Recogising Various Products In 1 Column + Returning In Or Out Of Stock In Another
Apr 16, 2008
I want to produce a spreadsheet which automatically tidies up a transferral of data from a programme called sage in to a customer service spreadsheet for my company.
I am a bit of a novice but a keen one so please be patient! I do know what I want to achieve in the long run!
The problem I have at the moment is recognising products in one column and getting it to return the value in or out of stock in another. So far I have got it to recognise one product and return the correct statement (using the "IF" function) but i need it to do it for the whole column and for a range of products.
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May 11, 2013
Here is what i have so far: stock.xlsx
Basically, i have 2x base products but we can interchange the parts between the sets so we have 1 variant per base product.
But what i want to calculate is how many sets i can make out of the available units that are in stock.
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May 1, 2013
I am doing a list which has the same products returning several times, but with different values. Want to filter/make a new list, with only one of each product and the summed amount of that specific product. Summing the specific amount is not that big of an issue, but the creation of the list is, least in a smart way i have tried this:
This being the last possible entry for the summed list.
My problem is that the formulas is getting too big for my computer :S, since this formula is copied more or less 10 times.
Here is an example of what i want: Product list.xlsx
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Jun 19, 2007
In the attached workbook, the CASTINGS worksheet has a SOH ( stock on hand) column.
It looks up the SOH from the SOH worksheet (column 3) for each product on order for that week.
But how do I make week 2 use the SOH figure minus the previous weeks order, IF there was an order?
And so on until week 52.
The problem I have found is what if that product wasnt ordered for the last 4 weeks? Maybe I need a temp worksheet with all the products listed for all the weeks and a running total of SOH weather it is ordered or not?
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Jan 8, 2010
I am sure this is simple but I have not found out the solution anyway....
1 2 100 0 0 2 100 400
2 2 100 10 50 0 0 700
3 2 100 0 0 2 200 600
Columns A, C and E are number of items on each "unit".
Columns B, D and F are the number of "units" (e.g. to produce).
Column G are the resulting number of items that need to be purchased.
So, column G is a sum of products and the formula found below if put in G1 will do the trick. =A1*B1+C1*D1+E1*F1. What I would like instead is to have a "formula" that allows me to insert new pairs of columns without having to change the formula to include the new column pairs.
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Aug 7, 2012
What is the easiest way to have a cell update with real time stock quotes for a particular stock?
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Jan 8, 2014
I have created a stock sheet on Sheet1, i have say 100 items and each item has a min and max stock order. Once the item hits a min low, the last cell (O) will display an order needs to be placed.
I was wondering if there way a way that on sheet2, it can calculate all the data on sheet1 and if there is stock that needs to be ordered, it will appear on sheet2?
This way i can just print sheet2 and send it to the supplier without having the entire 100 items displayed -if it does not need to be ordered?
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Aug 1, 2008
I have a spreadsheet that tries to model a possible stock price movement in a column. So in column A I have all dates starting from today and in Column B a specific stock's possible stock price movemens onver the next 2 years.
So dates start at A3 and stock prices start at B3 and end at A734 and B734.
This gives me ONE possible stock movement and to get the most accurate movement, I will need to model this 20,000 times.
Therefore, I want to create a loop macro that repeat this motion 20,000 times in the columns next to A and B. So which loop effect would I need to use and how would the code look like ? This is honestly my first time attempting to use a loop macro
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Jan 3, 2013
I have a series of data and want to create a chart looking like this
Google Image Result for [URL] ...
Where it shows min/max on the error bars, quartile 1/3 on the box and median as a scatter plot. My data is a simple table
Amount F
Amount M
Median F
Median M
Median F+M
[Code] ....
Here F = Female, M=Male and the chart should show all calculation for both gender together (I have another thread up where the gender are separated with the Title (How to create a stock column chart with error bars?? (Both gender separated))
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Feb 17, 2009
If I have a column full of data is there a way to copy every nth row to a new column? For example, I may have dates and corresponding days of the week. Can I copy the date of each tuesday (i.e. every 7th row) to a new column?
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Mar 22, 2007
since my previous post got a little complex I will make it easier so I can continue puzzling myself.
I have a value "10:00"
and a table:
00:00 08:00
08:01 12:00
12:01 14:00
Now I sue LOOKUP("10:00",A1:B3). This will return "12:00"
But I would not want it to return this VALUE but want it to return ROW or COLUMN. I tried ROW(LOOKUP.....) but this doesn't work.
How do I look it up and then return either B, or 2 (in this example)
Once I have this I combine my 3 way lookup by combining my new found knowledge
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Apr 6, 2007
I'm trying to return the # month in which a particular event occurred.
...1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011 12 13 14 15 ....
...J .F M A M J J A S O N D J F M .....
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
I need a formula that will tell that for Item #1, Value 1 occurred in month 11, and #2 was month 8, etc. I would have thought that this is common, but I searched the postings for a long time. Maybe I'm over-complicating?
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Apr 23, 2014
Basically, I want to use look in one cell to get a value then in a table look in a coloum to find the same value then return a value from a different column in that row.
This is to organize groups of children participating in an event.
See the attached spreadsheet for details.
Groups example.xls
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Jan 6, 2013
I would like to have values from every 10th row in the table.
So I want to have B2, B11, B21 & so on...
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Feb 5, 2013
Why is lastRow always returning 1? Even after adding values to worksheet and running macro - its always returning 1 for lastRow.... Am i missing something here? Do I need to refresh worksheet or something? I just dont get it :/
Option Explicit
Private lastRow As Long
Private curRow As Long[code].....
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May 12, 2014
In the attached example I paste in a report from another system into Sheet2 (rough data layout in example).
In column B in Sheet1 I have tried using Match and Index formulas to try and return only the Local Shipment figures from on Sheet2 for each staff member.
The issue i'm having is that the data in Sheet2 can change based on how long the report is run. There is also no way I can change the way the raw data is set out in Sheet2 as it's an external system.
Basically i'm looking for a formula that isn't locked down to certain cells and can work with data moving up and down columns at different stages. The key data never changes from column A and F in sheet2. But what does change is whether each person has one or both of Sales & Local Shipment data in the reporting. This obviously changes based on what is completed each day.
So I need a formula that matches the persons name in column A in Sheet1 with Column A in Sheet2, then looks for the first mention of 'Local Shipment' below it and returns the cloumn F value which is in the same row as 'Local Shipment'.
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Aug 7, 2014
I have a table of data-
IDDescriptionDatePax Count
Example, the real data is about 38,000 entries. I want to build a query to return the value of Column D (pax count) based on the values of Columns A (ID) and C (Date)
This would feed into a second, ID specific table, like this-
ID 536 Bookings JULY 2013
(value) (value) (value) (value) (value) (value) (value)
SUMPRODUCT, usually my mainstay, is for some reason letting me down, returning a value of 0 for everything irrespective.
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Feb 4, 2014
The first two columns are an example of my data set; I would like a formula for the 3rd column (Length+1) which will give me the length at the next age (i.e the value in the cell below in most cases) unless the following age is 1 in which case I want it to return zero.
Age Length Length+1
1 22 51
2 51 78
3 78 94
4 94 0
1 31 46
2 46 69
3 69 85
4 85 96
5 96 103
6 103 0
1 19 36
2 36 52
3 52 0
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May 31, 2007
I want to return the proper value from sheet 2 into column C in sheet one. I have the current formula set up as an array but I only get the value that matches the first row in Sheet 2.
HTML Column A Column B Column C
Date Number Who
3/23/2007 902-555-2596=IF($B2=Sheet2!$A$2:$A$2001,Sheet2!$B$2:$B$2001,)
3/23/2007 980-123-6621=IF($B2=Sheet2!$A$2:$A$2001,Sheet2!$B$2:$B$2001,)
3/23/2007 980-123-6621=IF($B2=Sheet2!$A$2:$A$2001,Sheet2!$B$2:$B$2001,)
3/23/2007 980-555-6621=IF($B2=Sheet2!$A$2:$A$2001,Sheet2!$B$2:$B$2001,)
3/23/2007 980-678-0352=IF($B2=Sheet2!$A$2:$A$2001,Sheet2!$B$2:$B$2001,)
3/23/2007 902-555-7958=IF($B2=Sheet2!$A$2:$A$2001,Sheet2!$B$2:$B$2001,)
3/23/2007 980-555-6621=IF($B2=Sheet2!$A$2:$A$2001,Sheet2!$B$2:$B$2001,)
3/23/2007 980-555-6621=IF($B2=Sheet2!$A$2:$A$2001,Sheet2!$B$2:$B$2001,)
3/23/2007 902-555-7958=IF($B2=Sheet2!$A$2:$A$2001,Sheet2!$B$2:$B$2001,)
3/23/2007 902-555-7958=IF($B2=Sheet2!$A$2:$A$2001,Sheet2!$B$2:$B$2001,)
~~~~~~~~~~~ Sheet 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Column A Column B
902-555-7958Big Bird
902-555-5100Daffy Duck
902-555-5752Donald Duck
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Oct 3, 2008
Ok, so I have a column of data in 24hr time format over a 24hr period from noon thru midnight and back to noon again. It has been necessary to make some of the cells in the column blank, and I am having difficulty extracting the first and last non-blank entries of the column (basically I want the earliest and latest time in that specific 24hr period). The time data is in order, so for example, some of the first values in the column are 14:30, 21:10, and 22:40, while some of the last values in the column are 02:20, 05:50, and 11:00, therefore the values I require are 14:30 and 11:00.
Any help that anyone can give on this matter would be greatly appreciated, but until then I guess I will keep plodding through the help sites and playing with formula until I spontaneously combust.
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May 7, 2012
I have an application that on the "Main" sheet, is to extract two numbers then search for them on my "Listpoint" sheet and finally return the text to the right of the search data (e.g. K3)
Working left to right - the user pastes upto 12 lines of code into C3-C22. Formula in E3 extracts object Nos. Formula in K3 substitutes "first" number if it is a zero (with number from A3).
Left to do - Uses data (H3) to search Listpoint sheet colums C and B for a match. then returns text from Column S.
Note Listpoint has 1000 rows to search.
ABCDEFGHIJKL1 2Osn Number Prog Point Text Extracted
ObJNos Zero replaced Name of Object 1 38 10 IF POINT 0|199 ON OR POINT 8|191
ON THEN RETURN FALSE 0 1998 191 8 1998 191
Example found Text 4 20 IF POINT 0|106 OFF THEN RETURN FALSE "HOLD OFF"
[Code] ............
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Feb 10, 2014
I have row of dates and underneath those dates I have a row of numbers. The numbers count down. For example:
[Code] .....
At the end of the row I want a cell to return the date that the row first started going negative at. In this example, it should display 10/31/2014 (for when it went to -60).
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Apr 26, 2014
I have 2 columns:
I am trying to match where these are located in another column
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Jan 28, 2008
I'd basically like a formula that finds a number (eg 220) within either the first 10 rows (or with row 5 if this isn't possible) and returns the column Letter as the result. The number will only appear once and only in one column. If it matters the columns go all the way to EC.
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Feb 19, 2013
I'm trying to find a way to test is the max value in a range, columns A-F, comes after the min.
Example: Columns A-F have the values 4,1,3,5,2 respectively. I'd like a test to see if the min, in this case Column B, comes before the max, column D, and have an output that says yes or no. So in this example yes but if the numbers were instead 4,5,1,2,3 it would return a no.
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May 30, 2014
Excel user that has been manually computing a 6000 row spreadsheet. Here is sample data and what I need. Column A goes through the alphabet (A,B, C, etc.) and Column B is numbers from 1-65. I need Column C to count the number of rows for each alphabet/number pair. K, 28 has 3 rows; K, 33 has 1 row; L, 21 has 4 rows; etc.
Column A
Column B
Column C
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Jul 16, 2014
I am looking to write a formula that will return the row or column number of the cell that contains a particular text within the string. I know it can be done with script, but need it as a formula. Also, to add another level of difficulty, I'd like it to be a traditional formula, no special keystroke to activate. It will be used within a much larger formula.Ex. If G5 has the string "CURRENT DATE" in it, and I look for "DATE", the formula would return 7 for the column or 5 for the row.
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Oct 6, 2009
My Data
Service 1 | 100 | 1.5$
Service 1 | 200| 2.5$
Service 1 | 300| 3.5$
Service 2 | 100| 11.5$
Service 2 | 125| 21.5$
Service 2 | 300| 30$
I need to extract the value in the third column according to an exact match of the first column (the service name) and a range match of the third column.
I tried SumProduct but the problem with my formula was:
Let's assum I ask for
Service 1, 200
The formula summed up 1.5 and 3.5 and returned 5
When I wanted to return one value from this table.
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Jul 17, 2006
I need to return the column header in a table which corresponds to the column that the value I'm querying is in. I've been trying to use the INDEX function coupled with MATCH and COLUMNS function but I'm not getting anywhere. I've found on the web a solution that uses SUMPRODUCT but I can't get that to work either. Unfortunately, I can't supply the data I'm working with as it is confidential. I know my question would be easier to answer if I could supply it.
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Sep 28, 2006
I have two worksheets. On one worksheet will be a place to enter a five digit number. In the adjacent cell, I want to search on the second worksheet in a three-column area for that same five digit number. The five-digit numbers on the second worksheet are located in the third column and the text I want returned from the second column. I cannot change the order of the columns as the first worksheet will be an "add-on" worksheet to a widely used spreadsheet within our company (this spreadsheet already has the second worksheet formatted).
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