Pad Cells To Fixed Length
Feb 19, 2007
I need to expand my columns to different character widths (fill with blanks) for an Import into an other program, I state the No. of characters in that column and Import. Trim does the complete opposite to what I require, does anybody know if the function exists and if so the syntax for it.
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Dec 1, 2009
I am trying to create a string of text that grabs info from other cells, which is easy so for example
would grab all the info from the 3 cells and merge them to create a string, but what I want to do is create a prefixed length.
Lets say A1, A2 and A3 would equal 10 characters in total but B1, B2 and B3 would equal 7 characters, these would be different lengths. so for a visual description I would like them to appear like this
At the moment
Would like
This would make both strings the same length and would make it easier for me to export to a custom file that needs a certain length prefix.
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Jul 20, 2012
I have 5 columns with data in each
I want to create a 6th column that looks to the columns on the left with data in ti and concatenates all data in the 5 columns and puts it into one cell in the 6th column however put a space between each break of data so that it can be distinguished which bit of data was in what column previously.
The challenge is the new 6th column can only contain 30 characters - When it exceeds 30 characters then create a 7th column and put the rest of data in the 7th column, again the 7th column can only have 30 characters so if exceeds this then put the remaining characters in a 8th column
There will never be more than a total of 90 characters in the original 5 columns so there will only need to be scope for a maximum of 3 additional columns
So for example
Column A had two words in it that totaled 20 characters (the space between the two words is also counted as a character)
Column B had two words in it that totaled 20 characters (the space between the two words is also counted as a character)
Column C had a word that contained 10 characters
Column D had a word that contained 5 characters
Column E had a word that contained 10 characters
Then the result would be
Column F would only have the data originally held in Column A (because it can't include Column B's data as this would exceed the 30 characters)
Column G would have data that was originally held in column B and column C - with a space between B and C data
Column H would have data that was originally held C, D and E - with a space between C, D and E data
Another point to consider is if in one of the orginal 5 columns had say 3 words in it and lets say the 3rd word is the word that exceeds the 30 character limit, then the whole of the third word is to be carried oved to the next new column, I can't have words cut in hlaf with one half in Column 'F' and the other half in Column 'H' for example.
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Apr 15, 2014
I am using the code below to import a fixed-length text file into Excel. As the macro is written, it imports starting at the first line of the text file. How do i tell it to start importing at line 1000 and above?
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Feb 23, 2014
I am attempting to modify VBA code from [URL] .....
The section of the code I want to modify is below dealing with importing selective text. The original function returned a "False" if the line contained a keyword specified in the Array function. I have reworked it so that it shows a "True" if the line contains a keyword specified in the Array function.
My only problem is that it only does it when the keyword appears in the beginning of the line, as it uses the "Left" operator in looking at line. How do I configure the function so that it returns a "True" if the keywords appears anywhere in the line?
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Sep 2, 2006
Attached is a sample of my challenges.
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Mar 27, 2014
I've set up a filing system which saves sheets/ workbooks based on the value of a cell - Range("B1") Everything works great apart from when ThisFile String length exceeds 31 characters which you may know is the max useable character length for a sheet name - I had no idea! 8-0
Is there a way i can check if string length exceeds 31 characters then, if it does, shorten it to 31 characters?
[Code] .....
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Apr 18, 2014
how to make the cell be with fixed symbol or letter, means that one write 5 only as example then the cell will be 5m ??
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Sep 4, 2012
How to create a code formula to calculate the arc length from a given chord length?
If you know the radius of the major circle.
Say the chord is 50mm and major circle dia is 72mm (radius 36mm)
arc from chord.jpg
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Jan 9, 2010
My worksheet contains data with the reaction times on a psychological test. Each respondent in the test has 280 rows in my excel sheet.
The 'perfect' length of the row, is from A to M. When an error is made in the test, the length of the row will increase. So the error length can be A to AA.
For me it is important to analyse the error. So I would like to give a perfect row length, the value 1, and an error row length a value 2.
So, in conclusion:
Cell length = A1 - M1? --> Copy A1 B1 C1 (A B Cof that row) to Sheet3, and give D1 in sheet 3 the value 1
Cell length >= A1 - M1? --> Copy A1 B1 C1 (A B C of that row) to Sheet3, and give D1 in sheet 3 the value 2
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Mar 6, 2009
I have a larger data file (120,000+ rows). Each row has one column for date and another for time. Basically, I need to add 6 hours to all time entries, but also change the date accordingly.
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Aug 25, 2006
How do I define a " Range Name" that is fixed? So if I insert a row above the range it has no effect on the orginal range.
IE: Range Name "MyRange" = A10:A100
I insert a new row at A4 then "MyRange" = A11:A101
I want it to stay at A10:A100.
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Apr 15, 2008
My sales spreadsheets have a column which is turned to 100% when the order comes in (i.e. when the salesman gets it in his commission). I have applied conditional formatting to turn the whole row green when this happens (for ease of seeing which orders are in)
We also have a cell for the Purchase Order "number" (as these come from the customer, these can be a straight number sequence - "12345" or a mix of letters and numbers - "ABC12345"). My boss would like this cell to be red if the "order in" column is at 100%, but there is no PO number.
However, when I put in the formatting:
(1) =$K$15=1 (to turn the row green)
(2) Cell Value is equal to 0 (to turn the cell red)
it will apply (1) no problem, but will only apply (2) if (1) is false. (i.e. if (1) is true, the whole row goes green, with no red in the PO box.)
If I switch them round (i.e. have (2) first), then I get the formatting that I want (i.e. green row with a red box), but if (1) is false, I still get a red PO box.
What I need is a way of only applying (2) if (1) is true. (or any other way of only making the PO box red if the order is 100% but there is no PO number)
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Mar 10, 2009
How can I shift the range of cells I want to calculate an average from? For example I want to get the average of cells A1 to A10, so =AVERAGE(A1:A10) And next I want to get the average of cells A11 to A20, so =AVERAGE(A11:A20). But I don't want to manually change the data or delete rows all the time.Is it possible to do something like: =average(A1+10:A10+10)??
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Dec 19, 2012
I have attempted to alter this example to simply check if the cells are not blank by replacing the "X" with "<>", but I get errors in the SMALL function--it looks like the IF statement is just returning an array with all of the values set to FALSE, and none of the values in the array call out a location of the next filled cell.
How could you alter your fixed XLSX file to check for non-blank cells instead of "X" specifically?
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Nov 30, 2011
I have been using this code below to replace any blank cells with the number 0 but recently I have encountered an error if the format of the cell is a string.
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Value = "0"
Is there a way to change this so it looks at the length of the cell, if the length of the cell is 0 then set the value = 0?
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Nov 24, 2006
I know the formula =LEN(A1) to get the number of characters within a cell - however is there a way to count the number of cells within a range that have a length > X (lets say 50).
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Dec 13, 2007
I need to write a Excel VBA (2003) code that can arrange the cells of one column based on the character length. An example is this:
Column Data before Running VBA
(Column A)
Column Data after Running VBA
(Column A)
I been doing this manually by using the LEN() command in an adjacent column (Column B) and sorting Column A. based on Column B. However, I wish to do this all in a VBA code that does not rely on how many rows are in Column A. I have dozens of excel sheets with various number of rows for Column A. Therefore, the VBA code has to also figure out when the last non-empty row is in Column A. Can anyone offer their suggestions to my problem?
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Aug 17, 2007
Is there a way to change the text in a cell to proper apart from 2/3 letter words which I want to keep as upper? Basically can it ignore all words that are 2 or 3 letters long, but change all other words to proper text?
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Jun 16, 2009
I created a macro on an Excel spreadsheet:
Sub Macro1()
Selection.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00)"
Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00%"
Selection.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00)"
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=24
Selection.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00)"
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=57
End Sub
When the macro is run, it works with the exact amount of data that I've entered.
However, because I have specified a specific range, if I add a row or column of data to the spreadsheet and run the macro again, it throws the whole thing off (certain cells get formatted when they shouldn't and others aren't formatted)
How do I tell the macro to look in the spreadsheet for varying ranges of data and format those cells?
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Jun 25, 2009
making a macro that will scan for duplicates, length & empty cells.
I have the sample file below that does conditional formatting but it doesnt help as much because I want to show the reason for the highlight's on a comment instead.
sample file : [url]
file that might help out: [url]
checks would be:
column A - duplicates and/or length should not be over 100 characters
column B - duplicates
column F - should only contain 2 comma's(or 3 keywords)
all columns - check if no entries are found(empty cells)
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Apr 19, 2007
I have multiple columns with many rows of unique text in each. Here is an example of what the 1st few rows of column a and b might look like:
I would like to be able to sort the rows by the character length in a column. So, it would look like this (if sorted by 1st column):
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Oct 12, 2009
I have a summary page that includes the titles for each tab within the excel 2003 workbook. I want to use the names of the tabs in the summary page and create it into a formula to lookup fixed cells within the various tabs. Sorry for not uploading an excel doc but I was at work earlier and the thread did not load for some reason, so I am reposting it.
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Jan 18, 2014
Excel 2010. I need to place picture into one cell or one big merged cell, as a background fill. picture must resize to size of cell. must be fixed in, not in front. i still need write into that cell, so it needs to be really background.
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Apr 18, 2009
I want to be able to copy a name from one sheet (Available Players), paste it to a cell in another sheet (Round 1 through Round 20). The cell that will be copied is fixed but the place where it will be pasted will be different and may be on a different sheet.
also i would like to change the color of the copied cell to "greyed" out or cut if it can not be greyed out. I have created a button and put in a macro that i created but have been having problems with it, generic 1004 errors that i can not figure out. i am attaching the document.
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Feb 12, 2013
I have a workbook with multiple sheets that I need to print.
Is there a way to create a fixed print area within which you can mess around with formatting without extending or shrinking the print area?
I have tried adjusting the margins settings so that they are all the same, but this does nothing to keep a fixed print area.
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Dec 14, 2013
For instance I have a formula such as =sum(A1:A9). But imagine that the range is not always till row 9 but depends on the total number of rows that are in the table. How can I change that 9 so that it takes a number equal to the total rows in the table?
The final formula I want is not that simple one. It is actually
I want to change 1047 by the relevant number of rows. Also, I do know how to do it in VBA, but I have a problem with the length of the formula there (not that one, but other bigger than that)
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Mar 20, 2009
I'm trying to calculate the Depreciation of the fixed asset for some items. I've tried the formulas that came with Excel but i don't know its not working or not give the correct value
so I attached a file as an example what I'm trying to have is
1- straight line method along the asset life
2- salvage must be ( 1 )
3- if the purchase date is equal to or before the middle of the month (14-15/02/2004) so the start of depreciation have to start from the beginning of the current month ( Feb) but if the date excess the day 15 ( 16/02/2004) the middle of the month , the the depreciation must start from the next month.
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Jul 22, 2009
I'm trying to create a vb to get all columns on my sheet to have a fixed width.
If I run my sub all columns go back to the set width. But I want the width to reset when the width is changed.
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Jan 5, 2010
I have open a workbook and copy the data from that workbook to another workbook.
Here the problem is workbook name is not fixed. How to oepn that workbook.
I used the belwo statement but giving error "no file name"
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