Recognise A Blank Cell Within IF Function

Dec 1, 2008

How can i return a blank cell if the formula is looking at a blank cell with IF function?

E.g. IF(A1=" "," "," ")

(This is part of a bigger statement which returns a date if and when there is a date in the cell, if there isn't it comes up with an answer even though it should be blank)

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AND Function Not Recognise The Named Range

Jun 22, 2006

In the formula below the AND function cannot recognise the named range "KolomFFundering". I need the named range because when I insert a row the range must also change. Is there any way to rewrite this formula without losing it's function? The range of "KolomFFundering" is F13:F23.

=IF(AND(J12<>"";KolomFFundering<>"");"verwijder getal uit kolom 'hoeveelheid'";IF(KolomFFundering<>"";SUM(KolomFFundering);IF(P12<>"";P12/L$227;"")))

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IF Blank Or If Not Blank Function That Works With Adjacent Cell With Formula In It?

Aug 12, 2014

I have one column that contains an If statement formula and would like the next column to then work off of the first column (i.e. if that 1st column returns a value then then adjacent column uses that result).

What is happening now is that it is returning #value (because I guess technically the cell isn't blank?)

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Trying To Get SUMIF To Recognise Text Within A Cell

Jun 14, 2009

I'm trying to make a spreadsheet to organise my bank statements. I have raw data from online banking and I want to sum all the transactions that have "SAINSBURYS" in, for instance. I am using SUMIF to add the totals only if "SAINSBURYS" on the totals page matches "SAINSBURYS" on the raw data page. The problem I'm having is that the raw data cell doesnt just display "SAINSBURYS" but "SAINSBURYS LONGWATER BCG 12345678" for example, and so i cant find a way for SUMIF to recognise that it contains "SAINSBURYS".

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If Function - Cell Not Blank

Jan 15, 2006

I'd like to do an if statement that only brings in data from a cell if another cell is not blank...

=if(A1="not blank",A3,"")

I need the "not blank". Sometimes the cell is text, sometimes it is a number.

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IF Function Between Blank Cell?

Dec 13, 2013

I have excel worksheet like this

HTML Code: 

a b c d
1 bob math fail
2 bob biology success
3 bob (blank)
4 jane math success
5 jane biology success
6 jane (blank)
7 jake math success
8 jake biology fail
9 jake (blank)

I want to fill cell D3, D6, D9 automatically by a formula with condition if one lesson is fail then it's fail, but if both lesson is success then it's success

Example on cell D3 (blank cell on row for student name "Bob") should be fail (his math is fail), same with cell D9 (blank cell on row for student name "jake", due to his biology is fail), but on cell D6 (blank cell on row for student name "jane") should be success.

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COUNTA Function After Blank Cell

Oct 2, 2008

Is there a way to use the COUNTA function in cell A1, that will return the total number of cells containing text in the rest of row 1, BUT, will start the count over after a blank cell.

EXAMPLE: A2, A3, A4 all have text added on a daily basis. The value returned via COUNTA in A1 = 3 (after the third day). However, A5 is blank, then A6 gets text on the 5th day, and now I need the returned value in A1 via the COUNTA function to = 1, because we started over after a blank cell.


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Lookup Function- Encounters A Blank Cell

Oct 18, 2007

I'm trying to use a lookup function that when encounters a blank cell, it uses a 0 to factor into an equation. In the lookups, like d9, if there is a blank cell, I would like it to use a 0 factored in. I keep getting #N/A.

Here is my formula:....

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COUNTIF Function Does Not Work With Blank Or Null Cell

May 15, 2006

I tried to answer a problem on here by giving this formula: = COUNTIF(A1:B6,"=""")
but it doesn't work on my machine. Nor does =COUNTIF(A1:B6,"<>"""). In either case, the effect is as if all cells in the range are non-blank. But the result of =A1="" is "TRUE". Neither syntax is rejected by Excel; in fact, if you omit one of the quotes, the syntax is corrected to the form shown. So I am curious. Does this work normally, but some setting in my machine is stopping it? Or, if it never works, why is it not giving a syntax error? I am using Excel 2000.

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Display/Show Blank Cell Via IF Formula/Function

Sep 27, 2006

The following are on a sheet:

A1 = 5700
B1 = 235
C1 = 17:14
D1 = 5922
$E$1 = 09:01
$F$1= 3

$E$1 and $F$1 are (the only) absolutes/constants.

A2 contains the following:


This translates as:


The result is a variable/number (235), "d" or a blank cell ("").

This formula is in a column and works fine where there are numbers in corresponding cells. The problem arises with corresponding cells which appear blank (show no values) but contain references to other cells: they result in a "d" when nothing should be displayed.

So while a corresponding blank cell is correct if it shows no values, it gives me this problem - I don't want "d" or anything.

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Basic IF Function. Return Cell Value Or Show Blank

Mar 13, 2008

For example if I were to take the data in cells d3($358), d4($321), d5($130), d6($82) and skip a cell to now make the same data into cells d3, d5, d7, d9. Next, the data in cells f3, f4, f5, f6 would be merge into the blank cells of d4, d6, d8, d10.

The final result would look like column B. I have over two years of sales data in two separate columns that I need to merged into one column. Is there easier way without a simple cut and paste one cell at a time as this would take an enormous amount of time to complete? I’m not that good with VBA codes so a formula works good, but if VBA is the way to go then tell how to enter it on my worksheet.

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Excel Function To Return Nearest Non Blank Cell Value From Rectangular Array Of Cells

Jan 10, 2014

Assume you have a rectangular range. Say A1:M18. There are values in some random cells (any number of cells) within the range. The rest of cells are blank. In cell M19 (ie cell below the bottom right corner of the range), I need a excel function that returns the nearest (ie physical location) non blank cell value. I have searched the internet for weeks. The closest formula is the following (see below) but it is flawed as it returns zero if there are values in rows below the row of the nearest cell with non blank...and also zero if there is value in a column greater than the column of the nearest cell with non blank.

Closest formula so far:

And the function should be relative not absolute as the range can be extended..but the location of the formula remain same relative to the array size. (ie. always at below the right bottom cell).

NOTE: Ignore the special case where two non blank cells are the nearest. That will not happen.

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Recognise 011007 As Date?

Oct 19, 2007

I have a list of data with a column of dates in the format ddmmyy, that I'm trying to get Excel to recognise as dates. What's the best/easiest way to do this? I've tried text->columns then concatenating back together with dashes or periods in between (like normal date format), but Excel doesn't recognise it as dates...

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Countif To Recognise Different Text

Jul 1, 2009

I am using countif to count a range of cells D10:D34 returning a PB as a result of a formula in Col D.

The countif formula (=Countif(D10:D34,"PB") is in cell D39 and the result in D39 populates a cell in another worksheet. The formula in Col D also returns =PB results. I have placed another Countif formula in cell D41 (result to also populate a cell in another worksheet) to count all =PB's using (=Countif(D10:D34,"=PB"). The second countif doesn't work correctly. It counts all PB's and =PB's.

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VBA To Recognise If A Certain Report Is Already Open

Sep 26, 2008

How can I get VBA to recognise if a certain report is already open?

Basically, what I want to do is if the report is open then just copy the sheet across else if the report is not open the open the rpeort and copy the sheet across.

I'm only struggling with the first part, I can get it copying over fine but its the "if the report is already open" part I can't get my head around...

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VBA Doesn't Recognise Selection

Mar 9, 2009

I have a report that has been running in it's current state for several months with no issue. However, today it has decided that it doesn't understand the word 'selection'.

eg: selection.copy gives compile error.

Now... obviously NOT USING selection is preferred. However, let's put that aside for now because there are LOTS of these in this report and it's never had an issue until today.

Is there some setting that could have gotten changed or something?

It's happening on multiple computers and we're running Excel 2003 (standard) with SP3.

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Macro To Recognise No. Of Rows After Deletion

Dec 25, 2007

In my attachment, I had try to create a PO system that will show a dialouge box and capture input data of the dialogue box into the worksheet.

However, I am not able to make the macro recognise any manual deletion from the worksheet (e.g. delete any row in between the full data). Hence, when I input new data, the row will start from the last register counting of rows (i.e. Range("g1") in my attachment.) and it will leave a blank row after the last row of data and so on...

I will also like to know if I need to fix the "date" input to select from a "calendar" pop-up and input the date format into (e.g. year into column a, month into column b and day into column c) 3 separate columns. Is it possible?

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VBA: Recognise Mouse Click Event?

Aug 29, 2007

I ask because I would like to change the value of a cell within A:A to TODAY() if the user right clicks on it - or with some keyboard combination.

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Getting Graph To Recognise Date From Formula

Jul 13, 2007

whenever I select a series of dates for a line graph x axis Excel does not recognise the values as dates for the purposes of the scale tab in graph options. I suspect it may be because the dates are the result of formula in the relevant cells.

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Vlookup, Can't Recognise: Cut Data From Paste Sheet

Mar 27, 2009

I can't figure out why I can't get values in D column, sheet1. Table array is on sheet4. (Ignore Error in column E... I just cut data from paste sheet because it was too large). Also, can't figure why is so huge :-S But that's not problem right now...

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Recognise Words In Multiple Cells With A Unique Output?

May 9, 2014

in column A i have fruit words (e.g. apple, banana, orange...)

in column B i have cities (e.g. london, paris, rome...)

i would like a formula in column C that gives "british apples" when "apple" and "london" are on the same row
whilst also giving "french bananas" when "paris" and "banana" are on the same row.

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Formula: Recognise When A Child Equalled Or Bettered A Club Record In An Event

Sep 2, 2008

I wrote a formula to recognise when a child equalled or bettered a club record (CR) in an event. However what I neglected to do and cannot work out is for the formula to recognise the new time as the new club record that will then have to be equalled or bettered from then on to be recognised as a club record. For example CR for 70 metres is 9.28 secs. Formula I was working with was IF(ISBLANK(B3),""),IF(B3

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Count Function To Count Blank And Not Blank And Numbers

Nov 13, 2008

I have roughly 150 cells I am trying to count, some blank, some not blank, some with numbers. All are in the same column. I want use a simple function that sums the total number for me, say from (A2:A153). Answers?

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Leaving Blank Cells Blank In Dragging Formula Combining Different Formulas In One Cell?

Aug 2, 2014

I can't modify my formula to leave blank cells blank when dragging it down, Also, I've got two formulas that i need to combine. Please view the comments I've put in cells E4, F2,F3,H2 and I2 to understand clearly what am seeking. See the attached worksheet.

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IF Function Gives FALSE Not Blank

Jan 18, 2007

I am still having bother with if statemnts (within a cell in excel - not a macro)
Sicarii kindly assisted me the other day with this...

=IF(A1="&","V",IF(A1=" &"," V"))
*note* there is nothing set in this for FALSE.

How do I get the statement to return nothing (i.e.: have "" in the return) instead of 'false'? To explain further, I have in a column, the following:
^ & (i.e.:'(space)&')

^ &.........................

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IF Statement To Leave Cell Blank If Multiple Cells Are All Blank?

Mar 12, 2014

I am looking for an IF statement that would leave a balance cell blank if both the revenue and expense cells are blank, otherwise a formula would be calculated.

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How To Populate Blank Cells With Sequence Until Non Blank Cell Is Encountered

Mar 22, 2014

I presume this is fairly simple to do, since it's certainly easy enough to do manually by filling in a couple of rows and dragging them down, but I need it to be performed in a macro that I can run before other macros run.

What I need specifically is for the macro to go to G1 and insert the number .01... Then go to G2 and insert .02... Then G3 and insert .03... And repeat this until it finds the first non-blank cell ( row number this occurs at varies), at which point it ends and does nothing to that populated cell or any other cell in the column thereafter (including other blanks farther down).

This all needs to be done in Arial, 10pt, white.

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List - Filling In Each Blank Cells With Value Contained In First Non-blank Cell Above It

Feb 27, 2013

I have a list that looks something like this:

Column B

Row 4 Item 1
Row 5 Item 2
Row 6
Row 7
Row 8 Item 3
Row 9
Row 10 Item 4
Row 11
Row 12
Row 13
Row 14 Item 5

The range of cells in column B containing the items has a name "ColStreams"

I need to go through the list, filling in each blank cells with the value contained in the first non-blank cell above it - so, in this case, rows 6 and 7 would contain "Item 2", row 9 would contain "Item 3", rows 11-13 would contain "Item 4" and so on.

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Replace #VALUE! Error For Blank Cells With Blank Cell

Nov 17, 2008

The formula below calculates appropriately, however, if any of the cells (E12,E14, E21, E22, E28, E29) are blank, it returns a #VALUE! error. I would like the cell to remain blank. How can I do this? The formula is listed below.


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How To Not Include Blank Cells In IF Function

Apr 14, 2014

If have very simple =IF function, =IF(F4=H4;1;0) but don't wan't the 'value is true' value when both cells are empty, how do I need to change the function so it states 0?

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