Pivot Table With Multiple Datasets?

Mar 12, 2012

I have a list of people whose direct reports have either completed or not completed a task at work, and there are four tasks. The records look like this (I've removed the direct report's name, which is to the left):

Manager NameTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Mickey SmithCompleteCompleteCompleteCompleteDanny Ledbetter
IncompleteIncompleteCompleteCompleteDanny LedbetterCompleteCompleteCompleteIncompleteMickey SmithCompleteCompleteCompleteIncompleteMickey SmithCompleteCompleteCompleteIncompleteMickey SmithIncompleteCompleteCompleteIncompleteDanny LedbetterCompleteCompleteCompleteComplete

I want to pivot the data so that for each manager I can see the % who completed Task 1, the % who completed Task 2, etc. preferrably in a horizontal format.

So, I can get this easy enough for the first task:

Count of Task 1Column LabelsRow LabelsCompleteIncompleteGroup 1Danny Ledbetter67%33%Mickey Smith75%25%

However to the right of this I want the results for Task 2, 3, and 4. The best I can do is the following:

Column LabelsCompleteIncompleteRow LabelsCount of Task 1Count of Task 2Count of Task 1Count of Task 2Danny Ledbetter67%67%33%33%Mickey Smith75%75%25%25%Grand Total71%71%29%29%

The results for Task 2 are incorrect. I've tried % of Row, % of Parent Row, and all the other calculations, and can't seem to get it. I've also tried putting the fields in the Column Labels box, the Values Box, etc.

I can even get this if I put the SumValues field in the Row Labels, which yields a vertical result, but still, the values are incorrect (Mickey has 100% completion under Task 2):

Column LabelsRow LabelsCompleteIncompleteDanny LedbetterCount of Task 167%33%Count of Task 267%33%Mickey SmithCount of Task 175%25%Count of Task 275%25%Total Count of Task 171%29%Total Count of Task 271%29%

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Merge 3+ Datasets With Identical Structure To Summarize Content By Pivot Table

Jun 11, 2014

I have several data sets that that have the same column headers (product portfolio data, split by categories into different workbooks) and the same structure and want to merge them to create summaries in a pivot table that I can slice the way I need to look at the data (e.g., by "Category 1" level, "Category 2" level, etc..). The messy way would be to just copy/paste all data in one master set and then create one pivot from it. The problem is that this a) takes a lot of time since I have several data sets and b) the content of these data sets is constantly changing, so I would need to constantly update the master data set by replacing updated sub sets.

I was hoping that I can use PowerPivot for that which is apparently not the case - as I understand PowerPivot is only being used to link data sets that contain a column with an identical key to then basically do on a larger scale what a vlookup would do. Is there a way to do this with PowerPivot?

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Adjust Column Label Selection Multiple Pivot Tables Based On One Pivot Table

Aug 16, 2013

I have a pivot table in the first sheet which includes the field "Date" as a column label.

In the remaining sheets, except for one, there are pivot tables based on the same underlying dataset which also include the field "Date" as a column label.

I would like to adjust the selection (i.e., exclude some dates) from the column label in the first sheet and see if it is possible to make the same adjustments automatically to the pivot tables in the remaining sheets as well.

note that the field "Date" is used as a Column label, i.e., it is not a Report filter.

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Months To Be Sorted In Ascending Order In Pivot Table, Want To Use Multiple Colors In Pivot Charts

Sep 18, 2008

My input data for Pivot table has a column named "Month". The month values are like April 07, April 08, Nov07 in random order for period between Jan 07 to Aug 08.

When I create a pivot Table, this column is sorted alphabetically (April 07 is followed by April 08) but I need it to be sorted in the ascending order with respect to month (April 07 is followed by May 07).

I further use this data to plot a Pivot Chart. There is another issue here. I want to use separate colors for each series. I do not know how to achieve above 2 things.

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Pivot Table Based Off Multiple Pivot Tables

Sep 5, 2006

Is it possible to create pivot table from another multiple pivot table.

Example: I have two diff pivot table "Income" and "Expense" as well
and I need to preapare new pivot table using with those two pivot table

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Graphing Multiple Y-axes Datasets ($, %) On Same X-axis (years)

Mar 6, 2009

I have the theoretical set:

year $ %
2003 100 10
2004 120 20
2005 145 30
2006 205 40
2007 300 50

Could I make the year the X-axis and make 2 y-axes on the same graph in excel that each datasets would be correlated to (eg. for money it'd be from 0 to 300 while for percent it'd be from 0 to 50)

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Excel 2010 :: Pivot Table Reference Is Not Valid When Moving Data And Pivot Table Together?

Mar 19, 2013

On a worksheet, I created:

- a list of data
- a pivottable based on these data

When moving this worksheet this worksheet to another workbook, the pivot table can't refresh anymore. This throws an error message "Reference is not valid". To work around this problem I need to adapt the datasource. The same occurs if the list and the pivot table are on separate sheet, with the added strange behaviour that, when data an PT are split, it is not possible to move both sheet together.

This would not be a big issue if my problem had to be solved manually. The real problem is that I need to move the sheets from a C# program.

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Using Multiple Filter For Pivot Table

Aug 2, 2012

I have a huge excel file. This file contains Projects, Project Manager, departments and sales for different quarters. Each department has sales and the quarter the sale was done. Now I want to create a pivot table where I can see the sales for each quarter for each project or each project manager. Attached file may elaborate the problem. ShaA1.xlsx

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Pivot Table With Multiple Columns

Jun 28, 2007

How do I create a pivot table with multiple data columns? My fixed asset software will not let me create a report to list multiple months/ quarters. I've created a spreadsheet that I can dump each month into, but I'd like to be able to sort by G/L acct or Department. When I try to create a pivot table, I can't get it to accept each month as a data field. Ive attached a copy of the spreadsheet that I'm using & the report that I'd like it to look like.

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Multiple Pivot Table Graphs

Jul 20, 2007

see attachment.

I am looking a macro that will create as many graphs as there are counties (column a) in the data range (A4:N89 for this example). There could be a maximum of ~3000 counties, which would place the data range at roughly excel's limit (A4:N65000).

In any case, the graphs would take data from column F and look like the 3 graphs i have provided in the attachment. The graphs are simply graphing share for the top 25 lenders in each county. So, for example, Texas contains 254 counties--I would like a macro that creates 254 graphs, one next to the other, starting at cell O4 through column IV4 and then repeating at O22 through column IV22 and so on, until all the graphs for each county in the data range are created.

Also, would it be possible, just as in the attachment, for the macro to change the color of the data bar associated with a particular lender, in this case JPMORGAN CHASE BANK? In the attachment, I made the three bars associated with JPMORGAN CHASE red. If there is a county in which this particular is not in the Top 25, then all of the bar colors in the graph remain blue.

Would it be possible to do the exact same (macro that graphs off the pivot table) but include the data for the Top 25 Totals, Non-Top 25 Totals, and the County Total?

In other words, the graphs would look exactly as they do now, but, for example, the first graph would contain data from F5:F32 rather than just from F5:F29. Furthermore, the graph's axis label would pull from C5:C29 AND B30:B31 AND A32.

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Pivot Table From Multiple External Worksheets

Jul 25, 2014

Is there a way to create a pivot from multiple external worksheets. I have the same format and field names in different folders on our network. I am proabably looking at reading from 5 different files. Is it an option to write a query with UNION ALL?

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Pivot Table - Add Multiple Fields To Values Tab

Jan 3, 2014

I was wondering if it were at all possible to add multiple columns to the values portion of a pivot table at once, instead of individually dragging. When you click on them, it auto-sends them to Row Labels, which I don't want. I have a bunch of colums I want to add to Values and don't want to waste a bunch of time dragging them individually.

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Creating Pivot Table From Multiple Sheets

Jan 15, 2014

I am trying to create a single pivot table using data from multiple sheets (one per month). I am trying to summarise the headcounts (count of assignment number) by month in a single table and then be able to select single months/areas or combination of months/areas in the same way as a single sheet pivot table. I have managed to get the table part way there but it’s not counting the assignment number and my Jan data is not appearing (see attached). How do I fix this? (I have only used 5 months of year in example due to the large file size) Alternatively is there a different or better way to this other than pivot table?

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Make Multiple Name Show Up Only Once In Pivot Table?

Mar 27, 2009

In the attached file (xlsx) under 'Database' Tab poeple have indicated their preferences (multiple choices) for different food items "specialties". The specialties are grouped under broader buckets called "groups". The specialties are bucketed into groups in a way that people end up more than once in each specialties and groups due to their muliple selections. When we create a pivot by specialties (Pivot Specialties tab), each person appears only once for each specialty...it's great. But, when we create a "group" pivot (each group has multiple specialties), now, people appear more than once for each group. Is there a way, each person can show up only once under each group so the group count does not appear to be misleading?

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Elegant Way To Create Multiple Pivot Table?

Jun 11, 2014

I am currently trying to create a multiple pivot tables in one sheet. The current formula to make a single pivot table that i am using is



The current problem i have is... i need to Dim PT01 as pivottable, Dim PT02 as pivottable, Dim PT03 as pivottable and so on.... Repetition is not good!

and secondly,the total pivot table is not constant each week. During busy week, i need to create 8 pivot table and in a slow week, it can go down to 5.

See below of my current formula...

[Code] ....

How to create pivot table in a better way?

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Sort Multiple Columns - Use Pivot Table?

May 14, 2012

I need to put a worksheet together that has multiple columns that I can then sort in order (on any one columns that affects each row together) in "vehicle type".

I want to set it up so the full listing can be sorted top to bottom in colour or then click sort to sort in MAX SIZE and or again sort in SPEED. (So sort in Alpabetical order or by value).

I havent used pivot tables before and assume its the best way. I dont want to use the filter system to sort as its too clumsy for the end user.

sort>sort>sort>sort>VEHICLECOLOURSMAX SIZESPEEDA9brown50100PRONTObrown100110VELICITOgreen200120

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VBA To Select Multiple Items In Pivot Table

Jun 21, 2012

I'm trying to write a macro to select the multiple sets of the same data for several PIVOT tables. I've tried Slicers but it seems that this takes up too much processing power and always times out.

My workaround is to do a macro that picks out the said data, however when i do the below, plus another 4-500 lines i get told that there are too many line continuations

ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable6").PivotFields( _
"[Postal District].[Postal District].[Postal District]").VisibleItemsList = _
Array("[Postal District].[Postal District].&[AB11]", _
"[Postal District].[Postal District].&[AB12]", _

[Code] ...

What I'm looking to do is express all the postcodes in one line or at least multiple post codes in one go, this is what I've tried:

"[Postal District].[Postal District].&[AB12].&[AB13]"
"[Postal District].[Postal District].&[AB12,AB13]"
But to no avail.

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Multiple Report Filters In Pivot Table

Apr 5, 2013

Below is a simplified/truncated version of a data set that I am using in a pivot table:

Client Asset Return
1 Port1 10%
1 Port2 12%
1 Port3 11%
1 Port4 13%
1 Port5 10%

[Code] .....

I have created a pivot table and I'm using report filters for both Client and Asset (obviously there are a lot more data points). When I filter on Client 1 I would expect to only see Port 1 - Port 7 available in the Asset filter however, I see every asset in the data set. I need to pick and choose using the Select Multiple Items check box without having to scroll through every single asset. Is there a way to easily do this?

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Pivot Table Using Multiple Consolidation Ranges

Dec 19, 2013

I have 3 tabs in my spreadsheet that I want to combine in a Pivot Table. All 3 tabs have the exact same headings in Columns A-J. I want to create a pivot table to pull in all the data from the 3 tabs while using the Current Column headings to create the pivot table. But the pivot table wizard is only giving me "ROW" and "COLUMN" which does not allow any flexibility to create the table the way I want and move the various column data around.

Is there a better way to Pivot Table data from the separate tabs? My data on each tab is changed weekly and I was hoping to just update the pivot table when the data changed..

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Creating A Pivot Table With Multiple Sheets

Apr 23, 2008

I am trying to create a pivot table using multiple sheets. I looking for some code that will replace the "consolidated ranges" in the Pivot Table Wizard. I am looking for code because I am writing a macro that will create a different number of worksheets in the Workfile, depending on which dataset I use. i.e File 1 may have 75 worksheets, whereas File 2 may have 120 worksheets. '

The ranges on each of the worksheets will be the same. Range("A2:Av48")

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VBA Consolidating Multiple Sheets In A Pivot Table

May 9, 2009

I got a brilliant bit of code (which works perfectly) from Bill Jelens "Excel Gurus gone Wild" which loops through all worksheets in the activeworkbook and consolidates these worksheets into one pivot table, this example creates the pivot in a new workbook, what I would really like to do is add a new sheet and create the pivot in the active workbook where I am pulling the data from can anybody help me to modify the code?

I have not added the code yet to generate the pivot

Code below:

Option Explicit
Sub bob()

Dim i As Long
Dim arSQL() As String
Dim objPivotCache As PivotCache
Dim objRS As Object
Dim wbkNew As Workbook
Dim wks As Worksheet

With ActiveWorkbook
ReDim arSQL(1 To .Worksheets.Count)
For Each wks In .Worksheets
Do Until wks.Name = ""..............

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Pivot Table With Multiple Data Ranges

Mar 21, 2007

I have a workbook that contains 52 spreadsheets (one for each week of the year). Each contain the same column headings. The columns contain both numberic and text data which I need to pivot. I can individually pivot each sheet to obtain weekly data but I would like to obtain year to date data throughout the year. How can I merge all of my 52 sheets together to utilize just one pivot table.

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Pivot Table List From Multiple Columns

May 12, 2007

I am trying to round a number to the next half penny. The mround function would seem to work but does not work for fractions.

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Pivot Table Data In Multiple Columns

Jun 1, 2007

My pivot table wants to total 2 sets of data and put it in rows. I would like it to be in columns.

The small attached sample shows what I would like.

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Pivot Table Drilldown For Multiple Values

Aug 1, 2008

Is there a way to drill down the data of 100 values in a pivot table into one worksheet without resorting to drilling down each value, having 100 worksheets for each value, to paste into one worksheet? I got my company to give me an experimental computer to test for this in 2007, though if there is a way to do this in 2003,

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Calculating Overtime In Pivot Table For Multiple Weeks

Feb 5, 2014

I have employees hours worked entered in multiple rows. Columns are Date, Name, Hours worked; then a column that calculates the week number.

The data is entered each day so the Names are not in order and I'd rather not have to resort by name each week.

I'm collecting that data along with several other fields in a pivot table, then I have a summary sheet that uses GETPIVOTDATA formulas to compile a ton of statistics.

I want to be able to filter the pivot table on any given number of weeks. I need to be able to calculate overtime (greater than 40 hours in a week) for each name over the filtered weeks. So I could want to see OT for weeks 4, 5, 7 combined.

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Reset Pivot Table Fields In Multiple Sheets

Aug 28, 2008

I have pivot tables in diff pages
im trying to make a button to reset all the fields in all the pivot tables..

i tried recording a macro to do this but it only works for page fields..
it wont work for the column fields.. act, adopt and check are page fields at the top... region is a column field ... goto_AQcheck is a macro to switch to that sheet which is assigned to another button....

this isthe code it gave:

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VBA Code To Update Pivot Table Multiple Filters

Nov 15, 2013

I'm trying to update a pivot table filter with a list on another worksheet. When I do a record and select two WBS for filter criteria I get the following:

Sub Macro5()
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields( _
"[Receiver WBS Reference].[Rec WBS Element].[LM Master]").VisibleItemsList = _


If I entered values 700UY0S1MGL1 & 700UY0S1MGL2 in cells A1 and A2 of Sheet2 in the same workbook, how can I get this code to read that? If I extend the list to include additional items, how can I get the code to read it?

My next question is, in Excel I could enter a partial search (like 700UY0S1MG) in the filter drop down and I could filter on everything with this string. Using the macro it seems as though the full 12 char string needs to be qualified. How would I write a macro to handle this?

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Create Pivot Table: Cannot Open Pivot Table Source File

Jan 4, 2010

I'm trying to write a macro that will create a pivot table, and am getting an Error code 1004: Cannot Open Pivot Table Source File "Sheetname". My code is below. I've tried to note what each section does, and it all seems to work well except for the Pivot Table creation.

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VBA - Adjust Pivot Table Included Fields To Match Another Pivot Table

Mar 14, 2013

I have a worksheet with two pivot tables, one of which is visible to the user. Ideally, the user should be able to change the "Row Label" field settings of the visible pivot table and then press an "update button" that then adds the same field to the second pivot table.

Ideally, the ordering of the fields should also be made similar between the two tables, though this is of less priority.

I imagine it would be something in the style of:

"If number of Pivot1 active row label fields = X then
Pivot 2.AddRowLabelField = Pivot1.RowLabelField(X)
end if"

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