Purchase Order Customer Information Autopopulated

Sep 29, 2008

I have a Purchase Order template that I created in Excel and an Excel Customer spreadsheet. I am trying to get the Customer Name, Address, City/State/Zip (all found in different columns on the customer spreadsheet) to autopopulate on the Purchase Order when the matching phone number is entered. New to advanced formulas but looking for something like: if the phone number on the purchase order equals the phone number on the customer database, bring over the Customer info above to the appropriate cells on the purchase order.

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Using Price List To Populate Purchase Order

Mar 1, 2013

I have been sent a price list from a supplier and need to create an order form that can be populated from the price lists. I have to pages of price list as well. I will also be adding to these as I start getting other supplied product and need my client to be able to generate a order from these in the simplest way possible. Again I hardly use excel and these docs are all sent in excel format.

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Macro To Produce Purchase Order Data

Oct 17, 2008

i have a purchase order sheet

firstly i have attached said spreadsheet
1st sheet is named purchase order
2nd sheet is named purchase order numbers

upon opening the spreadsheet i would like on sheet purchase order to automatically input the next available number from column a in sheet purchase orders ( in this case next available is st010 and put that into cell k12 on sheet purchase order

i then want to enter the relevant data in sheet purchase order cells
b16 , b23 , g23 , i23 and d28

i then want to click a button with macro attached to transfer that data in to sheet purchase order numbers

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Purchase In Order To Achieve A Particular Breakeven Poin

Jul 28, 2009

I trade the stock market and am trying to get excel to automatically calculate the required quantity of shares to be purchased in order to achieve a particular breakeven point. Question: How many shares required at a price of 37.30 to achieve a breakeven of 36.24 when I already have 8000 shares at a price of 34.73? I'm looking for the formula to solve this not just the answer.

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Create Purchase Order With Incrementing Numbers

Jun 26, 2008

I need to create a purchase order page whereby each item is then transposed into seperate sheets detailing the product along with price etc. I need the po number to be automatically generated to follow on from the previous therefore giving us a continuous po thread. I also need the purchase order as typed to be saved into a seperate sheet / file each time so that the po is always blank when someone else creates a new post

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Creating A Purchase Order Form That Will Reduce Time Spent Adding?

Apr 18, 2013

I'm creating a Purchase Order Form that will reduce time spent adding in contact details.What I'm looking to achieve is a form that will be printed with a few formulas allowing sections of the form to be filled out automatically once a singular company name (chosen from a drop-down list I created, currently with a 'Combo box ActiveX') then the rest of the form is filled out accordingly.

At the moment it's a bit of a mess, not too sure where I'm meant to put the ranges.There are currently 2 sheets - Sheet 1 with the form, Sheet 2 with all contact information.

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Spreadsheet To Track Customers Contact Information And Purchase History

Jul 1, 2013

I am creating a spreadsheet to track customers contact information and purchase history.

1 First Name Last Name Phone Number Etc.
2 Mike Jones

I wanted to know if theres a way to click on a customer (say Mike Jones) and be able to enter and view purchase history information relating to that customer in either a drop down box or different sheet?

Mike Jones
Date Item Spent Last Contacted
4/24 Toy $500 4/31
5/16 Movie $15 5/20

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Summarize Customer Order Data

Jul 3, 2009

I have created a simple order form to take customer orders . I would like to summarize the orders on a summary page .(The order Form will be very long so i don't want to print the entire document every time .

I have started to create a summary page using information from a similar post on this forum. I am having trouble creating a summary when the products on my order form have multiple sizes rather than just one

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Pull Customer Names Who Placed Order In Jan-Aug But Not Sept

Oct 2, 2013

I have a spreadsheet with data of customer orders. I am looking for a way to pull the customers who have placed an order between January and August, but did NOT place an order in September (in order to reach out to those customers who have stopped ordering).

I can't post attachments for some reason, so this is a description of how the sheet looks.

A - Delivery Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
B - Month (MM) --> formula created to pull month from column A. For example 2/12/2013 returns "2"
C - First Name
D - Last Name

I need to find a way to create a list of customers, without duplicates, who placed an order previous to Sept, but not in Sept. So, pull unique names from column C and D that have an entry in column B of 1-8, but NOT 9.

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Look Up Customer Information Based On Dates

Jan 9, 2009

I'm still having trouble with this formula. I have a sheet, sample attached, that has a list of transactions, with customer name, date, cash-in & cash-out information that is listed down a set of rows. I'll have a tab for each year & the information will be seperated by months.

My other sheet is a monthly report that I will be printing. I have a seperate "section" for each customer & I want excel to fill the information from that customer based on the month. I tried using a index match formula & a vlookup formula in a helper column, but it doesn't bring out the info that I want.

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Edit Customer Information Rows

Jul 1, 2008

I am trying to develop a procedure that allows the user select a customer from a drop down list (using Data validation), thereby providing the user with a summary of customer information. That I can do. What I would like to do is allow the user to add new information in the summary section which is then appended to the customer record further down the sheet (see attached example). New data could only be added to the last two columns. The user would be required to press a form button to append the data.

The catch would be if the customer was selected again, the new data would also display in the summary section.

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Create A Loop: Find Out For Each Item Number Which Customer Put Order

Oct 8, 2008

I’m getting data from query. My data has fields: Item No, Customer ID & Sales rep.
I need to find out for each Item number which customer put order and who was the sales rep. (Excel 2002). see file attached.

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Remove Duplicate Prospective Customer Information?

Feb 8, 2014

I have two different spreadsheets with customer leads on them. I want to ensure that I don't duplicate my effort by contacting the same customers again, so I want to remove duplicates, but not in the usual way. If I simply use the remove duplicates function I will be left with a combined list of customers, some of which I have contacted and some of which I will not have contacted. I want to be able to search the second spreadsheet so that it removes the information that also exists in the first spreadsheet without combining the two so that I am left with a list of only customers I have not contacted already. I understand I may have to copy and paste, but I need a way to ensure the two lists are able to be separated once the duplicates are gone.

Someone said something to me about an "IF" function

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User Form: Which Format The Code In Order To Get Information To Appear In A Spreadsheet

Oct 24, 2007

I have created a userform but just unsure how to format the code in order to get information to appear in a spreadsheet

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Converting Uneven Rows Of Data Per Customer Into 1 Row Of Data Per Customer

Aug 1, 2014

I have a list of Spid numbers and a service category identifying if it is a Water Spid or a Waste spid.

The Spid is split into 2 parts. The Core is the identifier and the Category states if it is a Water or a Waste spid.

If the 1st digit in the Category is a 1 = Water.

If the 1st digit in the Category is a 2 = Waste.

There may only be a water spid or a property may have a water and waste spid.

What I want to do is have the information on 1 row rather than 2 rows

I have data in this format

Service Category



and I need to convert it into this format.

Core spid


I have tried IF(lookup) and it works for the 1st row but I can't get it to look at the 2nd row.My data consists of 400,000 plus rows

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WIP Next Purchase Time

Feb 27, 2009

We have a specific time frame for WIP and to purchase new supplies before they run out.

I've setup a worksheet with the various materials and time for each. With the help from past post, I was able to return the time frame before our next purchase.

Here's the formula used.

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Countif For 30 Days After Date Of Purchase

Mar 27, 2014

I am trying to quantify the number of widgets in inventory that are useable.

Widgets are useable after 30 days from the date of purchase.

So far I have

C2=Purchase Date

=countif(C2:C5000, "="&today(C2)+30)

I am getting a value of 0 which is incorrect.

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Formula To Suggest Purchase Quantity

Apr 22, 2009

I am trying to enter a formula that will automatically suggest a purchase quantity by comparing the pieces needed against the required package quantity. I have attached a small example workbook, which has a description of the requirements for the formula, but I will also incude that description in this post.

Problem Description:
Our purchasing guideline is that we MUST order product in package quantities, as the vendor won't ship a partial package. The required package quantity for each part is shown in column B. If the pcs needed qty in column A is less than half the buy pack qty, you buy zero. If it is half or above, you buy a full package.

I want to put a formula in column C that will recommend the suggested buy quantity. The formula would need to compare the pcs needed to the buy pack qty, and put the suggested buy qty in column C. It should also consider multiples of the buy pack qty, such as if the buy pack is 5, and the pcs needed is 12, the formula would suggest 10 pcs. If the buy pack is 5, and pcs needed is 13, the formula would suggest 15 pieces, etc. I have manually entered the sugg buy qty for the first 22 rows, to give examples of what value the formula should return.

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Track High Price Of Stock From Date Of Purchase?

Dec 5, 2013

Any cleanest way to track the high-water mark of the price of a stock I own ONLY AFTER my date of purchase.

Each day I log on, a VLookup pulls up the recent stock price. How can I create a formula that will store this price and compare it to the stock price the next time I log in and save the highest of the two prices for the next day's comparison.

Day 1 $10
Day 2 $11- The $10 is replaced by $11
Day 3 $10- The $11 is retained.
Day 4 $12- The $11 is replaced by $12.

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Reducing Balance Asset - Get Back To Purchase Date?

Dec 20, 2012

i am trying to get back to the original purchase date of an asset.

It has being depreciating using the reducing balance method.

I have the Net book value of the asset currently, the original cost and the depreciation rate.

However i do not know the quickest way in excel to work back to the original purchase date.

See attached file for examples and my long workaround to estimate purchase date.

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Check Status Of Purchase Orders And Send Out Email To Different Vendors For Receipt

Dec 23, 2011

I check on the status of Purchase orders all day long and have to send out email to different vendors asking if they received it.

I would like to create a VBA code that will open up a new email and have a general question inserted in the email (question below). I can fill in the PO number and email address on my own.

Please confirm that you received the following PO and verify the Qty, price and delivery date.

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Macro To Set The Order In Which Worksheets Should Be Printed (order Is Changing Daily)

Nov 29, 2008

I looked at threads realted to printing but wasn ot able to find something similar to what I need. So here is my problem:

I have a file with more than 100 worksheets (each sheet contains the invoice for one store). I would like to create a macro that would enable me to determine the order in which worksheets would be printed. How to do it?

Idea #1: the printing order would be based on the value in cell L1 that would contain the route number for each store. Stores belonging to the same delivery route will have the same value in L1. So, the macro should first print all sheets with 1 in cell L1, then print all sheets with 2 in cell L1 and so on...

Idea #2: Creating a separate data sheet with the list of all stores and their corresponding route number. Let's say info is contained in range A1:B150, where Column A contains the name of the stores and column B contains the route numbers. The macro then should look at that list to determine the printing order of the subsequent worksheets (the name of the store in column A would be the same as the name of the worksheet corresponding to that store).

Idea #3: sorting my 150 worksheets manually. It does not solve my problem fully, though, because stores do not always belong to the same route. So the manual sorting should be carried out daily and would not save time at all.

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Re-Order Columns Based On Column Order Of Another Worksheet

Mar 1, 2008

I need a way to re-order an excel worksheets columns based on another worksheet.

Data is extracted from a database into excel however users can configure the columns in the initial system. to how they like This causes problems when the data is copied into an excel spreadsheet I have created as the data copied will not be in the same column order as is required.

How can i reorder the columns without physically having to cut and paste the columns to match?

I have attached a sample spreadsheet.

You will see on the spreadsheet that 'fixed columns' is the order that i require the data however 'variable columns' is not in the same order.

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Userform Data (allows Input Of Information And Then Deposits The Information On A Specific Sheet)

Feb 11, 2010

I have created a userform that allows input of information and then deposits the information on a specific sheet. I am looking for a way to have that information not only deposited on the specific sheet it is already set to but also to another sheet based on a selection made from a combo box.

here is my current

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Write Information Into New Row In Different Sheet But Keeps Overwriting Old Information

Apr 6, 2013

Basically I am trying to create a worksheet in which everytime I input information into Sheet 1, it is copied into Sheet 2. I want to have each entry in succession on Sheet 2 such that my first entry would be on Row 2, second on Row 3, third on Row 4, etc. However, everytime I put something new in Sheet 1, it just overrides the information in Sheet 2.

Basically I type in ticket sales in sheet 1, it calculates the prices and keeps a transaction log in sheet 2. But everytime I do a new ticket sale, it just overwrites the previous transaction witht he new transaction information. I've pasted my VBA below:

Sheet 1 VBA:

Option Explicit

'Form level variables - used in more than one event
Dim intAdult As Integer
Dim intStudentSenior As Integer
Dim intBalcony As Integer
Dim intChild As Integer
Dim sngAmountDue As Single

[Code] .......

Sheet 2 code:

Private Sub cmdSummary_Click()

'Declare Variables
Dim intCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim intAdult As Integer
Dim intStudentSenior As Integer

[Code] ......

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Isolate Customer Name

Mar 30, 2009

I have a list of data in which it will ALWAYS have the following set up:

"S-" and "-####" will always remain the same - however, the customer name may be 2 digits or 20 digits - or anything inbetween.

I'm looking for a formula that will allow me to isolate the Customer name

I've attached a sample list of my data.

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Customer Filter

Mar 30, 2009

I have data for customers and the amounts they have paid.

In the amounts column i have figures and word.

What i wish to do is exclude/ filter from the list customers which only say large in the amount column.

However the problem i have is some customer which also have figures which i do not wish to exclude.

So basically i what to look down the whole list of customers for j blogg ( example) and see in the corresponding amount column. if it says large on every
amount line then i want to exclude them from the list.

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How To Look For A Customer And A Date At The Same Time

Jul 14, 2014

i have 2 dilemmas

**dilemma 1**

i have a date of purchase in column A

i have a customer number in column B

now if i want to search for a date and for it to display the results from columns C,D,E and F (purchased items) i know i use HLOOKUP

but how would i look for a customer and a date at the same time.

**dilemma 2**

i want to be able to put in a customer number and excel to tell me all the dates they purchased items.

currently i use


and i change the ROWS($1:1) to ROWS($1:2) or ROWS($1:3) etc

to bring in that result, but i want it to bring in unique dates, as a customer might ring us back with another purchase on the same date and i dont want it to duplicate the date.

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Total Units For Each Customer

Feb 3, 2009

I have been tasked with tracking the expected income for our Advertising Department. (I work for a newspaper.) The rate I charge an ad depends upon the total number of advertising units a customer purchases during an entire billing period. Essentially: I need to have a total of column G for when column B matches the current row. I need this in column K. The value of K should be the same when the value of B is the same.

My programing flow chart I sketched out checked to see if any row in column B that is above the current row matched the current row's data. If it did then it would use that row's value for the total number of units. If it did not it would add up the units from G when B matched the current column. I attached a document

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Matching Customer Data

Apr 16, 2009

I have 2 sheets in a workbook.Sheet1 is a master sheet with Customer code and there Sale.And Sheet2 is the sheet which has only Customer code.

Note: Its just a Example i have total 1924 data.

Now in Sheet 1 there are some Customer code which is Repeated some times 2 and 3 or even 4 times. In Sheet 2 Same as sheet 1 there are some data which is also Repeated. Now i how can i know which Customer Code in sheet 2 Missing from Sheet1
I have Colored Some Data in sheet 2 which is not match with Sheet1

For Example.
In Sheet 1 221000000232 is repeated 2 times but in Sheet2 has only 1 times.

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