Protect Cells So That Users Can Only Input Numbers Or The Text "NA"

Jun 15, 2006

I need help with a macro that allows users to put only numbers from a range of 0 to 100 and the only text allowed must be "NA" in an Excel sheet. I know that I can protect the cells from being erased and all but my main issue is that my users are putting all kinds of text values instead of NA or numbers above 100 making my life harder than it is.

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Can I Lock Cells After Input For Certain Users

Jan 5, 2009

I'm using Excel '03 and I need to be able to lock certain cells after input, but only for certain users on my network. Ideally, I (administrator), would still be able to edit the cells in case of a mistake or whatever reason. I want the other users limited to adding information and not editing the existing information in a range. I would need this applied to several columns (B, C, I, and K) if this is possible.

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How To Protect Cells After One User Input

May 2, 2007

I want to administrate a short training test. The user has chooses a correct answer A-E, off a drop down menu. I want to set it up so the user can't answer multiple times until they choose the correct answer.

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Protect / Lock Cells After Data Input?

Mar 15, 2013

I have a spreadsheet whee teammates can inut the date in one cell and the exact time in another cell - how do I lock the cell with the time so it can't be changed?

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Protect/lock Cells After User Input

Jan 9, 2009

Have a worksheet that will be used multiple times. User will enter name and employee number only on the first instance that the worksheet is opened. Would like to protect that info automatically for further usage. Most of the worksheet is protected but some cells need to remain unlocked so the "whole" sheet protection will not work.

How do I protect only specified cells, say F3, G3, H3, I3, after the user enters data thru an input box without changing any other protected cells on the sheet?

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Protect Or Unprotect Cells Based On Cell Input

Nov 21, 2006

I am working on my spreadsheet and was wondering if anyone knows if cells can be Protected or Unprotected based on the value of another cell?

Here is what I am looking for:

If cell "A16" on the "Input Sheet" equals AR then Protect Cells J16, K16, L16, M16, N16, and O16

If the value of A16 on the Input Sheet DOES NOT equal AR then leave those cells unprotected.

Has anyone ever done anything like this? On my spreadsheet it would allow the user to skip the unnecessary cells as opposed to having to Tab through them. Not a big deal but definitely would be a time saver and a lot more user friendly.

If you have any questions or concerns just let me know. I will wait to see what the Excel Guru's come up with.

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Protect Some Cells Of A Spreadsheet From User Input (by Typing Only),

Mar 15, 2009

Is there a way to protect some cells of a spreadsheet from user input (by typing only), yet letting button controls and VBA macros modify the values of those cells?

I need to prevent users from accidentally deleting formulas or values generated by VBA macros or controls, although they may delete values in some cells.

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Protect Or Unprotect Sheet By Various Users?

Jun 22, 2014

Is there is any way we can protect sheet in such a way that; if user - Mr. A inputs his password he can only go and is able to input his data in sheet 1.

I've a file which have multiple sheets say about 80 tabs are present. My colleague only works on one of the tab (sheet) enters data, that file is placed on our general sharing folder I want to know if it is possible that I can assign protection in such a way that when she enters her password she is able to input data only on the sheet in which she works and cannot roam around to other sheets?

Or is it possible that on first sheet there is username or password can appear? And if the data inputting person opens that file and enter her password option appear which can take her to that particular sheet? And if a guest open that file he/she can only view particular sheets which contain reports?

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Protect Sheet Allowing Users To Format Rows/Edit Objects?

Nov 16, 2009

I want my macro to protect my sheet again after it is done to allow editing objects and formatting rows. I am really stuck and have come up with the below, but it isn't working.

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Formula To Remove Preceding Numbers From Text Input

Mar 5, 2012

I have data in the (various) formats as follows:

1) Text value here
1. Text value here
1.Text value here
1 Text value here
1)Text value here

Is there a way to take the cell contents from the first Alpha character? (i.e. no punctuation, no numbers). There are other numeric characters in the text values that I would like to keep.

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Dynamic Chart On Input By Users

Jun 29, 2006

I am having trouble making a module that can open in all Excel workbooks. It should ask user to enter column names and the data and should ask user to select a chart type and then produce a chart of the entered data?

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Creating VBA Code That Uses Input From Users To Create A Calendar

Sep 18, 2012

Modify Macro3 and use the InputBox function twice so that Macro3 would ask the user for a particular month and a particular year; and then Macro3 uses these user’s inputs to create the calendar template for that month of the year. For example, if the user enters February for the month and 2012 for the year, Macro3 would create a new


Sheets("Template").Copy After:=Sheets(1)
Sheets("Template (2)").Select
Sheets("Template (2)").Name = "January"


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Macro To Unhide Columns Based On A Users Input

Apr 2, 2014

I'd like for my spreadsheet to open with only Column A visible; I'd like all other collumns to stay hidden.

I want to create a marco to unhide column(s) based on the value of an individual cell.

For example:

if I enter the number 5 into cell A1, I would like Columns B:F to unhide.
if I enter the number 2 into cell A1, I would like Columns B:C to unhide. Is this possible?

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Adding Numbers In Multiple Cells Where Individual Cells Contain Both Numbers And Text?

Jan 8, 2014

I have a column that looks like the following and I need to add the numbers:

27 skids
31 skids
56 skids
13 skids

The unit "skids" is constant. The answer I am looking for is "127" or "127 skids"

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Protect Formula But Allow Input

May 25, 2009

I was wondering how you can protect a formula but still allow editing in the cell. Right now I have certain columns locked while allowing others to be edited. I have a formula in one column that needs to be edited if need be but if they make a mistake and hit delete then my formula disappears and it throws the whole sheet off. Is there a way to protect your formula maybe by putting it in a different cell that can be locked and referencing the cell where they can input?

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Protect From Changes & Manual Input

Sep 17, 2007

I have a macro that transfer data from one sheet to another (I have sheets called Form and Sent). Basically, the users enters data in the Form Sheet. After they're done, the data gets transferred to the Sent Sheet. I don't want users to be able to modify the data in the Sent sheet. I just want them to see the records. Also, i want the sheet protected from having users manually inputting datas. I can't accomplish this when I protect the sheet, since it is giving me an error while running the macro to transfer data. Is there a workaround?

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Access An Userform For Multiple Users With "protect And Share Option"

Apr 27, 2009

Is it possible to use the userform when it is protected and shared.
I am able to access when it is protected. but unable to access when that protected worksheet is shared.runtime error message " unprotect method sheet class failed" appears it is shared and used.I have already raised this [b]issue in the forum.I understood from the answers that it is not possible.

" My requirement is multiple users should use the form and they should not have the access to edit the entires made by them"

Please give me a solution.

" Being a moderator myself i should only be able to edit or modify the entries made by the users."

I dont want to create multiple excel sheets for multiple users.i want to use a single excel sheet (Shared and protected)

Also provide me an alterante solutions if any

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Comparison Of Cells With Text Input

May 15, 2014

I am working on Excel file with names and I would like to have a possibility to check if all characters from one cell are mentioned in another one.

The background of the problem is that the names are provided in different types (e.g. O.M.Izgala, M.O.Izgala, or only Izgala) so I believe I should first remove any spaces, dots etc. to have clear continuous text.

Finding a formula (if any exist), which can check if all digits from one cell are in the second relevant cell regardless the order of the digits. I would like to show you short example:

name needs to be checked cell to compare expected results
OMIZGALA MIZGALA no (as O is not in the relevant cell)
OMIZGALA MIZGALAO yes (as all digits are mentioned in the relevant cell but in different order)
OMIZGALA MOIZGALA yes (as all digits are mentioned in the relevant cell but in different order)

if it can work in Excel.

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Excel 2003 :: Protect Textbox From Formatting But Not Input?

Mar 15, 2013

Is it possible to protect an inserted text box from being moved, stretched, etc. while allowing data input into the cell/s? I'm using a 2003 version of excel.

I've attached the sheet in question. The yellow text boxes are what I want to lock, yet still allow data input.

excel tip example.xls‎

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VLookup For Numbers Contained Within Cells With Numbers And Text

Sep 26, 2012

23445566894 Brwn pdc aft
45687930596 Gld wdget adi

In the example above, I would like to do a vlookup in column C that matches the digits in column A to those in column F, with the output being the corresponding value in column G. I believe it involves the left function but not sure how to really use it here.

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Insert Vertical Text In Cells Based On Textbox Input

Jul 25, 2006

I am designing a from with a variable number of titles. The user should be able to insert a title into a column by typing in the title that he wants into a text box, and pressing a command button that I have created ( named add). The problem arises when I try to get the text to lie vertically as opposed to horizontally (in the cell, not as a text box. If this can only be done as a textbox, let me know). Is there any way to do this?

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Stripping Text From Urls With Numbers/text/hyphens Without Effecting Cells.

Mar 5, 2009

I generated my urls to online photos, I referenced cells where some are only numerical (ex. 479) while others contain a numerical/text mix (ex. 3014-RACK). Here is my url code in excel...

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Linking Cells Globally To Allow Users Ability To Change Cells On Separate Sheet / Cells?

Feb 18, 2014

I have a workbook that uses the values that a user had entered into 3 cells to calculate multiple other charts/diagrams on multiple sheets within the workbook. Each sheet would show what the user had entered in the 3 cells to allow them to see what is being used to calculate each table. Is it possible to link these cells so that the user can change the 3 values without having to go back to where he originally entered the 3 values?

For example, a user has entered in 3 values in Sheet 1. A formula in Sheet 2 displays what is entered by the user and uses these calls in Sheet 2 for calculations. When the user wants to change the three values, he would have to navigate to Sheet 1 and enter in the new values to have the workbook recalculate all the tables. Is there a way to link the three cells from Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 so when the user is on Sheet 2, he has the opportunity to change the values on the current Sheet without having to navigate to Sheet 1 to do so?

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How To Sum Numbers Formatted As Text Ignoring Text In Cells

May 30, 2014

I have a spreadsheet where i do need to count cells values that are formatted as text but i do need to ignore the real text in some cells, in this formula i do need to add values depending of the adjacent cell.

I have attached a example : New Microsoft Excel Worksheet.xlsx‎

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Input Text In Given Cell After Any Input In An Area

Feb 28, 2007

I am just starting to get my feet a little damp with VBA and I am trying to make a macro that will act whenever any text is entered in any cell within a 3x3 square. Whenever any text is entered in any of those cells I would like it to enter a text ( "X" ) in a cell which is specified by a cell in the spreadsheet (this cell will output which cell the macro should write the text in in this format "A:1" or "C:3"). How can I make the program act only in reaction to the user entering thier text, and also, how can I get the macro to read A:1 and enter the text into that specific cell? Any help would be so awesome, the book I have is really difficult to navigate.

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Input In Multiple Cells To Generate Input Into Single Cell?

Feb 22, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with 5 columns. A1 to A5

Entries are made into columns A2 to A5 but only ever one entry across all cells

If an entry is made into A2 to A5 the I need a "P" to be placed into A1

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Sum Cells With Numbers & Text

Sep 4, 2007

I have cells with '1 hour' , '5 hours' , '2.5 hours'.

All I want to do is add the numbers and ignore the text.

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Transferring Of Input From Input Cell To Output Cells?

Jun 8, 2014

I would like to know if it is possible to transfer values of cells this way?

I've attached the excel file for easier reference.

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Removing Text And Numbers From 3 Cells?

May 25, 2013

I have a spreadsheet which reads:

A1 E012345678
A2 126789433
A5 E0456783
A6 98765432


I need only the the data in Cells A1 A5 etc. which means the 3 cells below (A2, A3, A4 ) should be deleted. A5 I need the data, and then A6, A7, A8 I do not need ... A9 need and so on.

the data should be in in one below the next with no spaces in between.

Data is only in column A.

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Formatting Numbers In Cells That Have Text Using VBA?

Apr 11, 2013

I have a table of data in which a lot of data appears as " "999" Then 'fix this, not working, formats numbers with decimals as whole numbers

c.NumberFormat = "#,##0 "
End If
' now format to line up right justified


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