.
What I'd like to do is replace my monthly manual task of moving all the I's to sheet2. When completed, the excel file should have two sheets, all of the A's on one, and the I's in the other. The original excel file is not sorted by column C. The end result should have the same row 1, being the header row. There are some additional steps, to save the file to a specific location but I think I could do that once the excel file is formatted the way I wanted it.
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Jun 16, 2009
I want to have a four sheet database for a client list. Sheet one would be the "master sheet" and will have a column that has a validation drop down with the values "current client", äctive prospect",""dead deal", etc. I want the information from the master list to automatically move to the corrisponding sheet(s) when the validation is chosen.
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Apr 13, 2007
I am constructing a database where i need to transfer data from one sheet to another constantly. Assume I have column A in sheet 1 listed with names, and column B in the same sheet listed different dates and colume C in the same sheet displaying today's date.
Wht I want to do is when Dates in Column B has expired today's Date (13/4/2007 > 1/4/2007), I want the entire row transfer to Sheet 2 A3, with the original row in Sheet 1 deleted. If there are multiple rows in Sheet 1 expired, i want them transfered to Sheet 2 starting from A3, follow one another. The new data transfered to Sheet 2 will then be high-lighted in Red color.
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Jun 17, 2009
I have a database that holds client information in columns A through J. I need that data transfered to sheet 2 or 4 depending on what choice is picked from a validatin list I created in column K. The list is either "booked appointment", or "not interested." I would like "booked appointment" data to move to sheet 2, and "not interested" data to move to sheet 4.
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Feb 18, 2009
I have a button the brings a dialog box with a list box. on selecting a figure in the listbox and clicking 'OK' the figure is transferred to a cell in a worksheet.
The column under this cell has a formula with the result True/False. The autofilter then selects only 'True', and then should copy the active range to a new sheet, preferably named according to the value first selected.
It must be possible for the user to have several of these ranges copied to different sheets for printing purposes, which is not a problem as this already works with the code.
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Apr 11, 2009
I have a workbook with two sheets. The first sheet called "Master List" is a detailed product listing sheet for our use in the company that I would like to set up a script to copy only a few of the fields in the row into the next sheet. The second sheet is the "Estimate" sheet that then gets put together for the customer.
Since our estimator is not much of an Excel guy I am trying to make his life easier here. I created a column (A) in front of all the other data in the rows. If he puts an X in that field, then that row needs to selectively move to the other sheet. These estimates can have 50 rows so it takes him a long time to cut and paste. If my idea is not the best way to execute this, I'm all ears to the wisdom found here. I'm using the latest version of excel on Vista Ultimate.
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Jan 28, 2010
Hi excel masters, I have questions on how to built a macro to copy selected the data from one sheet (contains data) to a summary sheet, I used excel 2007.
The macro I want to run to achive those result:
The data on the data sheet listed similar like below:
in first column (contains name) as below,
in the summary sheet, I want to copy one particular name from datasheet to cell A17 and below, based on the the selection criteria I enter in cell B1.
For example, if I want to show xx in summary sheet, I input xx in cell B1, and run macro to list xx one by one from A17, A18, A19....
I need to macro to run to search entire list to include the value I selected.
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Dec 13, 2006
I have a file with various tabs One of them is called "database"
What I would like is for the "DATA"/"FORM" to automatically open when the sheet is clicked on
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Dec 31, 2013
I have an excel sheet which looks similar to below and with some more columns.
Area1Area1 Branch110Product 110
Area1Area1 Branch25Product 16
Area1Area1 Branch38Product 28
[Code] ......
I want to have data in other sheet With respect to Product details. Where It gives me the count of Product 1 and so on.
I am able to get the count using countif function and it displays like below.
Product Count
Product 16
Product 28
Product 34
Product 49
Product 510
Product 68
Product 78
Product 89
Product 97
Product 108
What I want is when I select "Product 1" It should display some selected columns data from sheet where complete data is available.
Branch Empolyees Other
Area1 Branch1 10 abc
Area1 Branch2 5 xyz
Area1 Branch5 7 pqr
Area2 Branch5 5 wxy
Which function we can use. I tried Vlookup but was not successfull.
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Apr 25, 2013
I'm trying to copy data from one sheet to another sheet automatically based on a number selected in a drop down control.
I have used OFFSET to pull some information successfully from a list. This is easy for me to do with single entries and a list and has worked well. I want to do similar but with a dataset not just single cells.
But, I can't seem to make OFFSET work to show a set of data easily.
Perhaps I will need VB code to do so? Or there is another control I'm not aware of? I've done very little with VB.
I'll attach a sample file to try to show better what I'm trying to do.
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Feb 28, 2014
Is there a way I can compare sheet 1 Column A, with sheet 2 Column A, and then move any duplicates from sheet 2 over to sheet 3.
For instance,
Employee Numbers that match in both sheet 1 and 2, remove that row from sheet 2 to and insert it into sheet 3.
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Apr 22, 2009
This may not be the best way to do this, but I don't know Macros or Pivot Tables.
I am looking for a way with formulas to do the following:
Within a workbook the 1st sheet is the data entry.
In another sheet that will total data from the data sheet is where I want to be able to total columns of data, depending on what is entered in one specific column:
Data Sheet, E2:E2999 is a unit number selcted by pull down tab entry.
G2:G2999 in the same sheet is where the data is.
Q: What formula would allow to total the data on the Total Sheet depending on what unit number is selected in column E on the Data Sheet and the data amount in column D from Data Sheet?
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Sep 19, 2013
I'm looking for the below requirement:
[Code] ..........
Required output....
[Code] ......
Need macro code to segregate the data...
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Mar 5, 2007
I have a workbook with 2 work sheets, when a row has "yes" typed into the "accepted bid" column I would like that row to be placed into the second sheet in the order in which it was entered "yes"
so, if on the first sheet a row, lets say row 10 had "yes" typed into it but row 10-15 on the second sheet had something in it already, the info would have to be placed in the next available row.
I have approximatley 20 rows on the first sheet and the ones that transfer to the second can just be added to it as needed.
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Jul 15, 2009
I need to know the function to move a named sheet to the end of the list so its the last sheet in the workbook. Worksheets("xxxx").Copy After:=Worksheets(?)
Im copying a worksheet and want to move the new sheet to the end but I dont know how to finnish it. I tried to do.
name3 = Worksheet.count + 2
Worksheets("xxxx").Copy After:=Worksheets(name3)
but I get an error and cant debug it.
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Sep 16, 2009
I have a sheet with 7 columns and approx 30 rows. I want the information within a particular row to be moved to another sheet if the value of the 7th column is equal to zero.
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Feb 18, 2010
I m moving one row at at a time when i double click on the row and that move to the Sheet2 as indicated in the attached WB.
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Dec 13, 2011
how to move info from one sheet to another in the same workbook? Sheet one has several columns, including company name. Sheet two has company name and phone number. Not all the companies on sheet two are on sheet one (1500 on sheet 2, 200 on sheet one), so a sort-cut-paste won't do it.
If the company name is on sheet one, I need for it to get the corresponding phone number from sheet two and put it in the phone number column on sheet one.
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Mar 27, 2008
i have a workbook that has a lot of sheets but i need to pull information from the one sheet "Veneer Log" i Need it to make new sheets with the same heading as on the "Veneer Log" (Rows 1 & 2) Sheet but it needs to be filtered by the "Product" Column (H) with a new sheet made for all the diffrent products i.e. Dimensional, Drywall, Corners - Thin V., Accents,..... so each product will have a new sheet with i am hoping someone can help me with this. This log changes Daily and it would be nice to have a sheet with only the same product on it to compare new orders so we can batch run. i hope i have given you enough information so someone can help me with this. i have attached a sample log the real log has about 10 worksheet for diffrent departments but i only need info from the Veneer Log Sheet.
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Jun 28, 2014
I currently have a sheet of 20,000+ items and 2 columns. My first column is an part number and the second is a date. Each part number can be show multiple times but will have a different date each time. What I want to do is that the first occurrence of each part number (and corresponding date) and put it in sheet 1, the second occurrence of each part number and date into cell 2, third in cell 3 and so on... not all part numbers are showing multiple times, only certain ones.
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Aug 14, 2014
So i have been working on this and i am so close. I need to make it so when you enter c in column J it will delete that row and move it to sheet 2 to the next available row. At this point i have it deleting the row and moving it over but it keeps using the same row and over writing the the lines already there. Here is what i have gotten so far.
[Code] ..........
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Nov 29, 2006
I'd like to write some code to do the following: When the first cell of the row contains an "Y", move the entire row to another sheet (in the same file), keeping in mind that this sheet already contains some rows (so add the row on the first empty row in the sheet). Afterwards the original sheet contains no longer any rows in which the first cell is filled with an "Y".
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Jan 6, 2012
I have this spreadsheet that is being used on a monthly basis, as the months goes by, I populate the current month with a downloaded data. My problem is, the current month is linked to a summary sheet. How do I update the Summary Sheet if, lets say last month Dec. 2011 I populated it last month with the SUmmary Sheet linked into it, then this month Jan. 2012, if I populate it, the Summary Sheet is still linked to Dec. not the current month Jan. 2012. Is there an easy way to "move" the SUmmary sheet as well as the months gone by? what I'm doing now is, I insert a new column in the column where the data is being linked, then copy/paste the data to the new column to preserve the numbers, then I overrite the current month download to the column where the SUmmary SHeet is being linked so that the SUmmary will be current. I find this process a bit manual and I should be watchful of the links because sometimes it doesnt work on the formula as I made the changes.
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Apr 30, 2009
Im looking to use this code to move the selected rows of a workbook over to a new worksheet in the sameworkbook. It works fine however for some reason it pastes the row over the last row.
how to modify it so it pastes the row on the first empty row?
Sub MoveSelectedRows()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim strSheetName, strCellAddress As String
strSheetName = ActiveSheet.Name
strCellAddress = ActiveCell.Address(False, False)
Sheets("Closed Projects").Select 'Change sheet name to whatever consolidated tab name is.
Range("A" & Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row).Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Range("A" & ActiveCell.Row).Select
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Also, as a side note, how do I put a prompt in so that once I press the button to move the row the user is prompted asking if they are sure they want to move the row? 'Are you sure you wish to move row X?' Yes/No.
If yes - run rest of script
If no - abort script
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Sep 27, 2006
There might be a really easy solution to this, I'm just having a tough time figuring it out. I have hyperlinks that link to cells on another sheet in the same workbook. I would like, after the cell is selected, for the selection to be positioned at the top of the sheet.
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Dec 27, 2007
I'm an intern working at an aerospace manufacturing house and I need to automate a lot of the excel files I created last summer.
Anyway, here is my problem:
I've been making macros but I am worried about people moving the worksheets around or changing their names which will have the potential to mess up the macros. What preventive measures can be taken/ changes in the code? I feel like there is something very simple I am missing.
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Jul 28, 2013
I have 2 sheet in Excel. Sheet1 I rename main page and Sheet2 I rename database. In my main page I use tab key to be moving from within 3 cells (B5,B6,B7) that are different to include data. How the data may be stored in sheet database. When we fill data in main page how to evacuate data to fill second data.
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