Put Date In Cell B When Value Is Inserted In C / D Or E
Jul 1, 2014
I got the code in the above link working for me, but how would I restrict it to a certain subset of Rows? It's overwriting headers and totals and other things I don't want to change in the worksheet.
I wanted the title to be " Dynamic Row And Column Index In Macro" but I wasn't allowed to write it so. However, I have macros where I write things like:
.Cells(138, 13).Value = Something
Now, if I add rows and/or columns in the worksheet, (138, 13) might not be the coorect coordinates anymore.
Basic run down of spreedsheet. 2 diffrent sheets formated like a calendar. sheet one is to track minutes tardy for employees at work. Work sheet 2 is to document any weather or other issue that might arive to cause and employee to be tardy.
I have condintional formating set up to change the cells a diffrent color (on sheet 1) if the same day is flagged on sheet 2 as a exceptionalable day. What i want -
When i flag a day as a weather issue or other exceptionalable issue on sheet 2 i place a inserted comment with an explantion. I want this comment to auto transfer to the corrisponding cell in sheet 1 when i place it on sheet 2. I'm not sure if this is possible with Excel 03 but thought i'd ask.
I am trying to create a filterable To-Do List. My goal is to enter each item with a userform, which I have created and pops up upon clicking the "Insert" textbox. making the following macros happen:
1) I would like to insert the new item in a row at top of existing info, below the headers, with the populated information from the userform when you click the "Add" Commandbutton on the Userform.
2) I want to make sure any filtering is reset whenever a new item is entered so the list reverts to original appearance.
I'm trying to create a dynamic chart title by inserting a text box in the chart title that displays the value of the last populated cell in column A. The number of rows increases over time, so I'm trying to come up with a dynamic cell reference. When I hover over the text box a tool tip appears with this text "TextBox 2" so I assume that is the name of the text box. I'm definitely open to other methods that do not use vba. It seems that none of this code can activate the text box:
Code: Sub textbox() Worksheets("Figure3-5").TextBoxes("TextBox 2").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Value End Sub
Need automate a process that I would like to implement into my spreadsheet,
It involves inserting comments,
I want to be able to select a particular cell anywhere in my spreadsheet, and then click on a command button and have a comment automatically inserted into the active cell, I tried to record the macro by hand but I do not know how to state that it is the active cell the comment should be added to
I have a spreadsheet that gets updated from the top. Is there any way for me to mod my formulae so that they always begin with the topmost cell (row 2 in this case, and in many columns) but still extend downward?
More practical example:
I have an Average formula in column X which (at the moment) averages X2:X75. I would like, even when adding new rows at the top (in the row 2 position) the forumla to not need to be manually extended with every new entry. So, if I add three more entrie4s, it will then average X2:X78. I tried all manner of absolutes.
I have a program that automatically exports info into excel as that info becomes available. What I need is to be able to insert into a cell the exact time that the information was inserted into excel. For example, cell A1 gets info inserted into it, I need cell B1 to automatically insert the time that the info was inserted into A1. Any time there is new info inserted into A1, B1 needs to update that corresponding time.
Our spreadsheet pulls values from a column when a month is inserted in a certain cell:
OCT is typed in B2 and in the column below it, from B10 down to B286, data (numbers) are pulled from the October column K10 through K286 using =IF($B$2="Oct",K10,IF(and so on for each month). IF Nov is typed in B2 then the same happens except data is pulled from the November column, L. The monthly columns from K through V are tied to and updated from other sheets. As you can see the problem is that nested functions allow only 7 and I need 12, one for each month. I have looked at the VLOOPUP and the HLOOKUP but our data is not set up that way (tables) since they need to be exact numbers pulled from the monthly columns that are tied to other sheets.
OCT (B2)
OCT NOV DEC Complaint 3 (B10) 3 6 Inspection 10 (B11) 10 2 NOV 11 (etc) 11 5 Door Notice 1 and so on Recheck 32 Citation 2 Work Order0 Demolition 0
I'm trying to write a code (and I have little to no knowledge of VBA!) so that when a line is inserted onto any worksheet in the workbook a msgbox appears....
Trying to get it myself I created this- it's probably COMPLETELY wrong, like I've mentioned I have little to no knowledge and just using websites/other codes I've seen to put this together... o.O
I wrote a code that when a change is made to a sheet the "=today()" formula is inserted to cell A for that row. My problem is that my spreadsheet keeps freezing whenever I insert a new row. Is there a code to stop running the code if a new row is inserted? Below is the only thing I have so far.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Application. ScreenUpdating = False With Cells(Target.Row, 1) .Value = "=today()" End With End Sub
I have imported and deleted several pictures into my worksheet. I want to re- name or re-order my pictures. Right now, a new pictures is name "picture 4" when there might only be two pictures in the sheet. I want to rename to say "picture 2" as I have a macro that calls for "picture 2" I know this should be simple, but I don't know how to do this.
I have some code that sits behind the worksheet_change event that recognises that I have just inserted a row into the active worksheet and it is happily telling me that I inserted one row.
What I also need is the actual row number that I just inserted but I cannot seem to find the right syntax to return the value I need
I would like to atribute a property (like colour) to any new row inserted in the spreadsheet. I'm struggling to find the correct way to reference a all inserted rows.
I have a worksheet that I have to sum in one cell and count in another cell from A1:until it hits a blank cell. The thing is, I insert the blank row (only 1) in different places depending on the new data and where the cut off is. How do I do a sum formula from cell A1...until I hit a blank and a Count formula in cell B1: until I hit a blank cell?
When I insert a row in my table (below the headers, which are between rows 1 and 4), I want the formulas from the above row (or below row) to be copied down to my newly inserted row. I say "below row" as well in case I want to insert a new first row and want the formulas in the row underneath to be copied up.
I am trying to insert an image into a worksheet with no avail. Whenever I choose INSERT/ PICTURE/ FROM FILE and select the file, it doesn't show up. I moved the entire sheet to another workbook and it all my attempts showed up there. What is stopping me from inserting a picture from file? Also, inserting AutoShapes is completely greyed out (disabled)...
I want the 2 graphs in "Graph" worksheet to change automatically when a row is inserted in "Data" worksheet . Every time i have to change the graph manually to contain the latest 20 days value. I want some offset or something which can be put in the range provided below to do the work.
Chart Data Range =Data!$A$1:$A$22,Data!$F$1:$F$2,Data!$L$1:$L$20
Legend entries (Series) - Series Name =Data!$F$1 ( this will remain constant everyday as this is a header field)
Series Values =Data!$F$2:$F$22 ( this should contain last 20 days range, for example if a next row is inserted tomorrow then it should automatically change to =Data!$F$3:$F$23)
Legend entries (Series) - Series Name =Data!$L$1 ( this will remain constant everyday as this is a header field)
Series Values =Data!$L$2:$L$22 ( this should contain last 20 days range, for example if a next row is inserted tomorrow then it should automatically change to =Data!$L$3:$L$23)
Horizontal (Category) axis series -Axis Label Range =Data!$A$2:$A$22 ( this should contain last 20 days range, for example if a next row is inserted tomorrow then it should automatically change to =Data!$A$3:$A$23)
What I want is that everytime a new blank row is created, the formula in the Days in Situ column is there as well (but obviously the cells update depending with which ever row it's in.. eg below formula is row 10.).
When I run module 2 one of the first things it does is export the sheet to a .pdf - however sometimes when i am ready to tun this macro there are pictures inserted as signatures (some of my team dont have touch screens) - but when they run the macro and the .pdf file is created the inserted pictures are there. See the below code - the "bold" line is the line that i feel needs to be more specific...
I am having no luck with trying to find a VBA code that will auto set my page break around an image I inserted. Is there a way to do this even? Furthermore, there is a possibility of inserting multiple images in which I would need each image put on a different page and have the macro set the page break around each image. So if I inserted two images then I would need the macro to set two pages and break each page around the image size?
Code: Sub Insertwinds1() ppath = "winds.webimage.url" With ActiveSheet.pictures.insert(ppath) .left = Range("A2").left .top = Range("A2").top .ShapeRange.PictureFormat.CropRight = 70 .ShapeRange.PictureFormat.Cropleft = 130 .ShapeRange.PictureFormat.CropTop = 300 .ShapeRange.PictureFormat.CropBottom = 90 End With End Sub
This takes the image from the web (which is fairly large), moves it to Cell A2, and then Crops out the extra space I don't need showing. When this Macro is finished, due to the large Crop size, the image is in the center of the screen and nowwhere near the A2 cell. Is there a simple addition I can add to this code to move it back to a specific cell (a2) after it's been cropped? or move it via placement on the sheet (13, 13, 600, 600)? My old code I was using for this was:
Code: Dim MYPICTURE As Shape Set MYPICTURE = Activesheet.shapes.addshape(msoshaperectange, 13, 13, 600, 600) MyPICTURE.fill.userpicture "winds.webimage.url" End Sub
This one inserted the image, placed it in the specific spot... but I can't get that one to crop it, which is why I started over with teh first code.
I have a formula in column G of a worksheet, however when a new row is inserted within the formula range, the formula does not continue in the new row.
Is it possible to make excel continue the formula without having to drag the formula down again?