Populate Cell From Another Sheet And Hold Result

Apr 3, 2014

If I populate a cell from a cell on another sheet but plan on deleting the data on the other sheet is there any way to hold the result on the new sheet even if I delete where it came from?

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Populate Row Of Cells On One Sheet Depending On Value In One Cell On Other Sheet

Apr 27, 2014

with the attached spreadsheet?

I want to populate "selections" sheet with data from the previous sheet (it will be the date) depending on the value of a cell in column G. You will see I have already got the data from 27th April into my selections sheet but wondered if it can be done by a formula to save me copy and paste time?

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Macro That If I Hold Control + Shift + A I Will Get A Pop Up Saying "Your Amount Is (value Of The Cell)

Nov 25, 2008

I have an excel sheet and I want a Msg pop up to show a certain amount from a specific cell. So if the cell shows $100. I want to a do a macro that if I hold control + shift + a I will get a pop up saying "Your amount is (value of the cell).

I can only get it to work if I want the vale from an active cell.

MsgBox "The value in the active cell is " & ActiveCell.Value & "."

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Print Result Cards Automatically From Result Sheet

Apr 25, 2014

I have excel result sheet which contains students information. i.e. name, subjects and their corresponding marks, grade, percentage etc. So from that sheet I want to print result cards for each students separately from the data (result sheet).

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Refernceing Cells: Formula That Looks At A Cell On A Front Sheet, And Then Returns The Contents Of That Cell As The Result If It Meets The Criteria

Apr 5, 2009

I have a formula that looks at a cell on a front sheet, and then returns the contents of that cell as the result if it meets the criteria. So for example this formula would be in Cell A1 on Sheet2 IF(SHEET1!A1,"New",Sheet1!A1,"-")

This formula is always in the same cell (different sheet) as the cell that it is looking at, down 1500 rows. Instead of having the formula named for each cell is there anyway to ask excel to 'look at this cell but on this other sheet'.
e.g IF(Sheet1!"This Cell" etc). That way no matter what cell you put the formula in it is always referencing the correct cell for the formula?

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Get Cell Reference As VLookup Result Of Different Sheet?

Dec 12, 2012

In workbook 1, I have summary sheet with columns

A -> SNO
B -> Customer Name
C -> Product Name
E -> Quotation Rate
I have to retrieve MODEL & Quotation Rate .
and also having seperate sheet for each customers say X1 , Y1 , Z1 ( so other sheet names as X1, Y1 & Z1)
In X1 sheet , I do have following columns
A-> Product Name ,
b-> Model (as of now limited to 1 per product name)
c -> Rate

Now my request is as follows Based on the Column b value in Summary sheet - i have to goto respective sheet and do vlookup for the respective product name and retrieve model and fill it in Column D. I heard i can use INDIRECT function and Vlookup in this junction .

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Populate Cells/Table Depending On INDEX Result

Feb 7, 2007

I am trying to populate a table (a7:c27) in the attached sheet with data.

First, I must enter a number 1-16, which uses index function to return either "series" or "base"

If it is base, i want the number in the corresponding table filtered down - i.e. if 1 originally picked then h7 is (40) is entered into each month as base = constant.

If the result is series, then the data in i7:z7 is entered into the the 18 month table.

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Populate Summary Sheet With Same Cell From Multple Sheets

Jul 14, 2007

I'm attempting to pull the same cell ($a$1) from multiple sheets into one summary sheet, populating a column in a table.

I though I might accomplish this by putting an array formula in the desired column of my summary sheet that was similar to the following, to pull cell A1 from every sheet between the Frst Sheet and the Last Sheet.

For example:

=FirstSheet:LastSheet!:$a$1 (CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER)

This gives me #REF errors.

The values in $a$1 on each sheet are Text (addresses)

Anyway I can do this without Macros? The number of sheets between the First and Last will vary at any given time.

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Populate Cells On Different Sheet With Cell Contents Of A Preselected Row

Mar 25, 2014

I have contacts list that I made and want to take it to the next level, but don't know how. See attached.

The goal:
1. Highlight an entire row of someone's contact info (i.e. row 9)
2. Click the "ORDER FORM" text box to activate a macro that populates specific cells on the 'order form' sheet with the customer's contact information from the highlighted row. The information I want copied over is in red on the order form sheet. THAT'S IT!! (Oh, and 'paste value' the current date from H5 so that the date is static on the order sheet

If possible, I would like to have an error check in case no row is selected prior to clicking on the text box that pops up the note "Please highlight a contact row before clicking the 'Order Form' button."

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Drop-List: Populate Dates In Cell Range On Same Sheet

Oct 8, 2006

I'm need to add a droplist with periods 1,2,3,4 etc... that references a cell then populates that same reference in a cell raange. Example: cell E1 contains the droplist with periods 1-4 as choices to select from, when you select period 1 it populates the dates jan 15 in cells E4:E7, if you select period 2 it populates dates jan 31, etc. how to add the droplist, how to expand the list, show the formula and how to expand it as I will have more data than this short example.

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Automatically Populate 12 Month Calendar With Result Depending On Start And Finish Dates

Mar 26, 2014

I've just started working on an FTE calculator and wish to populate a 12 month calendar with FTE depending on the start and finshed dates.

FTE Calculator non nursing.xlsx

I've attached the file. In Column D the user would select the month the staff start and in the Column E the month the staff will finish. I would like the fte that is calculated in Column Z then to populate in the 12 columns AB:AM (Jul to Jun) with corresponding month start and finish.

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Populate Cell Value And Rows Text In Another Sheet Which Match Column Head?

Apr 5, 2014

I have a excel workbook. which have a master data sheet or table as drawn.

[Code] ........

The above sheet is master sheet. I have also worksheets which named are matching with column head from "DARCL", "MMT", SSL"......till "GRT" (No "order" named worksheet is there). So I want to feed data or value as total order in "ORDER" column, (it is not necessary to put the value in each row) and the total value or number is distributed by me in particular column or colums. After data feeding I have required a command button or any button that can copy or show the reference row (customer name) with its cell value in the matched column head worksheet. As example: total order is 200 put in "ORDER" column in row 3, and 200 is distributed as by myself 100 in column "E" (MMT) and 100 in column "H" (RITC) and so on...after this feeding, I click the button and the data will show or copy as table M/S UIW : 100 in "MMT" worksheet and M/S UIW: 100 in "RITC" worksheet.

As example layout of others worksheets.(attach pic)

After click command button on the master sheet the related customer name and the value will be populated in respective matched column head with worksheet. If there is no cell value in master sheet the below mentioned cell are hides.

master sheet.jpg
others worksheets.jpg

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Make Unique List From List Without Duplicates But Hold Cell And Pull Corresponding Dates

Apr 18, 2013

I have my dummy data, and I have (what I think) is how I want the data to be shown. My friend uses Google Sheets, but I prefer Excel. I am trying to convert the code because I am a stickler for excel. Typically I can convert codes some easily, but this is way beyond me.

For Column A: I want to create a list on sheet 'Setup!' based on ids!D2:D="yes". If that list has duplicate entries, I would like only the first entry to show up, but for the next entries I would like the cell to be blank. (this is important for the next step) For Column C: I want to have the corresponding dates go with the name entry. For Column D: I want to have the notes go with the corresponding date entry. (I believe I can manipulate Column C's code to do Column D myself).

I am also going to upload a data sheet, and an expected results sheet.

unique list.xlsx

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VLOOKUP Formula Dragdown Copies Previous Cell Result Instead Of Unique Result

Jun 10, 2014

When I drag my VLOOKUP formula down a column in Excel 2010, the return value copies the formula result from the original VLOOKUP formula result. For example, if the first VLOOKUP returns a value of 0.5, I expect to see 0.5 or 1 in the cell below that one. However, I get 0.5 which is not the expected result for the cell below.

When, I click the fx on the cells below, the expected return values appear in the formula result. After I click OK, the expected formula results updates and now appears in the cell.

I'm not sure what is causing this issue. My computer was updated recently from an old machine to a new one. I have never experienced this issue before.

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Linking Data (look At Sheet 1 And Populate The Date Columns With The Guest Name From Sheet 1)

Jan 7, 2009

Sheet 1 contains a column titled "name" and 6 columns to the right of name titled "sat", "sun", "mon"........ the col titled name is not the first col in the work sheet.

In each row I enter the guest name under the name col and I enter a room number (example: 1A, 1B, 2A, etc...) in the column to the right that coresponds with the day the guest will be staying.

Name Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

Mr. Smith 1A 1A 1A 1A
Mr. Jones 3B 3B 3B
Ms. Tiller 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A

Sheet 2 is in the same workbook and looks something like this:

Room # Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

I want it to look at sheet 1 and populate the date columns with the guest name from sheet 1

I tried this formula =IF('Sheet1'!G:G="1A",'Sheet1!$F:$F,"Available")
It seems to work on the first row but I have problems with any rows below that. Basically it acts like there is no data in the rows below.... I think the fact that the names on sheet 1 are not alphabetical is creating part of my problem? I tried a lookup formula but it seems like it has to be the first column in the worksheet and it has to be alphabetical to work like that.

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Capture Unique Values From 1 Column And Populate The Result Into Another Column

Aug 28, 2009

I have values in COlumn A, probably about 50K rows, The total unique values on the column A is only about 27. I need to capture all those unique values and paste them in column B. I didn't want to do "Advance filtering" since the workbook has many macros's on it that the user simply click on. Im thingking of creating a loop and compare values already pasted in Column b but then that will take too much time to complete the loop. Is there any easier or yet more efficient way to accomplish this?.

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Auto-Populate Excel Sheet From Master Sheet Of Data

Mar 1, 2014

In this attached example, this is a portion of a actual work procedure. The yellow highlighted cells are the same work element within the master procedure but one is for one type of machine while the other is for same model but added options. This is a pattern throughout the entire worksheet. Basically 1 model with several different types of options. I don't want to have unnecessary elements in a work procedure.

So what I am trying to accomplish, I want to create a userform or dashboard which will allow selection of model #, model type #, then based off those selections have excel populate a worksheet with all correct procedures based off model type choice.

In this example there is 6 model variations, all share same basic procedure, but all have their own work procedure based on options, so my above approach will allow me to make changes to the master procedure only instead of changing 6 procedures.

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Formula To Populate From Monthly Sheet To Summary Sheet

Jul 7, 2014

refer to attached file.

I have monthly sheet Jan,Feb,Mar.....Dec.

I also have Summary Sheet, Cell A85:C96 is labeled as Jan,Feb.....Dec (Vertical) Cell B84:E84 refers to Store1,Store2,Store3 and Store4.

I need a formula to summarize the monthly value for each storein row 60.

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Create New Sheet For Each Row Of Another Sheet Auto Populate Data.

Mar 19, 2008

i have a sheet called 'sample database'. it consists of 56 columns, each with a specific title in row 1. i.e. name, surname, mobile_number, and so on.
from row 2 onwards the data has been populated for roughly 200 rows.

i have another 'Capture Sheet' which has the same titles as 'Sample database' except it's in a different format. its a printable form that is given to new employees when they start. once they have completed it it gets captured into the 'Sample Database' sheet.

my wifes boss now wants 1 new sheet for each row in the 'sample database' sheet based on the format/layout of the 'capture form'.
how can i get the 'capture form' to auto populate the data from the 'sample database' sheet and create a new sheet for each row?
i know this is possible i just dont know how to do it.

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Match 3 Hold Digits

Apr 12, 2008

very simple, I would like to know how the match function could be used example:


match 457 = 1

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VBA - Click And Hold Event

Apr 11, 2013

I am creating a spreadsheet that has various form controls, etc... in it and I wanted to create a "help" macro. I have a small Question Mark icon and I want the user to be able to click the icon and have little text boxes appear on the excel sheet with instructions.

I was wondering instead of making a toggle event where the user clicks once to turn on and again to turn off, if there was a way that the user could click and hold on the icon to make my text boxes visible....and when the user releases they disappear.

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Comment Hold Formula

Mar 11, 2007

I was toying w/ the idea of being able to view two items in the same cell. A wholesale cost and a retail cost, the wholesale would be in the cell and the retail price would be in the comment. When mouse is placed over a particular cell, a comment would pop up and show the second view, the retail price.

This to be effective would need to be copied down like a typical formula would be. If not, it would take too long to enter each item into a comment for each cell.

I really doubt this is possible, but if not in Excel, could this be accomplished in VBA?

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How Much Vba Code Can A Workbook Hold

May 13, 2008

Does anybody know the memory limitations that Excel (2003) has with regard to the amount of vba code that a workbook can contain?

I have automated one of my spreadsheets to load a bunch of modules containing code (a few hundred thousand lines of code altogether). Before it finishes loading all of the modules I get a "Run-time error '7': Out of memory" error. When I press the Help button on the dialog I get a help page which says:

"More memory was required than is available, or a 64K segment boundary was encountered."

The help page goes on to suggest (among a few other things) that I might have a module or procedure that is too large. After reducing the sizes of individual procedures and modules, I am starting to think that there may be a limit to the absolute number of lines of code that can be stored within a single workbook.

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Filter Some Sheet Then Copy The Top Result To New Sheet?

May 19, 2014

When I synthesize the mark of the class, I'm trying to build a macro to copy the top 5 highest marks in each class into a new sheet (sheet: Total) to compare the mark of the class results (like the file I attach).

I finding the way like that:

Step1. the macro run filter with data sheets. then sort by largest to smallest

Step2. the macro copy 5 top of data sheets to the result sheet.

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Auto Populate From A Master Sheet To Another Sheet

Jun 7, 2014

I am trying to auto populate one spreadsheet from a master sheet

What I am trying to do: I have a master sheet where information on 25 countries is entered. Sheet has multiple columns for data entry I have 25 additional identical spreadsheets that correspond to one of the 25 countries so can drill down to country specifics

From the master - is it possible to select a country from a drop down menu so when I start entering data on the master it auto populates the corresponding sheet by the country selected.

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Populate Data To New Sheet From Master Sheet?

Jul 22, 2014

I have a master sheet that contains all data relating to a particular Agent like Agent Code(Primary Key), Name, Bank details etc so on and so forth. Every month I have to make a new sheet which contains only a few of the columns from the master sheet. I have to manually select and copy each column for the specific agents to whom I have to make the payments. Now, I wanted to know..if there is any way in which I can enter only the Agent Code in the new sheet and it will look the code up in the master and copy the values of the relevant fields from the master to the new sheet.

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Populate Checkboxes In One Sheet Based On Another Sheet

Oct 11, 2008

I have a spreadsheet (Sheet A) with various data and checkboxes that I want to populate based on data in another spreadsheet (Sheet B). Sheet B has various fields with yes/no answers in the cells. I need to take this data and check varius check boxes in Sheet A based on the answers. I think this is possible if I write a macro to sweep through Sheet A to populate everything, but I was wondering if there is an easier way?

I would think there would be a way to set the initial state of a checkbox based on the value of a cell, but I can't seem to find a way to do it.

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Have Userform Populate Only Active Sheet Not By Sheet Name

Dec 4, 2012

I have a userform in my workbook with a button to access it on twenty different sheets in the workbook. Currently the userform will only populate the sheet titled "Blank1". How can I change it so it will populate the active sheet without naming it? So no matter what sheet I'm on when I hit the submit button the userform will populate only the sheet I selected the button on? See macro below.

Private Sub OKButton_Click()
Dim NextRow As Long

' Unprotect Sheet

[Code] ..........

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Using A Text File To Hold Sequential Numbers

Oct 14, 2009

i found a macro that im trying to get working from the site below to generate a number everytime my template is opened.

ive put the code in the thisworkbook module as directed and changed the relevant path but it doesnt do anything i think im missing something but cant see what. this is the code ive placed in thisworkbook module of my template

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Repeating Account Codes To Be Deleted If They Hold The Same Value.

Jan 17, 2007

I have attached a reduced example spreadsheet.

I have thousands of IDs each of which store a column called IM Limit. The ID is repeated on many rows - for each date that they have come into the system. For each ID over a period of time the IM Limit may change or it may stay the same. If it stays the same I would like all the other rows deleted, if it changes once during the period then I would like only two rows left behind each containing the unique value. So in the end I will have a list of codes where a unique combination of id and the im limit remains behind.

Does anyone know or have a VBA script that would be able to loop through the spreadsheet and delete the unwanted records.

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