Matching Two Columns Returning Location In A Column
Apr 26, 2014
I have 2 columns:
I am trying to match where these are located in another column
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Feb 19, 2013
I'm trying to find a way to test is the max value in a range, columns A-F, comes after the min.
Example: Columns A-F have the values 4,1,3,5,2 respectively. I'd like a test to see if the min, in this case Column B, comes before the max, column D, and have an output that says yes or no. So in this example yes but if the numbers were instead 4,5,1,2,3 it would return a no.
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May 12, 2014
In the attached example I paste in a report from another system into Sheet2 (rough data layout in example).
In column B in Sheet1 I have tried using Match and Index formulas to try and return only the Local Shipment figures from on Sheet2 for each staff member.
The issue i'm having is that the data in Sheet2 can change based on how long the report is run. There is also no way I can change the way the raw data is set out in Sheet2 as it's an external system.
Basically i'm looking for a formula that isn't locked down to certain cells and can work with data moving up and down columns at different stages. The key data never changes from column A and F in sheet2. But what does change is whether each person has one or both of Sales & Local Shipment data in the reporting. This obviously changes based on what is completed each day.
So I need a formula that matches the persons name in column A in Sheet1 with Column A in Sheet2, then looks for the first mention of 'Local Shipment' below it and returns the cloumn F value which is in the same row as 'Local Shipment'.
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May 7, 2012
I have an application that on the "Main" sheet, is to extract two numbers then search for them on my "Listpoint" sheet and finally return the text to the right of the search data (e.g. K3)
Working left to right - the user pastes upto 12 lines of code into C3-C22. Formula in E3 extracts object Nos. Formula in K3 substitutes "first" number if it is a zero (with number from A3).
Left to do - Uses data (H3) to search Listpoint sheet colums C and B for a match. then returns text from Column S.
Note Listpoint has 1000 rows to search.
ABCDEFGHIJKL1 2Osn Number Prog Point Text Extracted
ObJNos Zero replaced Name of Object 1 38 10 IF POINT 0|199 ON OR POINT 8|191
ON THEN RETURN FALSE 0 1998 191 8 1998 191
Example found Text 4 20 IF POINT 0|106 OFF THEN RETURN FALSE "HOLD OFF"
[Code] ............
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Apr 4, 2014
I am using Excel 2003. I have attached a data file here. getting the values in Q3, R3 and S3.
Q1 has the number = 1. So I want the cell Q3 to return 2/11/2013 as that is the cell corresponding to the Item1 (value specified in P3) with the value 1(value specified in Q1) in the cell. Basically, I need the date corresponding to cell which has the value of Q1 for the value of P3.
Similarly, R2 must have the value 2/12/2013 and S3 must have the value 2/14/2013 returned.
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Oct 6, 2009
My Data
Service 1 | 100 | 1.5$
Service 1 | 200| 2.5$
Service 1 | 300| 3.5$
Service 2 | 100| 11.5$
Service 2 | 125| 21.5$
Service 2 | 300| 30$
I need to extract the value in the third column according to an exact match of the first column (the service name) and a range match of the third column.
I tried SumProduct but the problem with my formula was:
Let's assum I ask for
Service 1, 200
The formula summed up 1.5 and 3.5 and returned 5
When I wanted to return one value from this table.
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Jun 24, 2012
Basically; there are three main columns in the first worksheet (lets call it "Main Data"): OrderNumber, TaskName, SignOffDate with data listed as follows. The actual spreadsheet has hundreds of order numbers but i'll keep it simple and lets go with two.
[Code] ........
What I am trying to do; is sort this data in a second worksheet (lets lable it "Output") so that the sign off dates for each task; for each order; are listed within 1 single row. Ie:
There are many orders in the main data; and I'm not sure what to do exactly to return the sign off dates for each task for each order without creating separate worksheets for each task name; then using vlookups to find each date.
An order may have a sign off for all task names, or none at all. In addition to this; they may not always be in the same order as listed above.
I'm using Excel 2010.
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Mar 20, 2014
I have a two different workbooks book 1 and book 2 with some data.
If values of first two columns ( Column A and B) of both workbooks are matching then I want a formula that can return the value of third column (column c) of book 2 in book 1 column c.
Book 1
column A / Column B / Column C
100 / 200 /
Book 2
Column A / Column B / Column C
100 / 200 / 300
now I want a formula that can return in column C of book 1 to display 300.
And the data runs across some 100 rows in both workbooks.
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Jun 20, 2006
Here you can see 4 columns (C, D, E, F)
I would like to compare Column C, D, E, F and If column C = Column E., i would like to show the result from column F to Column d.,
For example:
For column E >> The result in column F is: Port Blair.,
I would like that to be in Column D after a match.
Is there any forumula which will do this.,
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Apr 8, 2014
I have two Columns C and E that have dollar amounts in them. I want to compare each row in those columns and then total the number in column C that are higher that column E.
So basically C6>E6, C7<E7, C8=E8,C9>E9 should return the result of 2. There are two instances where the price in C is higher than the price in E.
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Oct 8, 2009
I need a formula. Probably Vlookup. I'm having a LOT of trouble trying to figure out how to "phrase" the formula so let me explain what it is I'm trying to do. If a cell in Sheet 1 Column AS and a cell in Sheet 2 Column B match exactly, I want the cell in Sheet 2 Column C that is in the same row as the matched cell in Sheet 2 Column B to be copied into Sheet 1 Column BB in the same row as the matched cell in Sheet 1 Column AS.
For example, if cells in S1 Column AS and S2 Column B both have the name "LOS ANGELES" then "KLAX" will be copied from cell in S2 Column C (in same row as "LOS ANGELES") to S1 Column BB (in same row as "LOS ANGELES").
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Mar 6, 2009
I would like to amend my macro w/ additional code that will allow me to view the value in column A, if a subject is chosen from list from columns D or E. Choosing a singal subject to view from row2,from column,D or E will cause the value in column A to not be seen if the subject does not correspond with the row the value is located. Is there a way to match values from corresponding/matching column values with the rows with values in columnA? And. allow if match found to display/list the value in the first empty cell in column A for match? I would also like the macro to reverse match for column A.
So if a single value is selected in column A for view, then all rows for which the value pertains to will also be shown, instead of just the single row with the value.
Here's an examplary make of the booklet.
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Dec 27, 2012
I am trying to created a spreadsheet for work where I have created to validation drop down boxes, one each box has been selected i want it to return back with the correct answer in the 3rd column.
below are the 3 colums. i have created a validation for column 1 and 2 but when selected i want the final box to = column 3 ie. >=9, =2
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Apr 20, 2006
I have run across a problem that I am unable to solve with a combination of index, match and countif funtions. What I am trying to do is have the formula return disctinct symbols. I have a list of currencies on one sheet: audusd, eurusd, usdcad etc, more than one from each. Id like to return one from each onto another sheet...
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Mar 29, 2012
I have in my 'Daily' sheet I9 which needs a formula to look at the date in C9 and the scan range 'Weeks' F6:AN41 and find the cell with the matching date and then whatever text is in Row 2 of the column the date was in will be returned.
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Feb 25, 2010
I have an Excel spreadsheet (XP - 2007) listing Job Nos. in the first column, with several columns of Station assignments and dates.
Both planned dates and actual dates are included, adjacent to each other. The dates are not necessarily in a straight ascending or descending order. Separate arrays exist for: Plan Nametags, Actual Nametags, Plan Dates, Actual Dates.
Job No.Sta1 PlanSta1 ActSta2 PlanSta2 ActSta3 PlanSta3 Act1A10001-Feb-101-Feb-106-Feb-106-Feb-101-Mar-101A100116-Feb-1016-Feb-1019-Feb-1022-Feb-105-Mar-101A100225-Feb-1025-Feb-102-Mar-104-Mar-1010-Mar-10@
I need to capture two pieces of information for each Job No. on a daily basis:
1- The 'Planned' Station for the build, based on a match of the 'Plan' date fields to a pre-populated 'Report Date'.
I've been able to do this (using INDEX-MATCH function).
2- The 'Actual' Station location for the build, based on the Maximum 'Actual' date entry in the row for each build.
(In the example above, Job# 1A1001 would have an 'Actual' location of 'Sta2 Act'...)
I need to figure out how to accomplish step (2) above. I've made several attempts with INDEX-MATCH and LOOKUP functions, without success.
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Jun 18, 2008
I have a worksheet with a data sheet that has the values for a number of portfolios over a time period (one month)then I have a corresponding sheet for each portfolio (in the attached example I have included only portfolio 1). What I am trying to do is to make a formula in the sheet Portfolio 1 that matches the date in the Portfolio 1 sheet with the data sheet and by matching the date returning the value for the Portfolio 1 for the date ie date 2008-06-01 should return for portfolio 1 (from the data sheet) 500.
I have tried with varying Index and matching formulas and I do believe that this is the way to go.
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Feb 5, 2013
I have two workbooks at the moment, one which holds a whole host of customer and accounts details and another which holds only the customer details. What I'm trying to do is cross reference the two to determine if a customers details appear on both and if they do highlight this, ultimately I'd like it to pull the customers account number back but even if it highlights a match that would be sufficient.
The only unique criteria I have to do this are customer surname and customer postcode.
In the Customer details spreadsheet I'm attempting to enter a formula which will look at the specific surname & postcode held on the row in which it is entered. It will then look at all of the rows on the other spreadsheet and determine whether any of them meet both criteria.
If they do I'd like it to display "match" if they don't I'd like it to display "no match"
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Dec 24, 2013
I have a set of sheets on a workbook that contain addresses, which are all combined on the first sheet (as you can see in the attached file). I would like to use a formula to compare the addresses on the Main sheet with the other sheets, then return in the D column of Main a colored cell indicating on which sheet the address was found on; different colors for different sheets. I tried to figure out some conditional formatting, but to no avail. Also, on occasion I have spreadsheets with 5 or 6 sheets containing these mixed addresses. Is there a solution that won't be limited to just a few sheets for comparison?
Excel Help.xlsx
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Jul 9, 2012
want to match column A to column C and if they match take whats in column D and put it in column B.
Column C has multiple instances of Column A and I would like each instance's, which is the following column, value put into column b
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Jun 8, 2014
I am attempting to place a formula in cell b3 in the attached spreadsheet on the "sheet to pull data into" tab 1 (cell is highlighted yellow) to retrieve value in the yellow highlighted cell in the "Sheet that contains data" which is on a seperate worksheet within the same workbook.
The cells highlighted red in the "sheet to pull into" tab (cells: a1, a3, b1, and b3) are the criteria that needs to be matched to those cells on "sheet that contains data" tab in order to ensure the value returned is correct.Sample of problem.xlsx <----see the attached sample spreadsheet.
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May 15, 2014
I would like to align the matching values in columns A and B but I want the values that correspond to b in c,d and e to go with the column b value.
C D and E don't necessarily have a value in there but if it does it needs to move with B
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Jun 14, 2012
Right now in cell AE1 the value = "SUM", but the word "SUM" floats in row 1
I'd like a macro that looks through row1, and gives me the column letter that the word "SUM" resides in
sCol_1 As String
sCol1 = (Where ever the word "SUM" is located in row 1)
not sure if this is the best way.
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Jun 20, 2007
I have text (eg. 1-* or 10-* or 11-*) being entered in the following columns
I would like Excel to search the above columns provide the cell location (eg. 1-10-*) is located in cell BF26
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Apr 24, 2013
i need to match 2 columns on one worksheet with 2 columns on another.
One column is alphanumerical (Reference Numbers), the other is company names.
I need to ensure that both the Reference and Company name match from one sheet, with the company and reference from another.
e.g if A1 and B1 on Wks 1 = A1 and B1 on Wks 2 = TRUE, anything else is FALSE.
There is likely to be Reference number and Comapny name duplicates, therefore the trick is to ensure that the number of duplicates match?(I.E ABC Company, Reference number 1234 may appear 5 times on worksheet 1, however if it is only on Worksheet 2 4 times, then this must be flagged).
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Oct 6, 2009
I am trying to develop a spreadsheet that will calculate a cost based on a matrix. I am attaching a sample of the calculation created so far. The end result is in cell M13 and is highlighted in yellow. I kind of layed the formula out in a few different cells, so hopefully it would be easy to follow.
simplify this process with maybe another formula that I might not be aware of, or maybe show me how to get this done in VB code. I think VB code would be the correct way to go just not sure.
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Jan 27, 2014
see attachment below for easier comprehension of what I need to be done. Note that I have around 20 subjects (2 in example) and about 15000 values per subject (5 per subject shown) Basically, I want matching rows to be aligned (see grey) and non-matching rows to be deleted, throughout the 20 or so subjects.
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Apr 10, 2014
Not sure where to start with this one, an IF statement or vlookup? Basically I have 3 columns A, B, C (original sheet) and A, B, C in my working sheet. A contains car registrations, B contains a date and C contains a weight. I need to return C from my original sheet into my working sheet only when A and B BOTH match from my working sheet (there are scenarios where the same car registration has a different date next to it). So I want to return the weight only when the car registration and the date match in a specific instance from my working sheet.
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Feb 10, 2009
I'm quite new to array formulas in excel and was wondering whether or not I can advance on this formula:
The problem is I would like to compare the entire colums (or array) and return the number of 'TRUE' statements in the array as a value.
however, this returns all values as 'FALSE'
example of arrgument:
IF C5:C65535=customer then count how many cells in K5:K65536=completed
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Jan 2, 2014
[URL] to locate the first negative value. Several options are offered, of which these would work for me ....
to return the Column Letter
to return the Column Number.
However, I need to take it to the next step, in my application, B2:Z2 are year dates, 2014 et seq B3:Z3 contain $values , one of which might be negative So if D3 is the first negative, the solution will return the label "2016". In the same thread, the Editor offers a refinement needed for my solution, but is beyond my skill level to implement: Any solution to avoid #N/A errors for the ranges where there are no negative values? I would just use
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