Number Left In A Fraction?

Aug 19, 2012

I am wanting to get a function that can get the number from a fractions left side only . 13/14 2/1 1/5 etc

Col A varies in lenght so using a right function doesnt always work .

The result i need is in col B .

Sheet1  AB1DataResult2Fred Swchensoncenson [R63] 57 (13) 13/14 $39.40133Bob Bill [R54] 65 (7) 2/1 $3.3024Patrick Patrick [R56] 65->63.5 (10) 1/5 $12.6015Le Le [R56] 65 (2) 6/6 $3.4066John Ringopeterpaulandmaryslambgoingupahill [R58] 65 (2) 1/1 $2.8017Gold Silverbronzmetalmedals [R61] 58.5 (5) 16/15 $33.90168Mr Mycardontrun [R59] 68 (4) 1/1 $6.701

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Fraction Converting To Whole Number?

Aug 28, 2013

I have copied from a website some data regarding steel weights, for example 1/16 .005 copies to one cell, when I try text to columns to separate the whole column and move the decimal .005 to the next column the 1/16 changes to 41290. The data copies quite well as HTML into Excel except for where a lone fraction value becomes a 5 digit number beginning with 41***. I can find no conversion calculator on the web to determine what's happening.

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Extract Fraction From Text Without Converting To Date Serial Number

Jul 16, 2009

I have a cell with the following text in it that is being imported from a website "5/1 Smith T win". What i want to do is extract the "5/1" part without it being in the format of a date. I want it to be extracted in the format "?/???". I have entered the following formula to extract the "5/1"

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HLookup Find Minimum Number In Row Then Return Left Most Number?

Mar 1, 2012

Items in Column A1 are calculated by (B2/4+5)*1.4 Items located under the columns 2000, 3000, 4000, etc... 10,000 are calculated by taking the top number, eg 2000/(A1 cell value)+the column B number. 2000/7+0 = 286 (rounded numbers)

I need to find an way to look up for x number (2000,3000,4000, etc...) find the smallest number in that column and then return the value in column A1.

A1 Number >2000300040005000600070008000900010000
70 2864295717148571000114312861429
84 24236148059971883795610751194


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Get The Number In The Column To Its Left

Mar 13, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with 3 columns. The first column has a list of numbers, the second column has a list of numbers, and the third column has a code, one of which is “IP”

I want to look up IP, when I find it I need to get the number in the column to it’s left, on the same row. Then I need to look up that number in the first column (which will be on a separate row). I then need to change the word in the third column of that row to “Kit”.

Col. A has numbers
Col. B has numbers, some of which are the same as in Col. A, but not in the same row
Col. C has a code, one of which is ‘IP’

I want to look for ‘IP’ in column C. When I find it, I want to get the number corresponding number from Col. B (same row), then look up that number in Col. A. (remember, Col. A and Col. B have some of the same numbers, they are just not in the same row).

When I find that number in Col. A, I want to change the code that is in Col. C, from that same row, to read “Kit”

Example: I find “IP” in Col. C. The coinciding number in Col. B is “4630.0”. I find that number in Col. A (one row down) and need to change the “CP” in Col. C to “Kit”.

Col. A Col. B Col. C
12345.0 46730.0 IP
46730.0 CP – (this needs to be changed to “Kit”)

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Move Text From Left To Right Of Number?

Apr 4, 2014

In a large database with a large portion of cells that contains a flag to the left of a number "<LD 2.0" what would be the quickest way to move the flag to the left of the number so that it reads "2.0 <LD". This seems like it should be simple to do. I would prefer not to have to use a second cell and formula to do the modification if that makes sense. I'd rather do a "Find and Replace" if possible.

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Left & Right Formula To Show Number Not/as Well

May 22, 2007

I have numbers in a cell such as 1/25, 4/31, 12/35 etc I have the current formula to extract the left or right number but when there is only a single digit it also includes the / is there a way of eliminating this.

The numbers vary from 1 to 2 digits.

My current formula is =IF(C15<18,LEFT(E8,2))+IF(C15>18,RIGHT(E8,2))

I only want it to show the number not the forward slash

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Pull Left Number From Text

Feb 13, 2008

In a1 i have 100.888 and a2 122.222 and a3 122.555UK,(and so on) in column b i want just want the number and not the uk, i have tried =left(a1,7) which works until a3 then it give me characters 122.555 and not the number/value 122.55. I need it as a value to use the vlookup, how do i do it?

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Searching For Left And Right Number In A String With Criteria

Dec 4, 2013

I have a table of data that I need to find the leftmost and rightmost number in that are greater than a specified number in another cell. I've attached a spreadsheet to show what I've got to work with.

I need to do this 1 row at a time and have the outcome in descending cells on the right hand side of the 2 example rows.

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Force LEFT Function To Recognize A Number?

Jul 29, 2009

Basically I have a phone number in column A:


In column B, I want it to show me the first 3 numbers from the left, (so 123)

So I do =LEFT(A2,3)

Which gives me 123, but it's displayed as text, which ruins my whole formula that looks up the area code and displays the state.

I googled the problem and found

which tells me to do:
=IF(LEFT(A1,1)=1,"Ignore",A1) [sees 1 as a number]
=IF(LEFT(A1,1)+0=1,"Ignore",A1) [sees 1 as a number]
=IF(LEFT(A1,1)="1","Ignore",A1) [sees 1 as text]

but when i try that it just displays the ENTIRE phone number: 123-456-1234

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Using 'left' Function To Take Out Number Upto A Certain Character

Aug 11, 2009

Pretty sure this has been asked but have searched the forum to no avail, but I need to extract the numbers from a value which has a letter on the end.

eg. 1000x I need to get out the 1000
or 2p I need the 2

I have sooooo many values ranging in numbers of digits, so just basic left(A1,2) won't work, I'm sure I've seen a search or find function but don't know how to use them!

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Left Formula Read Zero If In Front Of A Number

Jun 20, 2012

reading a zero number in a cell

here an example :

on Cell A1 = 01
on Cell B2 = 10

so I write at C1 the formula is =left(A1,1) but how come the number that comes out is 1 not 0 (zero) ?

but if I write at D1 the formula is = right(A1,1) the number comes out is 0 (zero)

how to make the formula that can read the zero in Cell C1?

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Increment Left Number In Alpanumeric Text

Apr 9, 2008

I have to put different ticket numbers for a company with some code. At present, I am manually copying and pasting data (which is too difficult as sometimes, tickets may be more than 300). So, suggest some easy way out, keeping in mind that I am new to Excel. I want this as output.

Company Name= New Horizons
Number of Tickets=1/300

Here, I want to increment number of tickets automatically like 1/300, 2/300, 3/300 till 300/300 and all the other entities like Company name and code should remain same. My rest of data remains same except number of tickets through out. I also have to print same data.

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Count 0 And Negitive Numbers Since Last Positive Number From Right To Left

Apr 28, 2014

I have attached an example. Basically I had this set up to calculate the row and give the answer at the end. But now I cant see the results without scrolling, so I want to move the answer fields to the C column and add new data into the D column while keeping all the data in the formula.

count 0 and negitive number cells since last positive number from right to left.xls‎

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Find MAX Value Based On LEFT Of A Number Of Cells With IF Statements?

May 21, 2014

Im trying to pull together a formula to achieve the below. What i have is a spreadsheet to be used by staff in different countries so im looking to make it easy to modify the categories used without the user needing to do anything complex with formulas.

The right hand side of my file (C:E) shows a code for each year we have covered a country with the year as a prefix (2014 - Blah). The left (A:B) is a summary showing the latest year we covered that country.

Current formula:

The current formula works fine if you set the columns to where the data actually is but for ease of use i need it to look at the data in rows 1:2 and match up the Continent/Country and then MAX the dates.

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Send Mail On Outlook Based On Number Of Days Left To Deadline?

Jun 28, 2014

I have an excel sheet with one column containing deadline dates. I want the excel sheet to take each day's date and subtract it from the deadline date. If number of days left is less than 60. Send a mail via outlook to the email against that column.

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Calculate Employee Vacation Accrual Rate & Number Of Days Taken/Left

Jun 18, 2009

Our office has a vacation days accrual policy based on number of years worked. We have a vacation days number, based on year of employment, the employee earns monthly. I need help with a worksheet, formulas, to document each employee, the year of employment they're in, # of days they have available based on the current month (which would need to add up automatically as the year progresses), then any days they request off, and finally a remaining balance of days left.

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Excel 2010 :: Shifting Cells Left And Then Up If Left Cell Is Blank?

May 8, 2014

I have a 2010 excel sheet containing 14 columns and 45082 rows in total. I am quite illiterate when it comes to writing macros but I know that what I need can be achieved with a set of codes.

To be more clear, I inserted two tables below. The first one represents the current data structure, and the second one is the way I want my data to look like.

Current data structure looks like
Variable 1
Variable 2
Variable 3


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Fraction In Formula Bar

Nov 4, 2011

How do I get a fraction to show as a fraction rather than decimal in the formula bar by formatting the cell as text.

For ex:

I have "-3/4" in a cell formated as "TEXT" I expect it to show "-3/4" in formula bar but it shows "-0.75".

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Autofill Formula To The Left (fill To The Left)

Feb 5, 2009

I am having trouble filling a formulae series to the left on one spreadsheet, the fomulae being references to another sheet.

For example, I have two sheets 'Mtce Options' and 'Base Case'. In 'Mtce Options' I have the following formulae

1='Base Case'!A15='Base Case'!D15='Base Case'!G15

I want to fill to the left, incrementing the column references by a factor of 2 each time, eg. next two should be ='Base Case'!J15 and ='Base Case'!M15.

However, if I autofill to the left by highlighting A1, B1 and C1 or just B1 and C1 all I get is an inappropriate reference such as ='Base Case'!D15 or ='Base Case'!F15, respectively, in D15.

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Combing 2 Cells Into 1 But Using A Fraction..

Nov 24, 2008

Im combing 2 cells into 1 but using a fraction..

I created 2 examples of what im trying to do..

A1 = 22
A2 = 11 3/4

=A1&"'-"&TEXT(A2,"# ?/?")&"''"

[b]22'-11 3/4"[b]

but when A2 = 11

i get this..

on excel it has some space between the 11 and '' but i cant show that here..

i would like the '' to be next to the 11. is there any way to do that?

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Decimal To Fraction (Inches)

Oct 28, 2008

Could someone please tell me what is wrong with this formula. I have been looking at it for so long, I can't even concentrate .....

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Converting Decimals To Fraction...

Sep 25, 2009

Can anyone help me with a code for converting decimal number to a nearest 1/16 th fraction. For example converting number 2.1875 to 2 3/16 and so on...Also if it is 2.5 it should display 2 1/2...

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Rounding Off To He Nearest Fraction

Sep 18, 2009

I write up job cards that require measurements in fraction form. Usually whenever i want to round off a figure , say 10/16, to 5/8, i right click on the figure and format cell it. However, this can be quite time consuming if there are multiple cells and are of a different breakdown.

What i would like to know if there's a shortcut way where when the 10/16 is in the cell, it automatically rounds off to the nearest fraction.

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Fraction Is Appearing As Decimal

Apr 13, 2007

I am joining two columns of data. first col. has size in fraction format: 7 3/8

second column has text string:



Changing fraction to decimal, needs to remain fraction.

I have played w/ the formatting to make Number w/ zero decimal places and then selected Fraction, but no luck there.

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Inches And Decimal Fraction

Jun 23, 2008

I am working on a simple calculater, what I want to do is figure sq. inches my problem is every thing I try the decimals won't calculate right,, this is a example of what I want to do

8.25x10.75= 81 sq"

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Format A Percentage With Fraction

May 13, 2009

Is there any way of formatting a cell to show a percentage with a fraction? For example, I'd like to show: 3 1/3%, 1 2/3%, 2 1/2%, etc.
I'm showing data to a client who will pull out his calculator and add up the decimals on his calculator and be unhappy that the numbers don't add up to 100%.

I can force the output by using TEXT() or multiple columns, but ideally, I'd like a custom format if possible.

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Rounding Down To The Nearest Fraction

Feb 27, 2004

I am trying to round a number down to the nearest 1/4". For example;

Round Down 8.80" to 8.75".

Is there any combination of Rounddown and Mround that will accomplish this?

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Pasting Fraction Turns Into Date

Feb 3, 2008

I am trying to paste in a decimal equivalent chart, loacted here:

which basically has a mixture of whole numbers and fractions, and how they equate in decimals.

When I paste this in, all the fractions turn into dates. So for instance 1/64 turns into Jan/64, and 1/32 is Jan/32. Now, I could go in and change each one, but I would like to know how to do this with cell format on the entire sheet....

I have tried to change the cell formats to "general" or "text" and of course fraction, but in this case, I have to go in and do each fraction cell individually. Now maybe I am being too lazy, and in the time it took me to look up my login information, and type this out, I likely could have re-done the worksheet, each cell individually, but I would like to know the way to fix this automatically.

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Using Numerator Of Range Of Fraction Values In VBA

Dec 15, 2013

I have created a "heat map" in VBA that takes fractional values and "ranks" them in 10 equal bands, then assigns a colour to each band. (Hopefully that made sense to you VBA experts out there)

However, I now want to look at the numerators of these fractions, rank these, and do something like "if the numerator is > x then proceed, else exit. Is there a way to reference these numerators directly? If so, is there a way to store them in some sort of array then take the max value too?

I've tried searching this and it seems like this should be a simple answer, but is there any way I can reference the numerator of a fraction in Excel? These cells will contain formulae; so they'll be E5/C5 for example.

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