Getting Sheet To Lookup Data From Another Sheet Then Referencing Rows Data?
Jul 22, 2014
I want to be able to paste the large amount of data I get each day into the first sheet in my workbook ("data dump" sheet), the data will be formatted in the way i have used in the example workbook.
I then would like to be able to just have to enter 2 values into columns A and B of "1st output" sheet (Label in A, and Item in B), then have it look up the data that corresponds to those 2 values that are both in the same row in the "data dump" sheet, and have it copy and paste all of the relevant data in that row into the row in the "1st output" sheet.
The data I would want excel to find and place for me in the first sheet is highlighted in yellow
As a way of keeping track of this every day, I then need the data from the "1st output" sheet, to be fed into the "2nd output" sheet. This sheet would have all of the peoples' names already in it, but would just need to look in the "1st output" sheet for references to these names. If one of the names pops up, I'd need the date shown in the row of that instance to be placed after their name. This will allow me to keep a log of how many times their name gets flagged up, as well as the dates on which it happens. Again, the data I'd need excel to look up in the "2nd output" sheet is highlighted in yellow.
If there was a way of having the 2nd sheet add new names it finds on the 1st output sheet, that aren't already referenced on the 2nd output sheet in column A, that would be amazingly handy if it could then enter that name into column A and start a new row for them
I want to be able to paste the large amount of data I get each day into the first sheet in my workbook ("data dump" sheet), the data will be formatted in the way i have used in the example workbook.
I then would like to be able to just have to enter 2 values into columns A and B of "1st output" sheet (Label in A, and Item in B), then have it look up the data that corresponds to those 2 values that are both in the same row in the "data dump" sheet, and have it place all of the relevant data in that row into the row in the "1st output" sheet.
The data I would want excel to find and place for me in the first sheet is highlighted in yellow
As a way of keeping track of this every day, I then need the data from the "1st output" sheet, to be fed into the "2nd output" sheet. This sheet would have all of the peoples' names already in it, but would just need to look in the "1st output" sheet for references to these names. If one of the names pops up, I'd need the date shown in the row of that instance to be placed after their name. This will allow me to keep a log of how many times their name gets flagged up, as well as the dates on which it happens. Again, the data I'd need excel to look up in the "2nd output" sheet is highlighted in yellow.
If there was a way of having the 2nd sheet add new names it finds on the 1st output sheet, that aren't already referenced on the 2nd output sheet in column A, that would be amazingly handy if it could then enter that name into column A and start a new row for them
I am writing a macro to consolidate data from different worksheets in more than one Summary Sheets.
My workbook has quite a number of worksheets, from different department e.g. OPS001, OPS002,OPS003, ADMIN001, ADMIN002, ADMIN003 and so on.
I want data from OPS001, OPS002 and OPS003 to go on one sheet e.g. "Summary-OPS" and data from ADMIN001, ADMIN002 and ADMIN003 to go on the other sheet name "Summary-Admin"
When I am working on Summary-Ops sheet I want to copy data from sheets starting with name "OPS" and so on.
Currently, Im running a button macro. When this button is clicked, the table from "315 Employee Data" will copy the names from column C to "315" sheet B12 onwards.
Now, what i want is when I update the employee data on "315 employee data" sheet, I want "315" sheet to automatically match the names from "315 employee data", delete and add names when I add or remove employees from the column the next time i click on that button again.
After the above is achieved, when i add new employees,run the macro and it displays the updated list of names, I want "315" sheet column A to do automatic numbering.
I have attached the file for your reference.samplesample.xlsm
I have a couple of spreadsheets that requires me to copy data from Sheet 1 that matches certain criteria to Sheet 2.
I have tried using posted VB codes that have been written for other people but they dont seem to work (this is probably to do with me not actually knowing what I am doing, as I am not sure what I should be replacing and what I need to be deleting etc out of the pre-written code )
I need to be able to search on column e in Sheet 1 for anything that has just h written in the cell and then copy all the rows that match into Sheet 2. I also would like to ensure that when it is copied it doesnt go in row 2 but maybe 4 or 5 as I have quite allot of headings.
I have a workbook, "Assessment District" with 3 worksheets. In worksheet "Original," I have 252 rows with columns A-V. I want to copy two coloumns "C" (range 6-252) and "N" (range 6-252) from the worksheet, "Original" into a new worksheet titled "Send" in columns A & B. I only want to copy the two columns "C" and "N" for each row, if column Q does not contain "beach town" or "freeway."
For example, row 6 contains beach town, so I wouldn't copy C6 and N6 onto "Send," but row 100 doesn't contain beach town or freeway, so I would copy C100 and N100 into "Send."
This is a workbook that would be updated annually.
I'm not skilled in VBA at all, but want to impress my supervisor where I'm interning.
I have a spreadsheet that has a resource table, project stage table and an approx 50 different project sheets. (The 50 sheets are duplicated layouts, just different project names)
Based on the data on the first two sheets I would like to populate the individual project sheet.
For example:
1.In the individual project sheet there are 5 stages in each quarter. 2.The project stage table sheet tells you want stage the individual project is in for the relevant quarters. 3.The resource table sheet tells you how many resources are required for that stage.
Based on this information, I would like to populate the individual project sheet with the information.
E.g. If the project is in the 1st stage, it would then go to the resource table and take number of resources allocated for that stage and populate the “relevant” field in the individual project sheet with the correct value.
I've attached the spreadsheet to hopefully better illustrate this.
We use an accounting purchasing program that stores it's data in Access format. I have an Excel sheet that does a query to that data source and returns inventory part numbers, descriptions and pricing.
This file is about 3mb. Using this file as a data source (was trying to make it portable so the sales people can take the data with them) I created a quoting sheet, where they can lookup parts and have all the info pull into the quote so they can give customers a quote with fairly current info. At first I had my search routine copy and paste in links to the info, but that created a problem when the sales person wants to open an old quote to see what they gave someone. So then I had it just paste values, which works fine except when the quote has expired and the sales person wants to keep all the same parts but wants current pricing. I was thinking something like index(match) but VBA code wouldn't let me do that. I was hoping to write code for a button that they can click and it fetches current info.
I have a workbook where Sheet A is a Master Order Form. Employees will input the quantities they need in Column C. The sheet will be otherwise protected. Sheet B is a "printable" order form that only contains the rows from Sheet A where the Quantity on Sheet A is not blank and is >=1. This will allow me to print sheet B with no blank rows for the items I don't need.
I found the following formula which claims to be able to do what I want:
I have created a userform with multipage, has two page that add new record in a excel sheet. Data has a unique reference no.(TxtRef.Value) for each record. I am trying to add a button to load the added data for a specific record using reference no back to userform so that it can be updated and overwrite back to the sheet in the same row, So far it is adding new record correctly. I do not know how to populate all the fields of the of an existing record and overwrite it back to the same row instead of adding a new record. Below is my codes
I need to be able to auto fill, on sheet two,cell references for every 26th entry. Below is an example of what I would like it to be able to do with the drag, auto fill.
I am creating a spreadsheet to track customer data and need to reference certain cells in individual customer tabs to a master sheet that contains every customer. Each customer will have his own tab, each tab having the same layout, and each client will also have their own row on one master sheet within the same workbook.
My question is, is it possible to reference the specific cells in the clients individual tab to the master list once, and then everytime I copy a new client tab, the referenced cells in that tab are immediately referenced to the corresponding client (new) row in my master sheet within the same workbook?
I have a worksheet "parent child" with product data, cells F4 and BK4, pull pertinent data from cells T2 and M2 respectively on a different sheet "products".
A5:A196, D5:D196, F5:F196 is dependent on cell F4 and BK5:BK196 is dependent on BK4.
Once we get to row 197, the cycle starts over again. F197 and BK197 needs to equal products!T3 and products!M3. Then rows 198 through 389 will be dependent on row 197.
I basically need this to repeat perpetually for about 1000 different products on the products sheet, thus the ability to create approximately 193,000 rows.
I am not sure what it will take to do this, i am fine if I have to drag and copy all rows, which I have tried to create and failed at, I end up with products! T196, instead of T4.
Found several items close to this, but not exactly (at least that I could find). It's difficult to type what I need to do, but here it goes.
I have two sheets. Sheet1 has data that I want to look at in range A1:B7; Sheet2 has column titles waiting on data from Sheet1. If one of the column titles on Sheet2 is "Mike," I need to look for all "Mikes" from A1:B7 and pull the data automatically onto the other sheet. I apologize if confusing, but I tried as best I could to describe it. I have attached a small file for guidance. Using the attached file, take "Mike" for example. Under his name on Sheet 2, cell A2 would display 300, then cell A3 would display 1,000.
i have 2 sheets in my excel workbook. in my second workbook i have the values as follows
ss 10 yy 20 zz 30
so in my first sheet values:
(List) ss yy zz
in my first sheet X range i have list which consists ss,yy,zz so i f choose ss from the list it has to check the valu for ss in sheet2 and has to fetch 10 and display in Y range
In my workbook I have multiple sheets but I'm attaching a very simple workbook to demonstrate what I'm trying to accomplish. In my "Lookup" tab/sheet. I want to have known Latitude and Longitude data that will exist in columns A&B. Columns C & D will have address numbers and Street Name. I would like my lookup formula to find the longitude and latitude data from my "lookup" sheet, when the matching address information is typed in, in my 2009 sheet. I have to keep the street numerics and street name separate on this worksheet as well. I believe I'll need two separate lookup formulas as I need these formulas to start in cell G4 & H4 in my "GeoCoding1" sheet. Is it possible to have four columns of data to be viewed in a lookup formula? I tried this formula in cell G4 (GeoCoding1 sheet)
I have some quality information that is stored in a single .txt format. All the information for several different parts are stored in the same file "merge__chr.txt I then have a single excel file for each different part. I need to be able to use a macro to extract the data from the txt file and fill in the excel file based on 3 criteria.
Part # Serial # Characteristic #
The part # is always in cell "B4" of the excel file, and the first column of the .txt file The Serial # is variable, but will always be in column B (starting at row 11 and down) of the excel file, and the second column of the .txt file The Characteristic # will always be in row #7 (starting at column D and right) of the excel file, and is in the 3rd column of the .txt file.
I need this to copy the information from the 6th column of the .txt file and store it in the cell where the characteristic and serial # meet. I only need to be able to do this for 1 serial # at a time. When the current serial # is selected, I would like to use a button to fill in all the information for all Characteristics of that part. I attached a sample set of data with "QA-PRINT" as the Part #.
I have 4 sheets from sheet1 to sheet3, I typed code date and quantity which the code has 5 columns. In sheet 4 I have defined dropdown in I2 Cell(yellow fill) which has all code fromsheet1 to sheet3. So my purpose is that in sheet 4 I want to select code in I2 cell then it will appear in code column date and quantity automatically for the last cell of date and quantity. Note: I'm looking only the last cells when I select the code in dropdown.
Code: Private Sub GetColData() Dim SrchRng As Range Dim SrchVal As Range
And it is also possible by using Column Number to retrieve the data SrchTxt, which is in a cell in the Row, in which "Roy" is found. This Row in this example is Row 5. Column Number may be anything within the search Range. Column Number is 3 in this example.
In Sheet1 "Poet" is in C1. (SrchTxt)
How to retrieve data of the cell in Row 1 in the column where "Roy" is found?
I have a sheet that has to look up value on a report from a sheet sheet that has more than value. Ex) On the report I have values 123A and 1234A On the data tab I have table that has.
Ref Tot Value Desc Value1 Value2 Value3 1 123A Widgets 1 2 3 2 123A Widgets 4 5 6 Ref Tot Value Desc Value1 Value2 Value3 1 123B Nuts 7 8 9 5 123B Nuts 1 3 5 Ref Tot Value Desc Value1 Value2 Value3 7 1234A Bolts 2 4 6 11 1234A Bolts 3 5 8
So the report need find the values for Value 1, 2, 3 on where the value matches the data tab.
I use my workbook to track sales data from one store to the next. I use my workbooks to compare data from year to year. Each year's data is displayed on a separate worksheet. '2013' has 2013's data, '2014' has 2014's. On the 2014 sheet, I have a Prior Year's Sales that pulls data from the previous year's spreadsheet using a formula which I just drag down each day I enter sales. I would like to automate this process and have the VBA code check for today's date and automatically pull the previous year's sales data from the '2013' sheet and put it in the appropriate cell on the '2014' worksheet. I hope I have explained this well enough to understand. I've included a link to my workbook for reference.
I had to use dropbox since I can't post a file over 1 MB. The file size is around 1.25 MB.
I am trying to work on Sheet 2(Details per person). I want to be able to display all items in a row that matches the 2 criteria (Skype ID and Date) and the items are based from Master Raw file which is in another sheet. I would like to just use index and match.
I want to be able to copy a name from one sheet (Available Players), paste it to a cell in another sheet (Round 1 through Round 20). The cell that will be copied is fixed but the place where it will be pasted will be different and may be on a different sheet.
also i would like to change the color of the copied cell to "greyed" out or cut if it can not be greyed out. I have created a button and put in a macro that i created but have been having problems with it, generic 1004 errors that i can not figure out. i am attaching the document.
The data from the Data sheet is copied over to the Report sheet with formula.
Basically, what I need to do is If statement: -when there is no any data in csv file (so the Data sheet will be empty); -the range (A7:N1000) to be hidden (on the Report Sheet) -the Report sheet to be saved
and also...
I would like to ask, how to select from the Data sheet, the rows with Data only. I copy them over with formula instead of macro- but would like to hide all the empty rows on the report.
Option Explicit
Sub Update_Report() ' ' Macro1
Dim extract1 As String Dim dReport As String Dim rSheet As String Dim dSheet As String
I have an excel file that contains about 1000 rows of data, from column A to O. Column C contains either the letter A or the letter I, A means Active, I means Inactive.
What I'd like to do is replace my monthly manual task of moving all the I's to sheet2. When completed, the excel file should have two sheets, all of the A's on one, and the I's in the other. The original excel file is not sorted by column C. The end result should have the same row 1, being the header row. There are some additional steps, to save the file to a specific location but I think I could do that once the excel file is formatted the way I wanted it.
I have a data sheet (Sheet 1) which consists 1000 lines of data (1000 rows and column til DP all different). This is the data of all theprojects that my team undertakes on a monthly basis. Sometimes the data might change on in column AG to AL. I want to put the details of the changes to be done in Sheet 2. The unique value here is the project ID.
What i want is: I will create a table in sheet 2 and update the details that will need changes and it should directly change in sheet 1.
I have got a set of data in a workbook with Sheet 1 range A1 to K373 and a range of data in Sheet 2 ranging from A1 to A30. What I will like to do is to have a VBA code to loop through all the cells in Sheet 1 column C and check which are the cells which value matches those in Sheet 2. Those that matches in Sheet 1 will have the entire row deleted. I have come out with the following codes but it does not work.
I've coded a macro that can randomly sample out rows of data from a sheet. This macro is used to sample out certain rows from a master sheet full of data (which has 48 columns) based on user names (a column titled LAST_UPDATE_NAME). For Example (ref. wkb attached), if for 5 users named Alastor, Catherine, Emma, Julie and Victor for whom i've to choose data from the Dump sheet.
I need to design a module in which if i input the no. of samples to be chosen against each name, then that many number of rows has to be chosen for that particular name and copied to a new sheet (probably such sheets can be renamed with the usernames). Also i want to consolidate the copied data from the multiple sheets and consolidate them to one sheet.
I have an excel list of My Existing Customers and have recently purchased an excel list of all possible customers in my market that happens to have my existing customers listed in it as well. How can I remove my existing customers out of this purchased list so that I can import it into my Database as Prospects? I'm using Excel 2010. Deleting duplicates doesnt work for this. I want a function that looks at data in one spreadsheetA and if it finds it in the second spreadsheetB, it deletes the row out of SpreadsheetB.