Passing Word Variable To Excel In Office 2010
Apr 2, 2013
I'm trying to pass a variable from Word to Excel. Basically I have a Word document with a plain text content control in it. I'll have users populate this field. I know how to create a reference to that content contol in Word VBA that'll tell me what's in that content control (eg.
MyWordVar = ActiveDocument.ContentControls(1).Range.Text
What I can't figure out is how to pass the value of "MyWordVar" to a variable in Excel.
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Oct 29, 2013
How come in 2013 there does not seem to be an option to "save as" an earlier version of Excel, specifically 2010?
I opened up something from work (2010) at home (2013) and must have refined it (nothing complicated or fancy that 2010 can't do!)
Now it won't open up at work and tells me to reopen and save as the old version.But 2013 won't let me.
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Apr 7, 2012
I have never used VBA in word before, so I am assuming I am making it more complicated than it needs to be. I have a macro that stores 20 excel values as variables, then opens up a word document. I want to replace values in word with my values in excel. I keep getting an error with the replace part. I do not want to use bookmarks or mail merge. MSWord is a reference in excel VBA.
Code that stores excel variables (Example: Var1=Data1 and Var2=Data2)...
'Opening up the correct word document
Dim WdApp As Object, WdDoc As Object
Set WdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
WdApp.documents.Open ThisWorkbook.Path & "" & Range("D1").Value & ".doc"
WdApp.Visible = True
[Code] ..........
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Sep 13, 2013
What is the formula for Excel 2010 if I have a text in a cell:
CM/62 Charge MTS/7/5/2013 000
CM/72 Non-Cash Adj MSC/7/3/2013 A15
CM/1542 Charge ADM/6/24/2013 S28
CM/63610 Charge MIS/7/5/2013
CM/527 Non-Cash Adj MSC/7/8/2013 S
CM/1542 Charge ADM/6/24/2013 S2
CM/5623 Charge LTE/7/24/2013 000
CM/1610 Rentup MAF/7/1/2013 S21
I need to get the result for word: MTS, MSC, ADM, LTE, MAF
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Feb 20, 2012
i have Office 2010 and an Excel sheet that I need to use as the source in a Word Email merge.
I am trying to avoid the user having to open Word & run the Merge manually by providing some code in Excel to perform the task & create the emails.
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Nov 8, 2012
I have a long bit of code that at one point saves a Word document and then saves it again with a new name and the old (legacy) .doc extension.
This all works find when the user is running Office 2007. However, it errors out for using Office 2010. The reference libraries are all correct (as far as I know).
Dim myDoc As Word.Document
Dim saveAsName as String
saveAsName = "some text here" + ".doc"
myDoc.SaveAs fileName:=(saveAsName), FileFormat:=wdFormatDocument
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Apr 29, 2014
i have done in Word VBA successfully (basically, change the Style for a certain number of lines):
Dim myRange As Range
Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Range(ActiveDocument.Range.Start, ActiveDocument.Range.Start)
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Feb 19, 2013
I have a word template that gives a popup when started for the user to fill out. At present this is okay, but it is hard to maintain. So what I want is to be able to add all needed information in Excel - since our tools have the possibility to export my needed info to this.
I have a spreadsheet in Excel 2010 named 'Input TR'. This info I want in the popup macro in word. When choosing name from a dropdown menu - I want Excel to give me the choices instead of having it in the coded macro. After I have choosen the name - I want the product belonging for this name in the 'Product/Service:' dropdown menu, e.g Test 1 will give the value 1...5. (I will only be able to choose one of them)
Today - everything is coded in the word2010 macro, and thus difficult to maintain.
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Sep 6, 2013
I have a word docx embedded within my spreadsheet .
Both are on Office 2010 versions and I have named the embedded word doc
docx = CCPBlank (named range)
sheet = Support Data
I want to open the word doc from within the spreadsheet from a user form I already have created for other module calls.
Any simple VBA code to open the embedded docx?
I have looked a previous posts and not sure they are suitable. I have embedded the docx as I want to ensure only that empty version is opened each time. It also means I only have to send one file (xlsm).
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Jun 5, 2014
I am trying to take multiple tables from a Word document and import them into an Excel worksheet. Currently I have found two versions that when combined, could yield what I am looking for. The first one imports the table's data from Word, but does not maintain formatting of the table (font, colors, rows/columns etc.):
The next code maintains formatting, but only imports/pastes one table:
[Code] .........
For the second one, I do not like the fact that it is calling a specific Workbook to paste into. If I could somehow maintain the ability to import/past multiple tables while keeping formatting that would be perfect. An extra bonus would be to import each table within the Word document into individual Worksheets in Excel. I am also using Office 2010.
References: [URL] .........
VBA - How to preserve source formatting while copying data from word table to excel sheet using VB macro? - Stack Overflow
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Dec 19, 2013
I have a single work book with 8 sheets (I am using Excel 2010 BTW) and I am trying to find a total of times a word appears across all the sheets in column "C"
I found this formula on another thread. =SUM(COUNTIF(INDIRECT("Sheet"&{1,2,3}&"!C1:C1000"),"="&H3)) with an example. I made the changes that I needed for my purposes
This worked but only after I renamed the sheets to Sheet1, Sheet2, etc.
Is there a way get the same results from the above formula if all the sheets are named after our reps? Example: sheet1 is named Dan, Sheet2 is Nick, etc?
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Aug 28, 2012
I work with a team of users that are continually publishing reports in Word that contain charts and graphs copy and pasted from Excel into Word 2010.
We have a custom script that leverages a PDF engine to automatically convert .doc files to .PDF files that we distribute electronically to our clients. This all works great, but only if all my users select 'paste special' and Enhanced Metafile Format when adding their excel charts into our reports. Most of these people aren't tech savvy, and I'm havin ga hell of a time getting them to follow this workflow and am hoping there's a way in Office 2010 to select the default paste from excel into word when the content is a chart.
It seems like the default paste from excel is an embedded chart/graph that you can then further manipulate each component of the chart in Word; the default doesnt' paste an actual image. I am assuming the pdf renderer is using a lower resolution .PNG version of the image and when these are scaled for print and or pdf, they look like crap.
Is htere anyway I can automatically change the default paste format for the chart from excel into word to be an EMF/EMV (enhanced metafile?) Either thorugh the registry or some other saveable setting?
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Mar 13, 2012
I need to return a value dependent on a few criteria. Type will be selected via a drop down and then it must lookup the same type in the top row and then the value which will be between two values and then return the grade on the far left.
I am using Excel 2010 on Win 7
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Jan 4, 2014
I am working with Excel 2010 and I have a problem that I can't seem to figure out. I am trying to find the first nonzero cell and begin an average function from that cell and down through 29 rows (a total of 30 rows).
Sub average()
FinalRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row
For I = 3 To FinalRow
If Cells(I,3).Value 0 Then
'I use the above to identify the first nonzero cell
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "average(........)
This is where I am stuck, I don't know how to code the first nonzero (which can change with different data) cell and average rows below it.
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Jul 25, 2012
I have the following code in 'ThisWorkbook':
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Call Meetdata
End Sub
It calls this macro which is in a standard module:
Public firstvariablename As String
Public secondvariablename As String
Sub Meetdata()
regionname = InputBox("Enter the name of the Region.", "Region Name: North, South, East, West")
meetdate = InputBox("Enter the date of the Meet.", "Date of Meet")
End Sub
This set-up should make the variables available to all the other macros in the workbook. I have two other macros that need to use the values stored in these two variables that are entered into the two 'InputBox' statements. These two macros are in the same module and follow the 'Meetdata' sub. When I run the first macro, it recognizes the variables. When I run the second macro for some reason the variables are not recognized. To test the values returned by the variables, I placed the following code at the end of the first macro and again at the beginning of the second macro .
MsgBox(firstvariablename & " " & secondvariablename)
At the end of the first macro, the MsgBox returns the correct values stored in the variables which means that when the macro completes its run, the variables still hold their values. When I run the second macro with the MsgBox at the beginning, the Msgbox returns a blank. Somehow, the variables have been re-set to a null value. I can't figure out why the variables have been re-set to null. [URL]
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Jan 30, 2010
I am using the following code to open a userform. Once the userform is open, the user has the option to choose a continue button or a cancel button. If the user is choosing continue, the code is not working (it always skips to the "else" portion of my "if" statement. I can't figure out why it is doing this.
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Mar 11, 2013
Dim lngrow As Long.
i want the above variable to hold the value of endxlup . so for example :
lngrow = Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)
Why doesnt it hold the # of the last cell with data in column A ?
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Dec 23, 2007
My code defines a variable: newrow. Then I call a subroutine using the Call command.
The subroutine does not recognize newrow.
It says it has value zero. How can I pass the value of newrow on to the subroutine.
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Oct 22, 2006
I have two open workbooks, each having a single worksheet which includes a command button. The VBA code for each button performs tasks on its worksheet, then activates the other (inactive) workbook. I want to set the value of a variable in the button_click code in Workbook1 before activating Workbook2, and then use the value of the variable in the button_click code in Workbook2.
Declaring the variable as 'Public' doesn't work because the variable scope remains within its own workbook project. I must use two workbooks rather than two worksheets in one workbook.
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Dec 3, 2013
I am using the above formula in my code with two Named Ranges
Set Rng3 = Range("_NamedRng1").Offset(1, 0)
I want to set the range $B$49:$F$49 in my code and I have tried the above, but it does not work.
I want to allow for the fact my end user may insert rows so do not want to use $B$49:$F$49
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Aug 20, 2014
I have a userform that is called within a sub in module. I declared a public string, "divisonb", in the module. When the userform's ok button is clicked, I define the public string through a "select case" method.
At the end of the private sub for the ok button click I have this:
a message box comes up with the correct string for divisonb. After the sub ends and it returns to the module I have the following:
[Code] ....
When this message box pops up, it is blank. Somehow, divisonb was redifined as blank within that 2 lines of code. All my other public strings are returned to the module with their correct values.
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Nov 25, 2008
I have some code in which I need to pass the value of "j" from one module to another. "j" is declared in Sheet1 (Data) under the Microsoft Excel Objects.
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Nov 25, 2008
This might be a dumb question but is it possible to pass a boolean variable as a parameter to another function?
I have the following code that produces some compile error ("expected ="):
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Aug 12, 2009
I am trying to pass a variable called "Filter" from a Private Sub to a Module but keeping coming up with a zero value in the Module. I tried to make the variable Global but that didn't seem to work.
Private Sub Code as follows:
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Mar 6, 2009
I have a spreadsheet that has several buttons on that run code using the cells around the code for parts of the data. eg
ColumnA1 ColumnB1 ColumnC1 Button1
ColumnA2 ColumnB2 ColumnC2 Button2
I want the buttons to run a seperate piece of code to start, but then all buttons run a similar piece of code at the end. I am hoping to be able to pass a variable from the first piece of code each button runs into the section of code that all share (which I have done as a seperate macro)
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Aug 8, 2006
I've been trying to pass a variable from the OnChange- event on one sheet to a macro located in module one, but it seems I cant (or havent figured out how anyway). Anyone knows how to do it? The code here give me the error "RefreshSetup(WhatSheet) cannot be found"
Alternativly, maybe someone can come up with a better solution on my entire problem. 3 sheets with webquery. All should be handled in the same way (copy-pasting only), but source and destination-sheet differs. My big problem is if two queries are done at the same time, they conflict with eachother, and data from one query is copied on to the wrong sheet.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Running Then
RunWhen = Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1)
WhatSheet = "HtmlTmp"
Application.OnTime RunWhen, "Module1.RefreshSetup(WhatSheet)"
RunWhen = Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 3)
WhatSheet = "HtmlTmp"
Application.OnTime RunWhen, "Module1.RefreshSetup(WhatSheet)"
End If
End Sub
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Apr 3, 2007
I'm trying to pass a vector with in Strings (words) to a VBA variable, but something is not working.
That's how I'm writing: ...
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Jan 23, 2013
I've defined a number of variables in my spreadsheet. When I want to use one I type "=variablename" and 'm presented with a list menu.jpg
In the above example, I have several variables starting with the word "Harvard" (a town, not the university :-)
How do I select one of these without having to double click with the mouse.
Up and down arrows allow me to highlight an item but I cannot find a keystroke that allows me to select the highlighted item. Instead I have to lift my hand off the keyboard and use the mouse.
Excel 2010
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Jun 10, 2013
I would like to ask the user if when the name the worksheet the same as an already existing spreadsheet tabe if they would like to overwrite it or unload the user form.
I am not sure of two things:
1. how to find the already existing tab?
2. Once I find out how do I programatically delete it, so the code can continue
The code below works with the exception of the last section (trying to achieve the questions stated above).
I am using Excel 2010.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If TextBox1.Value = blank Then 'Need name for processing
MsgBox ("Name must not be blank.")
Exit Sub
End If
If Len(TextBox1.Value) > 12 Then
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Jul 17, 2013
I am after tips on creating a macro in Excel 2010 where it will search a list of folder paths in a column on a spreadsheet and insert a jpeg within the sheet from that folder if it exists. If more than one jpeg exists i would like it to insert the first jpeg only. i have found tips where it will insert images if you know the filename, however I don't have this luxury as file naming routines vary from folder to folder the only constant is that the file is a .jpg format.
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